Motorized Convoy Fex Operations Order

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Motorized Convoy Fex Operations Order


BACKGROUND INFORMATION: You are the Motor Transport Officer for First Battalion, Second Marines. 1/2 is currently ashore operating in the country of Centralia. The Centralian government has requested US help in their efforts against the Centralian Revolutionary Force (CRF). The goal of the Centralian government, with US assistance, is to deny the CRF the ability to conduct offensive operations in the region. 1/2 has made steady progress clearing CRF north and west of the capital city, Barrett. As a result of the battalion’s actions, the CRF has recently increased the frequency and lethality of their attacks. They are using small arms ambushes and IEDs along MSRs near the town of Camp Upshur, a known CRF stronghold. Local efforts against the CRF in this part of the country have been ineffective and the CRF continue to operate in the Battalion’s AO.

Higher’s Order tasking convoy commander (written by the S-4 IOT support Bn operation). ORIENTATION: We are currently located at the battalion assembly area vic LZ Hummingbird (grid 792 748). Terrain and vegetation are Quantico like. Along the MSRs, vegetation ranges from moderate to thick woodlands typical of the region, which generally reduces off-road visibility to less than 100 meters in any direction. Visibility is dependent on the time of year due to the large number of deciduous trees. However, along the MSRs there are also some areas of sparse vegetation. Visibility is dependent on the time of year due to the large number of deciduous trees. All roads are considered UNRESTRICTED for wheeled vehicles. Off-road travel is SEVERELY RESTRICTED for wheeled vehicles with the exception of the patches of sparse vegetation in which off-road travel ranges from UNRESTRICTED to RESTRICTED. All road and off-road areas are UNRESTRICTED for dismounted personnel. The battalion is conducting offensive operations in zone IOT destroy CRF elements. The battalion commander seeks to gain and maintain the initiative through the focused application of combat power and aggressive action to keep the enemy off-balanced. We are a crucial element to generating tempo by our ability to provide timely and responsive CSS. Furthermore, we must be self-sufficient and able to defend ourselves so that the battalion can concentrate maximum resources in offensive action against the enemy.


A. Enemy Forces (1) SALUTE: The CRF has been operating in fire team(+) to squad(-) size units in our AO. They were last observed approximately 0500 this morning when they ambushed a re-supply convoy with four HMMWV escorts with a coordinated IED and small arms fire attack in the vicinity of 800762. After destroying one HMMWV, the CRF withdrew to Camp Upshur. They possess a mix of Soviet-style small arms and captured US small arms. They are wearing desert utilities. The CRF has the ability to conduct ambushes using improvised explosive devices (IEDs), small arms, and limited indirect fire assets.

(2) DRAW-D: The CRF appear to have the prominent MSRs under observation. They are capable of conducting both day and night ambushes, although they have limited night vision capabilities. Their small unit size and knowledge of the terrain and area has allowed them to infiltrate our AO and move undetected along the existing trail network. They will continue to conduct attacks on targets of opportunity along the MSRs then use the trail network to rapidly withdraw. Due to their small size and limited command and control assets, the CRF have limited ability to mass/reinforce beyond squad-size.

(3) EMPCOA: The CRF units in our area will keep attacking our re-supply convoys with increasing frequency and audacity if they continue to be successful. I expect them not to become decisively engaged and to withdraw back to Camp Upshur when confronted with overwhelming combat power. Their objective is to injure our personnel and damage our equipment in small-scale attacks, which will disrupt our resupply operations and force us to dedicate combat power to secure the MSRs while they conserve combat power.

B. Friendly Forces (1) Higher’s Mission: O/O, 1/2 clears in zone from the city of Barrett north to the town of Camp Upshur IOT defeat CRF forces in the AO. (2) Adjacent (a) Alpha Co: (ME). O/O seize Camp Upshur IOT deny the CRF the ability to conduct offensive operations in our AO. (b) Bravo Co: (SE 1) O/O block west in the vicinity of Route 646 & Route 611 IOT prevent the CRF form interfering with the Bn ME attack on Camp Upshur. (c) Charlie Co: (SE 2) O/O block east in the vicinity of Route 646 & 609 Road IOT prevent the CRF form interfering with the Bn ME attack on Camp Upshur. (3) Supporting (a) 81mm mortars are in GS of the Bn. They are located vic LZ Albatross (grid 796 767). POF to A, B, C then H&S. POF shifts to convoys during movement.

C. Attachments and Detachments: None

2. MISSION: On order, S-4 section conducts resupply via tactical convoys in the Bn AO IOT provide CSS to forward units.

3. EXECUTION: A. Commander’s Intent: The CRF units in our AO are operating in small-sized units that employ limited objective attacks on soft targets. Their center of gravity is their ability to use multiple routes of ingress and egress to quickly attack our forces on the MSRs and then withdraw. Their critical vulnerability is their inability to mass significant combat power. I intend to exploit this vulnerability by using our convoys’ speed and firepower IOT discourage and defeat enemy attacks against our convoys while effectively providing CSS to forward units. End state: Deliver all required CSS to forward units, return all personnel and equipment safely back to Bn assembly area and deny the enemy the ability to impede our convoy operations.

B. Concept of Operations: (1) Scheme of Maneuver: We will receive, prioritize, and fill combat service support rapid requests on a continuous basis in support of combat operations. We will conduct tactical resupply convoys along multiple routes from the Bn Assembly Area IOT provide effective and timely CSS ISO combat operations in the Battalion’s AO.

(2) Fire Support Plan: The purpose of my fire support plan is to suppress the enemy in order to deny the CRF the ability to our resupply operations. Convoy commanders are responsible for planning fires ISO their SOM based on their EMPCOA and available routes. Convoy commanders will have priority of fires during the convoy’s movement.

C. Tasks: (1) Motor Transport Officer: You are the convoy commander for the first tactical convoy. NLT _____, conduct a tactical convoy to LZ Goose (GC 797 755) using Route MICHIGAN IOT resupply forward units. Return NLT ____. Marines from other H&S sections will provide a provisional security force for your convoy. You have a mobile assault section attached effective immediately. (2) Assistant Logistics Officer: BPT conduct follow-on resupply convoys as needed. (3) Logistics Chief: Receive all CSS requests from forward units and coordinate with convoy commanders to ensure effective and timely CSS ISO forward units conducting combat operations in the Bn’s AO. (4) BAS: Provide one ambulance with corpsman and driver to support convoy operations. BPT provide additional resources for follow-on convoys.

D. Coordinating Instructions: (1) Timeline: TBD by convoy commanders. Departure times TBD by the COC. (2) Composition: All convoys will depart the Bn AA with (4) MTVRs—two of which will have M240Gs, (4) Weapons HMMWVs, (1) MRC-145 and (1) ambulance. Convoy commanders will designate an assistant convoy commander and security force commander. (3) 1 MTVR is required for supplies and EPWs evacuation. (4) ROUTE MICHIGAN: (1st Run) AA—CP13—CP21—CP7—CP6—CP8—LZ Goose. (5) ROUTE TEXAS (2nd Run) AA—CP13—CP21—CP7—CP6—DZ Redwing. (6) ROUTE NEW JERSEY (3rd Run) AA—CP13—CP21—CP7—CP6—CP14—LZ Drake. (7) ROUTE FLORIDA (4th Run) AA—CP13—CP10—LZ Bigbird. (8) Convoy commanders will plan alternate route prior to COC coordination. (9) Checkpoints: Checkpoint Grid Coordinate Description CP 6 8010 7665 645 Road/MCB-8 CP 8 8010 7575 645 Road/trail CP 19 7825 7385 Tokyo Road/MCB-5 CP 21 7860 7590 LZ Stork/trail HB trail/Tokyo CP 13 7875 7510 Road CP 10 7830 7455 Tokyo Road/MCB-5 CP 18 7780 7655 MCB-5/MCB-8 CP 7 7860 7645 Tokyo Road/MCB-8 CP 14 8040 7680 MCB-8/MCB-1

(10) Resupply points: Objective Grid Coordinate Hummingbird (AA) 792 784 LZ Goshawk 783 740 LZ Goose 797 755 DZ Redwing 800 762 LZ Drake 805 766 LZ Bigbird 781 745

(11) Conduct COC coordination prior to departure. (12) Convoy commanders will submit a List of Targets (3 minimum) and a route overlay ISO their SOM. (13) Convoy commanders will submit a manifest with appropriate information (name, rank, SSN, blood type) for all personnel and serial numbers for all vehicles and weapons. (14) Rate of March: 15 MPH; Catch-Up Speed: 25 MPH. (15) Report all checkpoints. (16) EOD and recovery support will be coordinated through Bn COC. (17) Convoy will provide security at the objective during the resupply. Convoy commander will contact receiving unit via radio while en route to objective to notify it of convoy arrival and effect link-up.


A. Administration: (1) All casualties will be treated by self/buddy/corpsman aid. All convoys will include combat lifesavers with kits and at least one corpsman. Routine casualties/medevacs will be transported with the convoy to the Bn AA. Priority and urgent casualties will be medevaced by ground to Bn AA ASAP. Air medevac capability is uncertain. (2) EPWs will be handled in accordance with the 5 Ss and a T and turned over to the Bn temporary holding faciliity upon return.

B. Logistics: (1) Personnel draw 1 DOS chow/water. (2) Water bull is located at the Bn AA (3) Comm will be drawn at the Bn AA. (4) Ammo will be drawn at the Bn AA.


A. Signal: (1) Call signs and frequencies: Call signs: Frequencies: Bn (Godfather) Per CEOI Convoy #1 (Company / Plt #) Per CEOI Convoy #2 (Company / Plt #) Per CEOI Convoy #3 (Company / Plt #) Per CEOI Supported Unit (Viking) Per CEOI

(2) Challenge/Password: Primary: HOT / SAUCE Running: DEVILS Alternate: Numbers adding to 4

B. Command: (1) Location of key leaders: (a) I will be located at the Bn AA (2) Succession of Command: S-4A, Motor Transport Officer

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