2. Some Benefits of Being on a Network Include

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2. Some Benefits of Being on a Network Include

1. A network is a system that allows two or more computers to communicate and share resources with each other. True False

2. Some benefits of being on a network include: A. Printing documents on printers in different locations such as another floor. B. Updates to software can be maintained by the network administrator from one location C. Information can be shared between many users at the same time. D. All of the above.

3. What makes up the personal computer? A. System box or unit B. Monitor C. Keyboard and mouse D. All of the above

4. The four major hardware components of a computer include: A. Central Processing Unit (CPU) B. Random Access Memory (RAM) C. Input/Output Devices D. Storage Devices E. All of the above F. Only A and B

5. RAM is considered volatile as the information stored here can be corrupted or erased if the computer fails or is turned off. True False

6. Which mouse action will always automatically initiate a program or open a file? A. Single-click B. Double-click C. Right-click D. Either A or C

7. In order to save any work you do on the computer, you must save it to storage device for future retrieval. True False 8. Which of the following CD drives allows you to read a CD many times but only write to the CD once? A. CD-R B. CD-RW C. CD-ROM D. All of them allow you to read the CD multiple times and burn once.

9. Which of the following storage devices provides the fastest speed for saving or retrieving data? A. Floppy disk B. Hard drive C. CD D. Network drive E. None; the speed is determined by the microprocessor in your computer.

10. Some disadvantages of an inkjet printer include: A. Higher costs for cartridges B. Need good quality paper for regular documents or high end printing such as photographs C. Have only one tray for paper D. All of the above E. Only A or B

11. If you notice that your system seems to be responding slower than usual, this could be a result of: A. You are running too many programs at the same time. B. The file is very large and takes a while to save or open. C. The network is handling a large number of requests from other users at your site. D. Any of the above. E. Only A or C

12. If the computer seems to be having problems opening a software program, what could this be a result of? A. A file in the operating system could be corrupt. B. A file in the software program could be corrupt. C. You have a virus on your system that has affected this software program. D. The program does not exist any more on your system. E. Any of the above. F. Only A or B 13. What actions could you take to take care of your computer? A. Install anti-theft devices to secure the computer in your office or home. B. Ensure the computer is not located any heat or magnetic sources. C. Plug the computer into a dedicated power bar that also has surge protection on it. D. Refrain from eating or drinking around the computer, especially the keyboard. E. Any of the above F. Either A, B, or C

14. What is the purpose of an operating system? A. To manage the input and output devices connected to the printer. B. To manage any files stored on the computer as well as recognize the file types. C. To display the contents of all files, regardless of the type of file, especially for pictures. D. Both A and B E. Either A or B

15. What does booting the computer refer to? A. The process where the operating system starts up. B. The process where the computer is turned on and then loads the operating system. C. The process where you need to turn everything on before the operating system loads. D. All of the above

16. The windows desktop may consist of which items? A. Icons or folders B. Mouse cursor C. Taskbar D. Start button E. All of the above

17. The Start button can be used for which tasks? A. Starting programs B. Finding files C. Accessing online help D. Shutting down the computer E. All of the above F. Only A and D 18. It is important to log off your computer when you have finished working on it in order to prevent unauthorized access to your files or the network. True False

19. Depending on the application program, it can be started using which method: A. Start, Programs or All Programs B. Shortcut icon on the desktop or Quick Launch toolbar C. Task Notification area D. Any of the above E. Only A or B

20. In the following example, the Proposals folder is at which level?

A. Subfolder in the My Documents folder B. Subfolder in the Desktop C. Subfolder in the ABC Company folder which is a subfolder in the My Documents folder D. Subfolder in the Contracts folder which is a subfolder in the My Documents folder

21. If you see the error message about a file type that is not recognized or associated with a software program, what can you do? A. Check the file extension used on the file and adjust as required. B. Give the file to someone else to open and convert to a file format you can use on your system. C. Find a software program installed on your system that can be used to open the file, if applicable. D. Any of the above E. Only A or B

22. To select non-consecutive files from a list, which key would you press as you click on each file to include in your selection? A. Shift B. Alt C. Ctrl D. Windows logo 23. Why could the program not be working after the installation? A. You do not have enough rights to install the program completely to your system. B. An error occurred during the installation that was ignored. C. There is a hardware conflict as a result of two different versions or types of device driver files. D. A conflict between software programs that share similar executable files. E. Any of the above

24. Before purchasing a software program for your system, you should always check the specifications required for the program such as the amount of RAM needed, version of Windows, etc. True False

25. When uninstalling a program, what measures can you take to minimize any problems that may occur? A. Close any open programs before proceeding further to prevent file conflicts. B. Use the correct method to uninstall a program; never just delete the folder from your system. C. Check with a technical person to ensure there will be no problems with removing this program from your system. D. Any of the above

26. When you no longer need to use an application program or the computer, you can simply turn the computer off to exit the application program. True False

27. Using the buttons on the toolbars can be quick and easy because: A. Some buttons are toggle buttons which allow you to turn on the feature, perform the task, and then turn off the feature. B. Toolbars can be moved to any location on the screen for easy access. C. The toolbars contain the most commonly used features. D. All of the above E. Only A or C 28. If you cannot access a saved file from within Microsoft PowerPoint, what could be the reasons for this? A. The presentation does not have a file extension that Windows recognizes as a file created and saved in PowerPoint. B. The presentation file no longer exists in the noted location or was deleted. C. Someone else may be using it and you cannot both work on the same file at the same time. D. The version of PowerPoint you are using is not compatible with the version used to save the presentation file previously. E. Any of the above F. Either A or B only

29. The insertion point refers to where the mouse cursor will be blinking when you want to insert or delete text. True False

30. When you save a file in Word, you can choose to save it in Word format or in another file format such as WordPerfect or plain text. True False

31. You can create new folders within Word when you save a document using the button in the Save As dialog box. True False

32. If you wanted to be able to see the document as it will appear when you print it, especially the positioning of the headers and footers, which view mode would you use? A. Normal B. Web Layout C. Print Layout D. Outline 33. You are creating a new catalog for the upcoming Fall term and want to use some items from the Spring catalog that should be the same in the new catalog. Which option would be the most productive to insert these similar items into the new Fall catalog? You also will be using a new design and layout in the new catalog. A. Cut the selected items from the Spring catalog and paste them into the new Fall catalog. B. Copy the selected items from the Spring catalog and paste them into the new Fall catalog. C. Retype the items from the Spring catalog in the new Fall catalog. D. Save the Spring catalog with a new name and delete everything but the required items.

34. Why would you want to use the Font dialog box instead of the Formatting toolbar to apply some formatting features to selected text? A. The Font dialog box contains more formatting features. B. All required formatting features can be activated at the same time here. C. It’s the only way to apply formatting features if the Formatting toolbar does not appear on screen. D. Any of the above E. Either A or B

35. Why would you consider using leaders with your tab settings? A. To set up a visual line between the text and the number. B. To follow a standard format for text such as with a table of contents. C. To use as a separator line between columns. D. Any of the above

36. Review the following report and indicate which tab alignment you would use for the two sales columns?

A. Left B. Right C. Decimal D. Center 37. What would be a benefit of using automatic numbering in a list of items? A. If items are moved or deleted in the list, the numbering will change to match appropriately. B. If an item no longer needs to be numbered, the number can be turned off automatically allowing the text to return to a normal paragraph. C. The numbering style for the list items can be changed and reflected automatically, e.g., items numbered 1 and 2 automatically become A and B. D. All of the above E. Only A or B

38. Paragraph spacing refers to the amount of white space between the bottom line of one paragraph to the tallest character in the next paragraph. True False

39. How can you delete a page break? A. Position the cursor at the beginning of the page break and press Delete. B. Position the cursor at the beginning of the page break and press Backspace. C. Position the cursor at the end of the page break code and press Delete. D. Position the cursor at the end of the page break code and press Backspace. E. Only A and D

40. Why are styles a useful tool? A. Styles can be saved in a document template so they can be used with multiple documents. B. Changes made to a style are automatically reflected in the document where those styles have been applied. C. Creating a style only requires you to set up the formatting features for that piece of text once and then applying it as many times as you like in a document for consistency. D. Any of the above E. Only B or C

41. How can you enhance the appearance of the table? A. By adjusting the column widths or row heights. B. By changing or adding borders or shading to cells or the entire table. C. By merging or splitting cells to create larger or smaller cells in the table. D. By inserting or deleting rows, columns, or cells into the table. E. Any of the above F. Only A, B, or C 42. What types of data can you enter into a worksheet? A. Text B. Numbers C. Formulas D. All of the above E. Only A or B

43. When you select multiple cells, the active cell is the lighter color one among the selected cells. True False

44. If the data contents is too wide to fit into a cell, what is displayed to indicate this? A. ********** B. ######### C. ------D. Either A or B

45. If you wanted to insert a blank row between Total Expenses and Profit (Local Currency), which row would you put the cursor?

A. 13 B. 14 C. 13 and 14 D. 14 and 15 46. Why would you want to use the cell reference instead of the actual data contents in a formula? A. The formula will be updated automatically if you change the data. B. If this formula is used in another other formula in the worksheet, changes made to the data in any of the cell references in the first formula will also be updated in these other formulas. C. It matches the other cell references in the formula. D. All of the above E. Either A or B

47. When might you want to use the Sort command in Excel? A. You have a large database of names and you want to sort them by a specific type of data. B. You want to see which expenses were the largest in your sales report. C. You want to see how many students achieved an A standing. D. Any of the above

48. What are some points you want to consider before starting the presentation in PowerPoint? A. Try to keep the points brief to keep the audience interested in what you are discussing. B. Try to have only six or seven points per slide to minimize the amount of information on a slide. C. Try to keep colors to a minimum in order to not distract the audience. D. Be consistent in the format and layout of any text and graphics to reduce any distractions. E. All of the above F. Either A, B, or C

49. What benefit is there to applying a design to the presentation? A. It provides a different look to the presentation by using color to emphasize certain areas. B. It can be turned on or off as required based on how the color scheme works with the presentation material. C. You can change the colors on a slide design to emphasize or de-emphasize certain colors or areas in the presentation. D. Any of the above

50. Customizing the animation refers to the process of being able to set the timing and appearance only for the animation. True False 51. What types of services could an Internet Service Provider include? A. Maintenance of any connection lines between your computer and their connection to the Internet. B. Customer support for the package of services you pay to the Internet Service Provider. C. Technical support for any problems while you are using the Internet. D. Maintenance and technical support against hardware or software problems such as virus or firewall protection. E. Any of the above F. Either A, B, or C

52. Spam refers to any unsolicited mail you may get online. True False

53. To address a message to someone as a carbon copy, how would you do this? A. Type the e-mail address of the person in the Cc: field. B. Click on the Address Book to find the name of the person and then click on the Cc: button. C. Click on the Cc: button in the New Message window to open the Address Book and then double-click on the name of the person. D. Any of the above

54. What type of management tools do you have with messages? A. Move or copy messages to another folder. B. Flag messages for further action. C. Save messages for use in another program. D. Block messages specific people or groups. E. All of the above F. Either A, B or C

55. If you wanted to find help on a specific topic, which help tool would you use? A. Contents B. Index C. Search D. Any of the above E. Either B or C

56. An application program does the same tasks as the operating system. True False 57. What would be a typical reason for why Windows cannot find or open a file? A. The file extension is not recognizable by Windows. B. The file is no longer stored in the noted location. C. The file name has been changed. D. Any of the above E. Only A or C

58. Why would you want to defragment a hard disk? A. To reorganize the files and folders on the hard disk for faster access. B. To check that software programs have been uninstalled. C. To reduce any problems for accessing files or folders. D. All of the above E. Only A or C

59. Where would you check to see if a program has been installed and still exists on your system? A. Start, Programs or All Programs menu B. Control Panel, Add or Remove Programs C. Control Panel, System D. My Computer

60. When installing a new program, always read the End User License Agreement in order to fully understand and recognize your responsibilities in using this program. True False

61. If you notice a device isn’t working, what solutions could you do first? A. Check to see the device is plugged in correctly. B. Turn the computer off and on to reset the device. C. Automatically call technical support. D. All of the above E. Either A or B

62. What actions could you take to take care of your computer? A. Install anti-theft devices to secure the computer in your office or home. B. Ensure the computer is not located any heat or magnetic sources. C. Plug the computer into a dedicated power bar that also has surge protection on it. D. Refrain from eating or drinking around the computer, especially the keyboard. E. Any of the above F. Either A, B, or C 63. Once the operating system has gained control, what is the first screen you see? A. Windows splash screen B. Windows desktop C. Specifications about the hardware configuration D. The Inbox for your e-mail

64. How can you identify a hyperlink on a web page? A. The mouse cursor changes to a colored arrow. B. The mouse cursor highlights the link. C. The mouse cursor changes to a pointing hand. D. Any of the above

65. The home page is the web page that a user has set up to appear whenever they start the web browser or click on the Home button. True False

66. What are cookies? A. Set up by companies looking to gather statistics on visitors to their site. B. A way to identify who you are when you buy something from a web site. C. Set up to help customize how you view a company’s web site. D. Any of the above

67. What are some ways you can tell if an e-commerce site has taken steps to protect their customers and sales database information? A. There is a lock at the bottom right corner of the order form page onscreen. B. There is an s added to the http protocol in the URL. C. The web page shows an icon indicating they have a digital certificate set up to protect the information. D. All of the above

68. You may see an error message appear if a web site no longer appears or if you entered the web site incorrectly. True False 69. What is a method of moving a bookmark to a new folder created in the Favorites menu? A. In the Organize Favorites dialog box, select the bookmark and then click on the Move to Folder button. B. Drag the book in the Favorites menu overtop of the folder name in the menu and then into the submenu. C. Rename the bookmark in the Organize Favorites dialog box. D. Drag the bookmark in Windows Explorer. E. Any of the above F. Either A, B, or D

70. Downloading refers to the process of copying a file from a computer connected via the Internet to your computer. True False

71. What are some considerations regarding downloading information from the Internet? A. Set up a separate folder to contain all the downloaded information instead of have the files stored randomly on your hard drive. B. Always run a scan on the download file prior to any installations or running the file directly. C. Read any instructional files that come with the download prior to running the download. D. Be aware that the download may not actually give you any files as much as it requires only a temporary area on your hard drive to run the program for you to view. E. All of the above F. Either A, B, or C

72. What are some ways you can narrow the search to find items on the Internet? A. Use punctuation such as commas to include several criteria in the search. B. Use quotation marks around a phrase in order to search for those words specifically. C. Include casing to indicate a specific type of text to find such items as actual names. D. Include some wildcard characters to represent characters. E. All of the above F. Either A, B, or C 73. What should you look for when checking the authenticity of the information? A. Who published the information. B. How qualified was the writer or publisher. C. Did they provide any links that you can visit for reference. D. Do they show any affiliations with other companies who may have an influence on the contents. E. Any of the above F. Either A, B or C

74. What are examples of questionable or unethical behavior? A. Defaming someone’s character or reputation. B. Copying information from someone else and acting as if it is yours. C. Pretending to be someone else with the intent to commit a crime through information found on the Internet. D. Starting a hoax about a virus that could be on a system. E. Downloading a copy of a movie that has not been released on DVD yet. F. Making a copy of a song from a CD and making it available to everyone else. G. Any of the above H. Either A, B, or C

75. An intranet is a private local area network that uses the same protocols as the Internet whereas an extranet uses Internet technology to allow a company to share information with users outside of that company. True False

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