Planning Committee s3

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Planning Committee s3


Minutes of meeting held on 16th August 2010 commencing at 6 pm .

PRESENT: Councillors, M. Boatman (In the Chair), Mrs. G Boatman, Frost, S. Harrison, Marsden and Rust

OFFICERS: Mr. B. Robertson (Town Clerk) Ms. A. Bentley (Administrative Assistant)


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Beck-Taylor, Cooper, Duffy, Flynn, M. Harrison, Hodgson, Kitchen, Marshall, Moore, O’Neil, and South.

The Chair (Councillor M Boatman) reminded the public that under Standing Order 13B any elector of Goole will be afforded time at the beginning of this session to raise any matters of concern regarding planning applications. A time limit of 5 minutes per person will be allowed.

 Mr. Edward Shaw spoke to Members regarding the land known as the former East Riding of Yorkshire Council depot off Grange Road. He directed Members to the correspondence between himself and the East Riding of Yorkshire Council, copies of which Members were in receipt of and stated that it was a case of stalemate at this point in time. He informed Members that he had been told the land was not for sale at present, however, when it was it would be on public sale and he was aware that there was nothing to be done about this.

The Chair informed Mr. Shaw that this item was on the agenda and would be discussed shortly.


The Town Clerk submitted a schedule of Planning Applications from the East Riding of Yorkshire Council of which the Town Council had requested notification under the Local Government Act 1972.

It was RESOLVED that the East Riding of Yorkshire Council be advised of the Town Council’s comments in respect of the following applications:-

Code No Comments

DC/10/02712 Mr. C. Oldridge No Objection The Steam Packet, Cheviot Avenue Outline - Residential Development following the demolition of existing public house (all matters reserved) (OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION)

DC/10/02712 Mr. C. Oldridge No Objection The Steam Packet, Cheviot Avenue Outline - Residential Development following the demolition of existing public house (layout to be considered) (AMENDED DESCRIPTION)

DC/10/02925 Mr. Robert Chart No Objection ‘Jasma’ 34 Thorntree Lane Erection of single storey extension to front and side including installation of new windows and rear patio doors to existing plus new boundary fence (FULL PLANNING PERMISSION)

DC/10/13327 Mr. C.G. Beattie No Objection 8 Mayfield Erection of first floor extension to side (FULL PLANNING PERMISSION) 1 PL700 NOTICE OF PLANNING DECISIONS

Members were informed of the following decision notices

Code No. Decision

DC/10/01425 Mr. John Seger Approved Rawcliffe Road Trade Park Display of 1 non-illuminated totem sign

DC/10/01841 Wm. Morrisons Supermarket Refused Development site at 145 Boothferry Road Display of frame mounted internally illuminated letter sign

DC/10/01941 Miss Alison Michalska Approved Health Centre Development Site Bartholomew Avenue Erection of single storey modular classroom for 24 months commencing July 2010 following demolition of existing building

DC/10/02413 Mr. Tony Harrison Approved 66 Shaftesbury Avenue Erection of first floor extension to side & alterations to roof including dormer windows to rear to provide additional living accommodation.


Members were in receipt of correspondence from the East Riding of Yorkshire Council regarding an application to carry out works to tree protected by a Tree Preservation Order.

Members RESOLVED to approve the application.


Members were in receipt of copies of correspondence between Mr. Edward Shaw and the East Riding of Yorkshire Council regarding Mr. Shaw’s request for assistance in his bid to acquired the land known as the former ERYC depot off Grange Road in order to provide an alternative access to his premises.

The Chair agreed with Mr. Shaw that it was a case of stalemate at this point in time and suggested that a watching brief be put on the site. He stated that the East Riding of Yorkshire Council is not obliged to sell to the highest bidder if another tender proved to be beneficial to the community.

Councillor Marsden asked that an East Riding of Yorkshire Council Planning Officer be invited to a site visit in order to discuss this matter.

The Chair stated that it was unlikely that an East Riding of Yorkshire Council Officer would attend a site meeting, however, the Town Clerk would write to the East Riding of Yorkshire Council and ask that they consider Mr. Shaw’s application to buy the land in exercise of the Council’s power of well being.

The Planning Committee meeting concluded at 6.20 pm. **********************************************END**********************************************


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