BTEC Subsidiary Diploma
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BTEC Subsidiary Diploma
Unit 1 – Assignment 3 Highcliffe School - Centre 55215 BTEC National Subsidiary Diploma in Business
CANDIDATE NAME - CANDIDATE SIGNATURE – (As confirmation that work is your own) DATE ISSUED -
You work as a junior researcher for a business magazine called ‘Enterprise Today’. You have been asked to prepare the background material for one of the magazine’s reporters, Tandy Jackson, whom is planning a series of articles on UK Businesses.
Tandy’s first two articles were well received and she was pleased with the research work you did on the selected companies. She now would like to run a feature on PESTLE (political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental) factors and how these impact upon businesses and their stakeholders.
As part of your next task Tandy would like you to research the factors of PESTLE analysis.
Due to the success of the magazine, the editor, Steve Francis, has recently been approached by a local company to see if he is interested in them producing an online version of the magazine. As part of a trial for this, Steve has asked if you can use PowerPoint for this PESTLE article, hyperlinking together pages so it could be used for this online publication.
Describe how Political, Legal, and Social factors are impacting upon the business activities of the selected organisations and their stakeholders P6
Analyse how political, legal and social factors have impacted on the two contrasting organisations M3
Evaluate how future changes in economic, political, legal and social factors may impact on the strategy of a specified organisation D2 BTEC Subsidiary Diploma
Unit 1 – Assignment 3
Steve Francis has decided to give the go ahead to the online version of the magazine. These are exciting times as the extra exposure is expected to significantly increase the amount of readers. The only problem being that the online magazine website will be free to access and revenue will be lost if current buyers of the magazine decide to access it online.
Tandy knows from your qualifications that you have a good knowledge of ICT and has suggested to Steve that it should be you that has the opportunity to start to create articles in an online format. From your research into the factors of PESTLE analysis, Tandy has asked you to create a web page or a hyperlinked PowerPoint presentation on both of your contrasting businesses that you researched for task one. It has been decided that the web page/ power point should follow the simple format below P6
Introduction to PESTLE analysis two companies and PESTLE analysis with images and link to the Social; Legal and Political aspects
Page showing PESTLE analysis for business one covering key factors Page showing PESTLE analysis for business two covering key factors affecting the business affecting the business
3 pages to cover a more in-depth analysis of Social; Legal and Political 3 pages to cover a more in-depth analysis of Social; Legal and Political aspects (you can choose two from these and one other of your choice) M2 aspects (you can choose two from these and one other of your choice)
Additional pages to evaluate how future changes in economic, D2 political, legal and social factors may impact on the strategy and aims /objectives of one of your selected organisations TASK 2
Add to the two pages created for each business with further analysis of how the political, legal and social factors have impacted on the two contrasting organisations. (you can choose to expand on two from these 3 and 1 other of your choice)
Add an additional pages to your web site to evaluate how future changes in economic, political, legal and social factors may impact on the strategy of one of your two selected organisations D2