Tecumseh Middle School Athletic Rules and Expectations
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Lafayette Tecumseh Junior High School Athletic Code of Conduct
A student who represents Lafayette Tecumseh Junior High School must exhibit, at all times, the highest standards of personal behavior. When the student becomes an athlete, he/she takes on a special responsibility for exemplary conduct because there will be times when he/she will be representing the school to other communities as well as his/her own. Therefore, he/she should follow all the rules established for the sport in which he/she is participating which go above and beyond what is written here. All Tecumseh athletes will adhere to the following rules and expectations:
CODE OF CONDUCT PENALTIES First Offense: Student athlete will be placed on probation for the school year and the student athlete is not eligible to receive certificates or any post-season awards during that sports season.
*Intoxicating Beverage - 30% of contests (Self Report- 15%) *Illegal Drugs - 30% of contests (Self Report- 15%) *Tobacco - 30% of contests (Self Report- 15%) Bullying/Intimidation/Fighting - 30% of contests (Self Report- 15%) "Hazing" - 30% of contests (Self Report- 15%) Delinquent Behavior - 30% of contests (With or without Law Involvement) (Self Report- 15%)
Self Report Clause: Can only be used one time while a student at Tecumseh and must be within 48 hours of incident. Report must be made to an administrator or LSC Athletic Department Athletic Director.
Second Offense: Student-athlete will be suspended from all athletic participation for 365 days. Tecumseh principal may review student-athlete’s situation one time and reinstate that student athlete to participate in the next sports season only after a formal meeting with parent/guardian.
* The student must undergo formal Drug/Alcohol Assessment which may be provided by the school. If it is determined that the student needs assistance in this area, the student will follow the appropriate recommendation of either intervention or education. The parent/guardian will be responsible for all costs associated with services of the recommended program.
1st Suspension from school 10% of season 2nd Suspension from school 30% of season 3rd Suspension from school 50% of season 4th Suspension from school Remainder of the school year
The Tecumseh Athletic Department reserves the right to use a variety of methods to investigate potential Code of Conduct violations. These include, but are not limited to, information from law enforcement and the probation system, internet websites, parent communication, and other personal contacts. Violations of the Code of Conduct have no statute of limitations and will be dealt with as discovered by coaches or administrators. Violators of any of the above rules will be dealt with under the “Code of Conduct”. ACADEMIC POLICY
Classroom grades will be checked at the end of each grading period. We will use the following example of a grade check schedule and use the three tier system to determine academic eligibility. Example Grade Check Schedule: - Monday, September 21st (PRELIMINARY Grade Check -- athletes are given 10 school days to pull up grades if they have an “F”. (1) “F” = probation and can still practice and play. (2 or more) “F’s” = no practice or games until the next FINAL GRADE CHECK. - Monday, October 5th (FINAL Grade Check – ALL STUDENT ATHLETES regardless of being eligible after the September 21st PRELIMINARY grade check will be checked for “F’s”. If any student athlete has an “F” at this time, they will be ruled ineligible.
Full Eligibility--An athlete is passing all classes. Fully Eligible athletes may participate in practices and games with no limitations.
Academic Probation--An athlete who has one (1) and only one (1) F on the date of the Preliminary Grade Check will be placed on Academic Probation. This athlete may participate in practices. They may also participate in games after a (1) game/event suspension. Athletes will be on probation until the FINAL GRADE CHECK DATE. On the date of the FINAL GRADE CHECK all grades will be reviewed. If all grades are passing the athlete will be granted Full Eligibility. If the athlete is failing one or more classes he/she will be declared Academically Ineligible until the next Preliminary Grade Check or the start of a new sports season.
Academically Ineligible--An athlete who has (2 or more) F’s on the date of the Preliminary Grade Check will be ruled Academically Ineligible. This athlete may participate in practices but not games. Athletes will be Academically Ineligible until the FINAL GRADE CHECK DATE. On the date of the FINAL GRADE CHECK all grades will be reviewed. If all grades are passing the athlete will be granted Full Eligibility. If the athlete is failing one or more classes he/she will be declared Academically Ineligible until the next Preliminary Grade Check or the start of a new sports season.
Academic Attendance--Students must be in the building by 8:30 in order to practice or play that day.
If a violation of one or more Tecumseh athletic rules and expectations occur the student/athlete will be granted proper due process procedure.
We, the undersigned, have read and understand the aforementioned expectations of our child and the disciplinary actions which will result if there are violations.
______Student Name (Printed) ______Date
______Student Signature
______Parent Signature