NURS 204 Psychiatric / mental Health Nursing Section 2 Study guide

Review Questions: Mood Disorders, Suicide/SIB, Elder Abuse, Abuse and violence, Anxiety Disorder, Dissociative Disorder, and Somatoform disorder

1. What are risk factors for developing depression?

2. Describe the monoamine hypothesis in r/t depression.

3. Describe the thyroid profile related to depression.

4. What are some symptoms of depression?

5. Nursing Diagnosis and interventions for depressed patients?

6. Nursing interventions for suicidal patients? Which is the most lethal?

7. When is a patient who is on antidepressants most at risk of committing suicide?

8. Nursing considerations for a patient on tricyclic antidepressants?

9. Nursing considerations for a patient on a SSRI and SNRi? Compare and contrast.

10. Describe symptoms of serotonin syndrome?

11. Describe serotonin discontinuation syndrome?

12. Nursing considerations for patients on MAOI?

13. Identify role of MAOI on neurotransmitters.

14. Identify foods containing tyramine.

15. Nursing Considerations for mood stabilizers?

16. List mood stabilizers and function.

17. Prioritize nursing diagnosis for bipolar patients?

18. Nursing interventions for bipolar patient?

19. Signs/symptoms of lithium toxicity?

20. What are the side effects of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)? 21. Indentify Nursing interventions post ECT.

22. Nursing assessment for the abused client?

23. Communication technique for victims of abuse

24. Nursing Diagnosis and interventions for the abused clients?

25. Nursing assessment for Elder abuse?

26. Compare and Contrast Dissociative fugue and Dissociative Amnesia.

27. Describe Depersonalization disorder and Dissociative Disorder.

28. Describe the nursing care of a client with a dissociative disorder.

29. Formulate nursing diagnosis and goals for a client with body dysmorphic disorder.

30. Compare and Contrast bereavement and dysfunctional grieving?

31. Compare and Contrast Counter transference and transference.

32. Describe communication technique with loss and grief.

33. Compare and contrast hospice and palliative care.

34. Nursing care for those who grieve.

35. Identify and explain the styles of confronting the prospect of dying (7 motif) and the four gifts of resolving relationships.

36. Compare and contrast conversion disorder, somatization disorder, Hypochodriasis, and malingering.

37. Give and example of when clients use “Splitting” as a defense mechanism.

38. Compare and contrast projection vs displacement

39. Compare and contrast levels of anxiety, anxiety and coping.

40. Describe the nursing care for a client experiencing a panic attack.

41. Compare and contrast agoraphobia and Social phobia. Evaluation for agoraphobia and social phobia.

42. Describe the nursing care of a client with generalized anxiety disorder. 43. Which anxiolytic medication is best for clients with generalized anxiety disorder?

44. Compare and contrast obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD-axis I) with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (axis II).

45. Describe the nursing care of a client with OCD.

46. Describe the nursing care of a client with post-traumatic stress disorder, including what to do if the client experiences a flashback.

47. Which medication is used to decrease the risk of PTSD in trauma victims?

48. Identify safety consideration for lamotrigine (Lamictal)