External Portfolio Review (Epr)

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External Portfolio Review (Epr)


Purpose of the External Portfolio Review (EPR)

All NJ EXCEL candidates are required to present their Leadership e-folios (electronic portfolios) at the end of their program to an External Portfolio Review (EPR) Panel of school leader practitioners. Candidates will present their Leadership e-folios with the support of a presentation technology. Candidate will reflect upon their personal growth (personal dispositions and emotional intelligence competencies) and professional growth (school leadership knowledge and skills, and ability to apply their competencies to school leadership practices), as measured by six (6) NJ EXCEL School Leader Standards in four Leadership Areas (Organizational, Instructional and Community, and Strategic Management).

EPR Panel Responsibilities

Typically, the EPR Panel consists of two (2) school leader practitioners with one (1) member designated as “Facilitator” for the EPR Panel. The designated EPR Panel Facilitator is also responsible for compiling each individual EPR Panelist’s assessments of the EPR presentation, completing the EPR Summative Assessment, and inputting the EPR Summative Assessment to Chalk and Wire.

Each EPR Panel member will use the attached EPR Assessment Worksheet to identify artifacts presented and jot down notes for each Leadership area and Standard based on the Leadership e-folio presentation. The assessment rubric will be used as the basis for assessing presentation of the Leadership e-folio and evidence of personal and professional growth, and school leadership competencies based on the six (6) required School Leader Standards.

After each presentation, time will be provided for the EPR Panel members to review their worksheets and to discuss key areas that each believes should be included in the EPR Summative Assessment Report. The designated EPR Panel Facilitator will work with the EPR Panel to develop consensus for the Summative EPR Assessment.

The candidate will be informed of the preliminary outcome of the EPR Panel’s assessment immediately following the EPR presentation based on discussion and consensus of the EPR Panel. If there is a need for further discussion, a subsequent meeting will be scheduled with the candidate and designated NJ EXCEL staff member.

EPR Panelists will submit completed EPR Assessment Rubric/Worksheets to the EPR Panel Facilitator, who will compile and summarize all information for the EPR Summative Assessment Report.

EPR Summative Assessment Report

The EPR Panel Facilitator is responsible for completing the EPR Summative Assessment rubric based on compilation of all EPR Panelist Worksheets, and their consensus for the Summative EPR Assessment.

The EPR rubric will be input to Chalk and Wire by the EPR Panel Facilitator within five (5) days of the candidate’s reflective portfolio page submission. The EPR Panel Facilitator will hold EPR Assessment Rubrics/Worksheets for reference until the candidate has had the opportunity to review and comment on the EPR Summative Assessment.

Once the rubric is completed in Chalk and Wire, the EPR Panel Facilitator will email the respective site coordinator the rating so that it can be entered in the candidate’s NJ-EXCEL website records.

. (Revised 4/5/2018). 1 Foundation for Educational Administration (FEA). All Rights reserved. Duplication of this document in any form requires FEA approval. EPR PANEL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET

CANDIDATE: ______COHORT & MODEL #: ______DATE: ______


EVIDENCE OF SCHOOL LEADERSHIP COMPETENCIES and APPLICATION TO SCHOOL LEADERSHIP PRACTICES (Each EPR Panelist will briefly list/describe key artifacts that demonstrate the candidate’s school leadership knowledge and skills, and his/her ability to apply competencies to school leadership practice FOR EACH SCHOOL LEADER STANDARD.)

LEADERSHIP AREA KEY ARTIFACTS (EVIDENCE) DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE and SKILLS and STANDARDS PRESENTED ABILITY TO APPLY COMPETENCIES TO PRACTICE I. ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP Ref: Standard #1: Organizational Leadership The candidate facilitating the development, articulation, implementation , and stewardship of a vision of learning.

Ref: Standard #2: Ethical Leadership The candidate promotes the success of

(Revised 4/5/2018). 2 Foundation for Educational Administration (FEA). All Rights reserved. Duplication of this document in any form requires FEA approval. LEADERSHIP AREA KEY ARTIFACTS (EVIDENCE) DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE and SKILLS and STANDARDS PRESENTED ABILITY TO APPLY COMPETENCIES TO PRACTICE every student by acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner.


R ef: Standard #3: Instructional Leadership The candidate promotes success for every student by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional (Revised 4/5/2018). 3 Foundation for Educational Administration (FEA). All Rights reserved. Duplication of this document in any form requires FEA approval. LEADERSHIP AREA KEY ARTIFACTS (EVIDENCE) DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE and SKILLS and STANDARDS PRESENTED ABILITY TO APPLY COMPETENCIES TO PRACTICE growth.

III. COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP Ref: Standard #4: Collaborating with Families and Communities to Foster Learning The candidate promotes the success of every student by collaborating with faculty and community

(Revised 4/5/2018). 4 Foundation for Educational Administration (FEA). All Rights reserved. Duplication of this document in any form requires FEA approval. LEADERSHIP AREA KEY ARTIFACTS (EVIDENCE) DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE and SKILLS and STANDARDS PRESENTED ABILITY TO APPLY COMPETENCIES TO PRACTICE members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources. Ref: Standard #5: Leading Within the Context of Public Education The candidate promotes the success of every student by understanding, responding to, and influencing the political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context.


(Revised 4/5/2018). 5 Foundation for Educational Administration (FEA). All Rights reserved. Duplication of this document in any form requires FEA approval. LEADERSHIP AREA KEY ARTIFACTS (EVIDENCE) DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE and SKILLS and STANDARDS PRESENTED ABILITY TO APPLY COMPETENCIES TO PRACTICE MANAGEMENT Ref: Standard #6: Strategic Management for the Learning Community The candidate promotes the success of every student by ensuring management of the organization, operations, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment.

i.I. KEY AREAS OF CANDIDATE PERSONAL GROWTH (Based on portfolio presentation and artifacts, briefly describe major areas of candidate PERSONAL GROWTH related to his/her PERSONAL DISPOSITIONS and EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE COMPETENCIES.)

(Revised 4/5/2018). 6 Foundation for Educational Administration (FEA). All Rights reserved. Duplication of this document in any form requires FEA approval. II. KEY AREAS OF CANDIDATE PROFESSIONAL GROWTH AND SCHOOL LEADERSHIP COMPETENCIES (Based on portfolio presentation and artifacts, briefly describe major areas of candidate PROFESSIONAL GROWTH related to his/her SCHOOL LEADERSHIP KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS.)

III. FEEDBACK and RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE CANDIDATE (Summary of feedback and recommendations for the candidate, and other areas of discussion)


(Revised 4/5/2018). 7 Foundation for Educational Administration (FEA). All Rights reserved. Duplication of this document in any form requires FEA approval. (Revised 4/5/2018). 8 Foundation for Educational Administration (FEA). All Rights reserved. Duplication of this document in any form requires FEA approval. EXTERNAL PORTFOLIO REVIEW (EPR) ASSESSMENT RUBRIC


INSTRUCTIONS The EPR Assessment Rubric will be used by each EPR Panelist to guide the assessment of each NJ EXCEL candidate’s Leadership e-folio presentation. The EPR Panel Facilitator will be responsible for: (1) compiling all EPR Panelist Worksheets, comments and assessments; (2) writing the EPR Summative Assessment, which must reflect consensus of the EPR Panel based on the Dimensions described in this EPR Assessment Rubric; and (3) inputting the Summative Assessment in to Chalk and Wire.

RATING SCALE: 1 = Very Limited Proficiency 2 = Limited/Basic Proficiency 3 = Proficient 4 = Highly Proficient (Exceeds criteria for “Proficient”)

DIMENSIONS 1 2 3 4 (a) USE OF  Ineffectively used presentation  Limited/Basic use of  Effective use of presentation technology  Outstanding use of presentation technology TECHNOLOGY TO technology to organize and presentation technology to to organize and present Leadership e- to organize and present Leadership e-folio, ORGANIZE AND present Leadership e-folio, organize and present folio, artifacts and information artifacts and information PRESENT LEADERSHIP artifacts and information Leadership e-folio, artifacts and  Good uses of technology applications to  Creative uses of technology applications to E-FOLIO  Basic technology skills not information enhance e-folio presentation enhance e-folio presentation demonstrated to enhance the  Basic technology skills e-folio presentation demonstrated for limited enhancement e-folio presentation Rating: Comments: (b) e-FOLIO PLANNING,  e-folio shows little/no planning  e-folio shows some planning  e-folio is well planned and organized in  e-folio extremely well planned and organized ORGANIZATION AND  e-folio poorly organized and  e-folio follows some EPR accordance with EPR guidelines and in accordance with EPR guidelines and COHERENCE incoherent guidelines and requirements for requirements for e-folio organization requirements for e-folio organization ADDRESSES EACH  e-folio does not follow EPR e-folio organization  e-folio organization addressing all school  e-folio organization provides a logical and SCHOOL LEADER leader standards across all four coherent approach to addressing all school STANDARD guidelines and requirements for  e-folio organization addresses e-folio organization some/most school leader Leadership Areas leader standards across all four Leadership ACROSS FOUR Areas  Artifacts selected have standards across some/most of  Artifacts are selected with a connections LEADERSHIP AREAS Artifacts carefully selected with clear, explicit little/no/unclear connection to the four Leadership Areas, but to most school leader standards across all  (Organizational, lacks coherence four Leadership Areas connections to all school leader standards Instructional and each standard across all Artifacts selected have across all four Leadership Areas Community Leadership; four Leadership Areas  connection to some of Strategic Management) the school leader standards

(Revised 4/5/2018). 9 Foundation for Educational Administration (FEA). All Rights reserved. Duplication of this document in any form requires FEA approval. DIMENSIONS 1 2 3 4 across all Leadership Areas Rating: Comments:

(c) PERSONAL GROWTH Artifacts and presentation of Artifacts and presentation of Artifacts and presentation of information Artifacts and presentation of information provide REQUIRED BY information provide little/no information provide limited provide evidence of personal growth related strong evidence of significant personal growth STANDARDS FOR evidence and demonstrate little/no evidence and demonstrate limited to development and application of personal related to development and application of PERSONAL personal growth related to personal growth related to dispositions and emotional intelligence personal dispositions and emotional intelligence development and application of development and application of competencies, as indicated by the NJ competencies, as indicated by the NJ EXCEL DISPOSITIONS AND personal dispositions and personal dispositions and EXCEL School Leader Standards. School Leader Standards. EMOTIONAL emotional intelligence emotional intelligence INTELLIGENCE competencies, as indicated by the competencies, as indicated by the COMPETENCIES NJ EXCEL School Leader NJ EXCEL School Leader Standards. Standards. Rating: Comments:

(d) CANDIDATE Artifacts and information Artifacts and information provide Artifacts and information provide Artifacts and information provide strong POSESSES THE SCHOOL presented provide little/no limited evidence and demonstrate adequate evidence and demonstration of evidence and demonstration of exceeding the LEADERSHIP evidence and demonstrate limited/basic proficiency in the the required level of proficiency in the required level of proficiency in the knowledge, KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS little/no proficiency in the knowledge, skills and applications knowledge, skills and applications skills and applications required for visionary knowledge, skills, and required for visionary leadership required for visionary leadership leadership AND APPLICATIONS applications required for visionary REQUIRED VISIONARY leadership LEADERSHIP Rating: Comments:

(e) CANDIDATE Artifacts and information Artifacts and information provide Artifacts and information provide adequate Artifacts and information provide strong POSSESSES SCHOOL presented provide little/no limited evidence and demonstrate evidence and demonstration of the required evidence and demonstration of exceeding the LEADERSHIP evidence and demonstrate limited/basic proficiency in the level of proficiency in the knowledge, skills required level of proficiency in the knowledge, KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS little/no proficiency in the knowledge, skills and applications and applications required for ethical skills and applications required for ethical knowledge, skills, and required for ethical leadership leadership leadership AND APPLICATIONS applications required for ethical REQUIRED FOR ETHICAL leadership LEADERSHIP

(Revised 4/5/2018). 10 Foundation for Educational Administration (FEA). All Rights reserved. Duplication of this document in any form requires FEA approval. DIMENSIONS 1 2 3 4 Rating: Comments:

(F) CANDIDATE Artifacts and information Artifacts and information provide Artifacts and information provide adequate Artifacts and information provide strong POSSESSES SCHOOL presented provide little/no limited evidence and demonstrate evidence and demonstration of the required evidence and demonstration of exceeding the LEADERSHIP evidence and demonstrate limited/basic proficiency in the level of proficiency in the knowledge, skills required level of proficiency in the knowledge, KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS little/no proficiency in the knowledge, skills and applications and applications required to sustain a skills and applications required to sustain a knowledge, skills, and required to sustain a culture for culture for learning culture for learning AND APPLICATIONS applications required to sustain a learning REQUIRED TO SUSTAIN culture for learning A CULTURE FOR LEARNING Rating: Comments:

(g) CANDIDATE Artifacts and information Artifacts and information provide Artifacts and information provide adequate Artifacts and information provide strong POSSESSES THE presented provide little/no limited evidence and demonstrate evidence and demonstration of the required evidence and demonstration of exceeding the SCHOOL LEADERSHIP evidence and demonstrate limited/basic proficiency in the level of proficiency in the knowledge, skills required level of proficiency in the knowledge, KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS little/no proficiency in the knowledge, skills and applications and applications required to collaborate with skills and applications required to collaborate knowledge, skills, and required to collaborate with family and community with family and community AND APPLICATIONS applications required to family and community REQUIRED TO collaborate with family and COLLABORATE WITH community FAMILY AND COMMUNITY

Rating: Comments:

(h) SCHOOL Artifacts and information Artifacts and information provide Artifacts and information provide adequate Artifacts and information provide strong LEADERSHIP presented provide little/no limited evidence and demonstrate evidence and demonstration of the required evidence and demonstration of exceeding the KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS evidence and demonstrate limited/basic proficiency in the level of proficiency in the knowledge, skills required level of proficiency in the knowledge, AND APPLICATIONS little/no proficiency in the knowledge, skills and applications and applications required to lead within the skills and applications required to lead within the knowledge, skills, and required to lead within the context context of public education context of public education REQUIRED TO LEAD applications required to lead of public education WITHIN THE CONTEXT within the context of public OF PUBLIC EDUCATION education

Rating: Comments:

(Revised 4/5/2018). 11 Foundation for Educational Administration (FEA). All Rights reserved. Duplication of this document in any form requires FEA approval. DIMENSIONS 1 2 3 4

(i) SCHOOL LEADERSHIP Artifacts and information Artifacts and information provide Artifacts and information provide adequate Artifacts and information provide strong KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS presented provide little/no limited evidence and demonstrate evidence and demonstration of the required evidence and demonstration of exceeding the AND APPLICATIONS evidence and demonstrate limited/basic proficiency in the level of proficiency in the knowledge, skills required level of proficiency in the knowledge, REQUIRED TO MANAGE little/no proficiency in the knowledge, skills and applications and applications required to manage the skills and applications required to manage the knowledge, skills, and required to manage the learning learning community learning community THE LEARNING applications required to manage community COMMUNITY the learning community Rating: Comments:

(j) CANDIDATE Artifacts and information provide Artifacts and information provide Artifacts and information provide adequate Artifacts and information provide strong DEMONSTRATES THE little/no evidence and demonstrate limited evidence and demonstrate evidence and demonstration of the required evidence and demonstration of exceeding the KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS little/no knowledge, skills and limited/basic knowledge, skills level of proficiency in the knowledge, skills required level of proficiency in the knowledge, AND APPLICATIONS ability to effectively APPLY and ability to effectively APPLY and applications required to use technology skills and applications required to use technology to school leadership technology to school leadership as an integral part of school management technology as an integral part of school REQUIREDFOR A practices as an integral part of practices as an integral part of and student learning management and student learning SCHOOL LEADER TO school management and student school management and student INTEGRATE learning. learning TECHNOLOGY FOR STUDENT LEARNING AND SCHOOL MANAGEMENT Rating: Comments:

(k) PRESENTATION  Does not “connect with” the  Minimally “connects with” the  Adequately “connects with” the EPR  Clearly & continuously “connects with” the STYLE EPR Panel as indicated by EPR Panel as indicated by Panel as indicated by some eye contact, EPR Panel through consistent eye contact, minimal eye contact, gestures, some eye contact, gestures, and gestures, and selected comments gestures, and selected comments and comments selected comments  Sufficiently articulate and clear  Extremely articulate and clear throughout  Inarticulate and unclear in  Minimally articulate throughout most of the presentation presentation presentation throughout most of the  Sufficiently focuses for EPR Panel on  Effectively focuses EPR Panel on his/her  Does not focus the EPR Panel presentation material presented throughout most of purpose and materials presented throughout on the material presented  Minimally focuses for EPR the presentation presentation throughout most of the Panel on material presented  Responds adequately to most questions presentation throughout most of the  Shows adequate expression and  Responds fully and effectively to all questions Does not respond adequately to presentation  enthusiasm  Extremely expressive, energetic, and questions  Responds minimally to most  Appears comfortable, at ease, enthusiastic throughout presentation Shows little or no expression or questions  personable, and confident throughout  Appears extremely comfortable, at ease, Shows some expression and enthusiasm  most of presentation personable, and confident throughout entire (Revised 4/5/2018). 12 Foundation for Educational Administration (FEA). All Rights reserved. Duplication of this document in any form requires FEA approval. DIMENSIONS 1 2 3 4  Appears tense and stiff enthusiasm presentation throughout presentation with  Appears somewhat little confidence comfortable, at ease, personable, and confident throughout most of presentation

Rating: Comments:

ECOMMENDED OVERALL EPR RATING (Rating May Change when Averaged in Chalk and Wire)

[ ] 1 = Very Limited Proficiency [ ] 2 = Limited/Basic Proficiency [ ] 3 = Proficient

[ ] 4 = Highly Proficient (Exceeds criteria for Proficient

(Revised 4/5/2018). 13 Foundation for Educational Administration (FEA). All Rights reserved. Duplication of this document in any form requires FEA approval.

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