Prof. Dr. Dr. H.C. Mult. Peter J. A. Reusch

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Prof. Dr. Dr. H.C. Mult. Peter J. A. Reusch

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Peter J. A. Reusch

Evaluation of the

Professional Master in Human Resource Management (HRM)

at the

Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration RISEBA

in November 2004

Report of the Committee

The evaluation is based upon a visit of the school at the 15th and 16th of November 2004 and upon the available documentation of the study course.

Members of the evaluation committee are

Prof. Larry Stout ( Stockholm School of Economics in Riga) Prof. Inese Voroncuka (University of Latvia) Prof. Peter Reusch (University of Applied Sciences in Dortmund) – chairman

Results in general

The study course has a good mission that is recognized by the students and potential employers because the design of the study course is appropriate and was supported by the Latvian Association of Human Resource Management (LVPA).

The students we met were mainly working in HR-departments or on HR- functions in companies. They recognized the contribution of the study course to their professional skills and to their understanding of HRM. This is a unique strength of the study course.

Nevertheless the evaluation committee only recommends an accreditation for 2 years because the course descriptions of the study course, the documentation of the staff and the quality system are unsatisfactory. In some cases we could realize that the “reality” is better than the documentation. Of course this can only be a fuzzy result.

According to the course descriptions some course modules are really bad – for example Information System for HRM, or HR Marketing. Regarding Information Systems for HRM we could discuss with the lecturer. She

1 presented us an advanced and appropriate concept that she had implemented with presentations of concrete systems like NAVISON and ORACLE and advanced concepts of Information Systems for HRM. Regarding HR Marketing we could not detect that the “reality” is better than the documents.

According to the course descriptions the contents and borderlines of several study modules are not clear – for example the contents of the 4 modules dealing with psychology.

The cv of most lecturers is without publications. In some cases the academic and scientific background could be weak – research is often invisible.

The evaluation of the study modules by the students must be improved. The questionnaires used today are weak regarding the content and structure. The evaluation of the questionnaires should not be done by the lecturer.

Structure and contents of the study course

The study course has a compulsory package (part A – 25 credits), electives (part B and C), placements and a dissertation.

In general part A seems to be appropriate – final statements are not possible because of the outdated documentation. The contributions to management psychology, social psychology, organizational psychology and leadership should be adjusted and harmonized – and could be reduced finally.

After 3-4 modules related to psychology in part A work psychology may not be useful in part B. A contribution to creativity and creative problem solving could be better – or other new topics.

The next psychology package in part C – management psychology – should also be reconsidered.

The contributions on safety and health are important – a modern and appropriate perspective.

HR information systems is a compulsory subject because professionals today never work without such systems. This module should be included in part A.

Placements must be based upon HR functions. Today the students typically make their contributions based upon activities at their workplace. A placement for students not working on HR functions is a serious problem.

Similar problems may arise regarding the dissertation. For students employed and working on HR function it is not a major problem to make their contributions, for others a professional dissertation may become an unsolvable problem.

The total workload and ECTS approaches of the study course are appropriate according to international standards. Nevertheless the assumptions regarding

2 the individual work hours of the students are a bit unrealistic – especially for those not working on HR functions.


RISEBA should receive an accreditation for this program for a period of two years.

RISEBA should address some of the glaring weaknesses in its publication materials and upgrade its student feedback system.

RISEBA should continue to maintain close ties to the business community, particularly with LVPA, and adjust their program according to the needs of the Latvian business community.

RISEBA should integrate more recognized researchers into the staff of the study course, for example Prof. Greenglaz of RISEBA could make contributions on mathematical models in HRM.

RISEBA should develop distance learning modules to reduce the time scheduling problem of the employed students. That could also help to attract students from other places than Riga.

RISEBA should take care of the admission procedures in the future. In the moment the classes are very homogeneous. That will chance. Inhomogeneous classes may need different specialisations.

Dr. h.c. Larry Stout

Evaluation of the

Professional Master in Human Resource Management (HRM)

at the

Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration RISEBA

3 in November 2004

Individual Report

The evaluation is based upon a visit of the school at the 15th and 16th of November 2004 and upon the available documentation of the study course.

Members of the evaluation committee are

Prof. Larry Stout ( Stockholm School of Economics in Riga) Prof. Inese Voroncuka (University of Latvia) Prof. Peter Reusch (University of Applied Sciences in Dortmund) – chairman

Results in general

The overall impression of this study course was highly favourable – from initial inception of the program (through cooperation with the Latvian Association of Human Resource Management, LVPA) on through their implementation, currently in the second year of operation.

The most distinctive feature of this program is the high degree of corporate- academic cooperation. The program was instigated at the request of the LVPA, and the initial student base was recruited from among their members. The employers expressed a very favourable symbiotic relationship which is essential for such a program.

This cooperation might explain why other aspects of the program, such as the marketing materials, course descriptions, CVs of lecturers, etc. were developed so poorly. This program is a work-in-progress which was responding to the market rather than trying to reach it. This is definitely an area that must be addressed for the future success of this program.

Some mention should be made of the facility. Obviously a great deal of investment has been made in making this one of the outstanding educational facilities in Latvia. The lecture halls were all well-equipped, the computer lab was excellent and the library was first-rate.

Finally, enough cannot be said for the cooperation of the staff. It was apparent that more information was going to be required by the Commission than was initially supplied, but they never wavered in securing all the necessary documentation and were congenial and cooperative in every way.


RISEBA should receive an accreditation for this program for a period of two years.

RISEBA should address some of the glaring weaknesses in its publication materials and upgrade its student feedback system.

4 RISEBA should continue to maintain close ties to the business community, particularly with LVPA, and adjust their program according to the needs of the Latvian business community.

Novērtēšanas komisijas eksperta Inesas Vorončukas individuālais ziņojums par Rīgas Starptautiskās ekonomikas un biznesa administrācijas augstskolas (RSEBAA) profesionālās augstākās izglītības maģistrantūras programmas “Personāla vadība” (Kods 46345 19) izvērtējumu

Novērtēšanas metode Pirms vizītes no RSEBAA saņēmu pašnovērtējuma ziņojumu un izvērstas priekšmetu programmas. 2004.gada 15. un 16. novembrī notika tikšanās ar Rīgas Starptautiskās ekonomikas un biznesa administrācijas augstskolas vadību, studentu darba devējiem, docētājiem, darbiniekiem, programmas studentiem. Šajās dienās tika organizēti šādi pasākumi: - tikšanās ar RSEBAA administrāciju; - tikšanās ar studentu potenciālajiem darba devēju pārstāvjiem: Lattelekom SIA Personāla attīstības vadītāju Arvilu Stikutu, Latvijas - Krievijas Kopuzņēmums Akciju Sabiedrība “Severstallat” mārketinga direktoru Robertu Dlohi un Latvijas Personāla Vadīšanas asociācijas prezidentu Aivaru Kalniņu; - tikšanās ar akadēmisko personālu Rīgā; - tikšanās ar 2. kursa studentiem; - tikšanās ar 1. kursa studentiem; - iepazīšanās ar kvalifikācijas prakses atskaitēm; - bibliotēkas, informācijas tehnoloģiju un mācību telpu apskate; - mācību telpu un to aprīkojuma apskate; - nodarbību apmeklējumi (1 un 2 kursa studentiem).

Vizītes beigās izvērtēju iegūto informāciju un izteicu priekšlikumus un novērtējumu par RSEBAA darba pilnveidošanas iespējam augstskolas pasniedzējiem un studentiem.

5 Studiju programma Studiju programmas “Personāla vadība” mērķis ir sniegt studējošiem padziļinātas zināšanas tautsaimniecības un personāla vadības jautājumos. Programma sagatavo izglītotus un kvalificētus personāla vadības speciālistus, kuri spēj realizēt un koordinēt valsts un privātajās uzņēmējdarbības struktūrās Latvijā personālu, atbilstoši personāla vadīšanas speciālista profesijas standartam. Studiju ilgums un apjoms ir pusotrs gads ar 4 gadīgu augstāko izglītību, kas atbilst 61 kredītpunktam pilna laika studijām vai diviem gadiem ar 3 gadīgu akadēmisko augstāko izglītību un 80 kredītpunktiem. Studiju laikā sagatavo profesionālus maģistrus personāla vadībā. Pēc programmas apguves tiek piešķirta piektā līmeņa profesionālā kvalifikācija – “Personāla vadītājs”. Studiju programmas kopējais kredītpunktu (KP) skaits ir 61 (vai 80). Šobrīd tiek realizēta programma, kas atbilst 61 KP. No tiem praksei paredzēti 6 KP(10%), vispārizglītojošo kursu apjoms – 25 KP, nozares kursu apjoms – 8 KP, izvēles kursi – 2KP, maģistra darba apjoms – 20 KP. Studiju programmas apgūšanai ir sastādīts studiju plāns ar priekšmetu sadalījumu pa semestriem. Taču studiju plānā C daļās programmā ir ierakstīti arī tādi kursi kā - “’Svešvaloda”, “Vadīšanas psiholoģija”, “Lietišķa spēle”, “Vies izbraukumi”. Šiem kursiem nav izvērstas programmas, bet faktiski tie tiek piedāvāti studentiem. Tikai pēc komisijas pieprasījuma pasniedzēji iesniedza kursa aprakstus.

Manuprāt ir vērts pārdomāt jautājumu par kursa programmas aktualizāciju: 1. aktualizēt literatūras sarakstus - daudzi literatūras avoti nav domāti maģistra līmenim ( nosaukumā ir “Ievads …) - novecojuši literatūras avoti - nav periodikas - kursā “ Arodbiedrība un darba devējs” nav literatūras saraksta. 2. Aktualizēt kursa struktūras - kursa apjoms nevar sastāvēt tikai no lekcijām - nofiksēt patstāvīgā darba uzdevumus - nofiksēt prasības kredītpunktu saņemšanai 3. Kursa “Personāla marketings” tēmas neatbilst kursa nosaukumam (tēmas atbilst vispārīgā mārketinga kursam) 4. Kredītpunktu skaits izvērstajās programmās neatbilst kredīpunktiem programmā (16- 17 lpp.) - Darba tiesības un Aroda veselība un drošība 3 KP+1KP (A daļa) (programmā kopā - 3KP) - Kvalitātes sistēma un Biznesa ētika 1KP+ 2KP (B daļa) (programmā kopā - 2KP) - Uzņēmējdarbība 2KP (A daļa) (programmā - 4KP)

Uzskatu, ka ir jāpārdomā jautājums par prakses realizācijas iespējām studentiem kuriem pamatdarbs nav saistīts ar personāla nodaļu un tā vadīšanu. Pārrunas ar studentiem apliecināja, ka tikai daļa no 1.kursa studentiem ir nodarbināti ar praksi saistītajā jomā, savukārt 2. kursa studenti pamata strādā par personāla vadības speciālistiem .

Akadēmiskais personāls Studiju kursu pasniegšanu nodrošina 16 mācību spēki, pamatpersonāls ir RSEBAA– 4 asociēti profesori un profesori, 7 - docenti, 5 lektori. Programmā arī piedalās pasniedzēji no citām augstskolām un speciālisti no prakses vietām. Programmas izpildē piedalās daudz jaunu pasniedzēju ar perspektīvām izaugsmes iespējām. Daudzi pasniedzēji beiguši maģistratūru, kā arī studē doktorantūrā.

6 Akadēmiskais personāls strādā pie dažādām zinātniskām tēmām, kas saistītas ar kvalitātes sistēmu izveidi , prasību novērtēšanu menedžeru sagatavošanai un citiem. Izskatot pasniedzēju dzīves un darba gājumu, redzams, ka dažiem programmā iesaistītajiem pasniedzējiem, trūkst informācijas par zinātniskiem virzieniem: dažiem docētājiem norādīts tikai kopējais publikāciju skaits, bet nav publikāciju nosaukumu, daži pasniedzēji vispār neuzrāda informāciju par savām publikācijām . Būtu ieteicams plašāk iesaistīt šajā programmā RSEBAA pasniedzējus ar lielāku darba pieredzi kvalitatīvas un kvantitatīvas personāla vadības jomas analīzei.

Resursi Mācību realizācijai ir nodrošinātas plašas telpas, kas atrodas pilsētas centrā. Personālam un studentiem ir iespējas izmantot datorus, bibliotēku, kuras krājumi ir nodrošināti ar pamata mācību literatūru, kā arī dažādu papildus literatūru, tai skaita ārvalstu.

Saikne ar darba devējiem Tiekoties ar darba devējiem tika iegūtas labas atsauksmes par RSEBAA studentiem, jo iegūtās zināšanas ir atbilstošas viņu noteiktajām prasībām un ir noderīgas šodienas darba tirgū.

Studenti Studenti ir ieinteresēti, gatavi strādāt un izglītoties, lai kļūtu par zinošiem un darba tirgū pieprasītiem speciālistiem. Studenti ir informēti par profesijas standartu. Kopumā studentu un pasniedzēju savstarpējā sadarbība vērtējama pozitīvi. Diemžēl izmantotās aptaujas anketas nedot iespēju realizēt un novērtēt atgriezenisko saiti ar studentiem.

Kopsavilkums Pozitīvais  mācību spēku sastāvs ir kvalificēts, gados jauns ar lielu izaugsmes potenciālu, jaunie docētāji piedalās kvalifikācijas celšanas pasākumos (studē doktorantūra, veic pētnieciskus darbus);  studentiem ir iespēja strādāt ar datoriem, ir pieeju internetam;  labi iekārtota bibliotēka, laba lasītava;  plašas mācību telpas pilsētas centrā. Trūkumi  maz zinātnisko pētījumu personāla vadīšanas virzienā;  studentiem var rasties grūtības ar prakses realizācijas iespējām (ja viņi nestrādā personāla daļā);  mācību priekšmeta programmas nav papildinātas ar jaunāko literatūru;  pēc programmas studentiem ļoti daudz laika tiek prasīts strādāt patstāvīgi bibliotēkā (1. semestrī vidēji 1 nedēļā t.i. 20 stundas), tajā pašā laikā programmās nav fiksēti uzdevumi patstāvīgajam darbam;  izmantotās studentu aptaujas anketas neatbilst prasībām. Izrietošās sekas  turpināt darbu speciālistu sagatavošanā un programmas realizācijā;  vēlams vairāk iesaistīties zinātniski – pētnieciskajā darbā personāla vadības jomā;  papildināt mācību priekšmetu programmas ar jauno literatūru, vairāk orientēties uz semināriem un diskusijām;  izveidot un izmantot studentu aptaujas anketas. Rekomendācijs

7 Profesionālās augstākās izglītības maģistrantūras studiju programmu “Personāla vadība” ieteicams akreditēt uz diviem gadiem kā atbilstošu noteiktajiem standartiem.

Inesa Vorončuka, Dr.oec. LU Ekonomikas un vadības fakultātes profesore.


Novērtēšanas komisijas eksperta individuālajam ziņojumam un Novērtēšanas komisijas kopējam ziņojumam jāpievieno aizpildīta anketa. Par katru jautājumu un par katru no kvalitātes aspektiem (kuri satur vairāk par 1 jautājumu) vēlams dot novērtējumu 4 ballu skalā un rakstisku komentāru, kurš ir obligāts negatīva vērtējuma gadījumā. (Ar atzīmi ballēs norāda galvenokārt īstenošanas atbilstību izvirzītajiem mērķiem un uzdevumiem.) Ieteicams par katru kvalitātes aspektu kopumā sniegt īsu komentāru, aprakstot: atklātos pozitīvos faktorus, trūkumus, rekomendācijas un ieteikumus kvalitātes uzlabošanai, iespējamos draudus. Ja par kādu jautājumu vai kvalitātes aspektu eksperts nav kompetents, par to vērtējums nav jādod. Ieteicams ekspertu ziņojumus strukturēt atbilstoši anketas jautājumiem, vajadzības gadījumā pievienojot papildus punktus. Novērtēšanas skala: 4(ļoti labi), 3 (labi), 2 (apmierinoši), 1 (neapmierinoši). I Studiju programmas vērtēšanas kritēriji (6 galvenie kvalitātes aspekti un 14 jautājumi)

I Mērķi un uzdevumi. 1. Studiju programmas mērķu un uzdevumu skaidrība, sasniedzamība un pārbaudāmība. Novērtējums: .2 Komentārs: novecojusi dokumentācija

II Studiju saturs un organizācija. Novērtējums: ....2..... Komentārs: - kursa apjoms nevar sastāvēt tikai no lekcijām, jaorientējas arī uz semināriem un diskusijām.

- studiju plānā C daļās programmā ir ierakstīti kursi “’Svešvaloda”, “Vadīšanas psiholoģija”, “Lietišķa spēle”, “Vies izbraukumi”, par kuriem nav kursa izvērstās programmas. Faktiski šie kursi tiek piedāvāti studentiem un pēc komisijas pieprasījuma pasniedzēji iesniedza kursa aprakstus .

2. Atbilstība Latvijas Republikas izglītības un profesiju standartiem, citiem normatīvajiem aktiem un Eiropas Savienības prasībām un rekomendācijām. Novērtējums: ..2...... Komentārs: Aktualizēt literatūras sarakstus - daudzi literatūras avoti nav domāti maģistra līmenim ( nosaukumā ir “Ievads …) - novecojuši literatūras avoti

8 - nav periodikas - kursā “ Arodbiedrība un darba devējs” nav literatūras saraksta.

3. Studiju programmas un tās atsevišķu daļu saskaņotība ar Latvijas un Eiropas kopējās izglītības telpas veidošanas prasībām, tai skaitā izmantojot salīdzinājumu ar vismaz 2 ES valstu studiju programmām. Novērtējums: .2...... Komentārs: 5. Kursa “Personāla marketings” tēmas neatbilst kursa nosaukumam ( tēmas atbilst vispārīga marketinga kursam) 6. Kredītpunktu skaits izvērstas programmās neatbilst kreditpunktiem programmā (16-17 lpp.) - Darba tiesības un Aroda veselība un drošība 3 KP +1KP (A daļa) ( programmā kopa - 3KP) - Kvalitātes sistēma un Biznesa ētika 1KP+ 2KP( B daļa) ( programmā kopa - 2KP) - Uzņēmējdarbība 2KP ( A daļa) (programmā - 4KP)

4. Akadēmiskā personāla kvalifikācija un profesionalitāte. Novērtējums: .3...... Komentārs: Programmas izpildē piedalās daudz jaunu pasniedzēju ar perspektīvām izaugsmes iespējām. Izskatot pasniedzēju dzīves un darba gājumu, redzams, ka dažiem programmā iesaistītajiem pasniedzējiem, trūkst informācijas par zinātniskiem virzieniem : dažiem docētājiem norādīts tikai kopējais publikāciju skaits, bet nav publikāciju nosaukumu , daži pasniedzēji vispār neuzrakstīja par savām publikācijām .

III Mācīšana un zināšanu novērtēšana. Novērtējums: .3...... Komentārs: ......

5. Modernas mācīšanas metodes, studijās sagaidāmo rezultātu skaidrs izklāsts, problēmu risināšana, datoru, multimēdiju un interneta izmantošana. Novērtējums: ....3..... Komentārs: . Studentiem ir iespējas izmantot datorus, bibliotēku, kuras krājumi ir nodrošināti ar pamata mācību literatūru, kā arī dažādu papildus literatūru , tai skaita ārvalstu. Taču izvērstas mācību programmās novecojuši literatūras avoti.

6. Palīdzība studentiem, pasniedzēju konsultācijas, akadēmiskā vadība un studēšanas motivācijas paaugstināšana. Novērtējums: ..3...... Komentārs: Studentiem var rasties grūtības ar prakses realizācijas iespējām ( ja viņi nestrādā personāla daļā).

7. Zināšanu, prasmju un attieksmju novērtēšanas metožu objektivitāte un izmantošana studiju procesa pilnveidošanai. Novērtējums: ....2..... Komentārs: - Pēc programmas studentiem ļoti daudz laika prasīts strādāt patstāvīgi bibliotēkā ( 1. semestrī vidēji 1 nedēļā 20 stundas), tajā pašā laikā programmās nav fiksēti uzdevumi patstāvīgajam darbam.

9 Izvērstas mācību programmās vajag nofiksēt patstāvīgā darba uzdevumus. - Izvērstas mācību programmās vajag nofiksēt prasības kredītpunktu saņemšanai.

IV Studiju nodrošinājums un vadība. Novērtējums: ...3...... Komentārs: ......

8. Demokrātijas principu ievērošana studiju programmas vadīšanā, skaidri noteiktas administrācijas pārstāvju, akadēmiskā personāla un studentu savstarpējās attiecības. Novērtējums: .....3.... Komentārs: Izmantotas studentu aptaujas anketas neatbilst prasībām.

9. Sadarbība ar citām izglītības iestādēm, zinātniskajām institūcijām, starptautiskām organizācijām, akadēmiskā personāla un studentu apmaiņas ar citām augstskolām. Novērtējums: ....4..... Komentārs: ......

10. Studiju programmas metodiskais, informatīvais un materiāltehniskais nodrošinājums. Novērtējums: ....3..... Komentārs: Labi iekārtota bibliotēka, laba lasītava. Plašas mācību telpas pilsētas centrā. Pārdomu vērts ir jautājums par kursa programmas aktualizāciju (novecojusi dokumentācija )

V Personāla un studentu zinātniskās pētniecības (radošais) darbs. 11. Akadēmiskā personāla un studentu iesaistīšanās zinātniskās pētniecības (radošajā) darbā, zinātniskās pētniecības darbu tematikas aktualitāte un saistība ar studiju programmas saturu. Novērtējums: ..2...... Komentārs: Maz zinātnisko pētījumu personāla vadīšanas virzienā.

VI Kvalitātes nodrošinājums un garantijas. Novērtējums: ....2..... Komentārs: ......

12. Ikgadēja studiju programmas vājo un stipro pušu, izmaiņu, attīstības iespēju un plānu apspriešana, iekšējās pašnovērtēšanas un kvalitātes pilnveidošanas sistēmas nepārtraukta darbība. Novērtējums: ...2...... Komentārs: Uzlabot un izmantot studentu aptaujas anketas.

13. Absolventu veiksmīga iekārtošanās darbā apgūtajā specialitātē.

10 Novērtējums: ...nav atbildes...... Komentārs: ......

14. Studiju turpināšanas iespējas un finansiālās garantijas studiju programmas likvidācijas, reorganizācijas vai citu izmaiņu gadījumā. Novērtējums: ...2...... Komentārs: ......

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Peter J. A. Reusch

Evaluation of the

Professional Master in Human Resource Management (HRM)

at the

Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration RISEBA

in November 2004

Individual Report

The evaluation is based upon a visit of the school at the 15th and 16th of November 2004 and upon the available documentation of the study course.

Members of the evaluation committee are

Prof. Larry Stout ( Stockholm School of Economics in Riga) Prof. Inese Voroncuka (University of Latvia) Prof. Peter Reusch (University of Applied Sciences in Dortmund) – chairman

Results in general

11 The study course has a good mission that is recognized by the students and potential employers because the design of the study course is appropriate and was supported by the Latvian Association of Human Resource Management (LVPA).

The students we met were mainly working in HR-departments or on HR- functions in companies. They recognized the contribution of the study course to their professional skills and to their understanding of HRM. This is a unique strength of the study course.

Nevertheless the evaluation committee only recommends an accreditation for 2 years because the course descriptions of the study course, the documentation of the staff and the quality system are unsatisfactory. In some cases we could realize that the “reality” is better than the documentation. Of course this can only be a fuzzy result.

According to the course descriptions some course modules are really bad – for example Information System for HRM, or HR Marketing. Regarding Information Systems for HRM we could discuss with the lecturer. She presented us an advanced and appropriate concept that she had implemented with presentations of concrete systems like NAVISON and ORACLE and advanced concepts of Information Systems for HRM. Regarding HR Marketing we could not detect that the “reality” is better than the documents.

According to the course descriptions the contents and borderlines of several study modules are not clear – for example the contents of the 4 modules dealing with psychology.

The cv of most lecturers is without publications. In some cases the academic and scientific background could be weak – research is often invisible.

The evaluation of the study modules by the students must be improved. The questionnaires used today are weak regarding the content and structure. The evaluation of the questionnaires should not be done by the lecturer.

Structure and contents of the study course

The study course has a compulsory package (part A – 25 credits), electives (part B and C), placements and a dissertation.

In general part A seems to be appropriate – final statements are not possible because of the outdated documentation. The contributions to management psychology, social psychology, organizational psychology and leadership should be adjusted and harmonized – and could be reduced finally.

After 3-4 modules related to psychology in part A work psychology may not be useful in part B. A contribution to creativity and creative problem solving could be better – or other new topics.

12 The next psychology package in part C – management psychology – should also be reconsidered.

The contributions on safety and health are important – a modern and appropriate perspective.

HR information systems is a compulsory subject because professionals today never work without such systems. This module should be included in part A.

Placements must be based upon HR functions. Today the students typically make their contributions based upon activities at their workplace. A placement for students not working on HR functions is a serious problem.

Similar problems may arise regarding the dissertation. For students employed and working on HR function it is not a major problem to make their contributions, for others a professional dissertation may become an unsolvable problem.

The total workload and ECTS approaches of the study course are appropriate according to international standards. Nevertheless the assumptions regarding the individual work hours of the students are a bit unrealistic – especially for those not working on HR functions.


RISEBA should receive an accreditation for this program for a period of two years.

RISEBA should improve the documentation.

RISEBA should integrate more recognized researchers into the staff of the study course, for example Prof. Greenglaz of RISEBA could make contributions on mathematical models in HRM.

RISEBA should develop distance learning modules to reduce the time scheduling problem of the employed students. That could also help to attract students from other places than Riga.

RISEBA should take care of the admission procedures in the future. In the moment the classes are very homogeneous. That will chance. Inhomogeneous classes may need different specialisations.

Questionnaire for Evaluation Commission Experts (Supplement to the individual report)

13 It is recommended to evaluate each of aspects listed below by a mark according to the following scale and to add a short comment. In case of negative evaluation (mark 1) the comment is compulsory. It is recommended to add short description about each quality aspect: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It is possible to leave without mark a question, about which expert is not competent. The filled in questionnaire expert must add to the reports – individual and joint. This questionnaire can also be used as a plan for the evaluation report.

The scale for the assessment: 4 (excellent), 3 (highly satisfactory), 2 (satisfactory), 1(unsatisfactory)

I The assessment of study programmes (6 main aspects and 14 questions)

I Aims and objectives 1. Possibility to understand, to reach and to control the aims and objectives defined by the study programme. Assessment: 2 Comment: outdated documentation

II The content and organization of the studies. Assessment: 2 Comment: Concepts of teaching and learning should be clarified: Lectures, seminars, workshops, case studies, home work, …

2. Complying with the professional and education standards, legislation of the Republic of Latvia and with the requirements and standards of the European Union. Assessment: 2 Comment: Evaluation is difficult because of outdated documentation

3. Consistency of the study programme and its parts with the demands to create the common European education space, including the comparison with at least two study programmes from EU countries. Assessment: 2 Comment: Evaluation is difficult because of outdated documentation

4. Qualification and professionality of the academic staff members. Assessment: 3 Comment: We met some excellent lecturers. An evaluation of the staff based on the documentation is difficult – cv’s are often short, often publications are not mentioned.

III Assessment of teaching and learning. Assessment: 3 Comment:

5. Modern methodology of teaching, a clear statement of results to be expected, problem solving, use of computers, internet, audiovisual and multi media equipment. Assessment: 3

14 Comment: Good equipment is available

6. Counselling and guidance for students, academic supervision and consultations of the teaching staff, increasing of the students' motivation to study. Assessment: 3 Comment:

7. Methods to assess the knowledge, skills and attitudes, their objectivity use to improve the studies. Assessment: 2 Comment: Concepts of teaching and learning should be clarified: Lectures, seminars, workshops, case studies, home work, …

IV The management and support of the studies Assessment: 3 Comment:

8. Respect of the principles of democracy, clear definition of the relations among representatives of the administration, academic staff and students; Assessment: 3 Comment:

9. Cooperation with other higher education establishments, research institutions, international organizations; exchange of staff and students with other higher education establishments. Assessment: 4 Comment: Cooperation with the Latvian Association of Human Resource Management is very important

10. Methodological, informational and technical resources and facilities of the study programme. Assessment: 3 Comment:

V Research (creative) activities of the staff and the students 11. Involvement of the academic and general staff in the research (creative) activities, up to date character and connection with the content of the study programme. Assessment: 2 Comment: Strengthen HR-oriented research

VI Quality assessment and mechanisms to ensure it Assessment: 2

15 Comment: Improve questionnaires for the students regarding content and procedures. Today lecturers evaluate their lecture.

12. Annual self-assessment of the study programme, evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses, changes, plans and possibilities for the development, continuously action of the system of self-evaluation and quality improvement. Assessment: 2 Comment: questionnaires for the students must be improved regarding content and procedures

13. Successful work of graduates according to their qualification. Assessment: no answer Comment: no graduates so far

14. Opportunities to continue studies and financial guarantees in the case of closure of the programme, its re-organization and other changes. Assessment: 2 Comment: for the students we found there will be opportunities to continue


Source Document's Title: Evaluation Committee expert Inesa Voronchuk's individual notes regarding evaluation of high professional education master program "Human Resource Management" (Code 4634519).

Following critical points will be depicted in the final evaluation analysis of Inesa Voronchuk

I. Study program

1) Education program plan is based on semesters. C-course programs include following courses: "Foreign Language", "Management in Psychology", "Business Games", " (latv. - Vies Izbraukumi)". For these classes curriculum was not presented in the original plan and was provided only after request of committee members.

2)Program's Timeliness (Relevancy). To improve literature lists with advanced and up-to-date materials - several reading sources have titles that start with "Introduction to ....." - this suggests that course level does not conform to a Master level program, and is thought more likely for a Bachelor degree program. - Old reading materials (based on publication year) - Literature lists do not include articles in the scientific magazines and other periodicals.

16 - Course titled "Labor Unions and Employer" does not have literature list

3)Change course structure - course cannot consists of lectures alone, it should include seminars and discussion time - self-study program exercises/task should be predetermined and reflected in the program - requirement to receive certain amount of credit points should be fixed and predetermined in the program

4) Topics presented under course titled "Personnel Marketing" does not reflect "Personnel" aspects of marketing but rather covers more general marketing topics.

5) Number of credit points in the detail curriculum of the course does not correspond to the program (p.16-17) - Employment law and employees health 3KP + 1KP (total in the program - 3KP) - Quality System and Business Ethics 1KP + 2KP (total in the program - 2KP) - Manufacturing 2KP (program - 4KP)

6) Another important question is related to job practice of students whose current job is not in Human Resource area. Interviews conducted by committee showed that while second year students mostly work in HR areas and have sufficient work practice, only small number of first year students have similar experience. We find it important to address lack of work practice for these kind of students in the future.

II. Akademical personnel

Curriculum Vitaes of some academical personnel is lacking information regarding their published work, that does not allow to make evaluation of areas of expertise.

III. Summary

Pros - Academical personnel consist of young, professional and with high potential personnel. - Students have access to computers with internet connection at all time. - Well equipped library rooms - Spacious and well equipped study rooms

Cons - Not sufficient amount of research in Personnel Management. - Students might have difficulties with study practice if they don't have jobs in HR areas. - Insufficient new sources of literature in the study programs. - Large amount of time is required for self-study (on average 20 hours per week), while homework is not determined in the program. - Questionnaires for students regarding quality of education do not correspond to established standards.

IV. Results - Continue work on program preparation and realization - Start research projects on personnel management

17 - Add new/ up-to-date literature to existing program which will be oriented for discussions during seminars. - Design new Questionnaires and start evaluation and analysis of collected data.

V. Recommendations Professional master program in Human Resource management is recommended for accreditation for two years.

Questionnaire for Evaluation Commission Experts (Supplement to the individual report)

It is recommended to evaluate each of aspects listed below by a mark according to the following scale and to add a short comment. In case of negative evaluation (mark 1) the comment is compulsory. It is recommended to add short description about each quality aspect: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It is possible to leave without mark a question, about which expert is not competent. The filled in questionnaire expert must add to the reports – individual and joint. This questionnaire can also be used as a plan for the evaluation report.

The scale for the assessment: 4 (excellent), 3 (highly satisfactory), 2 (satisfactory), 1(unsatisfactory)

I The assessment of study programmes (6 main aspects and 14 questions)

I Aims and objectives 1. Possibility to understand, to reach and to control the aims and objectives defined by the study programme. Assessment: 2 Comment: outdated documentation

II The content and organization of the studies. Assessment: 2 Comment:

18 - courses consists of lectures alone, in master program it should include seminars and discussion time - C-course programs include following courses: "Foreign Language", "Management in Psychology", "Business Games", " (latv. - Vies Izbraukumi)". For these classes curriculum was not presented in the original plan and was provided only after request of committee members.

2. Complying with the professional and education standards, legislation of the Republic of Latvia and with the requirements and standards of the European Union. Assessment: 2 Comment: Program's Timeliness (Relevancy). To improve literature lists with advanced and up-to-date materials - several reading sources have titles that start with "Introduction to ....." - this suggests that course level does not conform to a Master level program, and is thought more likely for a Bachelor degree program. - Old reading materials (based on publication year) - Literature lists do not include articles in the scientific magazines and other periodicals. - Course titled "Labor Unions and Employer" does not have literature list

3. Consistency of the study programme and its parts with the demands to create the common European education space, including the comparison with at least two study programmes from EU countries. Assessment:2 Comment: - Topics presented under course titled "Personnel Marketing" does not reflect "Personnel" aspects of marketing but rather covers more general marketing topics.

- Number of credit points in the detail curriculum of the course does not correspond to the program (p.16-17) - Employment law and employees health 3KP + 1KP (total in the program - 3KP) - Quality System and Business Ethics 1KP + 2KP (total in the program - 2KP) - Manufacturing 2KP (program - 4KP)

4. Qualification and professionality of the academic staff members. Assessment: 3 Comment: Academical personnel consist of young, professional and with high potential personnel. Curriculum Vitaes of some academical personnel is lacking information regarding their published work, that does not allow to make evaluation of areas of expertise.

III Assessment of teaching and learning. Assessment: 3 Comment: ………

5. Modern methodology of teaching, a clear statement of results to be expected, problem solving, use of computers, internet, audiovisual and multi media equipment. Assessment: 3 Comment:

19 - Students have access to computers with internet connection at all time. - Insufficient new sources of literature in the study programs.

6. Counselling and guidance for students, academic supervision and consultations of the teaching staff, increasing of the students' motivation to study. Assessment: 3 Comment: Important question is related to job practice of students whose current job is not in Human Resource area. Interviews conducted by committee showed that while second year students mostly work in HR areas and have sufficient work practice, but only small number of first year students have similar experience. We find it important to address lack of work practice for these kind of students in the future.

7. Methods to assess the knowledge, skills and attitudes, their objectivity use to improve the studies. Assessment: 2 Comment: - Large amount of time is required for self-study , while homework is not determined in the program. Self-study program exercises/task should be predetermined and reflected in the program - requirement to receive certain amount of credit points should be fixed and predetermined in the program

IV The management and support of the studies Assessment: 3 Comment: ………

8. Respect of the principles of democracy, clear definition of the relations among representatives of the administration, academic staff and students; Assessment: 3 Comment: Questionnaires for students regarding quality of education do not correspond to established standards.

9. Cooperation with other higher education establishments, research institutions, international organizations; exchange of staff and students with other higher education establishments. Assessment: 4 Comment: ………

10. Methodological, informational and technical resources and facilities of the study programme. Assessment: 3 - Comment: - Informational resources: Study programs for the students are not up-to-date materials, they consist with old literature - Well equipped library rooms - Spacious and well equipped study rooms

V Research (creative) activities of the staff and the students

20 11. Involvement of the academic and general staff in the research (creative) activities, up to date character and connection with the content of the study programme. Assessment: 2 - Comment: Not sufficient amount of research in Personnel Management.

VI Quality assessment and mechanisms to ensure it Assessment: 2 Comment: ………

12. Annual self-assessment of the study programme, evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses, changes, plans and possibilities for the development, continuously action of the system of self-evaluation and quality improvement. Assessment: 2 Comment: questionnaires for the students must be improved regarding content and procedures

13. Successful work of graduates according to their qualification. Assessment: no answer Comment: no graduates so far

14. Opportunities to continue studies and financial guarantees in the case of closure of the programme, its re-organization and other changes. Assessment: 2 Comment: for the students we found there will be opportunities to continue


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