Standard Twinning Project Fiche s1

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Standard Twinning Project Fiche s1

Support and training on producers’ groups in the fruits and vegetables sector– Task 2c STANDARD PROJECT FICHE

1. Basic Information

1.1 CRIS number: RO 2006/IB/AG-05 TL(Task 2c) 1.2 Title: “Support and training on producers’ groups in the fruits and vegetables sector” 1.3 Sector: Agriculture 1.4 Location: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Romania

2. Objectives

2.1 Overall Objective(s): To establish a well trained administration (MARD and PIAA), through institutional building, able to apply EU-compliant procedures on producers’ groups and organisations in the fruits and vegetables sector, enabling these groups to access EU funds.

2.2 Project purpose: To create adequate operation structures of the relevant administration, based on the elaboration and implementation of procedures for producers’ groups and organisations and on provision of training to the administration staff on methods for accessing Community funds, based on a model recognition plan and on a model Operational Programme.

2.3 Justification The reform of the Common Market Organisation in the fruits and vegetables sector was finalized at the end of 2007. the new regulations entering in force as from January 1s 2008, make it compulsory for all Member States to adjust their national legislation to new provisions, and this implies that the fruits and vegetables office in Romania shall also undergo a significant legislative transposition and implementation effort. Nevertheless, the Community funds absorption capacity depends on operators awareness on the need to set-up association forms for marketing the production. Although at the beginning of 2005, the operators in the fruits and vegetable secto were reluctant in the market success of the association forms, their awareness was increased following the enforcement of communication activities within the Phare Twinning Project RO04 /IBAG /07 « Reinforcement of administrative capacity to manage the acquis in the fruits and vegetables sector », as they become aware on the need to concentrate the supply and on the role they play in the formation of the market prices. The Final Report of this project this situation is reflected through the following observation “The chain operators have understood that the supply shall adjust to the demand and that the Community Regulations, even if sometimes constrictive, represent a real support for development.” Under these

1 Support and training on producers’ groups in the fruits and vegetables sector– Task 2c circumstances, the further information of sector operation on the need to set-up producers’ groups and organisations is absolutely needed.

3. Description

3.1. Background and justification

The basic Regulation in the fruits and vegetables sector was fully transposed into the national legislation by Order of the Minister of Agriculture no. 684/2007. This Order defines the duties and the competencies of institutions involved in the legislation enforcement process – MARD and PIAA. The procedures for recognition of producers’ groups and organisations, as well as the procedures for approval of recognition plans and of operational programmes were drafted. The technical missions implemented in several counties allowed – based on concrete examples – the identification and correction of certain mistaken interpretations. Explanations were needed on the implementation of the new CMO and the experienced acquired by the administration will lead to a swift implementation. In relation to communication and information, all activities foreseen by the administration were implemented, and the seminars intended for staff members and operators were carried-out in good conditions. The seminar attendance was 260 staff members within the 3 institutions of the public administration involved and 183 market operators – within 4 seminars (Bacau, Bucuresti, Craiova, Alba Iulia). Support is yet needed for enabling the staff within the responsible administration to elaborate and implement the procedures needed for the creation of adequate structures for the setting-up and operation of producers groups and for establishment the operation methods they have to comply with – in compliance with the Community rules. Support is also needed to elaborate a model for recognition of producers groups, an Operational model to be complied with by producers’ groups associations and for communication activities for the dissemination of these documents at central and territorial units of MARD and PIAA that are responsible for their enforcement and control. Given the limited experience of the administration as far as rules and procedures for setting-up and operation of producers’ groups are concerned, the Project shall also support the elaboration of a sector strategy for producers’ organisations to be actively followed – up by the national administration (MARD and PIAA).

3.2. Linked activities:

- EU Phare Twinning Project 2004 – RO2004/IB/AG-05 – “Strengthening the administrative structure for administration of the acquis in the fruits and vegetable sector”

2 Support and training on producers’ groups in the fruits and vegetables sector– Task 2c

3.3. Results: - Adequate organisation structures and procedures in place for the setting-up and operation of Romanian producers groups in the fruits and vegetables sector, and administration staff able to apply and control the compliance with these procedures - Procedure manuals improved for recognition and certification of producers groups and administration staff trained on the practical enforcement of provisions included in these manuals - Model plan for recognition of producers’ groups elaborated and enforced by administration staff - Model Operational Programme elaborated and approved by the national administration for regulation of producers’ groups organisations - Sector strategy for producers organisation elaborated and approved and administration staff trained on the principles of enforcing this strategy - Administration staff trained in the adequate enforcement of procedure manuals - Administration staff informed and trained on methods to access EU funds and able to inform the beneficiaries thereof - Communication activities implemented for the administration staff at national and regional level on EU support for producers groups

3.4. Activities: - Provision of support for establishing the most adequate structure and procedures for the setting-up and operation of Romanian producers’ groups in the fruits and vegetables sector, based on an analysis of the situation and based on an action plan to be implemented; training of administration staff in the enforcement and control of the above procedures - Improvement of procedure manuals for recognition and certification of producers groups and training of administration staff on the practical enforcement of provisions included in these manuals, based on the train the trainers approach - Elaboration of a model plan for recognition of producers’ groups and training of staff on its application - Elaboration of a model Operational Programme regulating the producers’ organisations - Elaboration of a sector strategy in compliance with the European Union rules

3 Support and training on producers’ groups in the fruits and vegetables sector– Task 2c - Examination and improvement of procedure manuals for recognition of producers’ groups and organisations - Training the relevant staff members within MARD and PIAA as regards the efficient implementation of procedure manuals according to the Common Market Organisation principles for this sector and approval of operational programmes in compliance with the sector strategy - Training of staff members within MARD and PIAA on aid provided by EU for producers’ groups and on methods to access this aid - Organisation and implementation of communication activities targeted towards central and territorial administration on EU support and methods of accessing it

Short-term experts

The short-term experts will provide technical advice for the above-mentioned activities. The detailed expert input shall be established when drawing up the twinning work-plan. In general, the short term experts will have the following profile:

All involved experts shall fulfil the following requirements: - have a permanent position within a fruit and vegetable organisation in one of the Member States - have at least 5 years experience in F&V sector, including as regards the recognition of producers’ groups and organisations as well the elaboration of strategic documents - have experience in the control and monitoring of recognised producers’ groups and organisations and participation in the sector working groups - be fluent in English

In addition it is preferable if the experts have: - experience in implementation of twinning projects in other new Member States - experience in communication sessions organised by Member States or by Community institutions directed towards staff members and/or operators in the fruits and vegetables sector.

All missions require translation and interpretation from English into Romanian and vice versa. All materials have to be elaborated in English and translated into Romanian. Romanian documents might need training into English.

One of the STEs has to undertake the role as Team Leader and coordinator.

The duration of the project is 6 months.

4 Support and training on producers’ groups in the fruits and vegetables sector– Task 2c

4. Institutional Framework

The beneficiary is the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD)

Name and surname: DRĂGAN ŞTEFAN Position: Director, Division for Market Policy in the horticultural crops sector Address: no. 24 Carol I Blvd, nr. 24, sector 3, Bucharest Tel: + 021 3079809 Fax: + 021 3078693 Email: [email protected]

5. Detailed Budget

Phare Support Investm Institution Total National IFI* TOTAL ent Building Phare Cofinan Support (=I+IB) cing* TWL 150,000 150,000 - 150,000 Total 150,000 150,000 - 150,,000

6. Implementation Arrangements

6.1. Implementing Agency

MARD, through the Phare Programme Implementing Unit (PIU) / MAFRD Contact person: Mrs. Marisanda Pîrîianu, PIU Co-ordinator Bd. Carol I, nr. 17, sector 3 Bucharest, Romania Tel: + 40 21 3024 400 / Mobile: + 40 723 46 36 94 Fax: + 40 21 3054 890 E-mail: [email protected]

The PIU/MAFRD will co-ordinate and administer the implementation of the proposed Phares project in Romania

The CFCU will be the tendering and contracting authority and supervise the financial implementation of the entire project. Contact person: Mrs. Carmen Rosu, PAO – General Director Mircea Voda Street, no. 44, sector 3 Bucharest, Romania Tel: 326.55.55

SPO name: Mrs. Roxana ZARMA, General Director MARD Address: no 24 Carol I Blvd, sector 3, Bucharest

5 Support and training on producers’ groups in the fruits and vegetables sector– Task 2c Tel: +40 21 3072.347 Fax: +40 21 3078.627 Email: [email protected]. A Project Steering Committee will be set up in the beginning of the Project. It will beet quarterly will be in charge with analysis and approval of Project reports and for settlement of any issues that might arise during Project implementation.

The Steering Committee of the project will be made of representatives of: - Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development - CFCU - The Twinning partner - PIU/Phare - EC Delegation representation - Other identified stakeholders

6.2. Twinning The beneficiary institution of the twinning light component will be the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD)

Name and surname: DRĂGAN ŞTEFAN Position: Director, Division for Market Policy in the horticultural crops sector Address: no. 24 Carol I Blvd, nr. 24, sector 3, Bucharest Tel: + 021 3079809 Fax: + 021 3078693 Email: [email protected]

The PIU within MARD will b responsible for Project implementation and with the coordination of project activities at all project stages.

Contact person: Marisanda Piriianu Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Phone:+40 021 3025 400 Fax: + 40 021 3054 890 Email: [email protected]

6.3. Non-standard aspects The Twinning Manual will be strictly follows.

6.4. Contracts There is one Twinning Light Project, with a total budget of 150,000Euro Phare funds

6 Support and training on producers’ groups in the fruits and vegetables sector– Task 2c Romania will contribute to the project in terms of local staff, office infrastructure and facilities, training facilities.

To ensure smooth implementation of the project, the beneficiary will provide adequately equipped office space with telephone, PC (Internet) and fax, copy machine and access to the necessary information. In addition, the beneficiary will provide space and facilities for workshops (training), consultations and seminars.

7. Implementation Schedule

7.1Start of tendering/call for proposals: February 2008 7.2Start of contract: Estimated April 2008 7.3Project Completion October 2008

8 Sustainability Resources in terms of staff and budget to secure the sustainability of the project after finalisation will be ensured

9 Conditionality and sequencing Romania will contribute to the project in terms of local staff, office infrastructure and facilities and local transport for staff.

The adequate implementation of the project depends on the current MARD capacity to assure human resources, necessary for the preparation and implementation of the project.

In order to assure the efficient development of the project, the MARD and the other institutions involved will assure an appropriate co- ordination of activities, by nominating the relevant staff at local level. These persons will be responsible for the co-ordination of activities at local level and for the co-operation with the other institutions/organisations involved in the project.

As the training component is of extreme importance, it is imperative to adequately prepare the training materials, resulting in a proper level of training sessions. The majority of the training materials, information brochures and application samples will be printed and distributed to trainees.

7 Support and training on producers’ groups in the fruits and vegetables sector– Task 2c

8 Support and training on producers’ groups in the fruits and vegetables sector– Task 2c


LOGFRAME PLANNING MATRIX FOR Project name and number: MAP Agriculture Task 2c – “Support and training on producers groups in the Task 2c – “Support and training on producers’ groups in the fruits and fruits and vegetables sector” vegetables sector” CRIS number: PHARE 2006/018-147.03.02

“Support and training on producers’ groups in the fruits and vegetables Contracting period expires: Disbursement period expires 30 sector” 30 November 2008 November 2009

Total budget: Phare budget: 150,000Euro 150,000Euro Overall objective Relates to Copenhagen criteria List of other projects with and Acquis chapter the same objective To establish a well trained EU PHARE Twinning Project - On-going Government administration (MARD and PIAA), Phare RO2004/IB/AG-07 – commitment to fulfilment of post- through institutional building, able to “Support for strengthening accession requirements apply EU-compliant procedures on the fruits and vegetables -Timely meeting of deadlines and producers’ groups and organisations in sector” milestones the fruits and vegetables sector, enabling these groups to access EU funds.

Project purpose Objectively Verifiable Indicators Sources of Verification Assumptions -TTo create adequate operation structures of the -Efficiency acquired based on -Database reports Romanian Government continues relevant administration, based on the elaboration and adequate organisation structures -Feedback on information the implementation of the implementation of procedures for producers’ groups and on improved manuals and reporting activities; commitments taken during the and organisations and on provision of training to the administration staff on methods for accessing -No. of training events and of -Training assessment reports negotiation process, by timely Community funds, based on a model recognition plan trained staff -Project reports implementation of relevant and on a model Operational Programme -No. or producers groups -Monitoring reports policies recognised based on the -Training surveys/skills established recognition model audits; -Operational Programme -Meeting records, project, 9 Support and training on producers’ groups in the fruits and vegetables sector– Task 2c approved MARD reports -Sector with increased efficiency -Romanian and EU based on the sector strategy documents on producers -No. of beneficiaries trained groups and aid accessed by -No. of beneficiaries that received them financial aid -Romanian and EU documents on products with geographical indications, designations of origin and certificates of specific character

Results Objectively Verifiable Indicators Sources of Verification Assumptions -Adequate organisation structures and -Efficiency of the organisational -Project reports On-going Government procedures in place for the setting-up structures -MARD reports commitment to fulfilment of post- and operation of Romanian producers -Increased efficiency based on -No. of training events and accession requirements groups in the fruits and vegetables application of improved procedure trained staff sector and administration staff able to manuals -No of recognised producers Stability of structures is apply and control the compliance with -No. of training events and of groups maintained these procedures trained staff -Increased efficieny based The trained staff is maintained -Procedure manuals improved for -Appraisal reports on the developed strategy within the organisation recognition and certification of -No. of recognitions based on the -No. of beneficiaries able to producers groups and administration approved recognition model access EU funds staff trained on the practical -Efficient activities based on -Communication activities enforcement of provisions included in strategy developed feedback these manuals -Awareness level based on -Staff appraisals; -Model plan for recognition of producers communication activities groups elaborated and enforced by -No. of beneficiaries able to administration staff access EU funds -Model Operational Programme elaborated and approved by the national administration for regulation of producers groups organisations -Sector strategy for producers organisations elaborated and approved 10 Support and training on producers’ groups in the fruits and vegetables sector– Task 2c and administration staff trained on the principles of enforcing this strategy -Administration staff trained in the adequate enforcement of procedure manuals -Administration staff informed and trained on methods to access EU funds and able to inform the beneficiaries thereof -Communication activities implemented for the administration staff at national and regional level on EU support for producers groups

Activities Means Assumptions -Provision of support for establishing the A 2006 TWL Contract with a total On-going Government most adequate structure and budget of 150,000 Euro, Phare commitment to fulfilment of post- procedures for the setting-up and budget. Duration: 6 months accession requirements operation of Romanian producers groups in the fruits and vegetables Stability of structures is sector, based on an analysis of the maintained situation and based on an action plan to The trained staff is maintained be implemented; training of within the organisation administration staff in the enforcement and control of the above procedures -Improvement of procedures manuals for recognition and certification of producers groups and training of administration staff on practical enforcement of provisions included in these manuals, based on the train the trainers approach -Elaboration of a model plan for recognition of producers’ groups and training of staff in its application -Elaboration of a model Operational Programme regulating the producers’ 11 Support and training on producers’ groups in the fruits and vegetables sector– Task 2c organisations -Elaboration of a sector strategy in compliance with the European Union rules -Examination and improvement of procedure manuals for recognition and certification of producers groups and organisations -Training the relevant staff members in the MARD and PIAA as regards the efficient implementation of procedure manuals according to the Common Market Organisations principles for this sector and approval of operational programmes in compliance with the sector strategy -Training of staff members within MARD and PIAA on aid provided by EU for producers groups and on methods to access this aid -Organisation and implementation of communication activities targeted towards central and territorial administration on EU support and methods of accessing it.

12 Support and training on producers’ groups in the fruits and vegetables sector– Task 2c

Annex 2 – Detailed implementation chart

Com- 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 ponent J A S O N D J F M A M J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D Q Q Q Q 1 J 1 2 3 4 Task D D I I I I I I R 2c

Annex 3 - Contracting and disbursement schedule, by quarter, for full duration of project (including disbursement period)

31/03 30/06 30/09 31/12 31/03 30/06 30/09 31/12 31/03 30/06 30/09 31/12 31/03 30/06 30/09 31/12 31/03 30/06 30/09 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 Task 2c – “Support and training on producers groups in the fruits and vegetables sector”

Contracte 0 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15

Disbursed 0 0 0.05 0.10 0.15


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