The European R&D Insider

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The European R&D Insider

European Commission N°10 December 2001 Information Society Technologies Programme (IST)

[email protected]

THE EUROPEAN R&D INSIDER A Newsletter on New Methods of Work & e-Commerce

This newsletter intends to enhance access to information on new methods of work and e-commerce issues in the IST programme. However the European Commission accepts no responsibility or liability whatso- ever with regard to its content.

Dear Colleagues and Friends The 6th Framework Programme is making progress in its political jour- ney. As I mentioned in September, Integrated Projects are a keystone new instrument. We have built the work programme such that you can test and develop your ideas for future Integrated Projects. Successfully proposing and setting-up an IP is a great endeavor requiring time, con- tacts, and clear views. Do not miss that opportunity – participate to our Proposers’ days, to the call 8, and during the year 2002 to the various calls for ideas and workshops we will organize. Rosalie Zobel Director New Methods of Work & Electronic Commerce In this Issue  On-going IST activities  Calls  Workprogramme 2002  6th Framework programme  Results  Trust & Confidence  Publications  International Cooperation  Events On-going IST Activities

The Roadmap for the Future  Call 7bis: closes 4 December, 2001.  WP 2002 published  Call 8, the only call of WP 2002, was launched on 16 November 2001, and will close on 21 February 2002.  Call 8 Information Day on December 7, 2001. Visit the KA2-website for further information.  Sixth Framework Programme: 2003 and beyond. Seventh Call for proposals Key Action II issues were addressed by 52 shared-cost R&D, Demonstration and combined proposals, 83 Take-up proposals and 34 proposals for support This newsletter is exclusively sent by e-mail. To subscribe please email at [email protected] To un subscribe please email at [email protected] If you received directly this newsletter, you are on our mailing list and do not need to subscribe. measures, altogether requesting a funding of about 218 M€. The technical evaluation is now complete. A total of 26 proposals have been found techni- cally sound and are selected for further negotiations, with a few more on a re- serve list. Negotiations are starting for most of them. Call 7bis: Additional Call for Proposals: “An Initiative on 2.5-3G Mobile Applications and Services” Still a few days before the closing that takes place on 4 December 2001. For further details, see the Web site:

The year 2002 The Workprogramme 2002 The IST Workprogramme 2002 is now available in all languages. You can download it from

It has three Action Lines for Key Action II that are called under the last IST call for proposals. They aim to:  encourage visionary high risk/long term research in all Key Action II ar- eas;  prepare the ground for future large-scale RTD activities under the next Framework Programme (FP6) by bringing together key actors to develop consensus on RTD challenges, their roadmaps, constituencies and imple- mentation models;  support activities to progress the eEurope and eEurope+ initiatives in ar- eas related to Key Action II. The last call (8th) has been launched on 16 November 2001, and will close on 21 February 2002 See the call information on

A Proposers Day to prepare for this call takes place on Friday December 7, from 9 to 16.30, Brussels, Charlemagne building, room S3. (initially planned for November 20)

For pre-registration, email: mary.vitsa@cec,eu,int. Please provide your full address and indicate which afternoon session you are interested in. Detailed agenda available on:

IST2001 Conference, Düsseldorf, December 3-5, 2001 In this annual IST conference, our Directorate C is strongly involved in the following sessions:  Enabling trust: meeting new security challenges (December 4, 9:00)  e-finance: the quiet revolution (December 4, 11:00)  Small businesses: thriving on IT (December 4, 11:00)  Mobile killer applications including: e-learning, m-commerce, tourism/leisure (December 4, 14:00)  EU-US collaboration on dependability for the Information Society (December 4, 14:00)  Innovate now, (December 5, 9:00)  Improving competitiveness in traditional industries (December 5, 11:00) You are all are welcome to attend! Further information on the conference Web site

Sixth Framework Programme

2 The 6th Framework Programme must be decided by co-decision of the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers. This involves two rounds of consideration and amendment of the Commission's proposal, the first of which will be completed on 10th December 2001. The European Parliament completed its first reading on the Commission's proposal on 14th November 2001, adopting the Caudron report with a comfortable majority (412 in fa- vour, 57 against, 53 abstentions). The Commission has also now modified its proposal to reflect most of the Parliaments amendments in COM (2001) 709, 22/11/01 (this proposal is accessible on the Europa Web site at The Council of re- search Ministers will meet on 10th December to consider this modified pro- posal in the light of the advise from the Committee on Research, Science and Technology (CREST) on the scientific content, and the Council's Research Group on the structure and modalities of implementation.

 On the structure of the seven priorities, the Commission accepts the Parliament amendment to articulation of priority 1 in two sections, one centred on genomics and its applications for health, the other one on the major diseases; the articulation of priority 6 in three sec- tions, covering energy systems, surface transport and global change and ecosystems, respectively.  On the scope of the priority areas, the Commission has adjusted some of the headings in order to better reflect the content; but main- tains electronic networks under “infrastructures”, in order to pre- serve the multi-disciplinary character of their applications. On the scientific and technical content, the Commission has accepted sev- eral of the additions and clarifications requested, while maintaining the overall thrust of each priority;  On the modalities for implementation, the Commission has accepted the need for a smooth transition from the "current" to "new" instru- ments, and the introduction of a fourth modality in the form of "spe- cific targeted projects" and "networking of research activities", which will be used degressively alongside a progressive increase in the use of "Integrated projects" and "Networks of excellence". Results

Knowledge Management for Competitive Advantage in the Digital Eco- nomy, Athens, October 23rd 2001

This conference was organised under the auspices of EISA the European IT Services Association and Knowledge Management Initiative (KMI), within the framework of the IST project LEVER ( More than 200 participants from industry and service exchanged views with the speak- ers about “KM Made in Europe” and discussed hot topics such as the pos- sible contradiction between standardisation and creativity or on the applicab- ility of complex systems theory to KM processes. Speakers presentations are on the conference web site:

The Esprit project ECOS (EP27111) proposes an Open Reference Archi- tecture for e-Business Interoperability, that has been fully implemented and is being tested by industrial users from the furniture sector. The ECOS Reference Architecture elements are under publication on the project web site:

The ECOS project was launched in 1998, as an initiative of the funStep Inter- est Group. The funStep-IG is a non-for-profit organization devoted to the de- velopment and promotion of information standards in the furniture sector. It is present in over 20 countries, and has over 150 members (3/4 of them user representatives). Some of the funStep-IG activities are partially funded by the IST project COFURN.

3 Trust & Confidence

There is no surprise that September 11 has brought upon us the importance or the lack of it on network and information security. You will notice the policy priorities in this area reflected in the Work Programme 2002. In this respect, the challenges for the future in Network and Information Security are many, and we hope they would be addressed through proposals under Call 8, and also through the forthcoming Framework Programme VI.

A number of, non-exclusive, technology development areas considered as important are identified, and we list them below. These topics could also be themes for future Integrated Projects (IP) or Network of Excellence (NoE) under the Framework VI programme, or for building road-maps under Call 8 for proposals. You may wish to discuss the topics with a Commission offi- cial, by sending an e-mail to the contact for the particular topic.

Information and network

security ent Pr aym ivac e-p y/Id re re enti ecu ctu ty S stru De fra pen e in s dab cur sset ility Se al a Information igit P2P re d /Grid ecu infrastructure S t en Sm sm a ses rt as B C ity io ar cur m ds Se tion et ryp ric Enc Interconnected s networks + services

Potential IPs and NoEs (non-exclusive list)

Secure e-payment [email protected]; Philippe.Lefeb- [email protected]:  Widely accepted secure electronic payment, incl. cross country

Dependability in Information Society [email protected]  To build robust foundation for IS through multidisciplinary sys- tem-level approaches, architecture & technologies on dependable, survivable and evolvable systems and infrastructures.

Managing Identity in Information Society [email protected]  To empower users to exercise their privileges and rights knowingly managing their identification data , safeguarding the fundamental right of privacy, protecting against any intrusion in private life, and increasing confidence in the Information Society

Grid and P2P [email protected]  Solve complex problems in science, industry and business; enable scalable virtual organizations. Current EU funded grid projects are strongly big-science oriented with rather short-term goals; new IPs would foster true co-operative and competitive industrial-strength Grid-framework (collaboration with Japan and US).

Securing the evolving infrastructure [email protected]

4  To develop new security models, architectures & technologies for trustworthy interactions with evolving and mobile information infra- structures.

Securing Digital Assets [email protected]  Securing the use of digital assets (multimedia content, software, platform, video stream, applets,…) on mobile, evolving and hetero- geneous networks, including the interoperability across sectors and the non discontinuity  Securing e-Commerce of Content

Smart Cards [email protected]  More powerful, secure, environmental-friendly, low consumption chips and very cheap tags + mass deployment

Biometrics [email protected]  Biometrics for everyone (no discrimination) with enhanced security solutions and an increased trust in biometrics  Improve interoperability, harmonization, including database collec- tion, and independent test centers and EU efforts co-ordination

Security Assessment [email protected]  Common security metric from components to entire systems

Encryption [email protected]  Secure Information, data and communication, reduce cyber-crime Background Information: Proposals for Best Practice Actions addressing eEurope and eEurope+ objectives are invited under Call 8 (Action Line II.1.3- Network and Information Security). A specific background document is available at: You can also con- tact : [email protected]. Key Action II Publications

KA II Activity Report The 2001 edition is printed. You can order a paper copy by email to: [email protected]. Mailing will be done in December. The download version will be soon available on our site. eWork 2001 The status report on new ways to work in the knowledge economy is pub- lished on our Web page. See f.htm. eMobility in the Knowledge Economy

The report of the conference held in Göteborg in June 2001 is available on our Web site

International Co-operation

Asia@IT&C Programme

From 1st January 2002, the contact point is: Massimiliano Dragoni, Euro- peAid Co-operation Office, B-1049 Brussels, Tel:, Fax:

5 The guidelines for application for proposals for co-operative projects be- tween Europe and Asia are available at:

CEeB Project

The objective of the CEeB project is to inform Eastern Europeans to find partners and help them to participate in IST KA II projects. For this purpose CEeB organizes four workshops for Newly Associated States partners to enter in the 8th IST call.

11.12.2001 Brokerage events in Prague 17.1.2002 Workshop in Krakow

For more details and registration please see the Web site http://www.u- Events

3rd eEurope Smart Cards Open Meeting, 11-12 December 2001, ETSI, Sophia Antipolis, France

This is a public meeting, which will report on mid-term progress, and provide opportunity for feedback and inputs on the implementation of the eEurope Smart Card Charter. The meeting is open to all and is especially relevant to citizens, managers, technologists and, other decision-makers in industry, business, e-government and consumer organizations.

ICE 2002 - Call for Papers and Contributions:

The 8th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising "Ubiquitous Engineering in the Collaborative Economy" takes place in Rome, Italy, June 17 - 19, 2002. This conference will help reviewing the structure and behavi- or of Concurrent Enterprising and witness how mobile technologies and the new business environment change the engineering work practices. The Or- ganising Committee invites high quality papers on these topics.

See for more information

Virtual Business Europe 2002, 6th-8th February 2002 - Brussels Exhibition Centre

Following the huge success of our KM Europe conference and exhibition series, we are delighted to announce the first pan European conference and exhibition dedicated entirely to intranets, extranets and portal technology, the Virtual Business Europe 2002 Conference and Exhibition, which is being supported by the Smart Organisations area of the IST programme.

Highlights include:

 A two-day conference featuring speakers from Siemens, Cable & Wireless, Yahoo!, Motorola, Factiva, Gillette, AIB, Mobistar, Inter- brew Belgium, Scottish Power; and keynote by Rory Staunton of Strategy Partners International.  A three-day exhibition with live, informative presentations from leading suppliers  An interactive café and state of the art education and learning zone for maximum networking  Over 2,500 European middle and senior level visitors

6 More than 50 exhibitors will shape Virtual Business Europe 2002 into the leading European event for web based solutions and technology which to- gether with the high profile conference Virtual Business Europe, will attract the most highly respected practitioners in the virtual sector in Europe. A se- lection of projects from the area of Smart Organisations will be exhibiting at the event. To register or find more, visit

The Stockholm Partnerships Event, June 5 - 8, 2002: Invitation to Show- case Urban Sustainable Solutions

The Stockholm "Partnerships for Sustainable Cities" extends a world wide invitation to other cities, national and international corporations and organisa- tions, and all other stakeholders to submit examples of best practice in urban sustainable solutions for display at the exhibition. A total of 50 projects will be selected for inclusion in the exhibition and a virtual exhibition to be shown on the Internet. These projects will form the basis for the conference agenda. The project submission deadline is Thursday 6 December 2001. For more information see:

The Stockholm "Partnerships for Sustainable Cities" is a networking and awards programme for pioneering sustainability projects worldwide. It is a way of building networks between entrepreneurs who will benefit from con- tacts across borders, cultures and economies. The Stockholm Partnerships focuses on the positive effects of modern technology, and demonstrates exist- ing solutions for urban sustainability for all to be inspired from. Mentioned in Previous Newsletters

ECLIP workshops: Implementation of the eCommerce Directive : Lia- bility and Contract Law : Namur 6-7 December 2001

EU-China Co-operation Forum on Information Society, Beijing, April 16-20, 2002

3rd IFIP Working Conference on Infrastructures for Virtual Entrepris- es, Algarve, Portugal, 1-3 May 2002:


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