GANHRI Strategy and Strategic Plan 2017-201

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GANHRI Strategy and Strategic Plan 2017-201

GANHRI – Strategy 2017-2019 Second Draft / 30.01.2017

GANHRI – Strategy and Strategic Plan 2017-201 (to be tabled at the March 2017 GANHRI Bureau and General Meetings, for final adoption)

1. The primary aim of GANHRIs Strategic Plan is to increase the visibility of GANHRI and its members‘ impact at the international and regional levels. GANHRI’s first Strategic Plan is developed in a new phase for GANHRI (NHRI-collaboration / networking). The name change offers new opportunities for the international network for communication and a renewed common understanding of its relevance. At the same time GANHRI has received external funding which will allow it to increase the number of staff working for the alliance. This will assist in implementing the elements of the Strategic Plan and allow for a better follow-up.

What are the key considerations and challenges that should be addressed by the new Strategic Plan? Most of them have already been discussed in the context of the communication project and knowledge management needs assessment, which was developed during 2015 (see below). These include: o Bringing the richness of experiences from NHRIs to the international level NHRIs have a wealth of diverse experiences at the domestic level, which GANHRI struggles to showcase at the international level. This leads to GANHRI often being unable to share, and make use of, the expertise of its members internationally. Therefore, one of the core ideas is to find new ways in which more NHRIs can contribute to the debates at the UN level thereby providing opportunities to make the richness of NHRI experiences more visible. Also, GANHRI can showcase the competence and work of its members through hosting events at international level so as to ensure greater general awareness at international level about the work of NHRIs and the important role that they can play in contributing towards the promotion and protection of human rights. The current format of the annual general meeting that is held in March in Geneva does not make maximum use of this potential because

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it is largely an internal event. Going forward, consideration should be given to changing the current format and creating a program that in part includes participation by the broader human rights community and other stakeholders, thereby documenting and creating awareness of the work that is carried out by NHRIs at both the national and regional levels. GANHRI will do this strengthening process in close cooperation and collaboration with the regions. Most of GANHRIs work related to the exchange of experience, of common learning etc. is organized by the regions. They should also be strengthened in the further development of the alliance. GANHRI will try to collect best practices from the work of NHRIs every year in front of the General Meeting and use space of the General Meeting also to present such good experiences.

o Increased international visibility of GANHRI and its members supports national work and contributes towards the protection of NHRIs at domestic level A more visible and recognized role of GANHRI and/ through its members at the international level will assist NHRIs at domestic level as it will increase national recognition and thereby the respect that should be given to them in view of their unique independent status. Increased visibility will therefore simultaneously support the work of all GANHRI members.

o Advocating and promoting common GANHRI human rights positions and the relevance of NHRIs at the international level Moving forward issues of to GANHRI and the relevance of NHRIs (in international fora) Currently, GANHRI takes advantage of the opportunities that are presented in the Human Rights Council, in bodies of the General Assembly, and in other UN fora through written statements and / or oral contributions. However, going forward, one of the core ideas of the Strategic Plan is to more systematically identify common issues and to enhance GANHRI´s role as collective NHRI voice at the international level. In order to do this, the GANHRI membership will need to identify and ensure consensus on a common human rights agenda to be promoted at the international level. This may also include GANHRI members raising common concerns at the international level. Continue to provide support to NHRI effective engagement at an international level in both Geneva and New York, and other relevant processes.

o Learning from each other’s experiences from the national level (knowledge management)- collet and distribute experience between members The implementation of the recommendations emanating from the knowledge management needs assessments (KMNA) will assist in increasing and improving knowledge sharing between NHRIs: by learning about each other’s successful methods of intervention common knowledge among GANHRI members is creating.

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 All of the above points can be condensed into a core objective, namely the need to clarify and properly understand why NHRIs cooperate at the international level and to identify those areas where collective action can be intensified and where current cooperation need to be continued.

 Going forward, it is proposed that the days of the General Meeting in Geneva are used in a more focused way. The first day would remain devoted to the Bureau meeting and meetings of the regional networks. Half of the second day could be used for the annual general meeting addressing the internal business and functioning of GANHRI. The second half of that day could be used for NHRIs to share and exchange experiences, working methodologies and the outcomes thereof. The final day could include an event with participation by the broader human rights community in which there are topical presentations around one theme that showcase the experiences and successful outcomes of members work conducted at the national level. In addition, GANHRI can communicate its collective position that it advocates for in respect of the theme to a broad international audience. The KMNA report has made concrete recommendations aimed at improving the General Meetings and maximizing them as an opportunity to exchange the work of NHRIs.

2. The process, content and results of the last Strategic Plan of the ICC 2014-2016. o Process: The last Strategic Plan of the ICC was developed in 2012 and 2013 under the leadership of the ICC Chair from APF in 2012, Dr. Moussa Burayzat, and from 2013 under the leadership of the then new ICC Chair from NANHRI, Adv. Adv Lawrence Mabendle Mushwana. The plan covered the period from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2016. The process followed the steps set out in a detailed process document. The process started with a situational analysis both for the external and internal environments and included a survey sent to all members.

Content: The Strategic Plan outlined four strategic goals with the following expected outcomes / results: o Enhance engagement with the United Nations and regional mechanisms . The expected outcomes laid down in the Strategic Plan were: greater visibility, awareness about, and understanding of the role of NHRIs; more effective, focused, and coordinated engagement by the ICC with international and regional mechanisms, resulting in the ICC being more responsive to the needs of ICC members. o Build partnerships and engage external stakeholders . The expected outcomes were: the needs and priorities of ICC members were more effectively integrated into ICC work through more effective engagement with the regional coordinating committees; and the ICC facilitated greater regional coordination resulting in enhanced cooperation between the ICC and the regional coordinating committees. o Maintain and strengthen ICC accreditation process

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. The expected outcomes were: NHRIs are supported in the accreditation process resulting in the process becoming more transparent; and SCA recommendations are follow up and monitored.

o Develop a sustainable and well managed ICC . The expected outcomes mentioned were: increasing the financial sustainability of the ICC that allowed for adequate human resources to achieve the strategic goals; have a good internal governance framework with policies that govern management, administration, finances, human resources; and, membership is increased and maintained. Results: o Many points relate still very much to the particular concern which are raised on the first page of this paper and the issues or core objectives remain relevant on the agenda. The implementation of the Strategic Plan during the last three years has improved many issues relating to internal governance. GANHRI has new good tools for understanding our common interests and ways of learning from each other and for furthering cooperation amongst members (e.g. the knowledge management needs assessment). o A careful evaluation of the achievements and shortcomings during the past three years of implementation of the strategic plan was done in the period leading up to end of October 2016, at the time of the GANHRI Bureau meeting in Berlin.

3. Developments Two essential documents have been developed with a number of proposals on how to increase or improve the cooperation among NHRIs. These documents refer to many of the different objectives from the last strategy, and implementation is just beginning. These two documents are: o Knowledge Management Needs Assessment (January 2016) o Communications Project work/ outcomes presented in Mérida, October 2015 and the related follow up recommendations “Defining and implementing a communication strategy for GANHRI” (February 2016)

The three pillars for the structure of the GANHRI Strategic Plan 2017-19 set out in point 4 beneath seek to take up and implement most of the recommendations from the KMNA and the Communication Project.

4. Structure of the strategy document It is proposed that the new GANHRI Strategic Plan will be built on three pillars. These are:

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A. Thematic Issues - the first pillar will contain content issues that shall be taken up by GANHRI in order to better present the richness and diversity of the national work done by NHRIs and, at the same time, influence human rights debates at regional and international fora. The issues identified are a collection of those that are already in the UNGA NHRI Resolution (A/70/163) of December 2015 and those on which a GANHRI Working Group has been established. New issues have already been identified during the GANHRI Annual Conference in March 2016, such as “shrinking space”, violent extremism, peace and security, as well as the refugee situation, and NHRIs in conflict and post conflict situations. For the next three-years period we have incorporate these issues into the list of content issues to be followed up. Core idea is that GAHNRI does not develop own content related activities, but coordinates that the existing national and regional work of network members is becoming known at the international level and relevant initiatives are taken for coordinated and common promotion of recommendations and demands. B. Knowledge Management - the second pillar addresses issues that relate to internal and external communications, knowledge management, information exchanges and peer-to-peer learning. It implements a number of recommendations flowing from the Knowledge Management Needs Assessment and Communications Project. C. Institutional Development - the third pillar summarizes the objectives that are linked to the functioning of GANHRI, most importantly the accreditation process and the ongoing need for further institutional development.

5. Process to develop GANHRI’s Strategy 2017-2019 going forward1 Step 1: A first draft outline (zero draft) was prepared by the Chair’s Office in advance of the Tripartite UNDP/ OHCHR / GANHRI Partnership Meeting in New York in June 2016. The meetings surrounding the Tripartite Meeting and the Tripartite Meeting itself provided opportunities for discussions of a first outline. After the Tripartite Meeting the regions were invited to send their further ideas and comments to the Chair’s Office by 15 August 2016. The GANHRI meetings on strategic planning and the Tripartite Meeting were used to carry out an internal and external environment situational analysis of GANHRI. The starting point was a discussion of the external situational analysis of the last Strategic Plan. The discussion in New York focused on identifying changes in the situational context both externally and internally during the past three years. This exercise was useful to assist when drafting an introductory chapter to the new Strategic Plan which describes recent external and internal achievements and challenges.

Step 2: The Chair’s Office prepared a first draft of the Strategic Plan 2017-2019 by 31 August 2016. After translation it was sent to all regions for discussion and comment. GANHRI members were supposed to send their comments to the Chair’s Office directly

1 . While the second draft is prepared in January 2017 and the process come to an end, the steps are maintained in the draft - for time being – in order to document the process.

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and to their regions until 30 September. Also Regional Networks were supposed to brief their GANHRI Bureau members about comments, amendments etc.

Step 3: The October 2016 session of the GANHRI Bureau Meeting began with an evaluation of the implementation of the previous ICC Strategic Plan. The evaluation assisted in identifying what has been implemented, what has not been implemented, and what still requires implementation and therefore inclusion in the new Strategic Plan. Included in this evaluation there was an exercise to identify the underlying reasons for why certain objectives and actions were not implemented so to assist in guiding the implementation of the objectives.

In addition, the Bureau meeting provided an opportunity to further discuss and agree on the new Strategic Plan. After the Bureau meeting by 31 October 2016, the members would have had time until 31 December 2016 to provide further input. This draft would also be circulated for comments to GANHRI’s strategic partners, namely OHCHR and UNDP. Eight members sent their comments by the end of year (Burkina Faso, Colombia, Denmark, Egypt, Nicaragua, Qatar, South Africa and Wales).

Step 4 / 2017: In the course of January 2017, the GANHRI Chair finalizes the new Strategic Plan (Second Draft). A smaller drafting group will discuss it in January/early February. The composition of this group is proposed as follows: Regional coordinators, GANHRI Chair, GANHRI Secretary, GANHRI’s Representatives (Geneva and Special Envoys). If time turns to be too short, the drafting group will at least receive a second draft end of January/beginning of February, in English in order to allow for a careful read before the General Meeting in March 2017.

The second draft will be translated after January and distributed to all GANHRI members before the General Meeting.

Step 5 / 2017: Based on the Strategic Plan, an implementation plan for 2017 should be developed before the General Meeting. This shall also be the moment to describe the “theory of change” behind the strategic plan. Core elements of that theory are presented on the first two pages of this strategy document.

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Pillar I: Issue / Thematic area – Focus on GANHRI’s inputs 2017-2019 A discussion on the activities is required in order to clarify and identify the role of GANHRI versus the role of the Regional Networks. Moreover, it shall be discussed in 2017, how members’ capacity can be strengthened in relation to these core thematic areas. Our motto shall be: We are not adding another voice to thematic debates but we are adding the special voice of NHRIs.

Issues / Objectives (numbering Activities Expected Outputs / Outcomes does not reflect / sets priorities) Key results Core objective

Issues related to Sustainable Development

1. Sustainable Development Goals -  Issue of “shrinking space” is taken up at the  One Knowledge Management product per year SDGs HLPF (regular report to countries present at related to those countries, which are monitored HLPF) at the HLPF and have NHRIs On SDGs there is a formalized  Knowledge management and communication of  Knowledge is shared and communicated with WG and all thematic work GANHRI members SDG Implementation and GANHRI members on how NHRIs can ensure should monitoring work at the national level to inform that national processes are rights based be coordinated with the WG GANHRI inputs at the international level

 Follow-up to Mérida Declaration 2. Business and Human Rights  Active role and participation by GANHRI in the UN  GANHRI has raised accountability issues from Forum on Business and Human Rights the perspective of NHRIs to business in the On B+HR there is a treaty process formalized  Knowledge is collated and communicated about WG and all thematic work the role of NHRIs in the follow-up to the UN  NHRIs have played and are playing a role in should Guiding Principles for Business and Human the development of National Action Plans be coordinated with the WG Rights (B+HR) and in the monitoring of these plans

 Proposals for the development of the nexus state  Inter alia: Contribute and insist as GANHRI in business the development of meaningful standards for multilateral development banks  Follow up to Edinburgh Declaration

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Issues related to specific groups / persons

3. Gender  Coordination at a global level of common gender  Participation rights of NHRIs in the CSW human rights issues that NHRIs regard as priority process are strengthened and defended issues that should be placed on the UN Agenda and be given priority

 Active role and participation by GANHRI in CSW  Regular presence is realized at CSW processes processes

 Follow-up to the Amman Declaration

4. Rights of older persons  Active role and participation by GANHRI in the UN  NHRI support for a Convention is known and Open-ended Working Group on Ageing process well founded On Aging there is a formalized  Collate and share knowledge at a global level on  NHRIs experiences contribute towards the new WG and all thematic work NHRI national processes that identify issues that Conventions agenda and the final text should should be dealt with by a convention be coordinated with the WG 5. CRPD Monitoring functions of  Organize regular exchanges between NHRIs on  GANHRI shares experiences, best practices NHRIs – Persons with Disability their monitoring roles as a National Monitoring and challenges in carrying out CRPD Mechanism under the CRPD monitoring at the international level and makes recommendations and proposals to the Treaty  The CRPD-Guidelines have been adopted and Body, sharing them with a wide audience of the use shall be promoted and supported stakeholders.

 The CRPD-Guidelines will be introduced to  For the CRPD context, GANRHI has delivered GANHRI members and their use will be promoted good practice

 Development of indicators for national monitoring  The body of experience has been growning of CRPD and allows to hold substantive deliberations on extending the rules to other fields of application

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Issues related to governance and peace and security

6. NHRIs in conflict and post-conflict  Place the issue of NHRIs in conflict situations on  Awareness is raised at the global level about situations the agenda of the Human Rights Council as well opportunities for NHRIs to promote and protect as respective bodies in New York (incl. Security human rights in conflict countries and about Council) the potential risks for NHRIs in working under conflict conditions  Follow-up on the Kyiv-Declaration

7. Refugees, international migration,  Coordinate the knowledge management and  Knowledge Management and communication rights of persons on the move, communication of the national monitoring work of of the monitoring work of NHRIs concerning migrants, displaced persons NHRIs refugee situation is coordinated at the global level and known to GANHRI members and  Organizing an exchange of experiences of NHRIs other relevant stakeholders on using international instruments to promote and protect the rights of refugees  The issue of human right of people on the move is placed on the international agenda  Collate information from NHRIs in this area of and strongly supported by NHRIs work and identify and share common experiences, achievements and challenges  Cooperation has started. Own project support has been found  Explore possibilities for cooperation between NHRI in countries of origin, transit and destination

8. Shrinking democratic space  Place the issue of a ‘shrinking democratic / civil  An annual report on shrinking space for civil society space on the UN SDG Agenda society and NHRIs is published on the occasion of the HLPF for Sustainable  Collaboration with relevant UN mechanisms: Development Special Rapporteurs on the issue (documentation of national experiences), treaty bodies  Coordination to ensure that documentation and information related to the issue is incorporated  Collaboration with civil society and human rights in NHRI inputs to UPR and Special defenders Rapporteurs

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Pillar II: Knowledge Management

Methodology / Activities (to be further detailed) Expected Output / Outcome Core Objectives Key results

1. Implementation of the Knowledge  Follow-up workshops conducted by GANHRI in all  NHRIs in all regions are fully appraised of Management Needs Assessment regions GANHRI’s KMNA and begin to implement the recommendations applicable recommendations  Information-sharing platforms set up by the Geneva Office  The technical infrastructure is set up to follow- up all recommendations  Annual activity report submitted to GANHRI Bureau

2. Methodological exchange at the  Day of exchange of working methods (in March  Working methods tool developed international level 2017) is organized and results will be used in future activities  NHRIs see the benefit of sharing more actively results from their work, methods of undertaking  Regional general assemblies will be used to activities etc. discuss methodological issues and information sharing  A culture of sharing and learning among NHRIs is established, particularly in the regions but also internationally

3. Human Rights education work of  Organizing exchange activities among NHRIs  A lessons learned and best practice platform is NHRIs (internationally and regionally) created

 GANHRI has formats developed for an effective exchange of experiences in human rights training and education

 Speaking with one (GANHRI) voice - reaching coherence in human rights education and training 4. Exchange about function of  Organize exchange meetings at the regional and  A common understanding about the monitoring NHRIs (incl. monitoring role) international levels function of NHRIs is developed and shared

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among the GANHRI members

5. Communication  Web designer company is chosen  New website is created

 Web strategy is developed  GANHRI repositions itself as a well-organized global network  Intranet is built up in order to allow an exchange of material, research results, tools etc.  Intranet is established and allows all functionalities recommended in the knowledge  Information and assistance in implementing the management needs assessment recommendations from the CD + CI process  Logo and new design rules are implemented at  Strengthen internal communication flows, international, regional and national levels including with and from Bureau, WG and regions  Annual report is published  Strengthen external communication with key stakeholders and develop a communication strategy in that respect

 An annual report should be produced

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Pillar III: Institutional Development - Objectives

Institutional Development – Activities (to be further detailed) Expected Output / Outcome Core Objectives Key results

1. SCA  Implementation of outcomes of Accreditation  Strengthened GANHRI Statute and SCA Rules Roundtable with respect to SCA of Procedure

 Development of training materials for new SCA  OHCHR-GANHRI working relationship members strengthened through ensuring sustainability through the documentation of the formal  Conduct workshop with SCA members and follow working relationship. up where new members are elected.  Support for an effective and functioning SCA-  Development of internal GANHRI-OHCHR process is provided to all NHRIs accreditation process manual  Develop Good Practice Manual on de facto  Host an annual (or biannual) accreditation independence of NHRIs workshop with NHRIs on the fringes of AGM in March  Strengthened partnership between GANHRI and OHCHR in which accreditation process is  SCA to conduct study tour of NHRIs accepted by key stakeholders as above scrutiny  Assists members in following up on SCA recommendation

 Findings are communicated transparent, also those negative for certain NHRIs

 Joint GANHRI-OHCHR Project to address SCA capacity challenges (workload, translation etc. …)

2. NHRI participation rights  Develop an action plan to follow up with the  Participation rights are demanded and space implementation of the 2015 GANHRI resolution offered are used in all four areas (follow up of (close link to pillar I – thematic with respect to the 2015 GANHRI resolution) work) o CSW

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o SDG HLPF o CRPD o OEWG Older Persons

 And to include a strategy to advocate for the  The NHRI resolutions in Geneva and New extension of participation to other bodies/fora York are followed up by the GANHRI Chair

 Supporting NHRIs in using the UN-Human rights  The service function to NHRIs is enhanced systems  3. IT infrastructure  Identifying an IT expert to guide the development  GANHRI’s new IT structure is developed of IT infrastructure (including server, common data room)

 Purchasing equipment  Formats for communications, document sharing and online learning are developed  Technical solutions for internal and external communications are developed and implemented  A good IT infrastructure (Web etc.) will facilitate the Communication work (Pillar 2)

4. GANHRI Governance (incl. Head  New office in Geneva is set up  Office space is identified, staff employed, Office ) infrastructure is functioning  Clarifying roles of the different GANHRI functions (Chair, Secretary, Regional Chairs, Regional  Role clarity among the different entities of Coordinators and GANHRI staff.) GANHRI has been achieved

 Development of a functioning finance and  Finance and administration unit is set up and is administration unit functional optimally

 Project management capacity needs to be further  The GANHRI Head Office is capable of developed running acquired projects

 Clarifying roles and relationship with OHCHR  GANHRI is recognized new status as international organization, or similar  Exploring possibilities of modifying GANHRI status (international organization, or similar)

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5. Finance and Fundraising  Develop the planned joint project under the  Project is submitted Tripartite partnership with UNDP and OHCHR  Strategy exists  Develop a longer fundraising strategy


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