Signs and Symptoms of a Concussion & the Potential Problems They May Pose to the Student

Sign/Symptom Potential Implications in School Headache Most common symptom reported in concussions Frequent breaks Can distract the student from concentration Identifying aggravators & reducing exposure Can vary throughout the day and may be triggered by Rest, planned or prn various exposures such as fluorescent lighting loud noises and focusing on tasks Dizziness/lightheadedness May be an indication of injury to vestibular system Allow student to put their head down May make standing quickly or walking in crowded Early dismissal from class environment challenging Extra time to go between classes & avoid crowded halls Often provoked by visual stimulus (rapid movements, videos, etc) Visual symptoms: light Troubles with various aspects of the school building sensitivity, double vision, Slide presentations Reduce computer/electronic exposure blurry vision Movies Reduce screen brightness Smart boards Allow student to wear hat or sunglasses Computers Consider audiotapes of book Handheld computers (tablets) Reduce fluorescent lights Artificial lighting Sit nearer to center of activity Difficulty reading and copying Patch 1 eye or glasses, if worn Difficulty paying attention to visual tasks Noise sensitivity Troubles with various aspects of the school building Lunchroom Allow student to eat in quiet area Shop classes Limit noisy classes Music classes (band/choir) Avoid gyms & organized sports practice/games Physical education classes Consider ear plugs Hallways Early dismissal between classes Organized sports practices Difficulty concentrating or Challenges learning new tasks and comprehending new When possible avoid testing or major project completion remembering materials Extra time to complete non-standardized tests Difficulty with recalling and applying previously learned Postpone standardized testing material Consider 1 test/day during exam periods Lack of focus in the classroom Consider preprinted notes, scribe, or reader Troubles with test taking Troubles with standardized testing Reduced ability for drivers ed class Sleep disturbances Excessive fatigue can hamper memory for new or past Allow for late start or shortened school day learning or ability to attend and focus Allow rest breaks Insufficient sleep can lead to tardiness or excessive absences Difficulty getting to sleep or frequent waking at night may lead to sleeping in class Excessive napping due to fatigue may lead to further disruptions of the sleep cycle

American Academy of Pediatrics. Returning to Learning Following a Concussion. M Halstead, K. McAvoy, C. Devore, R. Carl, M. Lee, K. Logan, and Councel on sports Medicine and Fitness, and Council on School Health.. Pediatrics; Oct 27 2013.