Final Programme

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Final Programme

Final Programme

29th – 31st May 2006

Hyatt Regency Cologne Kennedy-Ufer 2a 50679 Cologne, Germany Tel: +49 221 828 1234 Fax: +49 221 828 1370 E-mail: [email protected]

Organised by OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)

In co-operation with: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO)

Hosted by Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) mbH

In co-operation with:

D:\Docs\2017-12-28\01b6672be3f534c4d2e7cf92f496da9c.doc Vereinigung der Grosskraftwerksbetreiber

2 D:\Docs\2017-12-28\01b6672be3f534c4d2e7cf92f496da9c.doc Conference Co – Chairs:



Monday, 29th May 2006

REGISTRATION (08H00 – 09H00)


Chair - Jukka Laaksonen, Chairman CNRA and Director-General, STUK, Finland

Welcoming Remarks

Lothar Hahn, Chairman CSNI and Technical and Scientific Director, GRS, Germany

Wolfgang Renneberg, Director General for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection, Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Germany

Luis Echávarri, Director-General, OECD/NEA

Tomihiro Taniguchi, Deputy Director-General and Head of Department of Nuclear Safety and Security, IAEA

Karl A. Theis, Executive Managing Director, VGB PowerTech e.V., Germany

Coffee Break (10H30 - 11H00)


Commissioner Peter B. Lyons, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission

3 D:\Docs\2017-12-28\01b6672be3f534c4d2e7cf92f496da9c.doc SETTING THE SCENE (12H00 – 13H00)

Current Challenges and Needs in Using Operational Experience

Lucas Mampaey, Managing Director, WANO Co-ordinating Centre - Utilities Viewpoint

Thomas Murley, Former Director NRC Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Unites States - Regulators Viewpoint

Lunch (13H00 - 14H30)

SESSION 1 (14H30 – 17H30)

Operational Experience Feedback: Actual Experiences

Chair: Thomas Murley, Former Director NRC Nuclear Reactor Regulation, United States

Jean Jacques Van Binnebeek, Director-General, Association Vinçotte Nuclear (AVN), Belgium - The Use of Operating Experience by AVN

Michio Ishikawa, President, Japan Nuclear Technology Institute (JANTI) – Japanese Developments in the Use of Operating Experience

Barry Allen, Director-Site Operations, Davis Besse Nuclear Power Station, FirstEnergy Company – Lessons Learned from Davis Besse

Coffee Break (16H00 – 16H30)

Panel – Good Practices Using Operational Experience

Panellists: Jean Jacques Van Binnebeek, AVN, Belgium, Michio Ishikawa, JANTI, Japana, Barry Allen, FirstEnergy, US,A and Lucas Mampaey, WANO

Dinner Reception (19H00)

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Session 2 (09H00 – 13H00)

Operational Experience and Closing the Feedback Loop

Chair – Rudolf Wieland, Managing Director TÜV NORD SysTec GmbH & Co. KG., Ger- many

Paul de Jong, Managing Director URENCO, The Netherlands - Closing the feedback loop, in the end it is a people thing!

Min-Chull Kim, KINS, Korea - Operating Experience Feedback Process in Korea - fo- cusing on the OE and closing the feedback loop

Luis Yagüe, Asco-Vandellos II, Spain - Action Plan to improve systems and organiza- tional performance as a result of the essential service water incident in Vandellos II NPP

Coffee Break (10H30 – 11H00)

Fabrice Candia, DGSNR, France - Organisation of the operating experience and incid- ent analysis by the French Safety Autority (ASN)

Didier Wattrelos, IRSN, France - Assessment of Events in France

Juergen Czech, Juergen Wirkner, Areva, Germany - How Operating Experience is Used in the Design of EPR

Panel Session: Improving Corrective Action Programmes

Panellists: Laurent Foucher, DGSNR, France; Paul de Jong, URENCO, The Nether- lands; Juergen Wirkner, Areva, Germany, Timo Eurasto, STUK, Finland

Lunch (13H00 – 14H30)

5 D:\Docs\2017-12-28\01b6672be3f534c4d2e7cf92f496da9c.doc Session 3 (14H30 – 17H30)

Tools Used in Evaluating Operational Experience

Chair – Ulrich Schmocker, Director-General, HSK, Switzerland

Mary Jane Ross-Lee, NRC, United States - Tools used to collect, screen and analyse operational experience data.

Pieter de Gelder, AVN, Belgium - The relationship between risk analysis and event analysis - PSA Event Analysis Methodology

Wolfgang Preischl, GRS, Germany - Human and organisational factors including meth- ods developed to assist in operational decision making

Coffee Break (16H00 – 16H30)

Paloma Sendin, CSN, Spain - Tools used in Evaluating Operating Experience

Panel Session: Are the present tools sufficient and if not what more is needed?

Panellists: Paloma Sendín, CSN Commissioner; Mary Jane Ross-Lee, NRC, United States, Pieter de Gelder, AVN, Belgium, Wolfgang Preischl, GRS, Germany; David Gibson, UKAEA, United Kingdom

6 D:\Docs\2017-12-28\01b6672be3f534c4d2e7cf92f496da9c.doc Wednesday, 31st May 2006

Session 4 (09H00 – 12H00)

Efficiently Using Operational Experience

Chair - André Vandewalle, Chairman, WGOE

Lennart Carlsson, SKI, Sweden - Performance Indicators

Peter Flury, HSK - Integrated Oversight: An Approach to Systematic Supervision of NPP Safety

Klaus Kotthoff, GRS, Karl Ramler, E.on Kernkraft, Germany - Performance Management System

Wataru Mizumachi, Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization (JNES), Japan - Im- proving Nuclear Safety through Operating Experience Feedback in Japan

Coffee Break (10H30 – 11H00)

Panel Session: How can International Organisations help improve opera- tional experience feedback?

Panellists: Javier Reig, Head Nuclear Safety Division, NEA; Ken Brockman, Director, Division of Nuclear Installation Safety, Department of Nuclear Safety and Security, IAEA; Luis Yagüe, Asco-Vandellos II, Spain

Lunch (12H00 - 13H30)

7 D:\Docs\2017-12-28\01b6672be3f534c4d2e7cf92f496da9c.doc Closing Session (13H30 – 15H00)

Chair - Jukka Laaksonen, Chairman CNRA and Director-General, STUK, Finland

Panellists: Dieter Majer, Deputy Director General for Reactor Safety, Bundesministerium für Um- welt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Germany; Wataru Mizumachi, Senior counsellor, Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization (JNES), Japan; Barry Allen, Director-Site Operations, Davis Besse NPS, FirstEnergy Company, USA; Takanori Tanaka, Deputy Director for Safety and Regulation, OECD NEA; Olivier Gupta, Head, Power Reactor Division DGSNR, France;

Closing Remarks (15H00 – 15H30)

Lothar Hahn, Chairman CSNI and Director, GRS, Germany

Luis Echávarri, Director-General, OECD/NEA

8 D:\Docs\2017-12-28\01b6672be3f534c4d2e7cf92f496da9c.doc Poster Session:

United States Department of Energy – Operating Experience Analytical Tool - “Safemark”, Frank Tooper Director of Analysis, Office of Corporate Performance As- sessment, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and Ali Tabatabai, Principal, Link Technologies Inc.

European Commission, Evaluating the experience and lessons learnt on NPP maintenance optimization in Europe; Ranguelova V., Bieth M., Pla, P., Rieg C., Schoels, H.

For any additional information, please contact the NEA secretariat or the hosting organ- isation:

Hosting organisation Dr. Michael Maqua Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) mbh) Schwertnergasse 1 D – 50667 Köln (Cologne) Phone +49 221 2068 771 Fax +49 221 2068 704 E-mail : [email protected]

NEA Secretariat Barry Kaufer OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Le Seine St. Germain 12 Boulevard des Iles F – 92130 Issy les Moulineaux Phone +33 1 4524 1055 Fax +33 1 4524 1129

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