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New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS DIVISION New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care and New Mexico Dental Hygienist Committee Toney Anaya Building ▪ P.O. Box 25101 ▪ Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 (505) 476-4680▪ Fax (505) 476-4545 ▪ www.rld.state.nm.us
New Mexico Dental Hygienist Committee REGULAR COMMITTEE MEETING Friday, October 17, 2014 Santa Fe, NM
At 9:27 a.m. The Committee Chair, Ms. Ermelinda, RDH, called the New Mexico Dental Hygienist Committee Meeting, October 17, 2014, meeting to order.
A portion of the meeting was transcribed by Paul Baca Court Reporters and the transcripts of proceedings are posted on the website separately. The portion of the meeting that was not transcribed is summarized below in these meeting minutes.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Ermelinda Baca, RDH Melissa Barbara, RDH Paula Jenkins, RDH Burrell Tucker, DDS Kimberly Martin, DMD Richard Hatch, Public Member Robert Blewer, Public Member
MEMBERS ABSENT: Denise Teague-Myrick, RDH
OTHERS PRESENT: Jennifer Salazar, Assistant Attorney General
STAFF PRESENT: Roberta Perea, Board Administrator Melissa Saiz, Administrative Assistant Michelle Padilla, Compliance Liaison
Roll Call was taken by Roberta Perea and a quorum was determined present.
Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS made a MOTION to approve the agenda as written. Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.
Revision date: 10/2013 4. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES
July 18, 2014 Regular Meeting Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS made a MOTION to approve the minutes of the July 18, 2014 Meeting as written. Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. Recess At 10:21 a.m. Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH made a MOTION to recess the New Mexico Dental Hygienists Committee Meeting. Dr. Kimberly Martin, DMD SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. Back in Session At 11:55 a.m. The Committee Chair, Ms. Ermelinda, RDH, called the New Mexico Dental Hygienist Committee Meeting, October 17, 2014, meeting to order.
6. REPORTS A. Chair’s Report – Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH Written report B. Secretary’s Report – Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH reported to the board that from July 4, 2014 thru September 30, 2014 the following licenses were issued: 30 Dental Hygiene licenses issued by Examination 2 Dental Hygiene licenses issued by Credentials Ms. Sarah Thiel, RDH made a MOTION to ratify the licenses. Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. C. Health Action New Mexico Report – Ms. Pamela K. Blackwell, JD Verbal & Written Report D. WREB Report – Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH Verbal & Written Report Ms. Sarah Thiel, RDH made a MOTION to have Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH draft a letter to mail to WREB in regards to the Dental Hygiene exam . Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. E. CRDTS Report – Ms. Ermelilnda Baca, RDH Written Report F. NERB Report – Ms. Denise Teague-Myrick, RDH No Report G. SRTA Report – No Report H. CITA Report – Dr. Kimberly Martin, DMD No Report
New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Page 2 of 23 Revision date: 10/2013 I. ADEX Report – No Report J. AADB Report – Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH Verbal Report K. NM Health Services – Dr. Devi Gajapathi No Report L. NMDHA Report – Ms. Mary Kaye Vigil, RDH Written Report M. UNM Report – Ms. Christine Nathe, RDH Written Report N. San Juan Report – Dr. Julis Manz, DDS Written Report O. Dona Ana Community College – Ms. Holly Harper, RDH No Report P. Eastern New Mexico University, Roswell No Report Q. PIMA Report – Ms. Melissa Plese, RDH No Report R. NM Department of Health – Ms. Carol Hanson, RDH Written Report S. Ad Hoc Committees
7. OLD BUSINESS A. Confirm Future Meeting Dates and Locations January Committee Meeting – January 30, 2015, Santa Fe April Committee Meeting – April 24, 2015, Albuquerque July Committee Meeting – July 17, 2015, Ruidoso October Committee Meeting – October 16, 2015, Santa Fe
B. 2015 Open Meeting Resolution – Jennifer Salazar
Ms. Sarah Thiel, RDH made a MOTION to adopt the 2015 Open Meeting Resolution as written. Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH SECONDED the Motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.
C. Application Revisions – Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH Ms. Sarah Thiel, RDH made a MOTION to approve the revised applications as written. Dr. Kimberly Martin, DMD SECONDED the Motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.
New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Page 3 of 23 Revision date: 10/2013 8. NEW BUSINESS A. NM Veterans Health Project
The Dental Hygienist Committee has asked Lorie Wrobel, Board and Commissions Director to get more information on this agenda item. This information will be added to the January board meeting agenda.
Recess At 12:58 p.m. Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH made a MOTION to recess the New Mexico Dental Hygienists Committee Meeting. Ms. Sarah Thiel, RDH SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.
Back in Session At 3:47 p.m. The Committee Chair, Ms. Ermelinda, RDH, called the New Mexico Dental Hygienist Committee Meeting, October 17, 2014, meeting to order.
B. Appoint Committee Member to attend the American Association of Dental Boards Mid-Year Meeting in Chicago, IL on April 26th -27th
Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS made a MOTION to appoint Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH to attend the Mid-Year meeting in Chicago, IL on April 26 -27, 2015. Ms. Sarah Thiel, RDH SECONDED the Motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.
C. Public Comment ______
Chair: I will hear a motion for closure of the meeting to enter into Executive Session.
Committee Member Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS: I move that the New Mexico Dental Hygienist Committee close this meeting in order to enter into Executive Session to discuss the items listed in the agenda. Pursuant to Sections 10-15-1 H 1, 3 & 7 of the Open Meetings Act authorizing closed sessions for matters related to issuance, suspension, renewal, revocation of a license. Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.
Chair: Would the Board Administrator take a roll call vote to enter into Executive Session?
Roll Call Vote: Ermelinda Baca, RDH Melissa Barbara, RDH Paula Jenkins, RDH Burrell Tucker, DDS Richard Hatch, Public Member
New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Page 4 of 23 Revision date: 10/2013 Robert Blewer, Public Member
Chair: The motion is approved by a unanimous approval. Let the record show that at 3:52 p.m. the Committee entered into closed session and the recorder has been turned off.
Back in Open Session
Let the record show that the recorder was turned back on. The New Mexico Dental Hygienist Committee returned to open session at 3:58 p.m. Pursuant to 10-15-1. H 1,3 & 7 of the Open Meetings Act, the matters discussed in the closed meeting were limited only to those specified on the agenda pertaining to licensing matters.
Let the record show that the Complaint Committee Member Mr. Robert Blewer abstained from voting on committee recommended cases.
(Items listed on Agenda)
Consider Request for Inactive Status:
Amber Day, RDH ______made a MOTION to accept request for inactive status. ______SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.
Consider Request for Retirement Status:
Mary Jane Quinn, RDH Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH made a MOTION to accept request for retirement status. Ms. Sarah Thiel, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.
Christina Wilhelm, RDH Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH made a MOTION to accept request for retirement status. Ms. Sarah Thiel, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.
Applications for Consideration:
14-65-APP Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH made a MOTION to Grant application for licensure. Ms. Sarah Thiel, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.
14-65-APP Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH made a MOTION to Issue an NCA to impose a fine of $1,000 for unlicensed activity. Ms. Sarah Thiel, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.
New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Page 5 of 23 Revision date: 10/2013 Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH made a MOTION to rescind previous motion made on April 25, 2014 and grant the applicant’s license to administer local anesthesia under general supervision. Sarah Thiel, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.
There being no other business to come before the Committee, Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS made a MOTION at 4:02 p.m. to adjourn the Dental Hygiene Committee meeting. Ms. Sarah Thiel, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.
Submitted by: ______Roberta Perea, Board Administrator Date Approved by: ______Ermelinda Baca, RDH Chair Date
New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Page 6 of 23 Revision date: 10/2013 (ATTACHMENT A)
October 17, 2014
July 24, 2014- Attended the WREB HERB Meeting at Portland, Oregon
August 21, 2014- Attended the CRDTS Steering Committee Meeting at Kansas City Missouri
August 12-23, 2014- Attended the CRDTS Annual Meeting at Kansas City Missouri
October 7-8, 2014- Attended the AADB Meeting at San Antonio, Texas
New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Page 7 of 23 Revision date: 10/2013 (ATTACHMENT B)
September 26, 2014
RE: Dental Therapist Report I. NM Dental Therapist Legislation Update II. Update on Dental Therapist Practice in the U.S. III. Update on Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) - Proposed Standards for Dental Therapist Education Programs
Dear NM Dental Board and Hygienist Committee Members, Thank you for the opportunity to provide an update on our New Mexico dental therapist legislation and dental therapist practice here in the U.S. I am sorry I could not attend your July 18, meeting, but look forward to attending and presenting at your October 17, meeting.
I. NM Dental Therapist Legislation Update Dental Therapist Legislation Endorsed for 3rd Year by Legislative Health & Human Services Committee We are pleased to report that on July 17, the Legislative Health & Human Services (HHS) Committee endorsed our Dental Therapist legislation. This is the third year in a row that the HHS committee has endorsed the dental therapist legislation. Health Action New Mexico with the support of our statewide coalition of supporters will be introducing this legislation for the 2015 legislative session. Our newest statewide coalition members include Ten Southern Pueblos Governor’s Association, Eight Northern Pueblo Governor’s Council, and Santa Fe Community College (SFCC). Santa Fe Community College has signed a resolution to support of our legislation and to establish a dental therapist training and education program at SFCC. 2015 Dental Therapist Legislation Details Our Dental Therapist legislation has been developed for over five years beginning in 2010, taking the best of other states’ successful models, customizing the legislation for a New Mexico model with the input of dentists, hygienists, physicians, public health professionals, legislators, NM educational institutions, community leaders and those who oppose dental therapists and this legislation as well. Below are changes, compromises and improvements we have made in recent years to the legislation included in our 2015 legislation based on the input of others. • Hygienist-inclusive/Hygienist-based model – Under our legislation an individual could become a dental therapist in two ways: o (1) Hygienist Pathway - An already licensed dental hygienist could go to a dental therapy school (approx. 1 yr.) and would be eligible to be licensed as a dental therapist; OR
New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Page 8 of 23 Revision date: 10/2013 o (2) An individual could go to a combined therapist and hygienist education program (approx. 3 yrs.) and would be eligible to be dually licensed as a dental therapist and hygienist.
• Dental therapist practice locations are limited in NM – In the 2015 legislation, DTs can practice only in: 1. Settings located in federally designated dental health provider shortage areas (DHPSAs); AND 2. After 5 years of consecutive employment with the same employer, 15% of a dental therapist’s patients must be Medicaid recipients. • DHPSAs can be drilled down from county boundaries to much smaller specific shortage areas within the county. DTs can practice only within those shortage areas. This is effective for those counties that include both shortage areas and non-shortage areas. • The Medicaid requirement is new in this 2015 legislation. • DT Scope of Practice has been reduced and revised. In the 2015 legislation: Scope Reductions DTs can no longer provide nitrous oxide. DTs no longer have prescriptive authority. DTs can only dispense and administer per the supervising dentist’s orders. Only the dentist can prescribe. Scope Revisions have been made so that the bill language is clearer and more understandable. . “reimplantation of teeth” is now “emergency replacement and stabilization of an avulsed or dislodged tooth to prevent the unintended loss of a tooth or teeth.” . “extraction of permanent teeth…” is now “extractions of permanent teeth that are not impacted and that do not need sectioning for removal” • Governing body for Dental Therapist Practice and Licensure. The Dental Board is the licensing authority for dental therapists. The board receives recommendations on dental therapist licensure, regulations and practice from the Joint Committee. Joint committee members are: . The 5 currently sitting dentists on the board, . The 5 currently sitting hygienists on the hygienists committee, . The 2 currently sitting public members of the board, and . One (1) dental therapist or 1 dental therapy proponent until there is a critical mass of NM licensed dental therapists to fulfill this role. The dental therapist/dental therapy proponent is a voting member of only the joint committee. He/she is not a voting member of the board or hygienist committee. The dental therapist/proponent would provide expertise specific to dental therapy education, practice and licensure for the benefit of rulemaking recommendations of the joint committee and ultimately a benefit to the public helping to ensure that NM dental therapists are quality providers who can effectively serve our underserved communities.
New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Page 9 of 23 Revision date: 10/2013 The joint committee would meet at the same time, place and frequency that the board and committee do currently. The joint committee as presented in the legislation mirrors and through this legislation codifies the already existing process in which the board and committee work together to regulate and govern the practice and licensure of collaborative practice hygienists. Because dental therapy includes the practice of dental hygiene but also goes beyond the dental hygienist scope of practice, and because dentists would be supervising dental therapist practice, we were advised that it would make sense for both dentists and hygienists already on the board and committee to draft recommended rules and regulations together as they do now for collaborative practice dental hygiene. In the legislation, the joint committee drafts the regulations for dental therapy licensure and practice and recommends these to the dental board. The board then ratifies the rules and regulations. By law, in the Dental Health Care Act (DHCA), the dental board is the licensing authority for all dental providers in the state and therefore the board would also have the final say on the recommended rules and regulations for dental therapy practice and licensure, and ratifies the recommendations of the joint committee. This is the same process codified in the DHCA for dental hygiene in which recommendations are made by the hygienist committee then ratified by the board. In drafting our legislation, Legislative Council staff advised that certain sections of the DHCA be edited so that they are made more clear and are consistent with the licensing authority of the dental board, the roles and responsibilities of the board and committee including the process of recommendation by the hygienist committee and ratification of hygienist committee recommendations by the dental board. We have scaled back the joint committee provisions in our legislation considerably from previous years’ legislation based on the input of dentists, hygienists, and members of the board and committee. Previous versions of our dental therapist legislation included variations of the following: a separate new dental therapist committee with 10 new members, 2 dental therapists/dental therapy proponents, and membership and voting rights for the dental therapist/dental therapist proponents on the board and committee. These are no longer included in the 2015 legislation. • Dental therapist bill amends and is fully in the Dental Health Care Act (DHCA). The 2014 legislation in an effort to be clearer and more concise was a separate but complimentary act to the DHCA like the Physician Assistant Act is to the NM Medical Practice Act. Opposition and others argued that they would rather the legislation amend the DHCA so that is what we have done. In previous years, the legislation was in the DHCA and not a separate act. • Community-based model, Nomination by an “entity” to go to dental therapy school. – To go to dental therapy school, one of the requirements is that the individual applying to go to dental therapy school must provide the school a letter of recommendation from an “entity” in the community he/she wishes to practice in. Previously the letter could be from a “person” which included individuals as well as groups and organizations made up of many people. In the 2015 legislation, the recommendation letter must be from an “entity” that is made up of more than one person and the letter cannot be from an individual person. o This section is important to help ensure that the NM dental therapy model is a community- based model in which dental therapists are from or reflect, and have a connection to the underserved communities that they will serve very early in their training and education process. The current transplant model in which the practitioner does not have a connection early on in their education to the community they will serve is not working well to ensure retention of that provider beyond a few years contractual commitment. It has been shown that establishing a connection between the dental therapist and the community before the dental therapist goes to dental therapy school ensures recruitment of dental therapy students that New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Page 10 of 23 Revision date: 10/2013 know, reflect and are committed to the community and also helps to ensure retention of that individual to continue to practice in that community beyond a few years contractual commitment. NM communities who want dental therapists support this community based model because it means someone trusted from their community will be able to stay and serve their community, creating jobs and economic opportunity for that community as well.
• Accountability for Dental Therapists - Dental therapists are still held to the same high standards of accountability, as are all NM dental professionals. II. Update on Dental Therapist Practice in the United States • Maine is the 3rd state to have dental therapists. Maine passed its dental therapist law in May 2014.
• Alaska celebrated the 10-‐year anniversary of dental therapist practice in
Alaska. • Alaska and Minnesota continue to provide economic and practice data showing dental therapists provide quality care, expand access to underserved communities, and generate revenue for their employers both private and public dental offices and clinics. • Minnesota Department of Health and Minnesota Dental Board Report (Feb. 2013) concludes that: . Dental therapists are working as intended. With dental therapists: . Access to services to underserved populations has increased, . Wait times for dental care services have decreased, and . Productivity for the dental team as a whole has increased. . The MN Dept. of Health concluded that it should help facilitate more dental therapists practicing in MN due to the MN model’s success.
III. Update on Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) Proposed Standards for Dental Therapist Education Programs CODA continues to move forward with proposed standards for dental therapist education programs. This second round of proposed standards is very similar to the dental therapist model we have proposed here in NM. The CODA proposed standards: • Allow for DTs to be trained at community colleges receiving associates level degrees. (The proposed standards do not require that DT education programs be bachelor’s or master’s level degree or length of programs.) • Allow for dental hygienists to have an abbreviated pathway to be trained and educated to practice as DTs. • Do not require that “diagnosis” can only be included in a dentists’ scope of practice.
New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Page 11 of 23 Revision date: 10/2013 • Direct (in-person) dentist supervision of licensed dental therapists is not required. Allows for general (off-site) dentist supervision. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Pamela K. Blackwell, JD Project Director, Oral Health Access Health Action New Mexico [email protected]
New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Page 12 of 23 Revision date: 10/2013 (ATTACHMENT C)
Western Regional Examining Board Hygiene Exam Review Board Meeting Portland, OR July 24, 2014
HERB members in attendance: Ermelinda Baca, RDH Sharon Osborn Popp, PhD Sally Berg, RDH Lois Palermo, RDH Beth Cole Deborah Polc, RDH Catherine Cornell, RDH Kelly Reich, RDH Mary Davidson, RDH Melinda Reich, RDH Kathy Heiar, RDHKaren Sehorn, RDH Diane Klemann, RDH Caryn Solie, RDH Jackie Leakey, RDH Matt Tripp, RDH Cheryl Lewis, RDH Gail Walden, RDH Marilyn McClain, RDH Robin Yeager Janis McClelland, RDH Joe Zayas, DDS Jayne McWherter, RDH
Mary Davidson, HERB Chair, commenced the meeting at 8:00 am. She welcomed all attendees, asked members to introduce themselves and thanked them for their service to WREB. Kelly Reich reminded all attendees that it is vital that dissemination of any board information not be divulged under any circumstances to any person or entity until formally approved and published and asked all members to sign the WREB nondisclosure agreement.
Consent Agenda Mary presented the consent agenda which consisted of the minutes of the March 2014 HERB meeting.
Motion/Second Approve the consent agenda. Motion Passed
WREB Presentations Kelly Reich informed the board that WREB hadn't hosted any additional educator forums since we last met in March. However, she announced that WREB plans to host forums on all exam types prior to the 2015 exam season. The forum will include updates to the exam process and criteria changes, if applicable. The forums also provide an opportunity to communicate with and get feedback from the educators. Kelly stated that she and Dr. Broadbent were invited to present to Washington’s Dental Quality Assurance Board and had the opportunity to meet
New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Page 13 of 23 Revision date: 10/2013 with the Dental Hygiene Committee as well. She stated that WREB would be happy to visit any board upon request.
Psychometric Update WREB's testing specialist, Sharon Osborn Popp, PhD, reviewed year end pass rates for Candidates who tested in 2013. WREB tested 2,344 local anesthesia, hygiene and restorative Candidates. She discussed the recent pass rates as well as candidate performance over time. Sharon also presented statistics in regards to examiner performance. Sharon evaluated examiner agreement using both a site-based analysis and a pool-based analysis. Pool-based statistics help compare an examiner’s performance to all examiners in the pool to estimate degree of severity. This serves as an additional check on examiner performance via site based statistics and helps identify examiners in most need of guidance regarding adherence to WREB criteria. Sharon also concluded that exam sites have an extremely high level of comparability with respect to examiner grading and is evidence of high quality and consistency among examiners.
Critiques Robin Yeager submitted critique summaries of local anesthesia, dental hygiene and restorative Candidates. She informed the board that effective 2014 all Candidate critiques are completed online and submitted anonymously.
WREB Update Beth Cole, WREB's Chief Executive Officer, reported the dental and hygiene advocacy committees have met and are developing presentations for state boards and pre-candidate orientations. These presentations will be used for increased visits to schools providing earlier opportunities for Candidates to learn about the WREB exams and enhance current communications with state boards. She also announced the 2015 Leadership workshops will be presented February 6-8 in Tempe, AZ. Leaders from both dental and dental hygiene as well as new examiners will attend orientations, workshops and a meet-and-greet social event. She let the attendees know Kentucky has joined WREB and Hawaii requested WREB visit their state board. Beth informed the HERB attendees that Board of Director elections were recently conducted and results were as follows:
Dr. Nathaniel Tippit President Dr. Norman Magnuson President-Elect Dr. Gregory Waite Treasurer Dr. Dale Chamberlain At-large BOD member Dr. Jeff Lunday At-large BOD member
HERB Member Updates Mary inquired of the members whether their respective boards had any concerns since our last meeting in March. Each member responded that they had none. She then gave attendees the opportunity to discuss any issues that their board was currently dealing with.
Committee Reports New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Page 14 of 23 Revision date: 10/2013 Mary presented the recommendations from the respective committees which met in May/June.
The following are the recommendations from the Dental Hygiene Committee for 2015: • Remove the rejection penalty for submitting non-diagnostic radiographs. Assess a maximum four (4) point penalty (per patient) for non-diagnostic radiographs/technique error. Only require additional films if a tooth in the submission is completely missing or if a retake will provide additional information needed to assess a current oral condition(s). Allow a panoramic radiograph to be used as a substitute for a required periapical or bitewing. • Decrease the final patient check in deadline by thirty (30) minutes. Exam statistics show this will have very little impact on Candidates ability to submit an alternate or third patient. • Clarify the descriptors for qualifying calculus. • Keep the current criteria for qualifying calculus, removing the descriptor “heavy.” Moderate deposits will not be added to the descriptors for qualifying deposits. • Add ASA I-III to Patient Criteria. • Candidates will not be required to submit an alternate with their first submission. Encourage Candidates to submit an alternate submission but it will not be mandatory.
Motion/Second Approve the Dental Hygiene committee recommendations, as presented. Motion Passed
Motion/Second Recommend that the Hygiene Committee consider reporting clinical scores to Candidates as either a Pass or Fail (P/F) in 2016. An individual performance evaluation would be included with an unsuccessful result. Motion Passed
The following are the recommendations from the Local Anesthesia Committee for 2015: • Separate #8, Handling of Sharps into the two following categories: #8. Improper Recapping and add #9 Improper Disposal
Candidates may improperly recap the needle early in the evaluation process. Currently, the program only allows recapping to be evaluated at the end of the exam. This is a critical error and failure and should be announced at the time the error occurs.
Motion/Second Approve the Local Anesthesia committee recommendations, as presented. Motion Passed
The following are the recommendations from the Restorative Committee for 2016:
New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Page 15 of 23 Revision date: 10/2013 • Change grading criteria from a 0-5 grading scale to a 1-5 grading scale. • Change the performance evaluation results to be reported to the Candidate as a pass/fail instead of a point based score. An individual performance evaluation would be included with an unsuccessful result. • Revise the rescaling of final raw points earned from a percentage like number (0-100) to a criteria based number (1-5).
Motion/Second Approve the Restorative committee recommendations, as presented. Motion Passed
The following are the recommendations from the POC Committee for 2016: • Implement new EIO format Rationale: This will ease time constraints on the Candidates and lessen confusion on material that is difficult to test online. The emphasis of the EIO will be on recognition of findings, proper documentation, referral, and follow-up.
• Final adjustments were made to the Test Specification categories after evaluation of the Alignment study and creation of new items. The weight of each category is as follows: - Health and Risk Assessment, EIO 20% - Periodontal Assessment 32% - Dental Hygiene Care Plan 28% - Outcomes 20%
Motion/Second Approve the Process of Care committee recommendations, as presented. Motion Passed
The next HERB meeting will be held in Phoenix, AZ on March 13, 2015. Having no further business the meeting adjourned at 11:40 am. Respectfully submitted, Robin Yeager WREB Dental Hygiene Manager
New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Page 16 of 23 Revision date: 10/2013 (ATTACHMENT D) CRDTS STEERING COMMITTEE REPORT Submitted by Ermelinda Baca, RDH New Mexico Dental Hygienists Committee Chair October 17, 2014
The CRDTS Steering Committee met on August 1, 2014 in Kansas City, Missouri
The following actions were made: • The Finance Committee will look into yearly setting aside enough funds (according to an average of the exam costs) in the financial reserves to cover any costs incurred due to the unforeseen cancellation of an exam • The Executive Committee will continue to investigate the terms of all Standing Committees and report back to the Steering Committee in November-as it stands several committees' members' terms expire in 2015. • The same Dental Hygiene coordinators were approved for the 2015 exam season. • Ms. Deb Astroth and Ms. Nancy Kearn were approved to serve as Hygiene Coordinators. • Ms. Barbara Ebert of Alabama and Ms. Nicolette Moultrie of California were voted on to serve on the Hygiene Examination Review Committee. • Starting January 2015, the corporation will be accepting Visa/MasterCard credit cards as payment for Hygiene Candidates on online applications. • The titles of the Dental/Dental Hygiene Chairs will now be Executive Chair of Dental Examinations and Executive Chair of Dental Hygiene Examinations. • Staff titles will also be renamed: Kimber Cobb's new title is Dental Exam and Data Management and Kim Laudenslager's new title is Dental Hygiene Exam Administration. • The following exam fees for the 2015 exam season are as follows: Dental-$ 2,195 Dental Therapist-$1700.00 Dental Hygiene- $995.00
New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Page 17 of 23 Revision date: 10/2013 (ATTACHMENT E)
Report to the Dental Hygienists’ Committee October 17, 2014 Santa Fe, NM
Good Morning
There have been two NMDHA Board of Trustee meetings since your last meeting in Ruidoso, however our main focus has been on the upcoming Scientific Session October 10-11, 2014 at the Albuquerque Marriott Pyramid Hotel. Thirteen hours of continuing education geared toward Dental Hygienists’ are available during the Scientific Session. At the General Membership Meeting on October 11, 2014 new officers will be voted on, and we will inform you of the membership decisions at your next meeting.
NMDHA and NMDA Liaison Committee did meet on September 20, 2014. This was a very upfront discussion on several topics with the main focus being the HANM Dental Therapist Bill being proposed to the 2015 NM Legislature, we did not come to any conclusions regarding this bill, but we are planning on meeting again via conference call in about a month.
It has been my honor to serve as NMDHA President. Mary Kaye Vigil, RDH, BSDH
New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Page 18 of 23 Revision date: 10/2013 (ATTACHMENT F)
University of New Mexico
Division of Dental Hygiene
September 2014 Report
TO: NM Board of Dental Health Care
FROM: Christine Nathe, Program Director
DATE: 9/26/14
RE: UNM Dental Hygiene Updates
The Division has updated several processes in their clinical education system. A new collaborative training program has been developed, so that the Dental Residents and Dental Hygiene students are partnering for patient treatment and table clinic preparation. The Division is now utilizing a software program for clinical evaluation of students and will be implementing fully the use of electronic charting and dental record documentation. The Division has incorporated the clinical teaching of lasers, nitrous oxide, sensor and phosphorous plate radiograph techniques as well.
In 2014, the Division graduated 24 entry-level BSDH students, 4 degree completion students and 4 graduate students. All entry-level students have passed all board examinations.
The Division has been notified that the next seven year CODA accreditation site visit is scheduled for November 9-10, 2016.
New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Page 19 of 23 Revision date: 10/2013 (ATTACHMENT G) Report of the San Juan College Dental Hygiene Program to the New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care.
Friday, October 17, 2014 Dr. Julius N. Manz – Director San Juan College Dental Programs 4601 College Blvd Farmington, NM 87402 Phone: 505-566-3018, e-mail: [email protected]
Faculty and Staff: Full Time: Julius N. Manz DDS – Director Sherry Paxson, RDH – First Year Clinic Coordinator Elizabeth Onik – Second Year Clinical Coordinator Ruby Woodard – Program Administrative Assistant Georgia Cotie – Clinical Manager Dalene Meek – Clinic Administrative Assistant Adjunct: Chuck Schumacher, DDS Craig Layton, DDS Jared Southwell, DDS Dennis Miller, DMD Phil Dunn, DDS Jennifer Thompson, DDS Becky Miller, RDH Mandi Pickering, RDH Brittany Nichols, RDH Nancy Rhein, RDH, PA Julie Boggess, RDH Lorrie Smith, RDH Jennifer Ponthieux, RDH Krysta Caudill, RDH Carrie Maloy, RDH Nichole Lehar, RDH Advisory Council: Dr. Chuck Schumacher Dr. Ronald Johnson Dr. Gene Hilton Amy Davis, RDH Becky Miller, RDH Linda Parks, RDH Michelle Tensay, Public member Patricia Dixon, Dental Hygiene Student Senior Class Sylvia Ortega, Dental Hygiene Student Junior Class
New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Page 20 of 23 Revision date: 10/2013 Accreditation: The San Juan College Dental Hygiene Program is fully accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation. The Programs next Accreditation site visit will be in 2017.
Staffing Changes Ms. Elizabeth Onik, RDH, has taken over the position of the Programs Second Year Clinical Coordinator since July 15.
National Boards: The class of 2014 are all fully licensed. The class of 2015 is scheduled to begin taking WREB local anesthesia boards in December 2014.
WREB Local Anesthesia Boards 100% of the class of 2014 have taken and passed their WREB Local Anesthesia Boards.
Clinical Boards 100% of the class of 2014 have passed their clinical boards
Graduates The Program is scheduled to graduate 11 students on May 09, 2015.
Applications: The Program has accepted 12 new students for the class of 2016. Farmington – 5 Bloomfield – 3 Aztec – 1 Durango -1 Grants – 1 Albuquerque - 1
Facilities The Program recently upgraded its intraoral radiology system to the Schick 33 elite.
Civic/Community Activities Mission of Mercy – The Program will participate in the Oct 23-26 2014 MOM in Rio Rancho The Program will participate in GKAS: Feb 06, 2015 at the SJC Dental Clinic Nursing home – Senior student rotation to provide preventive dental care to residents of Life Care nursing home. Indian Health service – Senior student rotation with IHS School Educational Programs – Senior student rotation providing oral health education to area schools (elementary to high school) Head Start assessments, education and fluoride program IHS Sealant Program Special Needs Clinic
New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Page 21 of 23 Revision date: 10/2013 Dr. Julius N. Manz, Director (Attachment H) To: New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care and the Dental Hygiene Committee
From: Carol Hanson, RDH, BSDH, MPH NM Dental Support Center (NMDSC) Coordinator New Mexico DOH/PHD/HSB/OPCRH 300 San Mateo NE, Suite 900 Albuquerque, NM 87108 505-222-8685 [email protected]
Date: September 25, 2014 In partnership with the New Mexico Primary Care Association (NMPCA): Developed and disseminated July, August, and September 2014 Oral Health e-News to network dental providers, dental educators, and other interested parties; planned and participated in the August 15, 2014 NMPCA/NMDSC Provider Meeting—a total of 18 attended Maintained and updated the NMDSC Provider and Dental Educator databases and distribution lists Provided technical assistance for network dental providers and educators Disseminated information on continuing education opportunities and other pertinent information to network dental providers and educators Participated in the Head Start Region VI Institute Planning Meeting on July 10, August 7, & September 24, 2014 Worked on the Office of Oral Health Third Grade Surveillance Project Participated in Youth Development, Inc. (YDI) Health Advisory Committee Meetings on July 30 & September 24, 2014 Worked on the Office of Primary Care and Rural Health Special Needs Project Participated in the NM Healthy Aging Collaborative Senior Day at the Fair Planning Meetings on July 30 and September 3, 2014; Participated in Senior Day at the Fair on September 15, 2014 Presented an oral health training for Isleta Head Start Program Director, Health Manager and Staff on August 13, 2014. A total of 40 attended. Attended the National Primary Oral Health Conference in Lake Buena Vista Florida August 18-20, 2014. Co-presented the Water Fluoridation Intensive on August 20, 2014. Planned the NM Dental Educators’ Consortium face-to face annual meeting for October 10, 2014 New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Page 22 of 23 Revision date: 10/2013 Participated in the NM Head Start Association Board Meeting on July 31, 2014 Participated in the NM Oral Health Advisory Council Meeting on August 1, 2014 Participated in the NM Chronic Disease Prevention Council Meeting on September 16, 2014
Respectfully Submitted, Carol Hanson
New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Page 23 of 23 Revision date: 10/2013