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FE and Sixth Form College Pupil premium and SEN data download User guide Contents 1. Summary
This publication provides guidance from the Department for Education. It has been produced to help colleges use the Key to Success system.
Expiry or review date
This guidance will be reviewed before September 2017.
Who is this publication for?
This guidance is for:
General FE colleges, Specialist Designated Institutions and Sixth Form Colleges 2. Introduction
The purpose of this document is to act as a user guide to accompany downloads of data relating to students who were eligible for pupil premium funding or received SEN support in year 11. This is to enable colleges to check which of their new intake of students might require additional support and which students will be reported on in the 2017 16-18 performance tables disadvantage measures1.
We will be providing two downloads of data in September 2016. One will be a download of students eligible for pupil premium funding in year 11, the other will be a download showing if students received SEN support (through a Statement, Education, Health and Care Plan or other school level SEN support) in year 11. The downloads will only provide details of students who were in year 11 in the 2015/16 academic year so students who left school in 2014/15 will not be included in this download. It is planned that the release of data in September 2017 will include data for school leavers in 2015/16 and 2016/17.
This user guide is intended for colleges. Colleges should ensure that their privacy/ fair processing notices inform students that data on their former eligibility for pupil premium funding and SEN support will be obtained from the DfE solely for the purposes of providing them with appropriate educational support and for monitoring their progress.
1 The disadvantage measures will report on students who were eligible for pupil premium funding in year 11 3. Background
Pupil premium funding has been available to schools and local authorities since April 2011. From the 2012-13 financial year ‘FSM Ever 6’ was introduced as the measure for allocating the deprivation pupil premium and the pupil premium data download provided to colleges includes FSM ever 6 as one component.
A premium for looked after children (LAC) has been payable to local authorities with the criteria for this being a child in care for at least 6 months. This was extended in 2014-15 to cover any child in care for at least 1 day. The other component of the pupil premium data download provided to colleges will be the LAC data. Colleges will NOT be given information to indicate whether a student with a positive return for pupil premium funding was eligible for the free school meals component or the looked after child component or both. 4. Download in September 2016
Search function
The first download will be made available in September 2016. In order to access the data colleges will need to use the search function. This will allow colleges to search by ULN for students entering their college.
This will display pupils that have been included in the Pupil Premium allocations in the current financial year.
How to access the downloads
The download will be made available on the Key to Success website which is accessed through the Key to Success URL:
College users will need to be given access to the system by their college Secure Access approver. If you do not know who your college Secure Access approver is then please complete this form
Secure Access service request form
The Secure Access approver for a college will need to activate the Key to Success Service by requesting access using the service request form.
Once you have access, if you forget your username or password please use the forgotten password or username web page - you will need your college email address.
Further help and information can be found on the Secure Access help page. Initial Screen
This is the first screen that a college will see when they use the link FE Login page
After selecting the “FE Login” option the FE login page will be displayed. It will show the current news for FE colleges and provide the option to login to the KTS system via secure access Secure Access Login page
This page gives access to the Key to Success system Key to Success Home Page
After successfully logging in via Secure Access the college KTS home page will be displayed. Colleges can choose to download pupil premium data or SEN support data by choosing the options on the left hand side of the page. Pupil Premium Search page
Clicking on “Pupil Premium” on the left hand menu will display the pupil premium search page.
The college must check the confirmation box prior to running a search. The search will not run and a warning message will be displayed if the box is not checked. Colleges must ONLY search for the details of students who are currently enrolled at their college and they may only do so for the purposes of supporting students’ education or training whilst they remain a student at the college.
In the appropriate box the college should enter or copy in one or more ULNs up to a maximum of 500. ULNs up to a maximum of 500 entries may be copied and pasted into the box from a separate spreadsheet. Pupil Premium Results page
The search results screen will give details of the search results and the option to download pupil premium data and if appropriate details of invalid ULNs searched for. The pupil premium CSV file will look like this: SEN Search
Clicking on “SEN” on the left hand menu will display the SEN search page
It contains a confirmation box for the college to check prior to running a search and a box to enter or copy in one or more ULNs up to a maximum of 500.
The search will not run and a warning message will be displayed if the box is not checked. SEN Results page
The search results screen will give details of the search results and the option to download SEN data and if appropriate details of invalid ULNs searched for The SEN CSV file will look like this: Contact
Any queries about the Key to Success system should be directed to: [email protected]
This screen provides details of who to contact if there is a problem
If you have any queries specifically related to the data please contact us: [email protected]
Further help and information about Secure Access can be found on the Secure Access help page.
If you do not have a ULN for a student, or there is a problem with the ULN please contact the LRS helpdesk: [email protected] © Crown copyright 2016 This publication (not including logos) is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned.
To view this licence: Visit
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