Preparation of the December Meeting of the European Council 8
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15238/07 (Presse 261)
2830th Council meeting General Affairs and External Relations General Affairs Brussels, 19 November 2007
President Mr Luis AMADO Minister of State, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Portugal
* The 2831st meeting on External Relations is the subject of a separate press release (15240/07).
R u e d e l a L o i 1 7 5 B – 1 0 4 8 B R U S S E L S T e l . : + 3 2 ( 0 ) 2 2 8 1 6 0 8 3 / 6 3 1 9 F a x : + 3 2 ( 0 ) 2 2 8 1 8 0 2 6 [email protected] 15238/07 (Presse 261) 1 EN 19.XI.2007
Main results of the Council
The Council adopted strengthened and additional restrictive measures against Burma/Myanmar, following the brutal repression of peaceful protestors and continuing human rights violations by the Burmese authorities. The measures include an extension of the list of persons subject to an entry ban and freeze of assets, and an extension of the ban on investments in Burmese state-owned companies. Additional measures are targeted at the sources of the regime's revenue, such as the logging, timber and mining industries.
The Council approved a 2005 protocol amending the WTO's agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPS), which will allow WTO members to export patented medicines to the world's least developed countries. The protocol, which will enter into force once two thirds of WTO membership has accepted it, is intended to help in developing countries' fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria by providing access to essential medicines at the lowest possible prices.
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WORK PROGRAMME FOR 2008...... 10
– Burma/Myanmar -Council conclusions...... 11
– Burma/Myanmar -Restrictive measures...... 12
– Colombia - Council conclusions...... 13
– Bosnia and Herzegovina - EU police mission and special representative...... 17
– EU-Montenegro - Implementation of agreements - Interim agreement on trade...... 18
– Kosovo – Preparations for a possible international civilian mission...... 19
– Stability pact for south-eastern Europe - Special coordinator...... 19
– North Korea - Support for IAEA monitoring activities...... 19
– Accumulation and spread of small arms...... 20
– EU-ASEAN summit...... 20
– "Special partnership" with Cape Verde - Council conclusions...... 20
– San Marino - Customs cooperation - EU enlargement...... 21
– European security and defence policy - Civilian ESDP capability planning process.....21
– European security and defence policy - Civilian headline goals 2008 and 2010...... 22
1 Where declarations, conclusions or resolutions have been formally adopted by the Council, this is indicated in the heading for the item concerned and the text is placed between quotation marks. Documents for which references are given in the text are available on the Council's Internet site ( Acts adopted with statements for the Council minutes which may be released to the public are indicated by an asterisk; these statements are available on the Council's Internet site or may be obtained from the Press Office.
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– Exports of medicines to developing countries - WTO agreement *...... 22
– Anti-dumping - Plastic sacks and bags from China, Thailand and Malaysia...... 23
– Switzerland - Imports of sausages...... 23
– Coordination, complementarity and coherence in development policy - Council conclusions...... 23
– Development policy and external assistance in 2006 - Annual report - Council conclusions...... 24
– The European consensus on humanitarian aid...... 24
– Proceedings in the Council's different configurations...... 25
– EU-Russia - Permanent partnership council on justice and home affairs...... 25
– Energy community ministerial council...... 25
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The governments of the Member States and the European Commission were represented as follows:
Belgium: Mr Jean DE RUYT Permanent Representative Bulgaria: Mr Ivailo KALFIN Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Czech Republic: Mr Alexandr VONDRA Deputy Prime Minister with responsibility for European Affairs Denmark: Mr Per Stig MØLLER Minister for Foreign Affairs Germany: Mr Frank-Walter STEINMEIER Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs Estonia: Mr Urmas PAET Minister for Foreign Affairs Ireland: Mr Dermot AHERN Minister for Foreign Affairs Greece: Ms Dora BAKOYANNI Minister for Foreign Affairs Spain: Mr Miguel Ángel MORATINOS Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation France: Mr Jean-Pierre JOUYET Minister of State with responsibility for European Affairs Italy: Mr Massimo D'ALEMA Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs Cyprus: Ms Erato KOZAKOU-MARCOULLIS Minister for Foreign Affairs Latvia: Mr Maris RIEKSTINS Minister for Foreign Affairs Lithuania: Mr Petras VAITIEKŪNAS Minister for Foreign Affairs Luxembourg: Mr Jean ASSELBORN Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Immigration Mr Jean-Louis SCHILTZ Minister for Cooperation and Humanitarian Action, Minister with responsibility for Communications Hungary: Ms Kinga GÖNCZ Minister for Foreign Affairs Malta: Mr Anthony ABELA Parliamentary Secretary, Office of the Prime Minister Netherlands: Mr Maxime VERHAGEN Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr Franciscus Cornelis Gerardus Maria TIMMERMANS Minister for European Affairs Austria: Ms Ursula PLASSNIK Federal Minister for European and International Affairs Poland: Mr Radosław SIKORSKI Minister for Foreign Affairs Portugal: Mr Luís AMADO Ministro de Estado, Minister for Foreign Affairs
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Mr Manuel LOBO ANTUNES State Secretary for European Affairs, attached to the Minister for Foreign Affairs Romania: Mr Adrian CIOROIANU Minister for Foreign Affairs Slovenia: Mr Dimitrij RUPEL Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr Janez LENARČIČ State Secretary at the Government Office for European Affairs Slovakia: Mr Ján KUBIŠ Minister for Foreign Affairs Finland: Mr Ilkka KANERVA Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr Paavo VÄYRYNEN Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Sweden: Mr Carl BILDT Minister for Foreign Affairs Ms Cecilia MALMSTRÖM Minister for European Affairs Mr Sten TOLGFORS Minister for Trade United Kingdom: Mr Des BROWNE Secretary of State for Defence and Secretary of State for Scotland Mr Jim MURPHY Minister of State for Europe
Commission: Ms Margot WALLSTRÖM Vice President Mr Joe BORG Member
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The Council took note of an annotated draft agenda prepared by the presidency for the European Council meeting to be held in Brussels on 14 December (doc. 15278/07). It will prepare the meeting in greater detail at its session on 10 December.
The issues to be addressed by the European Council are:
– Justice and home affairs (enlargement of the Schengen area, migration policy, police and judicial cooperation, combating terrorism);
– Economic, social and environmental issues (Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs, climate change, energy, sustainable development, maritime policy, internal market, social policy);
– External relations (in the light of developments, but likely to include EU-Africa relations and Kosovo).
The European Council is also expected to welcome the signature of the EU reform treaty in Lisbon on 13 December, and the proclamation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
The annotated draft agenda will serve as the basis and structure for draft European Council conclusions to be prepared by the presidency and submitted to the permanent representatives committee in the run-up to the Council meeting on 10 December.
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The Council took note of the presentation by commissioner Joe Borg of a Commission communication and proposed action plan for an integrated maritime policy for the European Union (doc. 14631/07). It held an exchange of views.
The action plan, which comes in response to a request from the European Council in June, is aimed at exploiting the full potential of sea-based economic activity in an environmentally sustainable manner.
In the light of the comments made by delegations, and following a ministerial conference on maritime policy held in Lisbon on 22 October, the presidency will prepare a text for inclusion in draft conclusions for the European Council meeting on 14 December.
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The Council took note of the presentation by Commission vice-president Margot Wallström of the Commission's legislative work programme for 2008 (doc. 14663/07). It held a brief exchange of views.
The Commission's work programme highlights the following main priorities:
– Growth and jobs;
– Securing sustainable prosperity in Europe;
– An integrated approach to migration;
– Challenges for the citizen;
– Europe as a world partner.
It includes strategic initiatives that the Commission intends to deliver during the year, and priority initiatives to be delivered over a 12-18 month period.
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Burma/Myanmar -Council conclusions
The Council adopted the following conclusions:
"1. The European Union remains concerned by the situation in Burma/Myanmar and reiterates its call on the government to take substantive steps to address the concerns of its people and the international community. The Council underlines its call for an end to the continuing arrests, the release of those detained in recent protests and all other political prisoners, as well as the early launch of a credible, comprehensive and inclusive process of national reconciliation.
2. The EU reaffirms its strong support for the UN efforts to bring about positive change in Burma/Myanmar. The EU welcomes the visit of the UNSG's envoy, Mr Ibrahim Gambari there, from 3 to 8 November 2007. The EU looks forward to Mr Gambari's return and reiterates its call on the government of Burma/Myanmar to afford him all possible assistance, access and freedom of action in order to carry out his mandate.
3. The Council welcomes the recent visit of UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Myanmar, Mr Sergio Pinheiro, from 11 to 15 November, and looks forward to his report to the December session of the Human Rights Council.
4. The Council welcomes the appointment of Mr Piero Fassino as EU Special Envoy for Burma to support the UN's good offices mission. This appointment underlines the importance that the EU attaches to development, democratic change, reconciliation and the improvement of the human rights situation in Burma/Myanmar.
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5. The Council welcomes Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's constructive statement relayed through Mr Gambari, and urges the government of Burma/Myanmar to seize this opportunity to enter into a meaningful dialogue leading to stability, prosperity and democracy for Burma/Myanmar. The EU calls for all restrictions on Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to be lifted so that she can play a full part in the process of national reconciliation.
6. The EU welcomes the efforts by ASEAN and the neighbours of Burma/Myanmar to influence the Burmese authorities, and encourages its partners in ASEAN and the region to use every opportunity, including the 13th ASEAN Summit and the East Asia Summit, to maintain the pressure for a credible and inclusive process of national reconciliation. The EU will use the occasion of the upcoming EU-ASEAN commemorative Summit to discuss the situation in Burma/Myanmar.
7. The Council notes today's adoption of the Common Position implementing restrictive measures against Burma/Myanmar. Recalling the Council Conclusions of 15 October 2007, the Council also notes that relevant bodies are taking forward work to elaborate further restrictive measures.
8. The EU again expresses its readiness to assist Burma/Myanmar in a process of transition. The EU regrets that the Burmese government has made this impossible so far. The EU is planning, with international partners, to increase humanitarian support to the Burmese people. The EU stands ready to review the restrictive measures, to engage with Burma/Myanmar in its development and to find new areas of cooperation, should the situation improve."
Burma/Myanmar -Restrictive measures
The Council adopted a common position amending common position 2006/318/CFSP on restrictive measures against Burma/Myanmar, in view of the seriousness of the current situation in the country (14443/07). This follows a political agreement reached by the Council at its meeting on 15 October.
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The common position is aimed at :
– reinforcing existing measures in respect of Burma/Myanmar, extending and updating the list of persons subject to a travel ban and freezing of assets. The scope of the investment ban on Burmese state-owned enterprises is also extended by including enterprises that are owned or controlled by the regime or by persons or entities associated with the regime.
– introducing additional restrictive measures against Burma/Myanmar, targeting the regime's sources of revenue, including in sectors where human rights abuses are common. To that end, it prohibits the export to Burma/Myanmar of equipment and technology destined for enterprises engaged in logging, timber and the mining of metals and minerals, precious or semi-precious stones, as well as related technical and financial assistance. It also prohibits the import into the Community of round logs, timber and timber products, metals and minerals, as well as precious and semi-precious stones. Moreover, new investments in enterprises in Burma/Myanmar that are engaged in these industries are also prohibited.
In October, the Council condemned the brutal repression by the Burmese authorities of peaceful protestors and the continuing serious violations of human rights in Burma/Myanmar.
Colombia - Council conclusions
The Council adopted the following conclusions:
"1. The Council recalls and reaffirms the EU Conclusions of 3 October 2005, expresses EU's total solidarity with Colombian people, its full support for the Colombian Government in its search for a negotiated solution to the internal armed conflict, and underlines the importance the EU attaches to the ongoing implementation of the Justice and Peace Law (JPL) and its related legal framework and the development of the demobilisation, disarmament and reintegration (DDR) process under the JPL.
2. The Council reconfirms the readiness of the EU and its Member States to assist the Colombian Government, state institutions, civil society and international organisations in providing support for activities that promote peace, truth, justice, reparation and reconciliation and in providing support for activities that advance DDR processes.
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3. The Council welcomes the steps that have been taken by the Colombian government and Colombian authorities to implement the JPL in a transparent and effective manner, the work of the National Reconciliation and Reparation Commission and the role played by the Constitutional Court. It also welcomes the appointment and the work of the High Commissioner for the Social and Economic Integration of Armed Individuals and Groups.
4. While recognising what has been achieved, the Council also takes note that the implementation of the JPL is far from complete. It urges the Colombian government to support and resource the quick and efficient implementation of all aspects of the JPL - including by providing adequate staffing to the Justice and Peace Law unit within the Office of the Attorney General - in a manner that gives priority to victims’ rights to truth, justice and reparation.
5. The Council welcomes the ongoing efforts of the Colombian government to improve the human rights situation in Colombia, including the drafting of the National Action Plan on Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law. It commends the work of the UNHCHR Office in Colombia and calls on the Colombian government to implement its recommendations fully and quickly. In this context the Council takes note with satisfaction of the improved cooperation between the Colombian government and the UNHCHR Office. The Council firmly believes that the continuous interaction with and the full support for the UNHCHR Office by the Colombian government remain of vital importance for the peace process, as well as the dialogue between the UNHCHR and the civil society. In this context the Council also welcomes the prolongation of the mandate of the UNHCHR Office for another three years.
6. The Council has noted the additional means that have been made available by the Colombian government to protect human rights defenders, witnesses, journalists, trade unionists and other persons at risk. Nevertheless, attacks against such individuals continue. Therefore, the Council urges the Colombian Government to continue adopting concrete measures to protect those people at risk and to put an end to impunity. Protection of human rights defenders should be given special attention. Special attention should also be given to witness protection programmes, since their effectiveness is central in the search for peace and justice in Colombia.
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7. The Council welcomes the improved dialogue between the Colombian government and civil society and commends the role of the G24 in facilitating this dialogue. In this context the Council looks forward to the III Conference on Colombia on co-operation, human rights and peace, to be held on 29-30 of November 2007 in Bogotá. The Council also welcomes the continuing engagement of the Organisation of American States (OAS) in accompanying the demobilisation / reintegration of paramilitary groups in Colombia, to the funding of which EU members states are contributing.
8. The Council takes note with satisfaction of the steps that are being taken, including by the Colombian Supreme Court and the "Fiscalía", to independently investigate, expose and punish politicians and public servants with links to the paramilitary groups and to those involved in the illegal drugs business.
9. The Council confirms the readiness of the European Union to work with the Colombian Government in the fight against drugs and illegal narco trafficking, which remains a significant driver of the conflict, and exacerbates the difficult human rights situation in Colombia.
10. The Council strongly condemns the violations of International Humanitarian Law that continue to be committed by the illegal armed groups. In this context it demands that they stop kidnapping and all other acts of terrorism or violence against the civilian population forthwith. The Council reaffirms the EU's solidarity with the Colombian government, the Colombian people and all victims of those acts. It also reiterates its firm demand that the illegal armed groups stop kidnappings and release all detained hostages immediately and unconditionally, and cease all hostilities.
11. The Council encourages the Colombian government's determination to improve the armed forces' respect for human rights and welcomes the progress which has been made in this respect. However, it notes with real concern the persisting problem of human rights violations by some members of the security forces, including extra-judicial killings.
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12. The Council is concerned by the emergence of new paramilitary and other armed criminal groups. It takes note of the efforts already taken by the authorities to fight these emerging groups and calls on the Colombian government to increase its ongoing efforts and step up the measures it is taking to fight these groups.
13. Whilst welcoming the government's efforts to alleviate the plight of Colombia’s large number of internally displaced persons, the Council calls on the Colombian authorities to reinforce these efforts, i.a. through the speedy implementation of relevant recommendations by the Constitutional Court.
14. The Council hopes that progress will be made in taking forward negotiations between the Colombian government and illegal armed groups, in order to reach a humanitarian agreement, and secure the release of all hostages, to overcome the armed conflict and bring lasting peace to Colombia. In the same spirit, the European Union welcomes all initiatives taken with the Colombian government's support with the objective of promoting a successful peace process. The EU follows with interest the efforts undertaken by the Colombian Government, namely with the collaboration of the President of Venezuela and supports the work of all those committed to the application of international humanitarian law in Colombia.
15. The Council strongly welcomes the fact that the 28 October local and regional elections further strengthened democracy in Colombia. It agrees with the OAS Observer Mission's opinion that most of these elections were held in an essentially free, democratic and transparent environment. The Council condemns all those who tried to disrupt the proper electoral process through murder, kidnapping, threats and vote buying, and urges that those responsible be brought to justice. The Council calls on all those elected to use their offices to further strengthen Colombia's democratic path, as part of wider efforts to deliver enduring peace and prosperity to the Colombian people. "
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Bosnia and Herzegovina - EU police mission and special representative
– Extension of the EU police mission
The Council adopted a joint action (14257/07) extending for two years the EU police mission (EUPM) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and bringing its mandate into line with the new command and control structure for EU civilian crisis management operations established in June.
The joint action extends the EUPM from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2009, following an invitation by the BiH authorities. The mission was launched in 2003. Its current mandate expires on 31 December 2007.
The EUPM is aimed at establishing a sustainable, professional and multiethnic police service, operating in accordance with international standards. It functions in coordination with and under the local political guidance of the EU special representative in BiH, as part of the broader rule-of-law approach in BiH and in the region.
The police service operates in line with commitments made as part of the stabilisation and association process for the Western Balkans, in particular with regard to the fight against organised crime and police reform. The EUPM will continue to guide the coordination of policing aspects in the fight against organised crime. It will assist local authorities in planning and conducting major and organised crime investigations and in contributing to an improved functioning of the criminal justice system.
– Mandate of the EUSR
The Council adopted a joint action amending the mandate of the EU special representative (EUSR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) (14132/07).
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The joint action amends joint action 2007/87/CFSP in order to reflect the role of the special representative, Miroslav Lajčák:
– in relation to the EU military operation Althea, so as to bring it into line with recommendations approved by the Council in June, aimed at achieving optimal coordination and coherence between EU actors in the field of crisis management; and
– in relation to the EUPM in BiH, so as to bring it into line with the new command and control structure for EU civilian crisis management operations.
EU-Montenegro - Implementation of agreements - Interim agreement on trade
The Council adopted a regulation on procedures for applying the EU-Montenegro stabilisation and association agreement and interim trade agreement (13891/07).
The regulation lays down procedures for implementation of provisions with regard to: concessions for fish and fishery products, tariff reductions, technical adaptations, general safeguard clause and safeguard clause for agricultural and fisheries products, shortage clause, exceptional and critical circumstances, dumping and subsidies, competition, fraud or failure to provide administrative cooperation, management procedures and notification.
The Council also approved the position to be adopted in the EU-Montenegro interim trade committee on its rules of procedure, including the terms of reference and structure of sub- committees.
The EU-Montenegro interim agreement on trade and trade-related matters was signed on 15 October in Luxembourg. It establishes an interim committee to supervise implementation of the agreement.
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Kosovo – Preparations for a possible international civilian mission
The Council adopted a joint action extending joint action 2006/623/CFCP, which established a team to contribute to preparations for a possible international civilian mission in Kosovo, including an EU special representative component. The joint action is extended until 31 March 2008, or 30 days after the appointment of an international civilian representative, if this occurs before 1 March 2008 (14495/07).
In parallel, the EU is also planning for a probable European security and defence policy mission in Kosovo in the broader field of the rule of law.
Stability pact for south-eastern Europe - Special coordinator
The Council adopted a decision on the reappointment of Dr Erhard Busek as special coordinator of the stability pact for south-eastern Europe, from 1 January to 30 June 2008 (13880/07).
North Korea - Support for IAEA monitoring activities
The Council adopted a joint action on financial support for monitoring and verification activities by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (14938/07).
The EU has continuously supported efforts to develop a diplomatic solution to the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula, namely in the framework of the six-party-talks. It welcomed recent progress made, in particular through the shutdown of nuclear facilities in North Korea, which has subsequently been verified by the IAEA. Since then, due to the unforeseen nature of these developments, there are no financial means in the ordinary budget of the IAEA for these activities, and ongoing monitoring and verification activities have to be financed from extra-budgetary contributions.
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The EU contribution, which amounts to EUR 1 780 000, will be used mainly for the financing of equipment and infrastructure necessary to the IAEA for carrying out its tasks in North Korea. With this joint action, the EU will be a major contributor to implementation by the IAEA of this crucial element of the denuclearisation process.
Accumulation and spread of small arms
The Council endorsed the sixth annual report on the EU's contribution to combating the destabilising accumulation and spread of small arms and light weapons (14555/07).
EU-ASEAN summit
The Council took note of preparations for the EU-ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) commemorative summit that will take place in Singapore on 22 November.
The summit will be an opportunity to discuss EU-ASEAN cooperation and its future direction, as well as global issues (energy, environment, climate change and sustainable development) and other regional and international issues.
"Special partnership" with Cape Verde - Council conclusions
The Council adopted conclusions, on the basis of a communication from the Commission, on the future of relations between the European Union and the Republic of Cape Verde.
The conclusions welcome the strengthening of relations between the parties in the context of the ACP-EU Cotonou partnership agreement, through the implementation of an action plan for the development of a ''special partnership'' aimed at strengthening dialogue and policy convergence, going beyond the traditional donor-beneficiary relationship in a framework of mutual interest.
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The conclusions welcome the willingness of the government of Cape Verde to promote collective security through close cooperation with the European Union in sectors such as the control of illegal trafficking and the fight against terrorism. The conclusions represent an important step in relations between the EU and Cape Verde, on the basis of close human and cultural links and shared socio- political values.
The Council's conclusions can be found in document 15113/07.
San Marino - Customs cooperation - EU enlargement
The Council adopted a decision approving the conclusion of a protocol to the agreement on cooperation and customs union with San Marino, in order to enable the participation of Bulgaria and Romania pursuant to their accession to the EU in January 2007 (10776/07).
European security and defence policy - Civilian ESDP capability planning process
The Council took note of a policy paper on the civilian capability planning process under European security and defence policy (ESDP).
The process is aimed at supporting the development of civilian capabilities needed to fulfil the ambitions expressed in the EU treaty and in the European security strategy.
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European security and defence policy - Civilian headline goals 2008 and 2010
The Council took note of the final report on the civilian headline goal 2008. It also noted a new civilian headline goal 2010, following its approval by a ministerial civilian capabilities improvement conference held in the margins of the Council (see press release No 15240/07).
Exports of medicines to developing countries - WTO agreement *
The Council adopted a decision accepting, on behalf of the European Community, a protocol amending the WTO agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPS) with the aim of improving access to pharmaceutical products for the world's least developed countries (8934/8/06 and 14435/1/07).
The protocol, agreed in Geneva in December 2005, is intended to help developing countries in the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria by providing access to essential medicines at the lowest possible prices. The protocol, which will enter into force once two thirds of WTO membership has accepted it, will allow WTO members to export patented medicines to countries with no manufacturing capacity in pharmaceuticals, making permanent a waiver decision on compulsory licences originally adopted in 2003.
The amendment will complete a process that began with a declaration on the TRIPS agreement and on public health that ministers made at the WTO ministerial conference at Doha in November 2001.
The EU has been at the forefront of this initiative since its inception in the run-up to the Doha conference. Health is an essential component of the UN's millennium development goals and is therefore one of the main priorities of EU's policy on development cooperation.
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The 2003 WTO waiver decision was implemented in European Community law under regulation 816/2006 on the compulsory licensing of patents relating to the manufacture of pharmaceutical products for export to countries with public health problems, adopted in May 2006. The regulation also supports the transfer of technology and of capacity-building to countries with insufficient manufacturing capacity in the pharmaceutical sector.
Anti-dumping - Plastic sacks and bags from China, Thailand and Malaysia
The Council adopted a regulation amending regulation 1425/2006 on a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of certain plastic sacks and bags originating in China and Thailand, and terminating the proceeding on imports of certain plastic sacks and bags originating in Malaysia (14297/07).
Switzerland - Imports of sausages
The Council adopted a regulation opening Community tariff quotas for the import of sausages and certain meat products originating in Switzerland. (13561/07)
Coordination, complementarity and coherence in development policy - Council conclusions
The Council adopted conclusions acknowledging progress in a number of policy areas covered by evaluation reports on coordination, complementarity and coherence in the EU's development cooperation policies and operations, as well as the OECD/DAC (development assistance committee) peer review.
The Council's conclusions can be found in document 14084/07.
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Development policy and external assistance in 2006 - Annual report - Council conclusions
The Council adopted conclusions on the Commission's annual report on the Community's development cooperation policy and implementation of external assistance in 2007.
The conclusions welcome improvements – both in qualitative and quantitative terms – in comparison with last year, in particular as regards the reduction of the difference between commitments and payments, and enhanced cooperation with international organisations and other donors. However, the conclusions note with concern that the analysis of Community external assistance is insufficiently focused on the eradication of poverty and that the share of aid to the least developed countries (LDCs) decreased in 2006.
Since the adoption in 2000 of the Community's first joint development policy statement, the Commission is requested to present every year to the Council and to the European Parliament an annual report on the Community's development policy and on implementation of its external assistance. The annual report, the first of which was presented by the Commission in 2001, focuses on achievements, lessons learnt and remaining challenges, and also serves as a public communication tool. Together with a comprehensive document covering all data related to the sectoral and geographic aspects of the Community's external assistance, the report provides an executive summary of a more analytical nature.
The Council's conclusions can be found in document 12699/07.
The European consensus on humanitarian aid
The Council approved a joint statement by the Council, the member states, the European Parliament and the Commission establishing a "European consensus on humanitarian aid".
The joint statement can be found in document 14503/07 + 14503/07 COR1.
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Proceedings in the Council's different configurations
The Council took note of a report from the presidency on proceedings in its different configurations (14760/07).
EU-Russia - Permanent partnership council on justice and home affairs
The Council approved the draft agenda and draft annotated agenda for the 7th EU-Russia Permanent Partnership Council on justice and home affairs, to be held in Brussels on 22 and 23 November.
Energy community ministerial council
The Council took note of working methods with respect to the preparation of meetings of the Energy community ministerial council (14623/07).
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