Balanced Literacy Lesson Plan

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Balanced Literacy Lesson Plan

Math 6-8 Lesson Plan (Aligned to CCSSM)

Course: Math 7 CCSS Standard Number(s): 7.NS.1ab Day: 1

Unit # and Title: Unit One- Rational Number Operations Block(s)/Period(s): 1 2 3

Unit Essential Question(s): Where do we see rational numbers being used in our world?

Learning Target(s) “I can statements”  I can plot integers on a number line to help me compare and order.  I can understand the absolute values of integers.

Essential Vocabulary rational number whole number integer positive negative opposites absolute value least to greatest/greatest to least greater than/less than/equal to Resources and Materials Teacher Student

Number cards/word cards Number lines (will make during lesson) Sentence strips Integer chips Rulers Holt Worksheets 2-1 A & B (classwork) Crayons/colored pencils/markers Holt Worksheet 2-1 C (homework) Number lines Integer chips (red/yellow chips) Holt textbook Chapter 2 Lesson 1 Holt Chapter 2 Lesson 1 Practice Worksheets A, B, C Holt Lesson Tutorial Online

8 Mathematical Practices:  1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.  5. Use appropriate tools strategically.  2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.  6. Attend to precision.  3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.  7. Look for and make use of structure.  4. Model with mathematics.  8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Activating Strategy (Opening Activity)  Make a HUMAN NUMBER LINE - Provide students with number cards (positive & negative; advanced include fractions and decimals) and without talking have students put themselves in correct order. Provide a time limit.  FIND YOUR OPPOSITE – Provide students with integer cards/opposite word cards (Ex. 1 and -1, up and down; advanced include deposit and withdrawal) and without talking students will find their “opposite”. Provide a time limit.

Cognitive Teaching Strategies Me: Introduce the number line already displayed on the board or draw a number line on the board (Holt pg. 46); Identify the positive number/negative numbers; discuss opposites, Me/We/Few/You zero (neither positive or negative), absolute value, directions (to the LEFT of any integer is lesser; to the RIGHT of any integer is greater), arrows at the end of the number line (what

Office of Curriculum and Instruction May 8, 2018Guilford County Schools Math 6-8 Lesson Plan (Aligned to CCSSM)

(TIP-Teacher input they represent), what the terms “plotting” or “graphing” a number mean, model how to SAP-Student actively list integers L to G/G to L, model how to compare integers and read the comparison participates correctly left to right, etc. GP – Guided Practice IP-Independent Practice) We: Provide sentence strips to the students; Model/work along with students in making student number lines (numbers must be evenly spaced, number to -10 and +10, color code positives and negatives…laminate later if possible to allow multiple uses)

Two/Few: With a partner/small group and provided integer chips (to plot integers rather than writing on the number lines), call out random integers for the students to practice plotting integers on their number lines. Mix it up with asking for student volunteers to come to the board and plot the integer on the board’s number line, plot a few random integers and practice ordering L to G/G to L, review comparison signs (> < =) and compare given integers and practice reading them correctly left to right.

You: Provide Holt’s 2-1 Practice worksheets A & B (front/back). Introduce the worksheet to the students/do a couple of examples with the students. Students will complete worksheets independently. Check for comprehension/correctness.

Summarizing Strategy (Use cut scrap paper, cut up back of old worksheets, half index cards, post-it notes, etc.) (Closing Activity) Ticket out the door: Compare the following integers by using a > or < sign in the blank: 1. -32 ____ 32 2. 26 ____ |-26| 3. -8 ____ -12 4. Draw a number line to order the integers from least to greatest: -2 3 -4 5 -1

Assessment/Homework Holt 2-1 Practice worksheet C…Direct students to draw a number line on their sheet to help them.

Extending/Refining Extension: Suggest to the students to think of a thermometer as a vertical number line. Which numbers are greater than zero/less than zero? What is the difference between a given negative number and positive number? Refining: Remember to help with absolute value comprehension, count the distance from zero and the absolute value of an integer will always be a positive number, NOT its opposite.

Office of Curriculum and Instruction May 8, 2018Guilford County Schools

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