Cross Referens H Progsäk / DO-178B

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Cross Referens H Progsäk / DO-178B

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 1(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00 Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E)

An evaluation of the extent to which an organisation or project fulfils the generic software safety requirements of H ProgSäk (E) has been performed based on documented rules and regulations (routines, methods, techniques, tools) and the competency profile of the organisation or project.

Section 1 below details the prerequisites and status of this evaluation. Section 2 contains tables for all requirements of H ProgSäk4, each identified by a unique label (cf. “Legend”). The level of compliance is evaluated with respect to individual H ProgSäk requirements. Section 3 and 4 present acronyms and references used in this document.

2 Evaluation prerequisites

1.1 Organisation

1.2 Project

1.3 System

1.4 System environment

1.5 Operational/User profile

4 Basic requirements (i.e. requirements common to safety-critical as well as non-critical software) are found in H ProgSäk: Chap. 5. General safety requirements for soft- ware can be found in H ProgSäk: Chapters 2-4.

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 2(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

1.6 Scope

1.7 Document history This evaluation is still in progress and planned to be completed in …

Version Date Evaluation status Comments

3 Compliance with H ProgSäk (E) requirements Based on the organisation’s documented regulations and competency profile the maturity with respect to soft- ware safety is compiled in the below tables6.

In addition to this the general software safety requirements relevant to the software product under development7 are recorded for the individual project together with the extent to which the selected set of requirements is ful- filled and verified (cf. [2]: 6.4.2)8. The rationale for unsatisfied requirement issues are described and recommen- ded actions given for how to meet uncovered aspects of an individual requirement. As the software system de- velops, suggested actions are implemented and the evaluation document updated. The document will therefore be a useful part of the software documentation with the successive versions showing the progression towards full compliance with the safety requirements for the system software9.

6 For a Client: subtables 2.1 - 2.3, for an Acquirer: 3.1 - 3.3 and 5.1.2 - 5.1.3, for a Supplier: 4.1 - 4.4 and 5.2.2 - 5.2.4. 7 Apart from the tables under footnote Error: Reference source not found, for e.g. a Supplier also the subtables 4.5 and 5.2.5. 8 I.e. section 6.4.2 of [2]. 9 The aim is to arrive at tables with the “Compliance” column evaluated to “Yes” or “N/A”, whereas “Main”, “Part”, “No” indicate where further measures are necessary for increased requirement satisfaction (see “Legend”).

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 3(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

Legend: Column Explanation H ProgSäk Id  H ProgSäk Id is a unique requirement identity consisting of 3 parts:  The 1st part (6.) is a unique number for the handbook H ProgSäk within FMV.  The 2nd part is the section number in H ProgSäk where the requirement statement is found.  The 3rd part is letter K followed by the sequence number for the requirement in the section.  For a H ProgSäk Id associated to a basic requirementError: Reference source not found a ref- erence is given to the section in table 5.1 or 5.2 where the basic requirement is listed (e.g. “6.421K1: Cf.”).  A single H ProgSäk Id addressing several sections in ISO/IEC 12207 is below refined by ap- pending the section number within quotes (e.g. 6.5223K1 ”6.3” in Table 5.2). One table entry per section is provided (see tables 5.1/5.2 below). A further refinement into subsections is made if needed for the evaluation (e.g. 6.5223K1 ”” in [6]). Critic.  The criticality categories for which the requirement H ProgSäk Id applies are specified:  H(igh), M(edium), L(ow) for software of high, medium and low criticality, respectively  B(asic) for a requirement relevant to safety-critical as well as non-critical software. XXX_DOC  References to matching requirements in the organisation/project documentation XXX_DOC etc. etc. are provided in the format [document ref. no]: applicable section, or only applicable section if the column head specifies a single document. a) Specified references are either one or a few direct references to matching requirement iden- tities in XXX_DOC etc., or a broader reference to a section or entire chapter. b) A parenthesized reference is used for a main or partial match to the H ProgSäk requirement. c) “-“ denotes that the requirement is not at all covered by XXX_DOC etc. (further comments are then provided in the “Rationale ” and “Action” columns). d) “+” indicates that matching references are listed in the subtable specified in the “Evidence” column (e.g. for a H ProgSäk Id representing a basic requirement which is satisfied and veri- fied more information is provided in the corresponding subtable for basic requirements. The “Evidence” will then include a text of type “See”). Evidence  References are given to documents10 verifying full/main/partial compliance (case a-b above).

10 For instance, test or analysis results, reviews, formal proofs.

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 4(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

Specific conditions needed for compliance are also specified.  For a basic H ProgSäk requirement references to subtables 5.1 or 5.2 with verifying refer- ences are specified (e.g. by including text of type “See”). Rationale  Requirement areas/aspects not covered11 by XXX_DOC etc. are specified (cases b-c above).  Reasons to requirement areas not coveredError: Reference source not found and to an un- completed evaluation12 are given. Action  Recommended remedy actions in case of insufficient compliance13.  Date for completion of an uncompleted evaluationError: Reference source not found(unless specified under section 1.6 ). Compliance:  The degree of compliance is specified according to the following notations:

.”Yes Full The requirement is in all aspects satisfied and verified acc. to “Evidence ٠ compliance: No need for “Rationale”/“Action”.

Main Mainly The requirement is in all significant aspects satisfied and verified (though ٠ compliant: not necessarily in every detail) acc. to “Evidence”14. Also when compliance can be deduced from inevitable implications, or for non-compliance exclusively under irrelevant circumstances –these compliance conditions are then specified in “Evidence”Error: Reference source not found.

.”Part Partial The requirement is partially satisfied and verified acc. to “Evidence ٠ compliance: Also when compliance is achieved exclusively under certain circumstances – these compliance conditions are then specified in “Evidence”15. “Rationale” + “Action” are provided for unsatisfied aspects.

.No No The requirement is not or nearly not satisfied ٠

11 “Not covered” requirement issues correspond to compliances of type “Main”, “Part”,” No”, “N/A”. 12 For an “uncompleted evaluation” there exist at least one compliance entry marked as “–“, i.e. some requirements remain to be investigated. 13 E.g. education / process / product improvements. Reference to a separate document with action plans could be given. 14 This may typically be the case for a reused software component developed for a previous system version, another system or as a COTS product. 15 Important to document, since a change in environment, usage or system may override these circumstances, invalidating a previous main/partial compliance.

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 5(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

Compliance: “Rationale” + “Action” are provided for unsatisfied aspects.

16 . N/A Not The requirement is not relevant to the organisation/project ٠ applicable: “Rationale” for non-applicability are provided.

.Not Requirement satisfaction not yet verified or evaluated – ٠ investigated: “Action” with planned completion date provided.

A table entry below with all three columns “Evidence”, “Rationale” and “Action” left blank is a sign of omission, which should be solved.

16 The whole set of H ProgSäk requirements cannot be relevant for the same software. For instance, where a requirement exists in several variants (i.e. depending on criticality level), only one can be applied to the same component (e.g. v. In a system-of-systems hierarchy there may also be the case that a requirement is to be fulfilled by another system in the hierarchy, perhaps from a different supplier. In such a case the “Rationale” should be provided indicating in which other (sub)system or by which supplier the requirement is to be fulfilled.

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 6(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

H ProgSäk E Chapter 2. CLIENT/END-USER (FM)

2.1 Personnel H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 6.21K1 HML - – 6.21K2 HML - – 6.21K3 HML - –

2.2 Control processes H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 2.2.1 System safety planning, management and assessment 6.221K1 HML - – 6.221K2a HML - – 6.221K2b HML - – 6.221K2c HML - –

2.3 The FM Defence Materiel Acquisition Process H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance No requirements N/A

2.4 Products H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 2.4.1 TTFO, TFOTM (TTEM, TEMU) 6.241K1 HML - – 6.241K2 HML - – 6.241K3 HML - – 6.241K4 HML - –

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 7(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

2.4 Products H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 2.4.1 TTFO, TFOTM (TTEM, TEMU) 6.241K5 HML - –

H ProgSäk E Chapter 3. ACQUIRER (FMV)

3.1 Personnel H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 6.31K1 HML - –

3.2 Control processes H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 3.2.1 Project planning, management and assessment 6.321K1: Cf. HML - – B 3.2.2 System safety planning, management and assessment 6.322K1 HML - – 6.322K2 HML - – 6.322K3 HML - – 6.322K4 HML - – 6.322K5 HML - – 3.2.3 Quality control 6.323K1: Cf. HML - – B 3.2.4 Quality assurance 6.324K1: See HML - – B

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 8(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

3.2 Control processes H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 3.2.1 Project planning, management and assessment 6.324K2a HML - – 6.324K2b HML - – 6.324K2c HML - – 6.324K2d HML - – 6.324K2e HML - –

3.3 The FMV Defence Materiel Acquisition Process H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 3.3.1 Studies 3.3.2 Procurement 6.332K1: See HML - – B 3.3.3 Operation and Maintenance (Lifecycle Management, LCM) 6.333K1: See HML - – B Modifications of a completed system 6.3331K1 HML - – 6.3331K2 HML - – 6.3331K3 HML - – 6.3331K4 HML - – 3.3.4 Disposal

3.4 Products H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 3.4.1 Statement of Work (SOW)

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 9(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

3.4 Products H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 6.341K1 HML - – 6.341K2 H - – 6.341K3 HML - – 6.341K4 HM - – 6.341K5 H - – 6.341K6 HML - – 6.341K7 HML - – 3.4.2 Time Plans (Operational Plans) (TP) 3.4.3 Lifecycle Management Support (LCMS) 6.343K1a HML - – 6.343K1b HML - – 6.343K2 H - – 3.4.4 Technical Specification (TS) 6.344K1 HML - – 6.344K2 HML - – 6.344K3 H - – 6.344K4 HML - – 6.344K5 HM - – 6.344K6 HML - –

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 10(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

H ProgSäk E Chapter 4. SUPPLIER

4.1 Personnel H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 6.41K1 HML - – 6.41K2a HML - – 6.41K2b HML - – 6.41K3 H - – 6.41K4 M - – 6.41K5 HM - – 6.41K6 HML - – 6.41K7 HML - – 6.41K8 HML - – 6.41K8a H - – 6.41K8b M - – 6.41K8c L - – 6.41K8d HML - –

4.2. Control processes H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 4.2.1 Project planning, management and assessment 6.421K1: See HML - – B 6.421K2 HML - – 4.2.2 System safety planning, management and assessment 6.422K1 HML - – 4.2.3 Quality control 6.423K1: See HML - –

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 11(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

4.2. Control processes H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance B 4.2.4 Quality assurance 6.424K1: See HML - – B 6.424K2 HML - – 4.2.5 Configuration management 6.425K1a: See HML - – B 6.425K1b: See HML - – B 6.425K1c: See HML - – B

4.3. Production processes H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 6.43K1: See HML - – 5.2.3 B 6.43K2 H - – 6.43K3 H - – 6.43K4 H - – 4.3.1 Development model 6.431K1: See HML - – B 4.3.2 Development methodology 6.432K1: See HML - – B

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 12(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

4.3. Production processes H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance Formal methods 6.4321K1 HM - – 6.4321K2 HML - – Verifications Reviews (manual verification) 6.43221K1 HML - – Static analysis (source code verification) 6.43222K1 HML - – 6.43222K2a HML - – 6.43222K2b HML - – 6.43222K2c HML - – 6.43222K2d HM - – 6.43222K2e H - – 6.43222K3 HML - – Behaviour analysis Object code analysis 6.43224K1 H - – 6.43224K2 H - – Dynamic analysis (verification by test) 6.43225K1:See HML - – B 6.43225K2 HML - – 6.43225K3a HML - – 6.43225K3b HM - – 6.43225K3c H - – 6.43225K4a HML - – 6.43225K4b HML - –

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 13(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

4.3. Production processes H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 6.43225K4c HML - – 6.43225K5 HM - – 6.43225K6 H - – 6.43225K7 H - – 6.43225K8 HML - – 6.43225K9 HML - – 6.43225K10 HML - – 6.43225K11 HML - – 6.43225K12 HM - – 6.43225K13 HML - – 6.43225K14 HML - – 6.43225K15 HML - – 6.43225K16 HML - – Statistical failure analysis – Failure forecasting 6.43226K1 H - – 6.43226K2 H - – Resource analysis 6.43227K1 HML - – 6.43227K2 HML - – 6.43227K3 HML - – 6.43227K4 HML - – 4.3.3. Software safety analysis 6.433K1 HML - – 6.433K2 HML - – 6.433K3 HML - – 6.433K4 HML - – 6.433K5 H - –

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 14(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

4.3. Production processes H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 6.433K6 HML - – 6.433K7 HM - – 6.433K8 HML - – 6.433K9 H - – 6.433K10 HML - – 6.433K11 HML - – 6.433K12 HML - – 6.433K13 HML - –

4.4 Production environment H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 4.4.1 Support tools Configuration management system 6.4411K1 HM - – 6.4411K2: See HML - – B Failure reporting system 6.4412K1 HML - – 6.4412K2: See HML - – B 6.4412K3 HML - – 6.4412K4 HML - – Requirement management tools 6.4413K1 H - – 6.4413K2a H - – 6.4413K2b H - –

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 15(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

4.4 Production environment H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 4.4.2 Software tools 6.442K1a HML - – 6.442K1b H - – 6.442K2 H - – 6.442K3 HML - – 6.442K4 HML - – Formal tools 6.4421K1 HML - – Code generators 6.4422K1 H - – 6.4422K2 HM - – 6.4422K3 H - – 6.4422K4 HML - – 6.4422K5 HML - – 6.4422K6 HML - – 6.4422K7 HM - – 6.4422K8 L - – 6.4422K9 H - – 6.4422K10 H - – 6.4422K11 ML - – Static and dynamic analysis tools 6.4423K1 HM - – 6.4423K2 HM - – 6.4423K3 HML - – 4.4.3 Emulated target machine 6.443K1 HML - – 6.443K2 HML - –

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 16(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

4.4 Production environment H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 6.443K3 HML - –

4.5 Products H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 4.5.1 Standard products – Reused components – Off the shelf items 6.451K1 H - – 6.451K2a ML - – 6.451K2b ML - – 6.451K2c ML - – 6.451K3 HML - – 6.451K4 HML - – 6.451K5 HML - – 6.451K6 HML - – 6.451K7 HML - – 6.451K8 HML - – 6.451K9 HML - – 6.451K10 HM - – 6.451K11 HM - – 6.451K12 HML - – 6.451K13 HML - – 6.451K14a HML - – 6.451K14b HML - – 6.451K14c HML - – 6.451K14d HML - – 6.451K14e HML - – 4.5.2 New software development

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 17(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

4.5 Products H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance Specification 6.4521K1: See HML - – B 6.4521K2 H - – 6.4521K3 M - – Software architecture / top level design 6.4522K1 HML - – Fundamental design principles 6.4523K1 HML - – 6.4523K2 HML - – 6.4523K3 HML - – Safety-oriented design principles General principles 6.45241K1 HML - – 6.45241K2 HML - – 6.45241K3 HML - – 6.45241K4 HML - – 6.45241K5 HML - – 6.45241K6 HML - – 6.45241K7 HM - – 6.45241K8 HM - – 6.45241K9 HML - – 6.45241K10 HM - – 6.45241K11 HML - – 6.45241K12 HM - – Risk reduction 6.45242K1a HML - –

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 18(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

4.5 Products H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 6.45242K1b HML - – 6.45242K1c HML - – 6.45242K2 HM - – 6.45242K3 HML - – 6.45242K4 HML - – 6.45242K5 HML - – 6.45242K6 HML - – 6.45242K7 ML - – 6.45242K8 H - – 6.45242K9 HML - – Resource and time allocations (real-time) - Scheduling algorithms 6.45243K1 HML - – 6.45243K2 HML - – Defensive programming 6.45244K1 HML - – 6.45244K2 HML - – 6.45244K3 HML - – 6.45244K4 HML - – 6.45244K5 HML - – 6.45244K6 HML - – 6.45244K7 HML - – 6.45244K8 HML - – 6.45244K9 HML - – 6.45244K10 HML - – 6.45244K11 HML - – 6.45244K12 H - – Error handling - Error recovery - Fault tolerance

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 19(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

4.5 Products H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 6.45245K1 HML - – 6.45245K2 HML - – 6.45245K3 HML - – 6.45245K4 HML - – 6.45245K5 HML - – 6.45245K6 HM - – 6.45245K7 HML - – 6.45245K8 HML - – 6.45245K9 HML - – Language and language constructs 6.4525K1 HML - – 6.4525K2 HML - – 6.4525K3 HML - – 6.4525K4 HML - – 6.4525K5 HML - – 6.4525K6 HML - – 6.4525K7 HML - – 6.4525K8 HML - – 6.4525K9 HML - – 6.4525K10 HML - – 6.4525K11 HML - – 6.4525K12a HML - – 6.4525K12b HML - – 6.4525K12c HML - – 6.4525K13a HML - – 6.4525K13b HML - – 6.4525K13c HML - –

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 20(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

4.5 Products H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 6.4525K13d HML - – 6.4525K13e HML - – Language constraints 6.4526K1 HML - – 6.4526K2 HML - – 6.4526K3 HM - – 6.4526K4 HML - – Coding Instructions 6.4527K1a HML - – 6.4527K1b HML - – 6.4527K1c HML - – 6.4527K1d HML - – 6.4527K1e HML - – 6.4527K2 HML - – 6.4527K3 HML - – Interfaces 6.4528K1 HML - – 6.4528K2 HM - – 6.4528K3 HML - – 6.4528K4 HML - – 6.4528K5 HML - – 6.4528K6 HML - – 6.4528K7 HML - – 6.4528K8 HML - – 6.4528K9 HML - – 6.4528K10 HML - – 6.4528K11 HML - –

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 21(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

4.5 Products H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 6.4528K12 HML - – 6.4528K13 HML - – 6.4528K14 HML - – 6.4528K15 HM - – 6.4528K16 HML - – 6.4528K17 HML - – 6.4528K18 HML - – 6.4528K19 HM - – 6.4528K20 HM - – 6.4528K21 HML - – 6.4528K22 HML - – 6.4528K23 HM - – 6.4528K24 M - – 6.4528K25 H - – 6.4528K26 HML - – 6.4528K27 HML - – Detailed design Test software for operation and maintenance 6.45210K1 HML - – 6.45210K2 HML - – 6.45210K3 HML - – 6.45210K4 HML - – Implementation / Code Changes during production 6.45212K1a HML - – 6.45212K1b HML - – 6.45212K1c HML - –

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 22(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

4.5 Products H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 6.45212K1d HML - – 6.45212K1e HML - – 6.45212K1f HML - – Documentation / Information 6.45213K1: HML - – See B 6.45213K2 HML - – 6.45213K3 HM - – 6.45213K4 L - – Development 6.452131K1a HML - – 6.452131K1b HML - – System Lifecycle Management (LCM) 6.452132K1a HML - – 6.452132K1b HML - – 6.452132K1c HML - – 6.452132K1d HML - – 6.452132K1e HML - – 6.452132K1f HML - – 6.452132K1g HML - – 6.452132K1h HML - – Software maintenance 6.452133K1a HML - – 6.452133K1b HML - – Documentation list 4.5.3 Target computer environment 6.453K1a HML - –

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 23(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

4.5 Products H ProgSäk Id Critic. XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 6.453K1b HML - – 6.453K1c HML - – Operating and run-time systems 6.4531K1 HML - – 6.4531K2 HML - – 6.4531K3 HML - – 6.4531K4 HML - – 6.4531K5: See HML - – B 6.4531K6a HML - – 6.4531K6b HML - – 6.4531K6c HML - – Hardware equipment 6.4532K1 HML - –


5.1 Acquirer H ProgSäk Id XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 5.1.1 Personnel (blank section) 5.1.2 Control processes [3.2.4. Quality assurance] 6.5121K1 ”6.3” - – 6.5121K1 ”6.4” - – 6.5121K1 ”6.5” - –

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 24(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

5.1 Acquirer H ProgSäk Id XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 5.1.1 Personnel (blank section) 5.1.2 Control processes [3.2.4. Quality assurance] 6.5121K1 ”6.6” - – 6.5121K1 ”6.7” - – 5.1.3. The FMV Defence Materiel Acquisition Process [3.3.2. Procurement] 6.5131K1 - – [3.3.3. Operation and Maintenance (Lifecycle Management, LCM)] 6.5132K1 - – 6.5132K2 - –

5.2. Supplier H ProgSäk Id XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 5.2.1 Personnel (blank section) 5.2.2 Control processes [4.2.1. Project planning, management and assessment] 6.5221K1 “7.1” - – 6.5221K2a - – 6.5221K2b - – 6.5221K2c - – 6.5221K2d - – 6.5221K2e - – 6.5221K2f - – 6.5221K2g - – [4.2.3. Quality control] 6.5222K1 - –

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 25(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

5.2. Supplier H ProgSäk Id XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 6.5222K2 - – [4.2.4. Quality assurance] 6.5223K1 ”6.3” - – 6.5223K1 ”6.4” - – 6.5223K1 ”6.5” - – 6.5223K1 ”6.6” - – 6.5223K1 “6.7” - – [4.2.5. Configuration management] 6.5224K1 ”6.2” - – 6.5224K2 - – 5.2.3 [4.3. Production process] 6.523K1 “5.3” - – [4.3.1. Development model] 6.5231K1 - – 6.5231K2 - – [4.3.2. Development methodology] 6.5232K1 - – Verifications [ Dynamic analysis (verification by test)] 6.5233K1 - – 6.5233K2 - – 6.5233K3 - – 6.5233K4 - – 6.5233K5 - – 6.5233K6 - – 6.5233K7 - – 6.5233K8 - – 6.5233K9 - –

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 26(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

5.2. Supplier H ProgSäk Id XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 6.5233K10 - – 6.5233K11 - – 6.5233K12a - – 6.5233K12b - – 6.5233K13a - – 6.5233K13b - – 6.5233K13c - – 6.5233K13d - – 6.5233K13e - – 6.5233K13f - – 6.5233K13g - – 6.5233K14 - – 5.2.4. Production environment Support tools [ Configuration management system] 6.52411K1 - – [ Failure reporting system] 6.52412K1 - – 6.52412K2 - – 6.52412K3 - – 6.52412K4 - – 6.52412K5 - – 5.2.5. Products Standard product (blank section) New software development [ Specification] 6.52521K1 - –

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 27(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

5.2. Supplier H ProgSäk Id XXX_DOC Evidence Rationale Action Compliance 6.52521K2 - – 6.52521K3 - – [ Documentation / Information] 6.52522K1 - – 6.52522K2 - – 6.52522K3 - – Target computer environment [ Operating and run-time system] 6.52531K1a - – 6.52531K1b - – 6.52531K1c - – 6.52531K1d - – 6.52531K1e - – 6.52531K1f - –

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 28(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

4 Compliance Summary

Number of requirements in satisfied by Client (FM) H ProgSäk17 organisation/project/ system Yes Main Part No N/AEr ror: Refer- ence source not found 2.1 Personnel 3 2.2 Control processes 2 2.4 Products 5 Total 10

Number of requirements in satisfied by Acquirer (FMV) H ProgSäkEr- organisation/project/ system ror: Reference source not

17A H ProgSäk (E) requirement that includes child requirements is counted as one requirement (e.g. 6.221K2 and subtables 2.2 and 3.2 Control processes).

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 29(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

Yes Main Part No N/AEr ror: Refer- ence source not found 3.1 Personnel 1 3.2 Control processes 9 3.3 The FMV Defence Materiel Acqusition process 6 3.4 Products 15 Total 31

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 30(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

Number of requirements in satisfied by Supplier H ProgSäkEr- organisation/project/ system ror: Reference source not found Yes Main Part No N/AEr ror: Refer- ence source not found 4.1 Personnel 8 4.2 Control processes 7 4.3 Production processes 49 4.4 Production environment 30 4.5 Products 121 Total 215

5 Acronyms

Organisation Title Document id KC Ledsyst Organisation/project compliance with H ProgSäk (E) KC Ledsyst 14910: 41378/04 Name Phone Date Rev Page Inga-Lill Bratteby-Ribbing, FMV 018-12 02 63 2005-04-06 2.1 31(31) Peter Nummert, Lennart Öhman, S&T 08-587 623 00

6 References [1] Försvarsmaktens handbok för programvara i säkerhetskritiska tillämpningar, M7762-000531, H ProgSäk 200118. [2] Handbook for Software in Safety-Critical Applications, M7762-000621-7, H ProgSäk E (English edition)Error: Reference source not found. [3] Försvarsmaktens handbok för Systemsäkerhet, M7740-784851, H SystSäk 1996. [4] System Safety Manual, M7740-784861, H SystSäkE 199619. [5] Information technology – Software life cycle processes, ISO/IEC 12207, 1995. [6] Cross reference tables for H ProgSäk (E) & DO-178B, KC Ledsyst 14910:41371/04. [7] Cross reference tables for H ProgSäk (E) and XXX_STD, KC Ledsyst 14910:41370/04.

18 See under “Publikationer: Handböcker: H ProgSäk 2001”. 19 A translation from Swedish of previous reference (for H ProgSäk E see web site listed in footnote Error: Reference source not found under ‘Engelsk version’).

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