Vision Statement s1

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Vision Statement s1

buildsonwhat havelearnt,thewe progress have we outlinesandmade our priorities We launchedour Strategy Diversity 2002in revisedand it 2004. in This revision Journey Our line ourorganisationalwith values humanand principles.rights’ worldwidewillbeharnessed provide the very to best andpractices can,we services in The diverse contributions considerableand talents ourstaffand of workthose withwe operative advantageandthe UK. impact for ambitions.will developWe new relationships partnershipsandthat deliver co- contacts worldwide to nurture programmes activitiesand around interestandshared We will ondrawrich the ofdiversity the our workforce,UK and partners,friends and theinworld where shared aspirations can flourish. inclusive We societies. believe these contributegreater to stabilitytrust, security and Our emphasis will be on the potentialequality andof todiversity help create more collectivecanefforts individuals,achieve for communities, organisations nations.and energetically thistowardbyamainstreaming approach, highlighting what our contributionto international equality aspects andof will diversity. workWe Our visionuseour is to increasing knowledge experienceand make to a leading part of our cultural relations impact. areUK. ourbrand,They integral to our reputation,success areand anintegral contributethe mutualto trust, respect understandingand strive forwe on behalfthe of Equality diversityand heart are at ourculturalthe of relations ambitions. They VisionStatement We usethe‘short hand’diversity to also include equality 1 importance of an overt commitment strategicandapproachto managing diversity. Concernsand confusion aboutaloss arise identity. This hasreinforcedof the inter-communal suspicion cultural,and nationalsocial, internationaland insecurity. seemingly by offset cultural proximity. Someareat withease multiple for identities; others the benefitsare morenetworked and interconnected. There is learntWe’vepeople’s that expectations aspirationsandare Theyarefarchanging. operative waysof living, working engagingand for trustthe UK,increasinglywe recognise the thatrole valuing diversity and In bringingpeople together understanding of challengesthe andissues in doing so. towards mainstreaming diversity across our globalnetwork developedand our We havebeen on aninterestingjourney since 2002. We laid have a firm foundation leading2015. to reflects alsoIt the changing external environment. We define Equality and Diversity our in Opportunity Equal and Policy onweb our intranet and sites.

perceived perceived (or created)threats to traditional localand cultures, to learn, to

create create workandto build longrelationships term of Diversity Strategy increased inter-culturalinteraction and . play in achievingin andstability security. co-

Page4 communitiesand positively benchmark us otheralongsideorganisations. peopleattract workand to engage us,with extendourunderstanding of diverse welcomediversity strive toand effectively.manage it can enhanceIt ourreputation, Respectdiversity for is inextricably linked to our values culturaland relations role. We DiversityOur Business Case by: practice.on A focus assists diversity cultural relations a in numberwaysincluding of understanding and appreciationof diversity, of people ofand cultures, translated into Effective internationalcultural relationsaresimply not possible without an the content of our programmes establishcombine toourcultural relationsoffer. The wewaydiversity manage internally, the standardsand behaviourswe display and DiversityRelationsCultural and formof the focus next ofphase our work. Threeoverarching objectives which are alignedto our DiversityAction Strategy Plan ObjectivesOur nationaland globalcontexts. and tocontributes our goals including developing UKin for trust the changing local, commitmentto cultural This helpsdiversity. enhance ourcredibility reputationand feelsvaluedand where our programmes strongculturaldemonstrate awareness and Our ultimategoal is an organisation where everyonecomes intocontactwho uswith dynamic achieveandgreater andreach impact. opportunities,approaches sources and support, so remainweof relevant and talentand fresh nurturecreativity,perspectives, innovation flexibilityandand new supportingstandards.By respecting valuingand arewediversity attractmore likely to external contributions, achieve inclusionand with comply legislationrelevant and Respectdiversity for usesupports us to a widemake effective ofrange internal andof     effectivelytogether on the ofand basis dignity respect. experiencesourstaff, partnersandof ourdistinct contacts work- feature - service delivery whichculturein the richvariety the backgroundsof and Helpingtranslate to our values andinto action nurture anorganisational and andUNESCO the ConventiononCultural Diversity. principles including the Universal DeclarationHuman (UNDHR)ofRights cultural Overarchingdilemmas. international instrumentsinform our guiding Providingset of a principlesto guide our workand andaddress reconciling operative and thanwhatseparates us as humans globaland citizens supporting co- compassionandisdone empathy. by This focusing on what joins, rather Encouraging engagementscharacterised bysensitivity, understanding, operate. Demonstratingourand respect of knowledgefor the culturesinwe which

Page4 organisational whereculture people working engagingand uswithfeel andrespected and disabledpeoplein andour workforce will activities. alsoWe nurture an senior positions, someininstancesand of men generally, as well ethnicas minority achieve this intendwe to theimproveinvolvement and representationof women in 2) Fostering inclusion     Tools cultural relations competence. reputation as contributorsinternational to aspects of diversity, improved as well as diversity as an indivisible part ofrelations our culturalactivities, and The organisationalbenefits include anda clear widely feltequality commitment toand areable to promote diversityan as ofintegral culturalpart relations. The resultwillbemore andconfident capable particularlyleaders, senior wholeaders, capability,including thatsenior ofleaders. emphasiswillbeon progress diversityin enhancingand our reputation impact. andThereforeour particularly,but not exclusively, seniorin a They crucial part drivingin 1) Developing aspectsof equality diversityand is crucial evaluatingin our effectiveness impact. and identifyinghow we successful makingare in a leadingcontributionto international 3) impactPerformance,and compliance. legal    Tools and partnerships deliveredbyreflective improvements.diversity messages invariableand learning,employee engagement expandedand relationships bean enhanced reputation,brand and performance. These comefrom the positive internally externallyand toand participate contribute. The organisationalbenefits will society. addition In there will be expandedopportunities under-represented for groups The resultwillbean organisational participantandprofile representative of broader comfortable being free themselves, from unjustified discrimination. inclusion, regardlessof hierarchy, statuscontractual or geographical location. involvement of inandwomen, men,instances minority disabledandethnic people. others.withdiversity Forums initiativesand staff contributions andfor engagementnurture that Actionsthat involvementimprove the under-represented of groups ouractivities. in Equality encouragetargets to thatactions theimproveinternal representation and Promoting sharingandourwork learningand about international aspects of Diversity andweb intranet sites sourcesandinformation ofand guidance. Performance deliverables againstto measurewhich development. Diversity confidence developmentand foractivities leaders. capability and leaders. and capability nurturing developingand engagement, roleand models .

Greater inclusionGreater is animportant outcome. diversity To

Leaders exist differentinroles and

Measuring our performance and a a growth our in

Page4 countries, ordercountries, inaddress to the global challenges face wetogether. tocontribute enhanced long-term relationships understandingand for the other UK and collectiveOurefforts only will not help strongerensure internal butrelationshipsalso providedbyour UnitDiversity The progress havemadewe towardsmainstreaming combinesdiversitythe direction Responsibilities Tools obligations. well as anactively managed meets Strategy its that objectives compliesand legalwith as anopen,democratic strives fair,to country that achieve equality inclusion;and as of diversity; identifiable CouncilcontributionsBritish the international UK’sto standing ourin competenceconfidence, and contributorsreputation as to internationalaspects equalityand as diversity anindivisible of our culturalpart relations activities; The organisationalbenefits include a widely felt evidencedand commitment to effective management of relateddiversity risk. from national internationaland benchmarks, compliancewith legal obligations and The resultwillbeimproved performance against our own standardsdiversity derived comply our legalwith obligations. contributionand distinct impact aimwemake. addition, towill Inwe ensure we We will therefore identify measuringmechanismsthe extentfor qualityand of the get touch telephonein please (0)207389 +44 4484 dialogueand feedback helpto identifythat barriersto progressand good practice.If you would tolike supported Globalby Diversity Network,a alongside other internaland groups.external They welcome 3 2 Diversity Unit, May 2011 operational aspects also a specialhave importantand to roleplay. large numbers staff and of ofareas on an ongoingwork andbasis are closest to Managers of departments, country ofoffices, teaching centres, leadbecause they behaviours,attitudesand resources effective use of will make a critical difference. amongstgroup.Their this Strategy support for andthe it their throughcommitment to Council,the Executive ManagementandBoard Board seniorand managers, are influence, authorityand resources;the Chair Chief and of Executive the British continue to responsibilityshare requireandaccountability, particularly from those with

The Diversity The Unit    and manage risk. activity, the andimplementation statutory ofto codeslegalensure compliance Pay reviews actionand Equalityplans, Screening and Assessment Impact targets StaffSurveyResultsand to progress.measure Distinct diversityDistinct impact measuresbe to developed. StatutorySchemes Equality Ireland(Northern and Language), Welsh Equal UKand global Diversity Assessment Framework setdrives and strategicthe directionof British the Diversity workCouncil’s and are 3 the andstrongsupport staff globally. of We to need 2 targets, UK equality staff a a growth

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