John L. Revitte

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John L. Revitte


417 South Kedzie Hall, MSU E-MAIL: [email protected] and East Lansing, MI 48825-1109 [email protected] Telephone: 517.3555143 WEB:


PROFESSOR, Work, Leisure and Labor Studies, School of Human Resources and Labor Relations (HRLR), formerly LIR; Michigan State University (MSU). [Included titles from Instructor to (tenured) Professor, LIR, from July 1977 - present.]

Visiting Professor, Residential College in the Arts and Humanities, Michigan State University, 2007-2009, and member of “Building Stories” team, commencing Spring 2007.

MSU Faculty Grievance Official (FGO) Emeritus. Appointed FGO after approval by MSU Board of Trustees, Friday, Feb. 13, 2004, to 5-year term (July 2004 – June 2009), following semester as FGO Designate; renewed, following 5-year review, July 2009-August 2011; began consultancy sabbatical but returned as Interim FGO, December 2011 – June 2012.


Designed over 555 LIR adult education seminars, courses and conferences on varied employment relations subjects primarily for the Labor Education Program (LEP) of SLIR which provided low-cost, high quality, mostly non-credit, outreach education and training for labor union officers, staff, stewards, committee-people and members primarily throughout Michigan; served as LEP's Program Coordinator in 2000, and as a Regional Coordinator, 1977-1999, working w/ national, regional, state and local union leaders, AFL-CIO central labor councils & UAW-CAP councils, and labor advisory committees (statewide and regionally) mostly in the Lansing, Flint and nearby Mid-Michigan areas, statewide and w/ approximately twenty Michigan labor organizations, 2001-2004; and (co)-designed, directed and/or administered numerous MSU and external grant projects and staff (noted below).

As FGO, from 2004-2012, responded to inquiries under the MSU Faculty Grievance Policy (FGP) from (up to 5,000 eligible) tenure system and fixed term faculty, lecturers, assistant instructors, research associates, librarians, academic specialists and administrators concerning alleged violations of MSU bylaws, policies and established practices; attempted to mediate and informally resolve grievances between faculty and administrators; scheduled and conducted 3-8 formal grievance hearings per year at the university level; monitored and advised academic units regarding their internal grievance procedures; recommended changes and worked with the provost and general counsel offices and the University Committee on Faculty Affairs (UCFA to revise the existing faculty grievance procedures; and carried out other administrative duties connected to the MSU Faculty Grievance Policy.


Taught over 4,000 instructional contact hours (mostly non-credit) as LIR professor on collective bargaining; dispute resolution, grievance handling and arbitration; steward and committeeperson training; Michigan, labor and oral history and current events; labor and employment laws; and union administration and leadership skills subjects; taught occasionally on other topics including adult education techniques, continuous quality improvement, diversity awareness, ethics and HR, international labour, occupational health and safety, strategic planning and organization development, and work and leisure. This teaching was for SLIR's labor education programs, for SLIR's joint-labor management Program on Innovative Employment Relation Systems (PIERS), GM/Delphi/UAW and American Axle/UAW Paid Education Leave (PEL) and Ford/UAW Auto Industry Studies (AIS) and other joint labor-management training programs, and some for SLIR’s Human Resources Education & Training Center (HREtc.) management outreach programs and others (below).

1 Through LIR/HRLR outreach programs listed above and below, provided high-quality education for union leaders, supervisors, workers, and for joint labor-management initiatives.

Taught (or co-taught) thirteen semesters/terms in the SLIR graduate school, including American Labor History, LIR 891, 4 credits, Winter 1987 and 1990; Workers' Education and LIR Training Techniques, LIR 891, 3 credits, Summer 1988 and 1989; Collective Bargaining, LIR 858, 4 credits, Summer 2000 and 2001 and in 2002 w/ C. Lundy; and Trade Union History, Structure and Administration, LIR 801, 4 credits, Summer 1990 and 1991, and co-taught w/ J. Beck Summer 1995, w/ N. VandeVord Summer 1996 and Fall 1997, and w/ C. Lundy Summer 1998.

Also taught MSU credit classes including outside SLIR: The World of Work and the 2012 Elections, UGS 103/freshman study away, 2 credits, July 2012; Sweatshops, Strikes and Students: Seeking Justice at Work; Work and Leisure: Changing Definitions; and The Occupy Movement: Recent Events, Historic Roots and Future Implications, PRO/UGS 101/freshman seminars, 1 credit each, fall 2000 and 2002 and spring 2006, 2008 and 2012; The Automobile, TCC 356, 4 credits, Fall 1997-2001 as part of multidisciplinary instructional team; helped design and teach LEP undergraduate credit programs including UAW Region 1-C Labor History (SSC 290-Fall 2001, ’02 & ‘03) and Collective Bargaining (SSC 290-Winter 2002 & ‘03) and Asbestos Workers' Labor History LCC-credited apprenticeship course in Fall 2000 and 2002; supervised typically 3-credit LIR 890 Independent Studies including on AIDS and HR, interest-based and mutual gains bargaining, labor relations in eastern Europe, NAFTA, and Saturn's labor relations; and presented guest lectures for LIR colleagues and other MSU departments incl. Ag Econ, Fisheries, History, James Madison, and via CODEC broadcast a Traverse City SSC 490 class, and other universities, incl. NMU, UM, WMU and WSU on: AFL's Roots; Auto Industry’s History & Future; CB, Mediation & Win-Win/IBB; Polit. Econ. of OSH Standards; Globalization's Challenges to US Labor; Labor's 'Current' Crisis; Public Sector CB; and Labor Theories among varied titles recorded in annual reports.


Master of Science in Labor Studies, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 1976.

Bachelor in General Studies (with high distinction), College of Literature, Sciences and the Arts, University of Michigan, December 1972. (U of M Residential College student, with independent major “Applied Social Psychology of Educational Change” until final fall semester, 1972, when switched to LSA’s BGS.)

Birmingham Public Schools, Ernest W. Seaholm High School, graduated June 12, 1968.

MSU Extension (MSUE) certified Master Gardener, awarded 1998, following 40 hour training regarding major horticultural topics and 40 hours of community service as educational tour guide of MSU horticulture gardens, arboretum and butterfly house.


Basics of Grievance Handling &/or Steward and Committeeperson Training Steward Training for Firefighters (and ones for Plumbers, Prison Guards, State Employees, Teamsters...) Contract Interpretation and Analysis for Local Unions Handling Disciplinary &/or Past Practice Grievances Advanced Grievance Handling & Arbitration Arbitration Procedures and Standards Alternative Dispute Resolution and Mediation

Labor and Employment Laws Stewards' Legal Rights & Responsibilities 2 Basics of Labor and Employment Laws for Leaders and Stewards Handling Unfair Labor Practice Issues One Strike and You're Out Protective Labor Laws Overview Family and Medical Leave Act Worker and Union Rights Under OSHA and MiOSHA Workplace Discrimination & Sexual Harassment Living Wage Campaigns and Legislation

Collective Bargaining Trends & New Strategies Don’t Lose @ Win-Win/Interest-based Bargaining (IBB) Public Sector Collective Bargaining History & Practice Collective Bargaining Basics for Building Trades (Auto Supply, Sheet Metal Workers…) Dispute Resolution Systems and Skills Understanding Compensation Systems including ESOPs Responding to Privatization and Contracting Out of Services Unions and Bargaining TQM &/or CQI for Union Leaders Making Effective Joint Labor-Management Committees and Initiatives Changing Industrial Relations Systems Across Borders International Labour Solidarity &/or Unions Across the Globe

American (&/or Michigan, Detroit, U.P….) Labor History Labor's Heritage and Future/Doomed to Repeat Ourselves? US & Global Auto Industry, Unions & Employment Relations History & Future Michigan Building Trades: Union History (varied crafts) Labor History of Plant Guards (Civil Service, Firefighters, Machinists...) Making Labor History Accessible to the Public/Unions/Schools/Colleges Resources for Teaching Michigan Labor History (for high school & college teachers, union leaders, etc.)

Union Administration and Leadership Skills What Do Unions Do? Basic Skills for Union Reps (incl. Ethics & Goals) Understanding and Building on Diversity of Members Internal Organizing and Workplace Solidarity Organizational Development, Leadership and Strategic Planning Skills How to Run Effective Meetings and/or Using Parliamentary Procedures Decision-Making and Problem-Solving Skills Are You a Cyber Union Leader? Computer Skills (Note-Taking Skills…) for Local Leaders Conference Planning and/or Union Education Strategies & Skills Train-the-Trainer for OSH (Joint L-M…) incl. Discussion Facilitation Skills…


Faculty Grievance Official (FGO), MSU, from 2004 to 2012. Appointed to initial 5-year term, July 2004 to June 2009, following semester as FGO Designate and after appointment approved by the MSU Board of Trustees (BOT) on Friday, February 13, 2004; subsequently reappointed as FGO following 5-year review for new term and served from July 2009 to August 2011 when began consultancy; but then appointed as Interim FGO by the MSU BOT and served from December 2011 through June 2012.

Residential College in the Arts and Humanities, MSU, designated by RCAH Dean as a member of the “Building Stories” team, 2007-08 and Visiting Professor, 2007-2009.

3 Meet Michigan (MM) Coordinator, MSU Office of the Provost's Faculty and Organizational Development (FOD) Program, 1998-2004: began as "outside evaluator" and co-directed a survey of past MM presenters & tour participants via "focus group" sessions and issued report; served subsequently as MM Coordinator after fall 1998 tour and designed subsequent spring 3-day bus tours of "outstate Michigan" and 1-day fall bus tours of "metropolitan Detroit," w/ numerous sites mostly highlighting MSU's varied state-wide outreach and extension research, teaching and service projects, via panel presentations; and earlier designed an LEP/local union leaders' panel for MM on 5/8/97. Also participated in MSU Faculty Development consultants & programmers meetings with Director of FOD candidate interviewees, April 2003, and provided assistance in 2002-2003 to Provost Office’s internal and external review of faculty development programs.

Athletic Council member, MSU. Selected as faculty representative for term 2003-2005, and member of AC’s Academic and Compliance Services Committee, 2003-2005, and Gender Equity Committee, 2004-2005, and for the NCAA Self Study Institutional Review Team, 2005-2006.

Public Safety Oversight Committee member, MSU. “Elected” faculty representative, 1998-2002; and (unofficial first author of) reports to Police Chief Benson: "MSU DPPS Oversight Committee Report Regarding MSU Police Undercover Surveillance of Student Groups," investigation during summer and report issued in fall 2001, and "DPPS Oversight Committee Report Concerning the Munn Field Altercation…" investigated in summer and report issued in fall 1998.

History Department, MSU. Adjunct history professor, 3-year “courtesy” appointment, 2002-2005.

American Association of University Professors (AAUP) MSU Chapter, President or Treasurer 1990-1998, and Michigan AAUP conference executive board member, 1992-1995.

Consulting Faculty, Center for the Advanced Study of International Development (CASID) beginning in 1992; and Faculty Associate, Canadian Studies Center, since 1993, and with Russian Studies Center, since 1996.

Great Lakes Regional Executive Board Representative, 1979-1991, and Michigan Chapter Chair and/or Executive Board member, 1991-1999, originally American Federation of Teachers (AFT), then independent, and then Communication Workers of American (CWA), Workers' Education Local 189.

UALE (United Association for Labor Education) membership elected at-large Executive Board Member, April 2000 to 2002 term, and previously member of the UALE Interim Board, 1999-2000; and previously one of the University and College Labor Education Association (UCLEA) appointed reps. for the national merger talks with Workers’ Education Local 189, 1997-8; and then was a WEL 189 appointed rep. for the continued merger talks, in 1998- 1999: and helped negotiate and write new merged organization constitution (see UALE website).

Labor Studies Journal (LSJ) Editorial Board member, 1999-2005, (originally elected by then LSJ board, but after 2000 nominated by board committee and elected by UALE's Executive Board), and member of LSJ's nominations committee in 2001-02.

Historical Society of Michigan (HSM), Board of Trustees member (board elected), 1998-2005, and Chair of HSM board's awards and nominations committee, 2001-2005, and chair of nominations committee in 2000, and member of: awards committee 1999-2005, annual conference planning committee in 2001 and 2005, and Tuomy House grounds committee in 1999 and 2000.

Michigan Historical Review, Board of Editors member, 2002- Present.

East Lansing Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission, 2004-2010. Appointed in 2004 to inaugural commission, reappointed to subsequent terms, then term-limited and service ended December 2010; member of Community Parks, Recreation and Arts Plan Steering Committee, 2005-2006, and helped Beckett & Raeder, Inc. draft and edit “Community Action Plan: City of East Lansing Parks & Recreation”, 2006 and 2007; Dog Park Study Group member, 2007; and inaugural East Lansing Farmers Market planning/oversight community and vendors’ committee member, 2008-11.

4 Potter Park Zoo Board, finalist candidate/interviewee, Ingham County Board of Commissioners, Summer 2007.

MSU Demonstration Gardens, 2002 Photo Contest, and 1st Prize Amateur Division Winner: “Children’s Garden Scarecrow.”

Phi Kappa Phi, member of the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, by election of the Chapter at MSU, 4-15-04, and served on subsequent awards committees.

Get Out the Vote (GOTV) Coordinator, Ingham County Democratic Party for election cycle of 2012, and every prior even year election cycle, i.e., 2010, 2008… since at least 2000, (and provided assistance to party chairs and other GOTV coordinators since 1978, and currently titled: Senior Political Consultant by ICDP chair); (elected) Precinct Delegate, and/or occasional Executive Board member, and county or state party convention delegate, since 1978; and involved in election campaigns and provided GOTV assistance in mid-Michigan, Ann Arbor, metro-Detroit and elsewhere in MI and MA, since the winter/spring 1968 US Democratic Party Presidential primary when volunteered for Senator Eugene McCarthy‘s campaign in various Midwest cities.

International: Faculty Advisor in 1995 & 1996 for Tengizchevroil's (Chevron/Kazakhstan joint venture) Human Resources Manager (enrolled as special English language/LIR student), provided academic and personal advising, designed & supervised multifaceted course of study, and reviewing weekly journal entries. International Trainer, Siberia, Russia, for two weeks during October 1993 under a USAID grant in cooperation with Krasnoyarsk State University and Resources Development Designs, Inc. Training provided on Compensation, ESOPs and Labor Markets, the Role of Free Trade Unions, Dispute Resolution Techniques, Practical Employment Relations, and (Auto) Industry Restructuring; and consultation provided to regional firm managers & KSU faculty on human resource management concerns, business outreach program development and marketing, and redesign of university economics’ curriculum; and interviewed twice on regional television and by two local newspapers. Subsequently served as Coordinator for Krasnoyarsk State University faculty/administrators' two-week visit to MSU during January/February 1994; and designed and coordinated intensive presentation, training and consultation program for three member delegation's visit to redesign K.S.U.'s academic and outreach curriculum in business, economics and human resource management; and presented subsequently the General Agreement for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between MSU and KSU to the MSU International Studies and Programs Advisory/Consultative Committee. Chaired an informal MSU International Labour Standards Group in late 90s. Additional international experience described under Presentations and MSU Service (below) and traveled in UK, Ireland, France and Canada, besides in the Russian Federation.

Project Director (& grant coordinator w/ and/or supervised R. Alpern) "Detroit Labor History Tours," (DLHT was a non-profit/501-C-3 organization affiliated w/ Workers Education Local 189) funded beginning in 1979 by MSU, MCH, MCA & Shifman grants (below). Publications: Union Town: A Labor History Guide to Detroit (Dec.1980), 34 pp. tour guidebook, researcher; Detroit: The Making of a Union Town, 1900-41 (Spring 1982), 22-min. slide show/later video, researcher & script co-author; Working Detroit: The Making of a Union Town (l984), 252 pp. book, (New York: Adama; reissued Detroit: WSU Press), researcher, interviewer, & editor; cited by numerous other books and across the internet, some chapters included in other books such as Detroit Perspectives: Crossroads and Turning Points, edited by Wilma Henrickson, 1991, and referenced by Cornell University’s School of Industrial Relations’ “Labor Matters: A Tribute to Auto Workers” website; Labor Minutes (1985), ten 60-sec. WTVS -Channel 56 labor history/Labor Day-aired "spots," consultant; The Labor Legacy of the Rivera Murals (Fall 1986), 40-min. audio cassette museum tape, script co-editor; Making History Come Alive: The Detroit Labor History Tour Project (Winter 1987), 12-min. color video promo tape, production consultant & a featured interviewee; and Rivera's Labor Legacy: The Detroit Murals (Summer 1989), 25-min. color video, script co-editor & production consultant. DLHT's "Made in Detroit" & "Emergence of the Auto Industry and Its Unions" tours and "On the Line" instructor's kit were featured during Michigan's American Automobile Centennial Week, 6/16-23/96. Honors received: Certificate of Commendation from the American Association for State & Local History - 1984, an Award of Merit from the Historical Society of Michigan – c. 1984, an Emmy Award from the MI Chpt., National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences – 1990, and the Michigan Humanities Council selected “Detroit Labor History Tours” as one of its thirty (30) “Outstanding Humanities Projects” in celebration of MHC’s 30 th Anniversary, 2004. 5 Project Co-Director, "From Calumet to Kalamazoo: Michigan Labor History Perspectives," (with Carol Haddad) 1982- 1985, funded in part by MSU and MCH grants (below). Publications: From Calumet to Kalamazoo: A History of Michigan Workers and Their Unions From 1818 (1984), 31-minute slide show, researcher, interviewer, script co-author and show co-producer; From Calumet to Kalamazoo: A Discussion and Resource Guide for Teaching Michigan Labor History (July 1985), 82-page guidebook, (E. Lansing, MI: MSU Press), co-author; From Calumet to Kalamazoo: A Video History (1988), 31-minute color video, executive producer and director, and From Calumet to Kalamazoo: A DVD History, executive producer and director (2007).

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Occupational Safety and Health Council of Michigan, Ltd. (a non-profit/501-C-3 organization with a 15-member board of representatives from labor, management, health providers, educators and government regulators), from 1979 through 1989, and supervisor of Council's Executive Director (R. Kibbey) and five one-year MDOL-SET grants (below) focused on OSH Training for Primary Care Practitioners (mostly family practice and internal medicine doctors and nurses).

Coordinator, Train-the-Trainer component, Hazard Communications Project, UAW/Ford Motors Joint Occupational Safety & Health Committee contract w/ SLIR, 10 one-week conferences for approx. 150 union & 150 mngt. reps/trainers, 1985; and Project Staff, SLIR (USDOL/New Directions grant) Protecting Workers' Health Training Program, 1978-82.

Professional (almost always unpaid) consultation provided (and recorded in annual review report) to university administrators, faculty and students, and government, management, and union officials (mostly in Michigan and USA) on various subjects and research and grant projects including:

MSU Residential College in the Arts and Humanities, “Building Stories” Team, 2007-2008. Residential College, University of Michigan, 40th Anniversary /Reunion Celebration – Technology Team, 2007. Seaholm High School, Class of 1968 Reunion Celebration, Planning Committee member. Boarshead Theatre, Michigan Humanities Council grant project, assisted efforts to research & write play on Lansing labor history in 2003; Ferndale high school social studies dept. on Michigan and labor history resources in summer 2003; Verizon senior VP regarding CWA negotiations in summer 2003; Michigan Employment Relations Commission (MERC), on revisions to update Hy Parker, SLIR Professor, Bob Repas booklet on PERA and MERC, in 2002; Greater Lansing Labor Council on labor history content for Ingham County Fair “karaoke” contest for students in Summer 2002 and other years following; AFL-CIO’s Field Mobilization CLC-TOT (central labor council training-of-trainers) program trainer, in 2002; & consulted AFL-CIO Organizing Institute & Union Summer programs’ on-campus recruitment drives since 1997; National Interfaith Committee for Justice, interview w/ B. Farr, Chicago HQ staff, regarding labor and religion coalition and partner opportunities and contacts across the state of Michigan v-v unions and Catholic dioceses, 4/25/02; Citizen Research Council of Michigan, interview w/ E. Lupher re: Michigan's Act 312 history and comparative features of MI's law v-v other states (and cities) use of interest arbitration in public sector labor relations, 7/25/01; External Reviewer: George Washington University management sciences' dept. fall '00 review of asst. prof. for tenure; External Reviewer: University of Oregon Labor Education and Research Center fall '99 review of asst. prof. for tenure; MSU African Internet Connectivity Project, arranged a Lansing auto plant tour and moderated presentations by panel of local union bargaining, women's and civil rights committee members, at UAW 602, 5/16/00; MSUE Osceola County extension agent's request for assistance regarding existence and use of BLS and other data sources for providing technical service to local area unions regarding collective bargaining comparability issues; Automobile National Heritage Area's Lansing Corridor, founding chapter meeting at Michigan Historical Center's boardroom, described in "Heritage proposal garners support: Bill would use US money for 6 state historic auto areas", Lansing State Journal, p. B1, 6/19/98; and subsequent meetings/events in Lansing & statewide initiatives; Michigan Historical Museum's Phase 2 Project, consultation on historic content, logo copy, exhibit design, & id of appropriate visuals, oral histories and artifacts on work & leisure and labor unions & LIR stories for museum's permanent exhibit "Michigan in the 20th Century", 1993-6; prior aid given on 19th century exhibit; and subsequent aid provided on the 1-yr. “Lansing Centennial” exhibit, 1997; 6 Advisory Board Member, UAW International Union Health and Safety Department, Hazardous Waste Worker NIEHS Training Project, from 1990 to 2000; Advisory Board Member, SEIU Council 35, Injury Prevention for Health Care Workers OSHA Project, 1995; Prof. Moser’s 11th ed., “Labor Econ. & Labor Relations”, labor history chapter review/critique, in 1996; Fiscal Agent, “Anti-Apartheid Documentary History” grant proposal, rejected by MHC in 1997; Fiscal Agent and Consultant, "Americans of the Five Year Plans", funded by the Michigan Humanities Council, 1990-6; and MCH's "Tools of the Carpenter", funded in 1982-3; Humanities Scholar and Consultant, for MSU professor Lisa Fine, on her "REO Oral History Project", funded by the Michigan Humanities Council, 1993-5; (Outside) Project Evaluator, "Workers' Voices: An Oral History Project" of the Detroit Historical Society, funded by the Michigan Humanities Council, 1992-4; UAW Region 1-C/M.E.A. “Labor in the Schools” (high school curricular development) Design Team, 1992-1993, and occasional follow-up consultant; Labor Museum and Learning Center of Michigan (originally connected w/ Flint’s Mott Community College); consulted on original museum design, themes & content, (and then later) outreach programs & school curricula materials in 1980s & 1990s; City of Detroit, Parks & Rec. Dept's Mt. Elliott Park riverfront interpretative exhibit/museum design/content in mid- 1980s; Office of the Governor, and some state senators, representatives and department leaders, on Michigan employment relations issues, unionization density numbers and trends, and history questions usually regarding Michigan CB in private and public sectors; and on Michigan labor history and resources, grant admin. and funding, and slide/video/Power Point production & budgeting, & worker & union legal rights, CB, internal union democracy, occupational safety & health, & provided high school, undergraduate and graduate (mostly MSU) students w/ reference letters and/or advice on internships/career opportunities in ER/HR, CB or w/ unions & university worker education.

PUBLICATIONS AND OTHER CREATIVE WORKS [needs to be updated for activity after 2008]

M.S.U. Labor Education Program STENCILS (unpublished) for use in credit and non-credit LEP, PEL/AIS and PIERS programs and w/ SLIR graduate school and various undergrad classes (incl. freshman seminars and guest lectures) include JR's stencil/handout/monographs: Michigan Labor History Reference List; Labor & Community Economic Development Reference List; Readings for Workplace Leaders Nearing the Millennium but not only on the Web; Work Reorganization Bargaining; Privatization of Public Services; Dispute Resolution in Employment Relations; Seven Tests Of Just Cause; Compensation & Labor Markets; ESOPs in the US; Collective Bargaining Trends; Public Sector CB Issues; Using Win- Win Bargaining; Using Mediation in CB; Family & Medical Leave Act; Union Security: Lawful & Unlawful Contract Clauses; Employer Unfair Labor Practices; Duty to Bargain and Its Subjects; HR/LIR Professionals Assess America’s Unions: Questions; Union Structures & Organization; Recent Decline of US Unions; Labor Law Reform?; Spirituality of Work Questionnaire; American Labor History Key Concepts; History of US Auto Industry Employment Relations; Labor & the Schools; Significant Dates in Michigan Labor History; and updated charts & graphs on G-7, US and Michigan statistics on unemployment, wages, strikes, & union densities for selected years & demographic characteristics; and as LEP Program Coordinator in 2000 prepared memos/proposals re: "Michigan CLCs & LEP Staffing Assignments;" "Proposal to Create a Revised MSU 140-hr. Labor Leadership Certificate;" "Suggested LEP Individual Faculty Year 2000 Goals" and "Suggested LEP Unit Year 2000 Goals;" and as SLIR Committee on Comp. member prepared “Report Regarding Number of Categories & Names of Descriptor Terms Used (across MSU units) for Annual Evaluation for Merit Salary Increases;” and w/ L. Bierema "LIR Outreach Faculty Performance Evaluation Criteria" (drafted 5/8/00.)

Detroit Labor History Tours and From Calumet to Kalamazoo books and other publications, DVDs and videos, synchronized PowerPoint and slide-audio tape shows and artistic endeavors (listed above under major accomplishments).

Book Review: “Reclaiming the Ivory Tower: Organizing Adjuncts to Change Higher Education,” by Joe Berry, New York, NY: Monthly Review Press, 2005, 162 pp.; submitted to Labor Studies Journal, Summer 2007.

7 Book Review: “Modern Times, Ancient Hours: Working Lives in the Twenty-first Century,” by Pietro Basso. (Translated and edited by Giacomo Donis), New York, NY: Verso, 2003, 275 pp.; in Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 29 No. 4 (Winter 2005), pp. 127-128.

Book Review: “The Dodge Brothers: The Men, the Motor Cars, and the Legacy.” By Charles Hyde, Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press, 2005. 251 pp. Illustrations. End Notes. Index. Vol. 32, No 2 (Fall 2006).

Book Review: “The Unmaking of the American Working Class,” by Reg Theriault, New York, NY; The New Press, 2003, 211 pp.; in Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 29, No. 3 (Fall 2004), pp. 118-119.

Book Review: “From Blackjacks to Briefcases: A History of Commercialized Strike Breaking and Union Busting in the United States,” by Robert Michael Smith, Athens, OH; Ohio University Press, 2003; 179 pp.; $21.95 paper; in Michigan Historical Review, Vol. 30, No 2 (Fall 2004), pp. 218-219.

Book Review: “The CyberUnion Handbook: Transforming Labor through Computer Technology," edited by Arthur B. Shostak, Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2002, 384 pp.; in Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 28, No. 3 (Fall 2003), pp.117-118.

Book Review: “You Don't Always Get What You Pay For: The Economics of Privatization," by Elliott Sclar, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2000, 184 pp.; in Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 28, No. 2 (Summer 2003), pp.82-84.

Book Review: "Hard Work: The Making of Labor History," by Melvyn Dubofsky, Urbana IL: University of Illinois Press, 2000, 249 pp.; in Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 27, No. 2 (Summer 2002), pp. 95-96.

Monograph: Michigan and U.S. Labor History Resources for K-12 School Children and Their Teachers: An Initial Reference List, 12 pp, 9/1/02, posted on JR’s website by the American Labor Studies Center (ALSC) – left column bottom – ( and distributed at varied programs across North America.

Book Review: "The Future of History: Interviews with David Barsamian," by Howard Zinn, Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 1999, 176 pp.; in Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 26, No. 3 (Fall 2001), pp. 94-96.

Book Review: "Labor and the Wartime State: Labor Relations and Law During World War II," by James Atleson, Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1998, 307 pp.; in Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 26, No. 2 (Summer 2001), pp. 95-97.

Textbook Chapter & Instructor Module: “Ethical Perspectives in Employment Relations and Human Resources” (w/ J. Lazar) in E. E. Kossek & R. Block, Managing Human Resources in the 21st Century: From Core Concepts to Strategic Choice, Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishing, 2000 (23p. Chpt #27); and single author: “Ethical Perspectives in ER/HR: Instructor’s Module,” on-line at, 2000, approx. 17 pp. and 17 PowerPoint transparencies.

Book Review: “Managerial Ethics: Moral Management of People and Processes,” by Marshall Schminke, (ed.), 1998, 233 pp.; in Human Resources Planning, Vol. 22, No. 4 (c. 2000), pp. 53-54.

Book Review: “Integrating Work and Family: Challenges and Choices for a Changing World”, ed. by Saroj Parasuraman & Jeffrey Greenhaus, NY: Quorum, 1997, 260 pp.; in Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 24, No. 4 (Winter 2000), pp. 94-6.

Book Review: "CyberUnion: Empowering Labor Through Computer Technology," by Arthur Shostak, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1999, published online for WEL #189/UALE's website, April 2000; and shorter version published in LEP.Edu@MSU Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Summer 2000), p.6.

Book Review: “Sleep Secrets for Shift Workers & People with Off-Beat Schedules,” by David Morgan, Duluth, Minn.: Whole Person Associates, 1996, 163 pp, in LEP.Edu@MSU Newsletter Vol. 1, No. 3 (Fall 1999).

8 Non-refereed short article: “Reflections on Michigan Labor, 1998” 1-p., Vol. 1, No.1 (Winter 1999) of LEP.Edu@MSU Newsletter.

Book Review: “Life in the Shadows of the Crystal Palace, 1910-1927: Ford Workers in the Model T Era”, by Clarence Hooker, Bowling Green U. Press, 1997, 210 pp.; in Michigan Historical Review, Vol. 24, No. 2 (Fall 1998), pp. 176-178.

Book Review: “Working Stiffs, Union Maids, Reds, & Riffraff: An Organized Guide to Films About Labor”, by Tom Zaniello, Cornell University Press, 1996, 295 pp., in Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 23, No. 3 (Fall 1998), pp. 117-118.

Book Review: “Labour Statistics for a Market Economy: Challenges and Solutions in the Transition Countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union”, edited by Igor Chernyshev, Oxford University Press, 1994, 339 pp.; in Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 21, No. 4 (Winter 1997), pp. 112-114.

Book Review: “In Search of the Working Class: Essays in American Labor History and Political Culture”, by Leon Fink, University of Illinois Press, 1994, 261 pp.; in Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 21, No. 4 (Winter 1997), pp. 120-121.

Book Review: “Infighting in the UAW: The 1946 Election and the Ascendancy of Walter Reuther”, by Bill Goode, Greenwood Press, 1994, 184 pp.; in Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 22, No. 1 (Spring 1997), pp. 69-70.

Non-refereed article: "Ground-breaking Effort Yielded Strong Criticism in Earlier Days: From a LIR Center to a School", SLIR Newsletter, 4 page supplement, spring 1996.

Book Review: "Rights at Work: Employment Relations in the Post-Union Era," by Richard Edwards, 1993, Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 20, No. 2 (Summer 1995), pp. 51-52.

Book Review: "Just Cause: The Seven Tests", Second Edition, by Adolph Koven and Susan Smith, rev. D. Farwell, 1992, Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 19, No. 4 (Winter 1995), pp. 55-57.

Monograph: Survey on MSU Faculty Position Replacements for 1991-2 and 1992-3 Academic Years, (w/ Arthur Wheaton); 20 pages, Lansing, MI: Michigan Conference AAUP, summer 1994.

Editor: "Ethical Perspectives on Work Relocation and Reduction Decisions"--The Wm. 'Bus' Bigham SLIR ‘92 Symposium Proceedings; 39 pp., E. Lansing, MI: SLIR/M.S.U., spring 1994.

Monograph: MSU Employee Perceptions Regarding Occupational Safety and Health Hazards, Practices and Their Personal Health Status: A HealthyU Subproject Report, (w/ Ismail Noor); 163 pages, East Lansing, MI: SLIR/M.S.U., Fall 1993.

Book Review: "Artisans Into Workers: Labor in Nineteenth-Century America", by Bruce Laurie. New York: Noonday, 1989; Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Spring 1992), pp. 88-90.

Proceedings: "M.S.U. Employee OSH Perceptions and Training Needs" (w/ Ismail Noor), Proceedings of the Healthy Work Environments - Healthy People: Participatory Approaches to Improving Workplace Health International Conference, Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, June 1991, pp. 44-49.

Monograph: Occupational Safety and Health Annotated Bibliography for Educators of and Prospective Health Care Providers (w/ Gregory Freehling), 24 pp., East Lansing, MI: SLIR/ MSU, 1990.

Documentary Radio & Curriculum Review: "New Yorkers at Work: Oral Histories of Life, Labor & Industry" by Debra E. Bernhardt, The Public Historian, Vol. 11, No. 4 (Fall 1989), pp. 173-176.

Book Review: "A New Deal for Workers' Education: The Workers' Service Program, 1933-1942," by Joyce Kornbluh, Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 13, No. 4 (Winter 1988), pp. 84-85. 9 Book Review: "Union Power and American Democracy: The UAW and the Democratic Party, 1935-72" and "1972-83," by Dudley Buffa, 2 volumes, Michigan Historical Review, Vol. 13, No. 1 (Spring 1987), pp. 91-94.

Book Reviews: "Labor's War at Home: The CIO in WWII" by Nelson Lichtenstein, Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 10, No. 1 (Spring 1985), pp. 85-87, & Vol. 10, No. 2 (Fall ‘85), pp. l96-67.

Monograph: Working: Labor History and Culture Resource Guide (w/ L. Ianni, MCH) 8 pp., East Lansing, MI: Michigan Council for the Humanities, September 1985.

Refereed article: "Building Worker Competence" (w/ Scott Tobey), Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1 (Spring 1981), pp. 41-52.

Proceedings: "Can State Plans Be Made 'More Effective Than'?" Proceedings of Symposium for Labor Educators on OH & S, Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin, May 1981, pp. 296-299.

Film Review: "Song of the Canary," Film Library Quarterly, Vol. 12, No. 2-3, 1979, pp. 76-79.

Various other non-referred "short" items incl.: SLIR Newsletter; MSU News Bulletin; St. News; Lans. St. Journal; Det. Free Press & News; AFL-CIO Ed.Update; LSJ; LH; MI Hist.; Hist. Society of MI Newsletter, & other newspaper, TV & radio media have featured “spots” re: JR projects (including many JR wrote such as: "MI Elderhostel on Labor Relations" & "MSU Hosts Siberian Faculty"); & the OSH Council, Ltd., Quarterly newsletters (1982-4) were edited by Revitte.


Presenter: “History of Michigan Labor in Politics” PowerPoint-slide show/lecture: AFGE Regional Conference, Huron, OH, 4/14/03; Michigan State AFL-CIO Union Label conference, 3/3/03, Kellogg Center, EL; and Michigan State AFL- CIO Upper Peninsula Labor Conference, 10/05/02, Marquette, MI, among other venues primarily with Michigan labor union groups and training programs.

Conference Coordinator: "Elections 2002 & Michigan Workers and Unions" CODEC videoconference from MSU Communication Arts studio to NMU and WSU sites, involved JR as coordinator/moderator of 3 panels w/ 3 presenters ea. conference, 12/9/02. (Coordinated and moderated similar programs: 2000, 1998, 1996, and 1994, but the earliest programs were not always simulcast or videoed.)

Presenter: “Are You a CyberUnion?” workshop, Midwest Union Technology Conference, Chicago, IL, 11/18 & 19/02.

Discussant (3 papers): “Unionization, Workers and Communities” workshop, SLIR/National AFL-CIO Worker Rights Conference, 10/11/02, Kellogg Center, EL (including articles which were subsequently published as book by Block, Kaminski, Friedman and Levin, Justice on the Job, 2006.

Workshop moderator: “Muskegon Local History” and “University Presses and Local History” workshops, 128th Annual Meeting and Michigan History Conference of the Historical Society of Michigan, 9/28/02, in Muskegon, MI.

Workshop Moderator: "Planning" Session: 'Reshaping the Fundamentals: Strengthening Community Economics in Turbulent Times': 2002 Summer Institute, 7/11/02, and Workshop Organizer: "Current Workforce" Session: 'Working Wired: Empowering Workforce Development in an Information Society': 2001 Summer Institute, 7/10/01, Michigan Partnership for Economic Development Assistance and MSU Center for Urban Affairs, Kellogg Center, EL.

Presenter: "Upper Peninsula Industry & Labor History including the CCC Camps' Story," and 2002 Folio Award presentation (repeated ’03), Historical Society of Michigan annual "U.P. History Conference," 6/22/02, Munising (& 6/21/03 at Cedarville), MI. 10 Presenter: "Bargaining for Safer Workplaces," 2002 Michigan State AFL-CIO Safety and Health Conference, 4/23/02.

Conference Planning Committee Member/Organizer: "Detroit's Story: 300 Years of Opportunity, Diversity & Success: 127th Annual Meeting and Michigan History Conference of the Historical Society of Michigan," and recruited presenters in sessions on "Auto Industrial Heritage," "Women in Detroit," and "Labor in Detroit," and Session Chair: "Detroit Family Memories" (N. Conyers, E. Reuther & R & S Alvarado), 10/5-7/01, Dearborn, MI.

Conference Co-coordinator (w/ E. Holbrook): "Community Mental Health" annual conferences (involving, for planning & presentations, multiple Michigan CMH sectoral unions' staff and workplace leaders, some CMH management representatives, and several, each year, of the key Michigan House Representatives then serving on relevant committees): 5/15/01, '00 and '99.

SLIR Outreach AD 'Job Talk' Handouts: Self-nomination memo of 6/9/00 titled "Re: Associate Director of LIR Outreach Programs” including (10-item) Appendices, and showed "JR's LIR AD talk leadership (PowerPoint) slides."

Conference Co-coordinator: "Michigan AFL-CIO Constituency Groups and Allies" conference, (w/ 17 plenary and workshop presenters) 5/13/00, Lansing, MI Radisson.

Panel Organizer: "University Labor Education Centers and International Unions: Cooperative Program and Relationship Trends," and Presenter: "Status and Characteristics of U.S. University Labor Education Centers as of Spring 1999: A Survey Report on 21 Centers" (20-item PowerPoint report) and "Brief Report on MSU's CWA 4034 Leadership Training (Innovative) Intervention Contract," 4/15/00, United Association for Labor Education/AFL-CIO Education Directors' annual national conference, Milwaukee, WI.

Two-day Special Events' Co-coordinator: "Worker Rights in a Global Village," MSU/Lansing Community College/Greater Lansing United Nations Association's 2 days of public seminars, invitational luncheons, media interviews, and JMC, etc. classroom guest lecture sessions (w/ national, state and local speakers) held at MSU and LCC, 3/28 & 29/00.

Panel Organizer/Co-chair: "Central Labor Bodies - New Approaches to Issues of Race, Class and Gender," and Presenter: "The Roles of White Males In the Promotion of Diversity in CLCs and State Feds," 4/10/99, University and College Labor Education Association/AFL-CIO Education Directors' annual national conference, Atlanta, GA.

"How Can Lansing Capitalize on its Automotive Heritage?" 6/17/98, talk prior to comments of Director S. Clark and five community panelists, Michigan Historical Museum's "Community Conversations, Building our Future on our Past: Three Public Forums Based on the Exhibit Lansing 1897," Lansing, MI (paid honorarium by Michigan Historical Center Foundation).

"Michigan and U.S. Labor Union and Community Services' History", Michigan State AFL-CIO Community Services School, UAW's Walter Reuther Education Center at Onaway (Black Lake), MI, 6/8/98.

Panel Chair/Organizer: "Labor Standards and Social Protection in OECD Countries: An International Problem (4 presenter symposium)", 1/5/98, Industrial Relations & Research Association (IRRA) 50th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Panel Chair/Presenter: “Historical Perspectives on Union and University Conflict and Cooperation Providing Worker and Labor Education and Studies”, 11/8/97, Workers’ Education Local 189, CWA, 75 th Anniversary National Conference, Detroit, MI.

Conference Organizer/Coordinator and Presenter, "Elderhostel: Work and Leisure Yesterday and Tomorrow", MSU Campus & Lansing vicinity visits: 5/18-23/97; 5/19-24/96; and 5/14-19/95, with MSU Alumni Lifelong Education.

11 Michigan State AFL-CIO Union Label & Trades Conferences, Lansing, MI, 11/15/97; and in Dearborn, 10/12/96; and in Flint in 1995: “Michigan Labor History: What Happened and/or Making It Accessible to Members and Families.”

Michigan State AFL-CIO Community Services Staff Training Conferences, Mt. Pleasant, MI: “Conference Planning & Discussion Facilitation Skills”, 1/9/97; "Listening and Feedback Skills", 1/11/96; & "Advanced Facilitator Skills and Discussion Leading Techniques", 1/11/95.

MSU Evening College courses: “Work & Leisure in Michigan”, winter ’97; & "History & Future of Work in Michigan", winter ‘96, w/ L. Griffin; and "The Auto in MI's Yesterdays & Tomorrows", fall ‘94 (cancelled/insufficient numbers).

“Reflections on ‘Jobs, Work & Leisure’ Ethics & Trends”, St. John Student Parish Faculty Club talk, 11/18/96.

Seminar Organizer/Presenter: “Recent Trends in Employment Relations and Employee Conflict in the Former Soviet Union”, 11/8/96, SID/CASID Brown Bag Faculty-Student Roundtable Seminar.

“Tomorrow’s Labor & Labor Force,” Midwest Museums Association, Annual Conference, E. Lansing, MI, 10/30/96.

“ Respecting and Valuing Our Differences: What Every Worker Needs to Know About Diversity”, employee and supervisor training programs, conducted with T. Riley, for Electro-Mechanical Products, Inc., Owosso, MI, three-hour sessions on 10/9, 11/5, 13 & 20, 12/4 & 11/96, and 1/8, 17, 22 and 30/97 (hired/paid by SLIR/HRETC as overload).

Coordinator/Presenter: “Mid-Michigan African-American Trade Union Leadership Conferences”, Lansing, MI, September 21, 1996; and in Flint, MI, September 1994.

“Leadership for Change: An Assessment of MSU’s SLIR Labor Education Programs’ History and Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats After the First 43 Years and Some Visions for the Years 1997-2002”, Associate Director job talk presentation/6 pp. handout, 8/27/96, incl "premiering" of JR's first PowerPoint slide show w/ synchronized music tape.

"Changing Industrial Relations Systems", UAW-Ford Automotive Industry Studies Program, Onaway, MI, April 18 and 25, 1996 (hired/paid by Cornell University).

"Solidarity, Diversity & Full Participation", Michigan AFL-CIO's Stand Up for Michigan's Working Families Conference, Dearborn, MI, March 2, 1996, 3 workshops w/ Loreen Randall.

Interviewee (as was Pres. McPherson), "State Structures for the Governance of Higher Education: A Seven State Comparative Study", The California Higher Education Policy Center, E. Lansing, MI, 10/5/95.

"From a Center to a School: An M.S.U. Labor and Industrial Relations Story," 40th Anniversary Celebration: 1955-1995, School of Labor and Industrial Relations Alumni Conference, East Lansing, MI, 9/29/95.

"US Employment Relations and Auto Industry/Union History and Future Trends", East German D.A.A.D. International Students' Institute, E. Lansing, 8/3/95.

"Siberia, Kazakhstan, and M.S.U.: Building International University and Business Linkages Toward Training Former Soviet Union/NIS Human Resource Managers", NASFA: Association of International Educators' National Conference on Investing in Russia's Future, Des Moines, Iowa, 6/24/95.

Coordinator/Co-Facilitator (w/ M. Polzin), "Michigan State AFL-CIO's Strategic Directions", Michigan AFL-CIO General & Executive Boards' Strategic Planning Retreat/Conference, Dearborn, MI, 1/30-31/95.

Moderator/Coordinator, "The International Labour Organization at 75 Faces the Global Economy" Conference, MSU International Center, 11/3/94, involving SLIR and 5 MSU cosponsors and 6 external organization endorsers. 12 "Oral History Interview Techniques and Public History Project Designs", MSU Community Economic Development Program (staff development/training), 7/6/94.

"Michigan Unions: History, Structure and Economic Development", Michigan Partnership for Economic Development Assistance, Luncheon Seminars, MSU International Center, 4/21/94.

Moderator/Coordinator of MSU Chapter, AAUP public seminars cosponsored by the Office of the Provost: "Faculty Forums on Gripes, Grievances and Governance": Forum #1="Governance at MSU: Its Recent History and Current Practice", H. Silverman, 9/28/94, #2="Faculty Affairs: Recent Changes and Future Possibilities", J Wright, 11/16/94, #3="A User's Guide to the Faculty Grievance and Appeals Process", 2/15/95, M. Rubner, #4="Scientific and Intellectual Integrity and the Dye's Committee Recommendations", D. Wright, 3/15/95, and #5="Faculty and Tenure System Recent Changes and Future Possibilities", E. Cherney, 4/5/95; "Issues Forum with the Board of Trustee Candidates", 6 candidates and 9 cosponsors, 10/19/94; "Meet the Candidates for MSU Board of Trustees", 4 candidates, 10/22/93; "Too Important to Leave to Administrators" The Budget and Our Mission", M. Cogan, 3/11/93; and "Academic Salaries in the 90s", D. Hamermesh, 3/30/93.

Co-Chair and Presenter, Session #115: "Working Class Culture: Making Working Class Culture More Popular", and Respondent, Session #210: "Communitarianism and Utopianism: The Marginalization of Workers and Organized Labor in Popular Culture", Popular Culture/American Culture Associations 24th/16th Annual Meetings, Chicago, IL, 4/7/94.

Chair/Commentator, "Developing Business-Related Curriculum and Outreach Efforts at a Siberian University", Society for International Development, Luncheon Seminar, MSU International Center, 1/28/94.

Presenter, "A Siberian Traveler Reports Home", SLIR Faculty Seminar, 11/12/93; and a similar talk given to MacDonald Middle School, 7th graders, 1/21/94, and to Marble Elementary School, 4th graders, 2/10/94.

Chair/Commentator, Session #4: "American Labor History" (four papers), 18th Annual Great Lakes History Conference, Grand Rapids, MI, 10/1/93.

Panelist, "Labor Dispute Resolution Techniques", presentation for the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation's Commission on Social Policy delegation's visit to M.S.U., 7/6/93.

Chair/Commentator, Session #10: "Industry and Labor in West Michigan" (three papers), 17th Annual Great Lakes History Conference, Grand Rapids, MI, 10/2/92.

"Organized Labor's Role in Promoting Freedom and Democracy in America", 1992 Michigan Freedom Academy, Phelps Collins Air National Guard Base, Alpena, MI, 8/7/92.

Moderator and Presenter: "Labor Songs, Local and Regional Culture," Third Midwest Labor Heritage and Song Exchange, 10/20/90, Chicago, IL.

"From Repository to Union Hall: Non-print Materials in Labor Education," Society of American Archivists, 53rd Annual Meeting, 10/28/89, St. Louis, MO.

"Exploring the Contribution of Research: An OSH Sub-project Research Report," Weaving the Net: Strategies for Health Promotion Conference, 10/17/89, East Lansing.

"Flint Labor History" (Guided Bus Tour), University of Michigan Elder-Hostel, 7/20/89.

Moderator, "Introducing Labor Studies in the Schools," and Presenter, "Making History Come Alive: Detroit Labor History Tours and the Schools-A New Direction?” University and College Labor Education Association/AFL-CIO Education Directors' Annual Conference, 3/16/88, Milwaukee, WI. 13 Moderator and Commentator: "The Sit-Down Strike," 1987 Michigan Folklife Festival, "Talk" Stage/MSU campus, 8/22- 30/87, 7 sessions of 1.5 hours/ea.

"Michigan Labor in Crisis? and in History," Michigan United Labor Community Service Schools, UAW Black Lake Education Center, 4/13 and 20/87, Onaway.

"Developing Labor History Curriculum Materials," MI Dept. of Ed./Oakland Schools Conference, 5/15/87, Rochester.

"Michigan Labor History," The Michigan Academy, 2/27/87, Ann Arbor.

"Joint Labor-Management Health and Safety Training," Workers' Education Local 189 National Conference, 1/31/87, Detroit.

"Making Local Union History Accessible to Workers," UCLEA Mid-west/Southern Regional Conference, 12/13/86, Toledo, OH.

"Michigan Labor History Resources for Teachers," MEA Statewide Staff Conference, 10/29/86, Lansing.

"History of Michigan Workers and Their Unions," 112th Annual Meeting of the Historical Society of Michigan, 10/17/86, Farmington Hills.

"Michigan Labor History: Making Resources Accessible," 111th Annual Meeting of the Historical Society of Michigan, 10/5/85, Grand Rapids.

Moderator and Commentator, "History of the American Labor Movement" (three papers), 11th Annual Great Lakes History Conference, 4/11/85, Grand Rapids.

"From Calumet to Kalamazoo," 10th Annual Great Lakes History Conference, 4/19/84, Grand Rapids, and Michigan United Labor Community Services Schools, 4/9 and 16/84, Bellaire.

"Making State and Local Labor History Accessible: The Michigan Experience," national UCLEA/AFL-CIO Education Director's Annual Conference, 4/5/84, Chicago, IL.

"Collective Bargaining for Safer Working Conditions," SEMCOSH Conference, 10/26/83, Detroit.

"Detroit: The Making of a Union Town," 9th Annual Great Lakes History Conference, 4/7/83, Grand Rapids.

"Making Local Labor History Accessible to the Public: The Detroit Labor History Tours Project"; national UCLEA/AFL- CIO Education Directors' Annual Conference, 3/31/83, Nashville, TN.

Testimony given on "Employee Access to Medical Records," Michigan Department of Public Health standards hearings, 7/22 and 12/5/80.

Refereed manuscripts, when requested by Labor Studies Journal 1985-98 and Michigan Historical Review in 1993 & 1998; but more frequently have served as a reviewer/referee, after election to the LSJ editorial board in 1999 and the Michigan Historical Review board of editors in 2002. The following manuscript reviews by JR (mostly 2 pp.) exist w/ "evaluation sheet" reports to the editors: “USWA Bargained and State Oriented Responses to the Re-current Steel Crisis,” “Glorified Messengers for Management or Legitimate Unionism? An Analysis of Local Independent Unions,” “Challenging and Overcoming Racial Divisions in a Local Union: The Experience of the Locked-out Staley Workers,” "Learning for Change: Staff Training, Leadership Development and Union Transformation," "Workplace Hazards, Unions and Coping Styles," "Conciliation as Part of the Unfair Dismissal Process in South Australia," "Living Wage Campaigns as Social Movements," "Strategic First Contract Campaigns at Multinational Corporations in a Global Economy," "Labor 14 and Economic Globalization in Eastern Europe and Latin America," "Labor '96: Testing the Effect of the Wisconsin AFL's Political Outreach," and "The New York City Garment Strike of 1909… Creating a New Industrial Relations?"


Research in progress (currently without grant support) toward potential articles and/or media/video products listed on JR’s website separately under research projects and publications for 2011-2012 academic year.

“The Other Autoworkers: a History of the Allied Industrial Workers Union” with Lisa Fine, History Dept.; unfunded but approved by UCRIHS, and then IRB, and oral history interviews and archival research conducted from 2001-2004.

"Detroit's Story: 300 Years of Opportunity, Diversity & Success: 127th Annual Meeting and Michigan History Conference of the Historical Society of Michigan," $… grant request submitted, by Historical Society of Michigan's annual conference committee (including Revitte), HSM Board of Trustees (incl. JR) and HSM Executive Director, and funded in 2001 by Michigan Humanities Council (MHC) and Detroit 300 as a "Partner Program" grant.

“ The Rise and Fall of a State Department of Labor? Michigan’s Regulation from 1883 to 1996 of Five Employment Relations Subjects under Michigan’s Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics, Department of Labor, and Department of Consumer and Industrial Services” for $13,542 submitted and rejected by MSU’s AURIG program in 1996/7.

"A Sociological Analysis of MSU Employee Perceptions of Occupational Safety and Health Hazards, Practices and Personal Health Status" (with I. Noor) for $8,000 funded in 1989 by a Biomedical Research Support Grant from the M.S.U. Office of the Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies and the College of Social Science.

"Occupational Safety and Health: Health Promotion" (with D. Brickner) for $66,000 funded by Healthy U/Kellogg Foundation in 1986, continued to 1989/90 academic year, and supervisor of four graduate assistants.

"Rivera's Labor Legacy" (with R. Alpern and S. Babson) funded by Michigan Council for the Humanities (MCH) for $2,000 in 1986, a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) gift of $5,000 in 1989; and a Michigan Council for the Arts (MCA) grant of $9,500 in 1987.

"Improving 'Back to Work' Decision-Making" (with R. Kibbey) rejected by Michigan Department of Labor (MDOL) for $43,000 in 1987.

"Teamster Local 337's 50th Anniversary" project director; supervised three staff on contractual historic booklet/research project in 1986 and 87.

"Michigan Workers on Film: A Sesquicentennial Series" funded by MCH for $250 in 1987.

"Family Health Care Providers and Worker Health: A New Opportunity" (with R. Kibbey) rejected by MDOL for $50,000 in 1986.

"Working Detroit and the Public Schools" (with R. Alpern and S. Babson) rejected by the YES/150 Michigan Department of Commerce for $10,000 in 1986.

"Improving Participation and Compliance by Family Health Care Providers Regarding Health Care Regulation" (with R. Kibbey) rejected by MDOL for $68,000 in 1985.

"Michigan Labor Chautauqua" funded by MCH for $2,000 in 1984.

15 "Training of Primary Care Practitioners" (with R. Kibbey and OSH Council co-officers) annual proposals submitted and funded by MDOL for $40,000 in 1984, $40,000 in 1983, $50,000 in 1982, a six-month MDOL continuation grant for $25,000 in early 1982, and $32,400 in 1981.

"Perspectives on Michigan Labor History" rejected by MSU All-University Research (AUR) Grants for $7,500 in 1983.

"Michigan Labor Chautauqua '84" rejected by MCH for $39,240 in 1983.

"From Calumet to Kalamazoo: Michigan Labor History Perspectives" (with C. Haddad) funded by MCH for $10,000 plus $2,500 gift and match authorization in 1982.

"From Calumet to Kalamazoo" (with C. Haddad) rejected by MCH for $7,500 in 1982.

"Detroit Labor History Curriculum and Teacher Training" (with R. Alpern) rejected by NEH for $64,655 in 1981.

"From Calumet to Kalamazoo" (with C. Haddad) rejected by MSU/AUR for $7,500 in 1981.

"Detroit Labor History Tours" (with R. Alpern) funded by MCH in 1981 for $40,000 plus $7,500 gift and match provided by the Shiffman Foundation, various contributors and NEH in 1981-2.

"Detroit Labor History Tour Guide" (with S. Babson) funded by MCH for $2,000 in 1979.

"Training Primary Care Practitioners" (with OSH Council co-officers and MMSHSA staff) rejected by USDOL in 1980.

Various grant proposals submitted and funded annually by MSU-AUR college-level grants for $l00-300 on various Michigan labor history projects, from 1978 through 1990.

Participated in drafting (and served as project staff on) externally funded contract and grant projects of SLIR's Labor Education Program (LEP)/Labor Program Services (LPS) including Protecting Workers' Health (USDOL/New Directions' State of MI workers education grantee, 1978-82); UAW-Ford/Hazard Communications Program, 1986; UAW-GM (- Delphi & occasionally Lear) / Paid Education Leave, since 1988; and UAW-Ford/Automotive Industries Studies, 1995-8.

TELEVISION, RADIO AND NEWSPAPER INTERVIEWS [needs update for interviews since 2008]

Interview regularity with broadcast and print media after selection as Faculty Grievance Official diminished, except during the “Big Three” auto industry crisis, but the interviews were not all recorded nor reported in annual reports for a couple of years.

“Michigan Labor in Crisis?” Michigan Public TV Network, “Michigan at Risk” special - interview with Chris Cook at WKAR TV studio, 7-19-07, to be aired during Labor Day Weekend across Michigan, 2007.

“Lansing Labor Holiday, “ Lansing City Pulse, interview with Ed Wendover, 7-30-07 for feature Labor Day week, 2007.

“East Lansing Dogs to Get Park at Abbott Road”, Lansing State Journal, interview with Hugh Leach, 8-2-07, printed 8-5- 07, pages 1 and 2B.

“ UAW – Big Three Negotiations, 2007,” WILX-TV 10, “Business Today” featured guest interviewee with Chris Holman, 7-20-07, aired 7-22-07.

Letter to the Editor: “State Employee Salaries and FOIA”, Lansing State Journal, originally submitted 7-5-07, printed 7-17-07. 16 “Tower Workers Face Pay, Benefit Cuts – Auto Supply Industry Going Through Change”, Traverse City Record – Eagle, (Bill O’Brien), posted on website, 11-3-05.

“Who Needs Enemies?” The Left Coaster, 10-22-05

“Delphi Demands 63% Pay Cut From UAW,” Detroit Free Press, (Michael Ellis), posted on website Friday, 10-7-05.

“Gripe and Moan,” The State News (Sonia Khaleel), 2-24-04.

“Revitte Named New MSU Faculty Grievance Official,”, (Kristen Anderson), 2-13-04.

“Krispy Kreme Goes Sour on Dart Products,” Lansing State Journal, interview with staff reporter, and printed 2-23-04.

“GM-UAW Settlement,” WWJ-Radio 950/am (Detroit) live radio interview w/ Greg Bowman, 9/18/03.

“GM may not get the deal it desires,” Lansing State Journal, (Barbara Wieland), pp. 4A, 9/15/03.

“Auto talks still could bring an early deal,” Lansing State Journal, (Barbara Wieland), pp. 7 & 10C, 9/13/03.

“UAW auto talks ’03,” TV-6/News (Lansing) interview w/ Mike Low, aired at 6:00 p.m. on 9/12/03.

“UAW auto negotiations ‘03,” CNBC-TV television interview taped at WKAR studios, aired nationally on 9/11/03.

“UAW-Big 3 negotiations,” WWJ-Radio 950/am (Detroit) live radio interview w/ Tim McNamara, 9/6/03.

“Labor Day’s history and UAW talks ’03,” WJR-radio 760/am (Detroit) live radio interview w/ Warren Pierce, 9/1/03.

“ Detroit Automakers Begin Labor Talks”, AP-Detroit, (John Porretto), AP release 7/16/03, carried in “UAW and Chrysler begin labor talks in tough economic climate,” Detroit News, 7/16/03; Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “Chrysler, Union Talks Beginning in Soft Economy;” and probably many other papers.

“Sculpture Rises as Work of Defiance: Detroit Project,” Los Angeles Times, (Stephanie Simon), p. 11A, 6/25/03; and subsequently incl. on Metro-Detroit AFL-CIO’s web page and others such as George Mason University’s History News Network.

“Virtual Assistants Provide Alternative to Temporary Staffing Services, All From Home Offices,” Free-Press-Release (Richmond, Ontario), Internet release 6/4/03.

"Unions hope to recover lost ground," Lansing State Journal, (Stacey Range), pp. 1 and 9A, 9/2/02.

"Fatal handshake? Lansing's pact with GM calls for a future task: Go Green!" City Pulse: a newspaper for the rest of us, Daniel Sturm, (JR one of 4 featured photographed interviewees for cover story), pp. 1, 6 & 7, Vol. 1, Issue 37 (5/22/02).

"80% of state workers…” Lansing State Journal, p. 1B, 5/1/02, based on interview (probably used statewide) w/ A. Franklin, AP (Lansing, MI) on "State of MI early retirements: will anyone replace the 80% eligible for early retirement."

"Labor educator Dale Brickner dies at 73," Lansing State Journal, p. 1B, 10/18/01; and "Former professor remembered for his humor," MSU State News, p. 3A, 10/18/01.

"Labor Day and Michigan's History," WJR-760/am (Detroit) live radio interview w/ Shelly Irwin, 8/31/01.

"Group likely to register complaint: Police Oversight Committee," State News, pp. 1 & 2A, 4/6/01. 17 “DaimlerChrysler gives German workers bonus,” AP-Berlin (B Herman), appeared in Associated Press, Internet stories, 2/9/01.

“McPherson bonus a boon for MSU,” (M Mayes), Lansing State Journal, p. 1-B, 9/22/00.

“Gore hasn’t cemented union votes,” (P Egan), Lansing State Journal, p. 5-B, 9/4/00.

“Is Gore labor’s No. 1” (J Spinner), Saginaw News, 9/4/00.

“Labor Day Orphans: Some jobs get scorned even in boom times” (J Schneider), Lansing State Journal, p. 1 & 2 E, 9/3/00.

“Conference looks at sweatshops,” State News, p. 5A, 3/30/00.

“UAW Wraps Up Three Auto Agreements,” Yahoo’s AP Headlines (J. Hyde, Detroit-AP), 10/11/99, 2 pp., based on “Auto Agreements in Context: What do they mean? Who won? Who lost?” interview w/ J. Hyde, Detroit – AP.

“UAW Turns Attention to GM,” Yahoo’s AP Headlines (J. Hyde, Detroit-AP), 9/17/99, 3 pp.

“ Labor Day weekend finds US workers demanding more,” Lansing State Journal, p. 5B, 9/4/99, clearly based on interview w/ J. Hyde, Detroit – AP, 9/3/99 and published under Internet title: “Workers Become More Demanding.”

“UAW votes strike,” Lansing State Journal, p. 5B, 8/24/99, based on Detroit-AP Internet story earlier that a.m.

"Aftermath of UAW's GM Strikes: Labor Relations and Jobs", 7/29/98 12-minute interview, 12 seconds aired on TV-6 (Lansing) on at least 6 and 11 p.m. newscasts.

"Experts: GM & UAW Have Work to Do", Lansing State Journal, p. 7A, 7/29/98.

"UAW Threatens GM with more Strikes", Yahoo's AP Headlines (Akre-Detroit), 7/17/98, resulted in JR quotes in at least: "GM talks at a standstill", Detroit News, 7/18/98, unknown page-seen on Internet, and "UAW studying tougher moves against GM", Lansing State Journal, p. 5B, 7/18/98.

"GM Seeks Arbitration Order", Yahoo's AP Headlines (Akre-Detroit), 7/14/98, and also resulted in at least: story, 7/14/98.

"UAW G.M. Strike" w/ Dr. Kruger and moderator Scott Pohl, WKAR-AM Radio, 11-noon call-in show, 7/6/98.

"UAW and GM: Why Another Strike?" WWJ-950/am (Detroit) live radio interview w/ Bob Ecolls & Dana Carvey, 6/20/98.

"UAW v. GM: Three Professors' Live (Wm. Eaton, N. Lichtenstein & JR)", UBN Radio (United Broadcast Network, supposedly 150 local affiliates), live Project USA: Newsmaker call-in show from 5 to 6 p.m., 6/18/98, at least heard in Cadillac, MI.

"UAW Strike Update", WOOD Radio (Grand Rapids), 7-min. live interview w/ Gary Allan, 6/19/98.

“No More Big Three”, MSU Media Communications’ Timely News Tips, 5/12/98.

"Top MSU officials get raises", Lansing State Journal, p. 1 & 2A, 4/11/98.

18 “Carey Ousted by Courts as Teamster Presidential Candidate”, ABC- News Radio (New York City) 11/17/97 live radio interview.

"Labor Day Labor Stories” including UPS/Teamster Strike, Carey v. Hoffa, the History of Labor Day, & the Future of Labor, WKAR-Radio, 8/28/97 interview excerpts aired as segments and news spots on Labor Day for Michigan public radio distribution.

“Faculty Strike Continues: Ferris State”, MSU State News, p. 3, 8/27/97.

“Peace of Work: Lansing’s auto labor relations are known for being peaceful, but there are a couple exceptions”, Lansing Capital Times, August 1997, pp. 3 & 4.

“History of Labor Day”, MSU Tip Sheet to media, 8/20/97, p. 3. led to several subsequent interviews including: -WAAM (A2) live radio interview (w/Warren Pierce) on 8/28/97; -HOM-TV/TCI Channel 22 (Meridian Township) 30-minute interview (w/Eliz. Woley) on 8/28/97 which was aired numerous times the week of Sept. 1st; -WJR-AM Focus Show (Detroit/760) live radio interview (w/ Marie Osborn) on 8/29/97 on “Labor’s status this Labor Day weekend”; -WJIM-AM (Lansing/1240) live radio interview (w/ Chris Holman) on 9/1/97 on “Labor’s history and future”; and -FOX-47 TV (Lansing) interview on 9/1/97 on “Labor’s history and future”.

“Teamster-UPS Strike Settlement”, MSU News Hotline radio interview 8/18/97.

"UPS Strike’s Impact on MSU Textbook Delivery”, 8/6/97 interview aired on TV-10 (Lansing) on 6 and 11 p.m. newscasts.

“GM-UAW Warren Strike Settlement”, WWJ-950/am (Detroit) live radio interview 7/28/97.

“Faculty at U of M leads state in faculty paychecks”, AP interview used at least in the Lansing State Journal, 7/6/97, p. 1B.

“Tear gas incident angers union, residents”, Lansing State Journal, p.1A & 4A, 5/31/97.

“The Current State of Automotive Labor Relations on the 60th Anniversary of the Battle of the Overpass”, WWJ-950/am (Detroit) live radio interview 5/26/97.

“Elderhostel focuses on work, leisure”, MSU Tip Sheet to media, 5/13/97, p. 3.

“Union calls takeover friendly”, Lansing State Journal, p.1A & 2A, 4/2/97.

“Safety chief’s job may not be too safe”, Lansing State Journal, p.4B, 3/7/97.

“UAW talks unsuccessful; Ford plant workers idle", AP interview 2/7/97, quoted in at least the Lansing State Journal, p. 5B, 2/8/97.

“Hoffa Supporters Maintain Hope”, AP-Washington interview used, unfortunately, at least in the Detroit News, 12/16/96, p. 1 & 7A.

“Teamsters’ International Union Presidential Election: Implications” and “Carey Claims Victory but Hoffa Not Giving Up”, 12/13 and 14/96, WWJ-AM (Detroit) live radio interviews.

“SLIR Faculty Available for Analysis of GM-Labor Talks”, MSU News Room Tip Sheet, 11/1/96.

19 Inclusion in 10/29/96 MSU Notes to Media on GM-Labor Talks led to: “GM Local Strikes and a National Settlement”, 10/30/96 interview aired on TV-10 (Lansing); and “UAW/GM Strikes at Janesville and Indianapolis’ Impact on Michigan”, 10/30/96 interview with Michigan Public Radio aired at least on WKAR.

“The UAW’s GM Strike Deadline Announcement”, 10/25/96 interview with AP-Detroit used at least in the Washington Post, 10/28/96.

"LEP Black Worker Conference”, 9/21/96 interviews with presenters and students aired on TV-10 (Lansing) at 6 and 11 p.m. newscasts.

"History and Meaning of Labor Day", 9/2/96 interview aired on TV-10 (Lansing) noon, 6 and 11 p.m. newscasts.

“Survey on Unions Gets Mixed Reactions”, AP interview 8/30/96 quoted in at least the Lansing State Journal, p. 1B, 9/2/96, and on WKAR-radio noon news, Labor Day.

"MSU Profs' Pay Trails Rivals", Lansing State Journal, p.1A, 7/21/96.

"Work and Leisure: MSU's 1996 Elderhostel", TCI Cable Channel 22, East Lansing TV, 5/23/96 interview aired several times next week.

"MSU Faculty and Salaries", 1/15/96 interview aired on TV-10 (Lansing) newscast.

"MSU at Bottom of Big Ten Pay", Lansing State Journal, p. 1A, 12/27/95.

"Teamster Union's International Presidential Election Campaign", Bloomberg Business News Service, 12/15/95.

"Detroit Newspaper Unions Declare Surrender, But Not Unconditionally", 10/6/95, WWJ-AM (Detroit) live radio interview.

"Future of Labor Unions", 9/25/95, panel member, aired live on Metro LIVE (MSU Urban Affairs, WELM/TCI Studios, East Lansing) newscast rebroadcast subsequently statewide.

"Laws, Tactics and L-M Relations in Michigan K-12 and Higher Education: The Lansing Teachers' Work to Contract Campaign and The Successful Fight to Defeat HB 4993", 9/25/95, MSU News Hotline radio interview, aired over subsequent weekend; previous HB 4993 background interviews (requested non-attribution) given to Lansing State Journal, 9/13 and MSU News Bureau, 9/14.

"The Import of Mayors Archer and Notte Requesting Around the Clock DNA-Union Negotiations", Detroit News, 9/18/95, requested not to be quoted/attributed.

"The DNA Strike, James Hoffa Jr.'s Return, and Labor Future", at least three Labor Day spots aired 9/4/95, WWJ-AM (Detroit) radio interview.

"U to Fine-Tune Anti Discrimination Policy", 1/23/95, p. 3A and "Grievance Reports Best Settled Informally", 1/16/95, p. 3A, State News.

"Schedule Revised for MSU-AAUP Faculty Forums", 1/12/95 and "Free Forum Series Addresses Issues of Faculty Interest", 11/10/94, MSU News Bulletin, p.3; and "Forums Designed for Faculty Issues", 10/28/94, State News, p.3 & 6.

"Candidates Examine Campus Issues", 10/20/94; and "MSU Trustee Candidates and the Faculty" 9/22/94, State News, p.1 and 14. 20 "Another GM Local Strike", 9/26/94, Detroit Free Press, p. 1D.

"Status of U.S. Labor on Labor Day '94", 8/30/94, MSU News Hotline radio interview aired over weekend.

"Labor Unions Celebrating Labor Day?", 8/23/94, MSU News Bureau Tips, p. 2.; and follow-up interviews: "American Labor and Politics 1994", 8/30/94, Gannet News Washington Bureau; "Status of Unions and Labor Relations on the 100th Anniversary of Labor Day", 8/30/94, Lansing State Journal; and "Michigan Labor Yesterday and Today", 8/30/94, Saginaw News.

"MSU '95 Budget Will Give Faculty a 3% Raise", 6/11/94, Lansing State Journal, p. 1 and 3B.

"Teamster Contract Settlement and Internal Disputes", 4/29/94, WWJ-AM (Detroit) live radio interview.

"MSU Faculty Salaries Rank Last", 4/20/94, Lansing State Journal, p. 1 and 3B.

"$100,000-plus Salaries... Average (MSU Faculty) Pay Less Than Most", 11/8/93, Lansing State Journal, p. 1A.

"50,000 New GM Cuts Unlikely, Say Experts", 9/25/93, Lansing State Journal, p. 1 and 2A.

"G.M. to Shed 50,000 Jobs: Negotiations Open in 1993", 9/24/93, interview aired on TV-10 (Lansing) newscast.

"Workplace Safety Important Worldwide", 5/18/93, MSU News Bureau, p. 2.

"Innovations in Bargaining", 3/3/93, Lansing State Journal, p. 1 and 2 A.

"Unions Offer Help to GAs, TAs", 3/2/93, State News, p. 1 and 12.

"History and Impact of the Flint Sit-down Strike and the Lansing Labor Holiday", 40 minute interview with Mark Steward aired (40 seconds) on TV-6 newscast, 1/27/93.

"G.M. Parts Wars: From Lordstown to Lansing", 9/8, 9 and 24/92 phone interviews with Alan Adler, Associated Press/Detroit Bureau, quoted in at least the Detroit Free Press, 9/9, p.11D, on WKAR-AM radio news spot on 9/22, and in AP releases of 9/21 and 24/92.

"Labor Day 1992: The Impact of the Decline of US Labor", 9/1/92, St. Joseph Palladium.

"Michigan Labor History", MSU News Bureau Tips interview inclusion in Working in America: A Guide to Story Ideas and Expert Comments From MSU, 8/18/92.

"State of Michigan Labor on Labor Day 1992", 9/7/92, WWJ-AM (Detroit) live radio interview.

"Hockey's First Strike", 4/3/92, WWJ-AM (Detroit) live radio interview.

"UAW Study Says Laid-off Chrysler Workers Die at Faster Rate," 3/27/91, Associated Press/Detroit to Lansing State Journal, et al.

"Lansing's Labor Holiday," 5/26/87, State News, and 6/7/87, Lansing State Journal.

"Labor Pains--The State of the Unions," 2/12/87, TV-10, appeared in 5 aired segments of 9-part series broadcast over wk.

"Teamster Carhauler Strike," 7/26/85, TV-6.

21 "Fiftieth Anniversary of the Battle of the Overpass," 5/30/85, Michigan Week in Review (syndicated, 13 public radio stations)… (If earlier interviews were somehow published, good records are not readily accessible by JR, yet.)

Interviews w/unknown page numbers or publication outcomes since 1996, for which personal JR notes/records exist:

-“UAW auto negotiations ‘03,” interviews w/ John Porretto, AP-Detroit, 9/5, 10, 11, & 12/03. -“Auto negotiations,” interview w/ Tom Brown, Reuters-Detroit, 9/12/03. -“Labor union statistics,” interview w/ Lisa Mulcrone for MSU Today web page article, 8/29/03. -"Labor Day ’03 story on unions and Saginaw area labor relations," interview w/ J. Spenner, Saginaw News, 8/26/03. -“UAW-auto negotiations ‘03,” interview w/ Marie Bordet, LePoint (Paris, France’s Newsweek magazine), 8/13/03. -“Michigan auto supplier union trends,” interview w/ Robert Gold, Holland Sentinel, 6/26/03. -“Trends in virtual employment,” interview w/ Garry Angelbrandt, Detroit News, 5/12/03. -"Labor Day story on labor and primary and general election endorsements and results," interview w/ J. Spenner, Saginaw News, 8/27/02. -"Teamsters Endorsing Republicans: New Trend or Old One Revisited?" interview w/ L Bishoff, Dayton News, 4/19/02. -"Miller Road's 'Battle of the Overpass' Site Redevelopment," interview w/ RJ King, Detroit News, 4/5/02. -"UAW Michigan Auto Employment Trends," interview w/ K. Schneider, Grist Magazine, 3/21/02. -"Teamsters Endorse Republican Rogers: Why & What Impact?" interview w/ ?, MSU State News, 3/18/02. -"Recessions' Impact on Midwest Unions in Auto & Parts," interview w/ J. Lieman, San Francisco Chronicle, 3/8/02. -"Labor Day: Volunteerism & Community Services by Michigan Unions," interview w/ J Springer, Saginaw News, 8/29/01. -"Unions: where are new members going to come from," interview w/ B. Faxton, Newsweek, NYC, 4/19/01. -“Ford/UAW Contract’s New Family Learning Centers” (interview w/ N. Pickler) A.P.-Wash D.C., 11/22/00. -"Gore's (Stabenow's, Byrum's) Campaign and Union Members," (interviews & off-record background info provided to reporters incl. from New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, and Detroit papers) during the last week prior to the Nov. election, because of the intense Michigan and Ingham County focus and my role as GOTV Coordinator, noted elsewhere. -“US Tire Industry Labor History Relevant to Firestone’s ‘troubles’,” A.P.-Memphis, interview 8/31/00. -“Labor and the new decade: a Labor Day story” (J. Springer), Saginaw News, 8/29/00. -“Gore’s Reception by Michigan Labor Leaders v. Rank & File Workers in Election Campaign 2000,” Christian Science Monitor (interview w/ A. McLaughlin), 7/12/00. -“U.S. Air & United’s Merger—Why Does ALPA Care,” www.thedailydeal Wash. D.C. newsletter, (interview w/ C. Disk), 5/24/00. -“Industry, Law and Historic Contexts to UAW’s Organizing Drive at Stanley and NLRB Hearings,” Battle Creek Inquirer (interview w/ Jenny Rode), 3/23/00. -“Unions and the Media,” interview w/ J. Beasley, MSU Journalism student, 10/11/99. -“New State Fed. President Gaffney’s Challenges,” interview w/ J. Suhr, Detroit-AP, 9/23/99. -“Impact of the Daimler UAW Contract on the Auto Industry,” interview w/ J. Hyde, Detroit-AP, 9/16/99. -“UAW Negotiations: Is there a Growing CB Trend for Wage Increases,” interview w/ J. Hyde, Detroit-AP, 9/15/99. -“Detroit Teachers Strike,” interview w/ B. Akre, Detroit-AP, 9/7/99. -“UAW-GM Negotiations Update,” interview w/ J. Hyde, Detroit-AP, 9/7/99. -“Labor Day Reflections: The State of Labor-Management Bargaining Today,” interview w/ J. Hyde, Detroit- AP, 9/2/99. -“Women in Unions: A Labor Day Story,” interview w/ J. Springer, Saginaw News, 9/1/99. -“Labor Day Today & Yesterday,” interview w/ Macomb Daily News, 9/1/99. -“Ford-UAW Negotiations Update,” interview w/ Detroit AP, 8/23/99. -“Upcoming Auto Industry Negotiations ’99,” 40-minute background interview w/ B. Akre, Detroit –AP, 6/9/99. -“Kessel Foods Organizing Drive Continues in Saginaw,” Saginaw News (interview w/ J. Springer), 4/30/99. -"UAW's '98 GM Strikes: the Impact on LIR in Saginaw and Steering Gear", 7/28/98 interview w/ Amy, Saginaw News. -"UAW's '98 Flint G.M. Strikes", 7/28 and 6/15/98, MSU News Radio Hotline interviews w/ D. Krolik. -"UAW's Great Sit-down and Judge Gadola - Some Labor History", 7/19/98 interview w/ K. Bradsher, New York Times. -"UAW's '98 Flint G.M. Strikes: various angles/JR reactions to developments," 7/17, 15, 14 & 2 and 6/15/98 interviews/chats w/ B. Akre, Associated Press (AP)-Detroit Bureau.

22 -"UAW v. GM: Current Issues, Bargaining Strategies, & History of 113-day 1946 Strike, 7/17 and 15 and 6/29 and 25 interviews/chats/messages left w/ J. Szczesny, The Oakland (MI) Press. -"UAW's '98 GM Strikes", 7/17/98 interview w/ J. Gilbert, WWJ-Radio (Detroit). -"UAW's Flint GM '98 Strike", 7/15 & 6/25 & 15 (& 1-2 more) talks w/ R White, MSU News Bureau/Info Services. -"UAW's Flint GM '98 Strike", 7/28 and 14/98, interviews w/ T. Martin, Lansing State Journal. -"UAW's Flint GM '98 Strike", 6/29/98, 20-min. phone interview w/ C. Gillio, WKAR radio. -"Michigan Migrant Workers", 4/23/98 interview w/ B. Hillman, Port Huron Times-Herald. -“GM’s Delphi Selling Three Businesses”, 9/18/97 interview with Detroit AP. -“Labor in ‘97: An Assessment”, 8/27/97 interview used in Flint Journal Labor Day article. -“UPS Strike: Union Victory?” 8/27/97 interview for The Trucker (nat’l biweekly trade pub). -“Teamsters’ UPS strike”, 8/13/97 interview w/ St. Paul (MN) Pioneer Press. -“Unions & Organizing in Western Michigan”, 3/14/97 interview with Grand Rapids AP. -"Johnson Controls v. the UAW and Ford", 2/18/97 interview for Crane’s Plastics News. -“St. Lawrence & Sparrow Discuss Merger”, 12/19/96 interview with Lansing State Journal. -“GM Strikes and Negotiations with the UAW”, 10/30/96 interview with AP-Detroit. -“Auto Industry Negotiations", 9/17/96 interview for TV-10 (Lansing). -"MSU Faculty & Big Ten Sports", and “Profile on MSU’s President McPherson”, Detroit News, 9/16 and 17/96, provided info but requested not to be quoted/attributed due to DNA labor dispute/"strike"/union boycott. -"Farmworkers’ Union Grape Boycott and Universities," 2/19/96, MSU News Bureau.


MSU Faculty Grievance Procedure - Grievant's Counsel, 1991-2003, for at least twenty-seven different MSU faculty, librarians and academic specialists in cases which involved a formal university grievance hearing, and as Appellant’s Counsel for seven faculty at hearings, which involved department chairs and directors in colleges, schools and departments across campus, as well as the Provost, UIIO and UCRIHS; and assisted countless unrecorded other faculty grievants in cases which were settled without formal hearings. Also served as a Presiding Officer (1991-2003) for at least four cases involving grievants, appellants, the FOIA office, and the Provost; and served as a Panelist, for at least 1 university hearing and 1 appeals board case involving the Provost, and perhaps another not recorded, between 1984-1990.

Designed and conducted, with then FGO Rubner, three 2-hour training sessions for seventeen faculty, then newly designated by UCFA as potential presiding officers in 1997; and designed and conducted with the FGO (and also w/ a respondent counsel) two 2-hour training sessions for about a dozen potential grievant and respondent counsels on 2/15 and 24/00; served as an evaluator to UCFA of the FGO 1994-2004; and conducted as FGO training programs for potential presiding officers and counsels in 2004 and 2007.

MSU Mediation Service Mediator, graduate of 40-hr. Dispute Resolution Center of Central Michigan training program.

MSU Anti-Discrimination Judicial Board - Complainant/Appellant Advisor, including between 1993 and 2003, for a grad student, a student employee, a specialist, and a faculty member in cases involving various departments and the ADJB Coordinator.

MSU Athletic Council member, selected as faculty representative summer 2003, and member of AC’s Academic and Compliance Services Committee and Gender Equity Committee, 2003-2005, and served on MSU’s NCAA Self-Study Committee on Academic Compliance, 2006-2006.

MSU Public Safety Oversight Committee member, elected faculty representative, 1998-1002; and (unofficial first author of) reports to Police Chief Benson: "MSU DPPS Oversight Committee Report Regarding MSU Police Undercover Surveillance of Student Groups," investigated during summer and report issued in fall 2001, and "DPPS Oversight Committee Report Concerning the Munn Field Altercation…" investigated in summer and report issued in fall 1998.

23 MSU Meet Michigan (MM) Coordinator for the Office of the Provost's Faculty Development Program 1998-2004: began as "outside evaluator" and co-directed a survey of past MM presenters & tour bus participants via "focus group" sessions and issued report; served as (overload paid) Coordinator after fall 1998 tour and designed subsequent spring 3-day bus tours of "outstate Michigan" and 1-day fall bus tours of "metropolitan Detroit," and ea. tour incl. "full days" w/ numerous sites mostly highlighting MSU's varied outreach and extension research, teaching and service projects via panel presentations; and served as coord./panel moderator and presenter for a “Meet Michigan” stop at the Flint Labor Museum including short museum tour and an LEP/local union leaders' panel discussion on 5/8/97. Also participated in Faculty Development consultants & programmers meetings with Director of Faculty Development candidate interviewees, April 2003, and provided assistance in 2002-2003 to Provost Office’s internal & external review of Faculty Development programs.

Consulting Faculty, Center for the Advanced Study of International Development (CASID) since 1992; and Faculty Associate, Canadian Studies Center, since 1993 and with Russian Studies Center, since 1996.

Reviewer, All-University Research Initiation Grant (AURIG) proposal, 12/94; and perhaps others, but records not readily accessible.

McNair/SROP Faculty Research/Mentoring project summaries submitted and resulted in undergrad student interview meetings but no official mentoring relationships yet to date, (though assisted a student assigned w/ other prof.), since 1998.

College of Social Sciences Connections faculty mentor, yearly for 1 student/yr. from 1995 to program's end c. 1998.

Member, College of Social Science Dean's Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee, 1990 and 1991.

Chair, SLIR Faculty Advisory Committee, 1979-1980, and Member, 1990-1994 and in 2000-2001 shortened by sabbatical.

Coordinator, SLIR and several other MSU units: International Labour Standards Group, 1996-1997, which led to publications by R. Block and K. Roberts subsequently.

Chair, SLIR Ad Hoc Ethics (in LIR Lecture Series) Committee, 1989-1993.

Member, SLIR Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Appraisal and Compensation, from 1997 to 2000.

Member, SLIR Ad Hoc Academic Program Faculty Search Committee, 1997-1998.

Member, SLIR Ad Hoc Committee on Copy Machines, 1987.

Member, SLIR Ad Hoc Promotion & Tenure Advisory Committees, since 1982 when promos of those w/ lower rank occur.

Member, SLIR Ad Hoc Committee on an Undergraduate Labor Studies Curriculum and author of Minority Report, 1980.

Member, LEP/LPS Faculty (Meetings) and included Ad Hoc Faculty Search Committees, 1979-1978 and "special service" as Affirmative Action Advocate for 1997-1998 search; and for LEP Ad Hoc Strategic Planning Committee, 1993-1994, edited committee notes and drafted a mission statement; and created charts/graphs on Michigan SMA Union Densities and Lansing and Flint Labor Education Courses (1981-1983).


Volunteer/Community Activity: M.S.U. Gardens tour guide/docent (1994-2004); EL Growing Pride (1993-2000) and informal Lantern Hill garden walks' coordinator (1990s); Greater Lansing Alzheimer’s Assn. Memory Walk 2003-2005 committee member; St. John Student Parish Mentor Couples participant (approx. 2 couples/yr., 1998-2010) and Faculty Club (1990s); Holy Cross Ushers Club (1985-1992); Michigan State AFL-CIO events incl. Golf Outings: 7th fairway front '9' marshal and assistant to starter (1998, 2000 & 2002); & Univ. of Michigan alumni career coach (since 1996). (See also ICDP GOTV Coordinator, etc., under Professional Activities above.)

Treasurer or president, MSU Chapter, American Association of University Professors, from 1992 to 2002; and Michigan Conference-AAUP Executive Board Member (elected at-large), and Grant Task Force Chair, and Political Action Committee Officer 1992-1996. Also helped w/ statewide campaign to build a successful coalition to defeat Michigan House Bill N. 4993.

President, 1991-2; Chair, Organizing Committee, (for MERC election) 1981-1982; Member, Organizing Committee, 1980-1981 (for MERC election); and Chair, Nominations Committee, 1980 -- MSU Faculty Associates/MEA/NEA.

Professional memberships and union memberships/affiliations include: American Federation of Teachers, since 1974. American Association of University Professors, 1991-2004. Communications Workers of America, associate member, from 1988 to c. 1999. Historical Society of Michigan, since 1977. Industrial Relations and Research Association, then Labor and Employment Relations Association, since 1976. International Industrial Relations Association, then ILERA, and Labour Education Study Group, since 1990. Workers Education Local 189, 1974-1999. University and College Labor Education Association, 1976-1999. United Association for Labor Education, since 1999. Labor and Working Class History Association, since 1999.

Program Associate (i.e., assistant to Hy and Joyce Kornbluh), Labor Studies Center, University of Michigan, 1976- 1977.

Teaching Assistant, Labor Relations and Research Center, University of Massachusetts, 1975-1976, and founding chair/president, Graduate Student Employees Organizing Committee/Union, Independent/later became UAW local.

Psychiatric Nursing Assistant, VA Hospital, Northampton, MA, 1973-1976, and member Executive Board, National Association of Government Employees (NAGE), Local 107/later became SEIU local.

University of Michigan undergraduate student employment: Assistant Educational Innovation Advocate, Office of Special Services, 1972-1973; Research Assistant, Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, 1972; Teaching Assistant, Department of Psychology, 1972; Research Assistant, Educational Change Team, School of Education, 1971- 1972; Researcher, Committee on the Underclass Experience, Dean's Office, College of LS&A, 1971; and night watch and language lab assistant, Residential College, 1969-1970.

Also once worked: as strawberry nursery seasonal farm worker (3 weeks), Birmingham post office Christmas clerk (3 or 4 weeks), Detroit GM/Fisher Body factory clerk (13 weeks), VA Hospital and college jobs (noted above), and as a Birmingham Country Club caddie (4 years) and was selected and offered, though declined, Evans Scholarship in 1968.

Revision begun 7-4-12 25

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