Penkivil Precinct Minutes - Annual General Meeting

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Penkivil Precinct Minutes - Annual General Meeting

Penkivil Precinct Minutes - Annual General Meeting HELD AT 7.30 PM ON MONDAY 23rd APRIL 2007 IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Convenor (Chair) & Minutes recorded by William Mouroukas In Attendance: 15 people with 6 non-voting visitors. Cr. George Copeland, Cr. Sally Betts, Cr. Tony Kay, Peter Brennan – (Director of Planning and Environmental Services), Jackie Campisi – (Waverley Council). Also By-Election candidates David Ridyard and Prue Cancian. 1. Opening The meeting commenced inquorate with 10 persons present but only 4 eligible to vote at 7:35 PM. The Chair declared a quorum existed at 8pm and officially opened the meeting, welcomed and thanked everyone for attending especially as this was a difficult night for attendance due to heavy rainfall.

2. The meeting Inquorate. Director of Planning and Environmental Services; Mr. Peter Brennan, commenced a presentation on The Development Application Process. At 8pm additional residents arrived, the meeting was declared open and Mr. Brennan continued the presentation.

3. The Development Application Process Council receives about 900 applications per year, mostly residential, about 300 get amended. Council’s principal document guiding development is the “Local Environment Plan 1996” (LEP). [The document was shown to the meeting as an A4 sized book.] About 50% of applications are approved by delegated authority i.e. the officer assigned to the application. If a problem exists it can be escalated to a staff committee and beyond that to a meeting of Councilors. An “Independent Hearing and Assessment Panel” (IHAP) is being trialed; this can make recommendations to Council. David Ridyard asked: “Can IHAP be seen as an intermediate step before an applicant goes to the Land and Environment Court?” Mr. Brennan’s response was “Yes”. Jerome Fox asked: “Is it possible to have a block rezoned?” Mr. Brennan’s response was “Yes, but it must be approved by a meeting of Councilors”. The Chair reported that a resident asked: “Why a DA approval can take so long? When council claims it is around 40 days - less without any neighbours' objections. They realise some developments are controversial but a simple residential addition shouldn't be left sitting in someone's in-tray for months.” Mr. Brennan’s response was: “Council does not claim applicants can expect a wait of 40 days or less for approval. After 40 days an applicant is entitled to lodge an appeal with the Land and Environment Court” he said, “about 40% of applications are approved in less than 40 days. A typical reason for delays is non-compliance” The Chair stated: “Some frustrated applicants have been told their garage/studio wasn't in keeping with the heritage character of the back lane - i.e., garbage bins, old mattresses and other furniture, broken glass and weeds – apparently a house in one street was demolished, except for the front wall, which was rendered till it was unrecognisable. A box was then put on top and most of the backyard filled with new house. Tess Stamell commented she’d made similar observations. Mr. Brennan’s response was: “It is not possible to respond without specific details” The Chair acknowledged Mr. Brennan’s point and suggested people take photos and provide actual examples. Tess Stamell asked: “If a street is heritage, is the laneway also heritage?” Mr. Brennan confirmed this was so. The Chair asked: “What is considered appropriate development? (Eg; Council places a direction determining the type & shape of a roof.)” Mr. Brennan stated that appropriate development is that which conforms to the LEP and the Waverley Development Control Plan 2006 (DCP) [The document was shown to the meeting as a large A4 sized folder.] Council will place conditions it sees as appropriate for the location, for example relating to the type and shape of roof. Further, any laneway development should be lesser to the main building. The Chair, quoted from a personal letter he’d written to Mr. Brennan on 13th January: “Many home renovators need guidance with these things and I think council could do more to help those considering renovations and minor extensions. I’d like to see a Pre-DA consulting service set up where a council officer, appropriately authorised and qualified to give advice, could be booked to visit with the applicant on-site, and discuss the potential project in a friendly helpful manner. This should be a paid for service, perhaps on an hourly rate. The officer could give the applicant an idea of what they’re in for leaving information kits etc. Good information at the earliest stages can help getting better DA’s submitted and hopefully saving time and money.” Mr. Brennan responded: that Council does provide a Pre-DA service, which has a fixed charge of $500. Applicants of larger scale developments primarily use this service. Anyone seeking information can speak to the Development Application Duty Officer (free of charge) currently located on the 1st floor at the Council Chambers (to be relocated at the end of June to the new Council Service Centre in Spring Street Bondi Junction). Council has produced information leaflets; “How We Assess Your Development Application” and “Making Comments And Submissions on Your Development Application”. (Copies of the leaflets were made available to attendees.) Information is also available on the Council’s website; Where all sorts of information on how to put the application can be found under the “Building And Development” heading.” Tess Stamell expressed concern over the extent to which neighbours might intrude on a Development Application. Cr. Copeland stated that, “Everyone has the right to comment on a DA and if a problem exists it goes to a Councilors meeting.”

4. Apologies noted Vivian Falk, Kerrie Lee, Cr. Ingrid Strewe, Nicole Stevens - (Council Liaison Coordinator).

5. Confirmation of previous meeting minutes. The following motion was put to the meeting

MOTION 1 “The tabled minutes of the Penkivil Precinct meeting held on the 5th of February 2007 are adopted as being a ‘true and valid’ record of that meeting.” Moved: Tess Stamell Seconded: Bob Lidden Carried: Unanimously

6. Waverley Ward By-Election The Chair made the following statement: “On January 22nd, Richard Davidson ceased being a councilor. I first met Richard about 10 years ago when I approached him over an absurd situation whereby Council was proposing a section of Bondi Road properties be rezoned into an expanded Woodstock Street Heritage Area, even though for over 30 years those properties had been affected (and still are) by the RTA’s plan for road widening. Since I became Co- Convenor I’ve attended all the full meetings and many of the other council meetings and it’s obvious to me his civic contribution was substantial. I personally think we were very lucky to have Richard Davidson as a ward councilor and I thank him and wish him well.”

“The by-election will be held on 19th May. Voting is Compulsory for all residents of Waverley Ward.” At this point the chair revealed that two candidates were present and he invited them to stand and introduce themselves; David Ridyard rose and stated he was the Liberal candidate. Prue Cancian rose and stated she was the Greens candidate. The chair thanked the candidates then continued: “You can vote on polling day at: The Mill Hill Centre 31-33 Spring Street Bondi Junction Bondi Central Public School Wellington Street Bronte Public School Hewlett Street Waverley College Arts Performing centre 161 Birrell Street Presbyterian Church Castlefield Street Bondi Pre-polling is available from 7th May (Not On Polling Day) at the Waverley Electoral Office located in the School of Arts building at 138 Bondi Road, Bondi Junction Postal Votes are also available from the Waverley Electoral Office on 9386-9930 May the best candidate win!”

7. Matters arising from Minutes of Previous meeting a) A question related to the Surf School in Bon Accord Avenue; How many, if any commercial vehicles may be registered to a home occupation? Mr. Brennan stated he would report back to the precinct on this question. b) A request related to availability of a Community Liaison representative; The Precinct requests that if Nicole Stevens is no longer available, Council provide a substitute Community Liaison representative to attend future meetings. RESPONSE: A letter to all precinct convenors was received from Meredith Wallace – Director Recreation, Customer & Community Services. In the letter Ms Wallace explains that Nicole “will be working part time for the foreseeable future”. In short - Precinct executives are being asked to “direct requests such as information on Development Applications, compliance issues or specific details of council projects to the designated Council Officer”. Also Precinct Executives are required to travel to Waverley Library to take delivery of relevant meeting paperwork. It’s clear there will be no substitute Community Liaison representative to attend future Precinct meetings. Cr. Copeland stated he’d already been in contact with the Director on this matter. Both he and Cr. Betts commented that they were not happy with the situation acknowledging similar complaints from other precincts those Councilors intended to take the matter further with the Director. c) Two Motions unanimously passed related to the Contribution Levy on Home Renovator DAs. REPORT FROM WILLIAM MOUROUKAS (Chair): At the full Council meeting held on 20th February Cr. Sally Betts asked the Director of Planning - Peter Brennan to inform Council of the monies collected during 2006. At the full Council meeting held on 17th April, the Director informed Council that $118,000 had been collected in total for all DA’s including commercial developments. No further discussion on our Motions has been discussed at Council. The Chair asked Mr. Brennan to comment on both motions. In relation to “Motion 2” (of the February minutes) he indicated difficulty in providing the actual amount home renovators contributed to this figure of $118,000. On this Cr. Betts commented that this figure should be made accessible. In relation to “Motion 3” (of the February minutes) Mr. Brennan stated it was his understanding that the levy percentage thresholds apply to the total amount, however he would confirm the fact and report back to the precinct. On this the Chair stated it is a pivotal point and this Motion should also be discussed at the next full Council meeting. It is noted that a local monthly newspaper is reporting the issue with reference to Penkivil Precinct. The story is seen on page 3 of the April issue of “The Bondi View”. The matter was to be raised by William Mouroukas with the Combined Precincts however due to cancellation of the 7th March meeting, he stated he would attend the next scheduled meeting to make the report as suggested at the February Penkivil Precinct meeting. The next Combined Precincts meeting is scheduled for 19th July. d) Three questions were raised in relation to angle parking in Woodstock Street. Is the back of the car to be parked over the kerb?  Is there a maximum vehicle length? Would it be better to mark the entire base for car space allocation? RESPONSE: Council Officer G McBarron reports by e-mail; Parking is for vehicles 6m or less, vehicles can park over the kerb & we do not mark resident car parking areas. e) Kerrie Lee had asked why discrepancies exist with parking signage in RPPS. RESPONSE: Council Officer G McBarron reports by e-mail; the standard signs show Monday to Saturday - these signs need to be amended to Monday to Friday. f) Tess Stamell complained on vehicular traffic frequently standing on the pedestrian crossing outside of Council Chambers on Bondi Road. RESPONSE: Council Officer G McBarron reports by e-mail; Bondi Rd is a RTA road & vehicles should stop at the pedestrian crossing markings. Inspections revealed most vehicles stop clear of the crossing although some traffic may back up in Bondi Rd from the Council St intersection when the pedestrian lights change. g) Tess Stamell had suggested that; 1.A ‘shade-cloth’ to be installed over the Children’s Playground and Adult’s Exercise Area’ (Waverley Park). 2. Water facility to be installed inside the Children’s Playground, low in height so it may be easily reached by younger children (Waverley Park). 3. Waverley Council consider using solar products for extra night lighting in Waverley Park. RESPONSES:2. a shade structure could theoretically be installed, but the approach taken in the design was to locate the playspace as close as possible to the shade cast by existing large canopy Fig trees, and then the advice is to avoid the time of day when the space is exposed to strong sunlight

3. a bubbler has been placed outside the playground fence, and the design is equal access. It has caused maintenance problems, and may not be operational at the moment, suggest having repairs done, even if that means replacement with a different model

4. suggestion for solar use can be noted, but is usually more expensive than tapping in to the grid - anyway Waverley Park is on the audit tonight Friday

(The precinct should be advised about the safety audits and that lighting and other issues are inlcuded in these and that this can be looked at but note Camille's comments. Shade is a longer term planning issue which has been noted specifically and generally but their are sustainability issues in maintaining very expensive shade structures A number of issues around design an operation of the playground area will be considered over the next year to two ) - Maree Girdler h) William Mouroukas requested on behalf of the Precinct that Council arrange the 2007 Household Collection Calendar as soon as possible. OBSERVATION: William Mouroukas received his calendar on 15th March. The Chair stated this is unacceptably late and I ask the 2008 Calendar be delivered to all Waverley LGA households no later than 21st December 2007.

8. Election of Office Bearers The meeting was informed that; Vivian Falk is prepared to continue as Co-Chairperson/Convenor if required (e-mail received). Kerrie Lee is prepared be on the Precinct Executive, but cannot stand for an office bearer’s position at this time (e-mail received). William Mouroukas cannot stand as Co-Chairperson/Convenor at this time, however is prepared to take a position as Precinct Representative to the Benevolent Society Ocean Street Project. Cr. Copeland thanked William Mouroukas for the service and contribution he provided to the Precinct during the past term. At this point control of the meeting (Chair) was passed to Jackie Campisi of Waverley Council to conduct the election process. The Chair invited Nominations No one nominated as Convenor. William Mouroukas nominated Vivian Falk as Co-Convenor and as there were no opposing nominations Vivian was returned. No one nominated for the other Co-Convenor position and it remains open. No one nominated for Secretary and that position remains open. No one nominated for DA Rep and that position remains open. Jerome Fox nominated for Traffic rep and as there were no opposing nominations is assigned the position. William Mouroukas nominated for as Precinct Liaison to the Benevolent Society Ocean Street Project and as there were no opposing nominations was assigned the position. William Mouroukas nominated Kerrie Lee as a non-office bearing member of the executive. The meeting confirmed the position by vote. William Mouroukas moved the nomination, Tess Stamell seconded and it was carried unanimously. Jackie Campisi declared the election result and in the absence of Vivian Falk the Chair returned to William Mouroukas for the remainder of the meeting. 9. Report from Cr. George Copeland

A Water tank is to be installed to store ground water in Waverley Park. The School of Arts will in July undergo a review on design options (WSUD) Council is currently undertaking an affordable housing review with emphasis on how to make it more effective. Council just agreed to amend the DCP 2006 in relation to “Villages” section. Copies of the draft plan are available at the library, Council Chambers and on the website. The bicycle plan stage 2 starts construction this month.

10. General Business William Mouroukas reported he had attended a meeting with the Benevolent Society on 15th March. Crs. Strewe, Copeland and Betts were also in attendance. There is little to report at this time, as this was a preliminary meeting. The next meeting is expected to take place in mid to late May. The Mayor’s Mobile Office is coming to our precinct. The Mayor has distributed a letter informing residents he will be available to listen to our concerns face-to-face at: Cnr Bondi Road 7 Ocean Street (South) outside the post office On Sunday 29th April between 11 – 12.30am

William Mouroukas asks if the traffic committee could consider having a green right turn arrow from Bondi Road into Penkivil Street integrated in that intersection’s traffic light system. Kerrie Lee writes in relation to laneways in Penkivil Precinct: “As more residents use the back lanes to access their garages, it's becoming quite dangerous when you get to a corner. I'd like council (or RTA - whoever is responsible) to consider installing traffic mirrors on the corners, so drivers can see other vehicles without having to poke their noses out and risk being hit.” Tess Stamell request a return to scheduled household rubbish pick-up days stating the on-call service is not working! George Stamell suggested the following motion:

MOTION 2 “The sequence of traffic lights at the intersection of Newland and Oxford Streets is made to follow the same sequence as the Bronte Road and Grosvenor and Oxford Streets intersection.” Moved: George Stamell Seconded: Ellen Lidden Carried: Unanimously

Meeting closed at 9.35pm

Next meeting Monday 4th June at 7.30 PM

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