Early Grade Reading Assessment s1
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Early Grade Reading Assessment Assessor Instructions & Pupil Protocol October, 2015 Lhukonzo General Instructions: Establish a relaxed rapport with the child to be assessed. This can be by engaging in a simple conversation with the child (see the example below). The child should perceive the assessment almost as a game to be enjoyed rather than a severe situation. It is important to read ONLY the sections in boxes aloud slowly and clearly. Good morning. My name is ______and I live in _____. I’d like to tell you a little bit about myself. [For example, number and ages of children; sports.] Wabukyire. Amena aghe ningye ______kandi ngikere e ___. Ngasonda erikubwira bike oko binyihambireko. 1. Could you tell me a little about yourself and your family? 1. Wangananyibwira bike oko bikuhambireko n’abanyihika bawu? [Wait for response; if the child is reluctant, ask question 2, but if she/he seems comfortable continue to verbal agree]. 2. What do you like to do when you are not in school? 2. Wukakolhakyi omughulhu wuthe okw’ithendekero? Verbal Agreement
Let me tell you why I am here today. I work with the Ministry of Education and Sports, USAID/Uganda School Health and Reading Program and we are trying to understand how children learn to read. You were picked by chance, like in a raffle or lottery. Leka ngakubwire ekyikaleka inabya hano munabwire. Ngakolha n’omuthahulha ow’ekafumenti ow’eby’ekyisomo n’amasatha, kandi n’ekyithunga ekya USAID omo Uganda, ekyikatsukumirira obuyitsotse kandi n’emitheghekere ey’erisoma, kandi thukasosothaya emibere abana kobakigha erisoma. Mowukanasombolhwa busana n’omuyisa owawuwithe, omo mibere ey’erikolesya obukanga/a kathuli. We would like your help in this. But you do not have to take part if you do not want to. Thukasonda obuwathikya bwawu omo mwatsi oyu, aliryo siwendikakwa eribyamo wamabya isiwanzire. We are going to play a reading game. I am going to ask you to read letters, words and a short story out loud. Thukayasatha omusatho ow’erisoma. Ngayakusaba erisoma esyonzakano, ebinywa n’olhughano lhukuhi omo mulenge munene. This is NOT a test and it will not affect your grade at school. Kyino sikyirengesyo kandi sikyendisubya enyuma emilhabire yawu ey’obuthendekwa omo kyithumbi. I will also ask you other questions about your family, like what language your family uses at home and some of the things your family has. Ngendikubulya ebindi bibulyo ebihambene oko muyi wenyu. Ng’erisonda eriminya omubughe owamukakolesaya eka kandi n’ebindu ebyamuwithe eka ewenyu. I will NOT write down your name so no one will know these are your answers. Sinendisakangako amena awu; nokweryo sihali mundu na mughuma oyukendiminya athi lino ly’erisubamo lyawu. Once again, you do not have to participate if you do not wish to. Once we begin, if you would rather not answer a question, that’s all right. Omo mibere eyindi, siwendikakwa eribya omo mitheghekere eno wamabya isiwanzire. Thukendibya thwamabiritsuka, wamabya wuthanzire erisuba omo bibulyo, sihendibya mbugha yosi. Do you have any questions? Do you want to participate? Ok let's start. Wunawithe eky’eribulya? Wunemusonda erisuba omo bibulyo? Kwesi leka thutsuke. Check box if verbal agreement is obtained: YES (If verbal agreement is not obtained, thank the child and move on to the next child, using this same form.)
A. Date of |____| F. Is the teacher being ○ 1 = ○ 2 = no Assessment: |____|____| |____|____| ____| observed? yes Day month year
B. Assessor’s ○ 1 = ○ 3 = P3 G. Class: Name: P1 ○ 4 = P4 2 = C: District H: Class Name: (stream) ○ D. School Name: I. Pupil Age: |______|______|
○ 1 = yes J. Pupil’s Gender: ○ 1 = ○ 2 = E. Multigrade Class: ○ 2 = no K. Start |____|____|: |___|____| Finish |____|____|: |____| Time: ____|
1 Good effort! Let’s go on. / Wasingya kutsibu! Thulhole embere. Lhukonzo 2 Good effort! Let’s go on. / Wasingya kutsibu! Thulhole embere. Lhukonzo Subtask 1: Orientation to Print (FOR P1 LEARNERS ONLY)
Show the child the passage on the last page of the pupil stimuli packet. Read the instructions to the child. Record the child’s response to an item before moving to the next item.
Materials: a passage from the local language pupil stimuli packet
I don’t want you to read this now. On this page, where would you begin to read? Show me with your finger.
Singanzire wukasoma ebi hatya. Ok’olhupapura lhunu wangatsukira hayi erisoma? Nyikanganaye nomunwe wawu.
1. [Child puts finger on the top row, left-most word] Correc ○ ○ Incorrect ○ No Response t
(Assessor points to first word then says…) Now show me where you would read next. Hatya nyikanganaye ahawiikendithasyasoma.
2. [Child moves finger from left to right] ○ Correct ○ Incorrect ○ No Response
When you get to the end of the line, where would you read next? (Assessor points to the last word of the first line) Wukendibya wahika okwa muhindo womulha-lha, wukendisubukya kwe’risoma hayi?
3. [Child moves finger to left-most word of second line] ○ Correct ○ Incorrect ○ No Response
3 Good effort! Let’s go on. / Wasingya kutsibu! Thulhole embere. Lhukonzo Subtask 2: Letter Sound Knowledge Show the child the sheet of letters in the pupil stimuli booklet. Say: Here is a page full of letters of the Lhukonzo alphabet. Please tell me the SOUNDS of as many letters as you can- - -not the NAMES of the letters, but the SOUNDS. Hano hane olhupapura olhwoswireko esyonzakano esyo Lhukonzo. Wumbwire EMIRENGE minene ey’esyonzakano esyawasi - - - butsira amena asyo, aliryo EMIRENGE yasyo. For example, the sound of this letter [point to A] is /a/ as in “abana”. Eky’erileberyako, omulenge ow’enzakano eyi [point to A] / ni /a/ ngokokiri omo “abana”.
Let’s practise: tell me the sound of this letter. Point to n]. Leka thulengesaye eyindi mirenge: nyibwire omulenge ow’enzakano eyi [point to n]. If the child responds correctly say: Good, the sound of this letter is /n/. Wasingya, omulenge ow’enzakano eyi ni /n/. If the child does not respond correctly, say: The sound of this letter is /n/. Omulenge ow’enzakano eno ni /n/. Now try another one: tell me the sound of this letter [point to k]: Hathya lengesaya owundi: nyibwire omulenge ow’enzakano eyi. [point to k]: If the child responds correctly say: Good, the sound of this letter is /k/. Wasingya, omulenge ow’enzakano eyi ni /k/. If the child does not respond correctly, say: The sound of this letter is /k/. Omulenge ow’enzakano eno ni /k/.
When I say “Begin,” please sound out the letters as quickly and carefully as you can. Tell me the sound of the letters, starting here and continuing this way. Namabugha indi “Tsuka” neryo ambe iwanguhya eribugha emirenge ey’esyonzakano lhuba- lhuba kandi iwunayitheghirye. Nyibwire emirenge ey’esyonzakano eritsuka hano kandi n’erilholya embere omo mibere eno. [Point to the first letter on the row after the example and draw your finger across the first line.] If you come to a letter sound you do not know, continue to the next letter. I will keep quiet and listen to you. Ready? Begin. Wamahika oko mulenge ow’enzakano eyawuthasi, erighenda oko yindi nzakano. Iningendiyihunira kandi inakuhulikirira. Wunayitheghekire? Tsuka.
Start the timer when the child reads the first letter. . Follow along with your pencil and clearly mark any incorrect letters with a slash ( / ). . Self-corrections are correct. If you already marked the self-corrected letter as incorrect, circle it ( ø ) and continue. . Stay quiet, except if the pupil hesitates for 3 seconds, point to the next letter and say, “Please go on” / “Thahi lholhaya embere” Mark the skipped letter as incorrect. . If the child gives you the letter name, rather than the sound say “Please tell me the SOUND of the letter” / “Thahi mbwire OMULENGE ow’enzakano” This prompt may be given only once during the subtask.
AFTER 60 SECONDS SAY, “Stop” / “Lekeraho” Mark the final letter read with a bracket ( ] ). Early stop rule: If you have marked as incorrect all of the answers on the first line with no self-corrections, say “Thank you!” / “Wasingya!” discontinue this subtask, check the box at the bottom, and go on to the next subtask. Examples: A n k
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 o E B A u G E A M O (10) u t S M a L b r n A (20) k A U a i e k h o m (30) A b H K a O i E a e (40) v a F A e u z A i W (50) m o R m o a s p A R (60) A r E i A K a M U E (70) O a B w i a Y i N y (80) M L a e A S O b R A (90) a K B a O e n E N d (100)
Time remaining on stopwatch at completion (number of SECONDS): Check this box if the subtask was discontinued because the child had no correct answers in the first line.
4 Good effort! Let’s go on. / Wasingya kutsibu! Thulhole embere. Lhukonzo Subtask 3: Segmenting
This is NOT a timed subtask and there is no pupil stimuli. Read aloud each word twice and have the child say the syllables. Remove the pupil stimuli booklet from the child’s view. Say, This is a listening subtask. You know that each word has syllables. For example, in the word“bana” there are these syllables “ba” and “na”. In this task, I want you to give me the syllables in each word. Ono ni mubiri ow’erihulikirira. Wuminye wuthi obuli kyinywa kyikolirwe esyanungu. Eky’erireberyako, omo kyinywa kyino “bana” muli esyanungu hino “ba” ne “na” omo mubiiri ono, ngasonda wumbe esyanungu esyebinywa bino.
Let’s practice. What are the syllables in “ende” - “ende”? Leka thulengesaye. Esyanungu esiri omo kyinywa kyino nisyahi “ende” - “ende”?
If the child responds correctly, say: Very good! The syllables in “ende” are “e” and “nde”. / Wasingya kutsibu! Esyanungu esiri omo kyinywa “ende” ni “e” na “nde”. If the child does not respond correctly, say: The syllables in “ende” are “e” and “nde”. Now it’s your turn, Tell me the syllables in “ende”. [Wait 3 seconds for the child to respond.] Esyanungu esiri omo kyinywa “ende” syahino: “e” na “nde”. Hathya niwe. Mbwire esyanungu esiri omo kyinywa “ende” nishyahi.
Let’s try another one. What are the syllables in “Amaya - amaya” Leka thulengesaye ekyindi. Esyanungu esiri omo kyinywa kyino nisyahi “amaya” – “amaya”
If the child responds correctly, say: Very good! The syllables in “amaya”are “a” “ma” “ya”. Wasingya kutsibu! Esyanungu esiri omo kyinywa “amaya” ni “a” “ma” “ya”. If the child does not respond correctly, say: The syllables in “amaya”are: “a” “ma” “ya”. Now it’s your turn. Tell me the syllables in “amaya”. [Wait 3 seconds for the child to respond.] Esyanungu esiri omo kyinywa “Amaya” ni “a” “ma” “ya”. Hathya niwe. Mbwire esyanungu esiri omo kyinywa “amaya”.
I will say a word twice. Listen to the word, then tell me the syllables in that word. Ready? Okay. Let’s start. Ngendibugha ekyinywa kabiri. Wuhulikirire ekyinywa, wanyambwira esyanungu esiri omo kyinywa ekyo. Wunayitheghekire? Kale, thutsuke.
. Pronounce each word slowly. Do not break the word into individual syllables. . Only say each word twice. . If the child gives you the word, rather than the syllables say: “Tell me the syllables in the word” / “Nyibwire esyanungu esiri omo kyinywa”This prompt may be given only once during the subtask.
. Put a slash ( / ) through each incorrect syllable as well as any syllable that the child does not say.
. If the child has not responded after three seconds, mark all the syllables as incorrect and proceed to the next word.
Early stop rule: If a child gives no correct answers among the first five words, say, “Thank you!” / “Wasingya!” discontinue this subtask, check the box at the bottom of the page, and continue to the next subtask.
What are the syllables in / Esyanungu esiri omo ______? _____ nishahayi? [Say each word twice.]
muke mu ke
thema the ma
embeho e mbe ho
omuyi o mu yi
abandu a ba ndu (5 words)
engoko e ngo ko
ekalamu e ka la mu
omuliro o mu li ro
akatimba a ka ti mba
omusyakulhu o mu sya ku lhu
Check this box if the subtask was discontinued because the child had no correct answers in the first five words.
5 Good effort! Let’s go on. / Wasingya kutsibu! Thulhole embere. Lhukonzo 6 Good effort! Let’s go on. / Wasingya kutsibu! Thulhole embere. Lhukonzo Subtask 4b. Reading Comprehension Subtask 4a. Oral Passage Reading When 60 seconds are up or if the child finishes reading the passage in less than 60 Show the child the story in the pupil stimuli booklet. Say, seconds, REMOVE the passage from the child’s view, and ask the first question below. Say, Now I will ask you a few questions about the story you just HereCheck is this a short box if story. the subtask I want was you discontinued to read it aloud, because quickly the childbut carefully. had no correct When answers in the first line. read. Try to answer the questions as well as you can. you have finished, I will ask you some questions about what you have read. Time remaining on stopwatch at completion (number of SECONDS): _____ When I say “begin” read the story as best as you can. I will keep quiet and Hathya ngayakubulhaya ebibulyo bike oko olhughano listen to you. Ready? Begin. Hano hali olhughano lhukuhi . Ngasonda olhowamabirisoma. Wulengeho erisuba omo bibulyo ndeke wusomelho kutsibu, lhuba-lhuba aliryo iwunayitheghirye. Wukendibya kowangathoka. wukawunza, ngendikubulya ebibulyo ebihambene oko olhughano olhowamasoma. Ngendibya ingabugha indi “wutsuke” neryo wukendisoma . Give the child at most 10 seconds to answer the question, mark the child’s response, olhughano lhwa ndeke kowukathoka. Ngendiyihunira kandi inakuhulikirira. and move to the next question. Wunayitheghekire? Tsuka. . Read the questions for each line up to the bracket showing where the child stopped Start the timer when the pupil reads the first word. reading. . Follow along with your pencil and clearly mark any incorrect words with a slash ( / ). . Self-corrections are correct. If you already marked the self-corrected letter as incorrect, circle Do not read the English translation to the child. it ( ø ) and continue. Kabugho went to market. She was sent by her mother. She went to buy a matchbox. Kabugho likes going to . Stay quiet, except if the pupil hesitates for 3 seconds, point to the next word, and say, the market. She met her friends. There was a woman selling plates. Kabugho and her friends were playing. “Please go on” / “Thahi lholhaya embere” Mark the skipped word as incorrect. They were throwing a ball. They knocked the woman’s plates. They quickly collected them. They ran to their AFTER 60 SECONDS, say, “Stop” / “Lekeraho ” Mark the final word read with a bracket ( ] ). home. 1. When did Kabugho go? (market) Early stop rule: If the pupil does not give a single correct response on the first line of the pupil 2. What was she sent to buy? (matchbox) stimuli booklet, say “Thank you!”/ “Wasingya!” Draw a line through the words in the first row, 3. What was the woman selling at the market? (plates) check the box at the bottom, and continue to the next task. 4. What game did Kabugho and her friends play? ( throwing; ball ) 5. Why will Kabugho remember this day? (knocking the plates, playing with her friends.) Correct Incorrect No Response
Kabugho mwaghendire omo kathali. 4 Kabugho mwaghendahi? [kathali] Mubamuthuma eriyawulhakyi? [ekibbiriti] Athumawa na mama wiwe. Ayaghulha ekibbiriti. 10
Anzire eribya akaghenda omo kathali. Mwasangire mwa banywani biwe. Omukali abya akaghulyaki omwakathali? 23 [esyabbakuli] Mwabya omukali oyukaghulhaya esyabbakuli. Nimusathuki owa Kabugho abya akasatha Kabugho na banywani biwe babya bakasatha. Mobawusirana omupira. 31 na’banywani biwe? [erighusirana omupira] Mubaghumirya esyabbakuli esyo mukali. Bamasisongya lhuba lhuba. Ahabwaki Kabugho akesyibuka ekiro eki? Bamathibitha eka ewabo. 41 [erighumirya esyabbakuli; erisatha nabanywani biwe]
Good effort! Let’s go on. / Wasingya kutsibu! Thulhole embere. Lukhonzo 7 Subtask 5: Listening Comprehension Remove the pupil stimuli booklet from the child’s view. Say,
I am going to read to you a short story once, then i will ask you a few questions about the story. Please listen carefully and answer the questions as best as you can. Are you ready? Ok, let’s start.
Ngayakusomera olhughano lhukuhi murundi mughuma, neryo ngendikubulya ebibulyo oko lhughano olho. Thahi wuhulikirire ndeke, kandi wusube omo bibulyo kowangathoka. Wunayitheghekire? Kale, thutsuke.
. This is an untimed task. . Read the entire passage. . Ask all of the questions. . Do not allow the child to look at the passage or the questions. . Limit the child to 10 seconds to answer each question. Mark the child’s response, and continue to the next question. Muhindo ikere na Songali wiwe omo kyalu. Iya Muhindo na Songali wiwe bakalima ebikusa. Ekyiro kyighuma esyongende sinene mosyasa omwirima kandi syamalya ebikusa. Muhindo mwimya eribwe linene amalighusa oko esyongende. Mosyathibitha omo musithu. Songali wiwe mwamusima.
Now I am going to ask you a few questions. / Lino ngayakubulhaya ebibulyo bike.
Incorrect No Correct Response Muhindo ikere nandi? [na Songali]
Songali na Muhindo bakalimaki? [ebikusa]
Ekyaleka Songali inyasingya Muhindo niki? [mwathibitha oko esyongende; mwatsunira ebikusa; mwaghusa amabwe okwa ensogende eri sithibithako].
Do not read the English translation to the child.
Muhindo lives with her aunt in the village. They grow maize. One day, monkeys came to the garden and started eating the maize. Muhindo picked a stone and threw it at them. They ran away to the forest. Her aunt was appreciative. 1. With whom does Muhindo live with? (her aunt) 2. What do they grow? (maize) 3. Why was her aunt thankful? (She chased the monkeys away; saved the maize; threw stones at the monkeys to chase them away)
Good effort! Let’s go on. / Wasingya kutsibu! Thulhole embere.
Lukhonzo 8
Subtask 6: Letter Writing (FOR P1 LEARNERS ONLY)
Give the child a pencil and a lined sheet of paper from an exercise book. Materials: a piece of paper and pencil
Now you are going to write some letters.
I will say the name of a letter; you will listen carefully. After I have said the name of the letter, I want you to write the letter on this paper. You can write the big or small letters. Ready? Let’s get started. Hatya wukayasakanga esyonzakano. Ngendibugha erina eryenzakano, nawu iwahulikirira iwunayitheghirye. Neryo ngendibya nabibugha erina eryenzakano, nyanzire lwahandika enzakano eyi okwa lhupapura lhunu. Wanganahandika enzakano eyi omwamibere eyenene kutse emibere yenge. Wunayitheghekire. Leka thutsuke. . Make sure the pupil knows where to write on the paper.
. Say each letter twice.
. If a child says “I don’t know”, mark that letter as incorrect.
. If the child does not begin to write, wait five seconds before continuing to the next letter. Mark the letter as incorrect.
. After the child has attempted writing each letter, examine his or her paper.
. Count as correct each letter written with the appropriate parts. Letters do not need to be formed with perfect proportions, but all the essential parts of that letter (lines, circles, stems, etc.), for EITHER its capital or lowercase version should be present.
. In a child’s handwriting, a letter may seem disproportionately “tall” or “fat” or distorted in some way, but if all its parts are present, count the letter as correct.
Correct Incorrect No Response
o / O ○ Correct ○ Incorrect ○ No Response m / M ○ Correct ○ Incorrect ○ No Response s /S ○ Correct ○ Incorrect ○ No Response t / T ○ Correct ○ Incorrect ○ No Response b / B ○ Correct ○ Incorrect ○ No Response Good effort! Let’s go on. / Wasingya kutsibu! Thulhole embere.
Lukhonzo 9