Review Sheet Chapter 4: Sections 4

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Review Sheet Chapter 4: Sections 4

Review Sheet package UNIT 2 TEST (NEXT TUESDAY) • Students will be provided with the solubility rules, the activity series and a periodic table for the test. • You are responsible for your own readiness.

Students should be able to: - Explain why reactions take place and what happens when substances react - Define chemical reaction and identify reactants and products - Differentiate between word, skeleton and balanced equations - Write word, skeleton and balanced equations - Identify and describe the types of reactions (synthesis, decomposition, complete and incomplete combustion, single and double displacement, neutralization reactions) - Explain how chemists classify each type of reactions, write general equations for each and give examples of each type - Apply the different tests for gases (glowing splint, limewater, etc..) - Understand and apply simple properties of acids and bases and their oxides (acids turn blue litmus paper red, bases turn blue litmus paper red; Identify the oxides of metals as bases and the oxides of non metals as acidic - Explain the importance of synthesis and combustion reactions in daily life - Identify the products of incomplete combustion reactions as C, CO, CO2 and H2O - Familiar with basic naming of hydrocarbons (alkanes) - Predict the products of single and double displacement reactions using the activity series and the solubility rules - Explain that double displacement reactions produce water, a gas or a precipitate and write example reactions for reach type - Identify which products are soluble and insoluble using the solubility rules - Identify which double displacement reactions will produce CO2, H2S, NH3 and H2O - Predict the products of single displacement reactions involving halogens

Reread all the sections, especially pg 140 Review questions: pg 149 #4-12, 14,17, 18, 20-23, pg. 336 #4-6, pg 339 # 4

Additional Review Multiple Choice 1. The products of an acid-base neutralization are:

(a) a salt and water (c) a base and a salt (b) an acid and a salt (d) an acid and a base

2. Which pairs of aqueous solutions would most likely produce 2 precipitates when mixed?

(a) Ag(NO3) and KCl (c) Na2(CO3) and NH4Cl (b)Na2(SO4) and MgBr2 (d) FeBr 3 and Ag(CH3COO)

3. Which metal will generate nickel metal from a solution of Ni(SO4)(aq)

1 (a) Na (b) Zn (c)Cr (d) Fe

4. Given the reactants CaBr2(aq) and I2(s), what would the expected products be?

(a) CaI(aq) and Br2(g) (c) CaI2(aq) and Br2(g) (b) Ca2I(s) and Br(g) (d) No reaction will take place

5. The combustion of Mg metal by oxygen in a closed crucible is represented by the

skeletal chemical equation Mg(s) + O2(g)  MgO. If there was 10.0g of Mg metal before the reaction would the products:

(a) weigh more than 10.0g (c) weigh the same, 10.0g (b) weigh less than 10.0g (d) weight will depend on combustion temperature

6. Complete combustion SiH4(g) (from the carbon family) would result in among other things:

(a) combustible solids being formed (c) formation of water (b) SiO(s) being formed (d) no reaction (does not burn)

7. When a person makes a solution of a metal oxide, the resulting solution would be:

(a) acidic (c) warmer due to violent reactions (b) basic (d) made opaque by the precipitate

8. Identify which of the following is not, or does not provide evidence of, a chemical reaction. (a) a chicken cooking in the oven (c) iron rusting in air (b) a change in colour (d) water evaporating form salt water in a beaker when heated

9. Two furnaces burn methane to heat two separate houses. The first house’s furnace burns methane completely while the second house’s furnace causes incomplete combustion of methane. Which of the following statements is/are false? (i) Both furnaces need to be rust resistant as water will be produced and could speed up corrosion (ii) Assuming both houses are the same size, shape and maintained at the same temperature during the year, both will use the same amount of fuel to heat the house. (iii) If the chimneys became blocked one family’s household carbon monoxide detector would be set off well before the other family’s detector (iv) Since you are breaking fewer bonds in the formation of carbon monoxide during incomplete combustion, it takes less energy to start the reaction and so it is able to give off more heat during incomplete combustion.

a) i and iii b) ii and iv c) i and iv d) ii and iii

2 10. The law of definite proportions states that: A) In a chemical reaction, the mass of products is equal to the mass of reactants B) Specific substances always contain elements in the same ratio by volume C) Specific substances always contain elements in the same ratio by mass D) Specific substances always contain elements in the same ratio by atomic structure

11. The co-efficients needed in order to balance the equation are: Mg3N2 + _H2O ----> _Mg(OH)2 + __NH3 A) 1, 3, 3, 2 B) 2, 6, 3, 2 C) 1, 6, 3, 2 D) 1, 6, 3, 1 E) 1, 6, 1, 2

12. Which of the following statements is true? A) Chemical reactions are always accompanied by a change in colour B) The disappearance of a solid does not necessarily indicate a chemical reaction has occurred C) Chemical reactions are always accompanied by the formation of a gas D) Chemical reactions are always accompanied by the release of heat

13. What type of reaction is occurring in the following equation? 6KNO3 + Pb2(SO4)3  2Pb(NO3)3 + 3K2SO4 A) Double replacement B) Decomposition C) Single replacement D) Synthesis E) None of the above

14. According to the rules of the activity series, when a piece of copper is immersed in a solution of Al(NO3)3 (aq) the result is: A) Cu(s), Al(s) and NO2 (g) B) Cu(NO3)2 (aq) and Al(s) C) CuO(s) and Al(NO2)2 (aq) D) no reaction

15. What type of reaction is occurring in the following equation? 2 Na(aq) + 2H2O (l)  H2 (g) + 2 NaOH (aq) A) synthesis B) single displacement C) double displacement D) decomposition

16. Which combination of solutions would produce a precipitate upon mixing? A) Na2SO4 (aq) and (NH4)S (aq) B) Mg(NO3)2 (aq) and Al(NO3)3 (aq) C) Mg(NO3)2 (aq) and Al (s)

3 D) None of the above 17. When zinc metal is treated with dilute aqueous sulfuric acid, H2SO4 (aq), the products are: A) ZnSO4 , O2 and H2O B) Zn(OH)2 and SO3 C) ZnSO4 , and H2 D) Zn(OH)2 and SO2 E) No reaction

18. The co-efficients required for balancing the following equation are: SO + HNO3  NO2 + H2O + H2SO4 A) 1,2,2,1,1 B) 2,3,3,2,2 C) 1,4,4,1,1 D) 3,6,6,3,3

19.What type of reaction is the following? CuSO4 (aq) + Fe(s) ----> FeSO4 (aq) + Cu(s) A) decomposition B) synthesis C) double displacement D) single displacement

20. Which of the following is/are true? i. Samples of water coming from different sources will still have the same percentage composition ii. The percentage composition of a compound can ONLY be calculated with knowledge of the compounds formula iii. Percent composition is the relative volume of each element in the compound iv. Two compounds can have identical percentage compositions

A) i, ii B) i, ii, iii C) ii, iii D) i, iv E) iv onl

Knowledge and Communication

1. Balance the following: a) B + SiO2  Si + B2O3 b) Ca3(PO4)2 + SiO2 + C  CaSiO3 + CO + P c) NH3 + O2  N2H4 + H2O d) CaF2 + H2SO4 + SiO2  CaSO4 + SiF4 + H2O e) FeCl2 + KNO3 + HCl  FeCl3 + NO + H2O + KCl

4 2. Write balanced chemical equations for the following including state symbols if given:

a) The element tungsten is found in tungsten (vi) oxide. It can be recovered by heating tungsten (vi) oxide in the presence of hydrogen gas, forming water and the element.

b) Nitric acid reacts to form nitrogen dioxide, water and oxygen gas.

c) Butane ( C4H10) combines with oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water

d) Heating ammonium nitrate forms dinitrogen oxide and water

e) Phosphorus trichloride when added to water produces phosphorous acid and hydrochloric acid

f) Ammonium hydroxide reacts with phosphoric acid

g) The reaction when solid iodine is added to aqueous sodium bromide.

h) The reaction between calcium sulphide and hydrochloric acid.

i) The reaction between aqueous sodium sulphate and aqueous potassium chloride.

j) Magnesium nitride reacts with water to form magnesium oxide and ammonia gas

k) Magnesium carbide reacts with water

l) Carbon dioxide gas is bubbled through water.

3. In each case, predict the type of reaction that will occur. Otherwise indicate by writing NR (no reaction).

a) CuSO3(aq) + BaCl2(aq)  b) HNO3(aq) + Ca(OH)2(aq) 

c) NH4NO3(aq) + KOH(aq)  d) Pb(s)+ CuCl2(aq) 

e) NaCl + F2(g)  f) C3H8(g) + limited O2(g) 

g) Br2(l) + CaCl2(aq)  h) CuO(s) + H2(g) 

i) Pt(s) + Cl2(g)  j) NaNO3(aq) + Ag(s) 

Application and Inquiry Questions 5 1. A solution of hydrochloric acid will undergo double displacement reactions with sulphides and with carbonates to produce two distinctively different gases. This fact can be used to distinguish between samples of nickel (ii) sulphide and nickel(ii) carbonate. a) Write the balanced equation for each reaction. b) Name the gas that is produced, and give one physical characteristic that can be used to identify it.

2. A red compound was heated and the two products were collected. The gaseous product caused a glowing splint to glow brightly. The other product was a shiny pure metal, which is liquid at room temperature. Write the most likely reaction that would explain these observations, using the most common valencies.

3. When wood is combusted in a campfire, the balanced chemical equation for its incomplete combustion is: C6H10O5(s) + 2O2(g) → C(s) (soot) + 2CO (g) + CO2(g) + 5H2O(g) + heat Explain why the soot remaining weighs far less than the original wood before combustion.

4. You are at the cottage and your drinking water comes from a well. People who are drinking this water are getting sick with mercury poisoning symptoms. You want to test the well water for mercury ions by adding an aqueous solution that may precipitate with the mercury ions. a) What aqueous solution could you add to the well water?

b) What would the formula of the precipitate be?

5. a) Describe the two reactions that would be required to form the two different copper hydroxides.

b) How will your product(s) from the above reactions respond to a test with phenolphthalein and the red litmust test?

6. The labels have fallen off of three bottles of colourless solution you are working with in the lab. Design a procedure so that you can identify which label belongs to which bottle. The labels read MgCl2(aq), BaCl2(aq), and CuCl2(aq) . a) Name the ion added in the solutions and the precipitate that forms. b) Name the ion added to the remaining two solutions and the precipitate that forms. c) Name the ion added to confirm the identity of the final solution and the precipitate that forms.


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