Composition I Writing Rubric: 5-Paragraph Essay

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Composition I Writing Rubric: 5-Paragraph Essay

COMPOSITION I WRITING RUBRIC: 5-PARAGRAPH ESSAY Name______Section:______Assignment:______Date:______

Evaluative Area 4 3 2 1/0

Unity Introduction: Introduction: Introduction: Introduction: Lacks Interesting attention Attention getter Attention getter lacks an attention getter (25 points total) getter that relates to relates to topic, but interest and relation the topic lacks interest to topic

Clearly stated thesis Thesis provides Thesis lacks clear No thesis in the intro some direction direction

Solid topic sentences Topic sent. and/or Topic sentences Lacks topic sentences and supporting para. content need present, but expand and appropriate paragraphs more relation to paragraphs paragraphing thesis Conclusion lacks Conclusion: Restated Conclusion: Restated Conclusion: restated thesis thesis relates directly thesis provided, but Summation to thesis and uses too much like thesis provided, but does varied language OR needs work not relate closely enough to thesis Lacks a clincher Unique, interesting Interesting clincher Clincher lacks clincher that relates but fails to relate to interest and tie to to hook attention getter attention getter Support 3 specific points of 3 points of support 1 or 2 points of Lacks quality support support but relate loosely support (25 points total) Lacks specific Specific evidence for Some evidence for Evidence is provided evidence each point is each point is for only 1 or 2 points presented provided No documentation Material is cited and Documentation Some documentation present carefully noted present, but need missing format Coherence Clear, planned Organization plan is Work needed to Lacks any method of method of evident, but lacks maintain organization (25 points total) organization clarity organization

Transitions and Transitions present, Some transitions Lacks transitions and connections between but work is needed to missing between and connections and within clarify intent within paragraphs throughout paragraphs flow easily

Effective, relative Introduction, Title is lacking, Title, introduction, introduction, conclusion, body, introduction and and/or conclusion conclusion, and title and title present, lack conclusion relate missing a relationship well Sentence Skills Paper is free from Few fragments exist Understanding lost fragments due to fragments (25 points total) Paper is free from Work needed to fix Understanding lost run-ons run-ons due to R-O-S

Subjects and verbs Some S-Vs lack Understanding lost agree throughout agreement due to S-V agree.

All verb tenses are Some verb tenses Understanding lost correct need work due to verb tense

Parallelism Parallelism lacking Understanding lost throughout at times due to parallelism

Pronouns agree; Pronouns lack Understanding lost correct reference agreement; reference due to PN agreement/ ref.

3rd person PNs used Shifts in PN point of Understanding lost view due to shifts in PN P-O-V

Capital letters are Capital letters need Understanding lost to correct correction cap. problems

Punctuation is Punctuation needs Understanding lost correct work due to punc. errors

Varied sentence Few sentence Lacks sentence structure is evident variations variety

No spelling errors or Few spelling/ Understanding lost careless errors careless errors due to spelling/careless errors

Clear and carefully Few awkwardly Understanding lost worded sentences worded sentences due to awk. sent.

Succinct wording Sometimes lacks Understanding lost throughout succinctness due to repetition

Effective and Few instances of Lacks effectiveness appropriate language ineffective or and maturity immature language

APA format Some problems with Numerous problems/ followed throughout APA format lacks APA format

Total ______/100

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