Unit HSL11 (F7RK 04) Supervise Drink Services

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Unit HSL11 (F7RK 04) Supervise Drink Services

Unit HSL11 (F7RK 04) Supervise Drink Services

This Unit is about supervising the preparation and delivery of the drink service. It is about enabling a friendly, hygienic, efficient service in relaxed, safe surroundings, ensuring that the law is fully complied with and that customer behaviour problems are dealt with quickly and correctly.

It is strongly recommended that HSL30 which covers food safety hygiene in the preparation and serving of food and drink is undertaken in conjunction with this Unit.

This Unit is a sector specific unit and has particular links with the following units in the Hospitality Supervision and Leadership suite of standards:

HSL1–6, HSL8, HSL10, HSL13–15, HSL19, HSL26 and HSL31

Assessor feedback on completion of Unit

Unit HSL11 (F7RK 04) Supervise Drink Services 1 © SQA 2009 Unit HSL11 (F7RK 04) Supervise Drink Services

I confirm that the evidence detailed in this Unit is my own work and meets the requirements of the National Occupational standards.

Candidate Signature Date

I confirm that the candidate has achieved all the requirements of this Unit.

Assessor Signature Date

Countersigning Assessor Signature (if applicable) Date

I confirm that the candidate’s sampled work meets the standards specified for this Unit and may be presented for external verification.

Internal Verifier Signature Date

Countersigning Internal Verifier (if applicable) Date

External Verifier Initial and Date (if sampled)

Unit HSL11 (F7RK 04) Supervise Drink Services 2 © SQA 2009 Unit HSL11 (F7RK 04) Supervise Drink Services

What you have to do Behaviours

P1 Make sure staff follow procedures for preparing and B1 You find practical ways to overcome barriers. restocking the drink service area. B2 You give feedback to others to help them improve P2 Make sure that the attractiveness and comfort of the their performance. drinking areas meet customer needs and B3 You agree achievable objectives for yourself and give expectations. consistent and reliable performance. P3 Ensure staff have the skills, knowledge and B4 You comply with, and ensure others comply with, resources to carry out their responsibilities. legal requirements, industry regulations, organisational P4 Liaise with other relevant people and departments policies and professional codes. to ensure the delivery of an effective drinks service. B5 You monitor the quality of work and progress against P5 Carry out your preparations in good time to allow plans and take appropriate corrective action, where the scheduled drink service to be provided. necessary. P6 Make sure specified standards and procedures for B6 You use cost-effective, time effective and ethical the service of products is maintained and that the means to gather, store and retrieve information. drink service complies with social responsibility B7 You model behaviour that shows respect, helpfulness practices and relevant legislation. and co-operation. P7 Make sure that communication with customers B8 You make appropriate information and knowledge takes place in a manner that is appropriate to them available promptly to those who need and have a right to it. and the situation. B9 You recognise recurring problems and promote P8 Carry out all activities with consideration for the changes to structures, systems and processes to resolve comfort and well-being of other customers and local these. residents. B10 You identify and work with people and organisations that can P9 Monitor drink service areas and take prompt and provide support for your work. effective action to deal with any problems.

Unit HSL11 (F7RK 04) Supervise Drink Services 3 © SQA 2009 Unit HSL11 (F7RK 04) Supervise Drink Services

Evidence Evidence description Date What you have to do Behaviours number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 P P P P P P P P P B B B B B B B B B B

Unit HSL11 (F7RK 04) Supervise Drink Services 4 © SQA 2009 Unit HSL11 (F7RK 04) Supervise Drink Services

Completed What you have to know date or appendix Knowledge Statements marked by  cannot be inferred

K1  The basic legal requirements that affect the drink service in relation to:  permitted hours  closing time  licences  residents and non-residents  diners and non-diners  young persons, service and employment  right to reject and duty to refuse service  gaming, betting and lotteries  public entertainment  weights and measures  price lists, notices and payment for  drugs drinks  trades descriptions and consumer protection laws K2  How to implement the basic legal requirements that affect the drink service and the implications of a failure to do so. K3 How deviations from legislation and industry specific regulations can be identified and put right.

K4 Where information about licensing legislation can be found.

K5  Your organisation’s procedures and policies that are relevant to the drink service.

K6 The various procedures that need to be followed for the preparation of the drink service area, including those relating to: clearing, stocking products and equipment. K7 How to ensure the preparation of the drink service area is done in time.

K8 The range of products in your area of responsibility and how to prepare and serve them.

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Completed What you have to know date or appendix Knowledge Statements marked by  cannot be inferred

K9  How to vary practise according to quiet periods, busy periods and delivery of service to customers with special requirements. K10 The different roles and responsibilities of people in your area of responsibility and in other parts of the organisation that are relevant to the drink service. K11The skills and knowledge necessary to ensure staff are equipped to carry out their responsibilities effectively. K12How to monitor and supervise staff practice in order to maintain standards.

K13 How an effective service is related to the profitability of the drink service and customer satisfaction.

K14 What methods can be used to monitor the preparation of the drink service area effectively.

K15What action to take when preparation and delivery standards are not met.

K16What problems can affect the drink service and the preparation of areas and how to address these.

K17 How to develop contingency plans to reduce the impact of these problems.

K18 How you can reallocate work to different members of your staff to reduce the impact of problems on service. K19 An understanding of alcohol misuse and its possible consequences.

K20 Best practice in the refusal of service.

K21  How to communicate and deal effectively with the range of customer groups, (including

Unit HSL11 (F7RK 04) Supervise Drink Services 6 © SQA 2009 those who are experiencing the effects of alcohol) and why this is important.

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Supplementary evidence

Evidence/Question Answer Date 1



Examples of evidence may include: 1 Observation 2 Witness testimony 3 Professional discussion 4 Candidate statement 5 Oral questioning 6 Written questioning 7 Products of work: a staff rotas b notes of meetings with line manager c team briefing notes d plans for drinks services e drinks service records

There must be sufficient evidence for the Assessor to judge that the candidate can achieve the learning outcomes and assessment criteria on a consistent basis.

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