9:30-9:40 Welcome / Introductions

9:40-9:45 Objective

9:45-10:00 Processes and Checklist for planning parent ed events

10:00-10:05 Guest speakers from Health Youth Initiative Barb de Michele Pat Castillo

10:05-10:30 Compiling topics and speakers for potential events in 2015-16


Our objective with parent ed is to provide quality speakers on relevant topics in periodic speaker series at various locations to help parents of all aged students across the Issaquah School District learn how to best support the academic and healthy growth of their school-aged kids.

In partnering between schools, we want to maximize the effect of our limited budgets and efforts by attracting the most relevant parent group to our speaker series. As a PTSA Council, we pool together about $100 (subject to change annually) from each PTA/PTSA in our district and strive to redistribute those funds for the best speakers, topics, and locations to attract parents from all Issaquah district elementary, middle and high schools to benefit. Any school may host any speaker on any topic at any time. However, to apply for Council funds for a parent ed speaker, you must advertise your event at least 2 weeks prior via Issaquah PTSA Council parent ed distribution in order to reach the greatest audience, AND get preapproval for sought funding amount.


Please follow these steps when advertising district-wide and/or requesting Council funding:

 Attend (or provide input to) the annual Fall-On-Board, Council Parent Ed Meeting (Sep/Oct)

 Create/Share a list of topics/speakers of interest you have created/shared/gained from the fall meeting with your Board/ Principal/PTSA Council. If necessary, survey your membership for topics of interest. Some speakers hosted successfully in the past (and recommended) are at:

 Check with Issaquah PTSA Council Parent Ed if topics are already scheduled for a similar topic or location soon (email to [email protected]) .

 Fund your speaker with local PTA/PTSA or school budget first. If the speaker fee is higher, consider adding district-wide attendance and apply for PTSA Council funding; see next step.

 Request Council funding for the speaker at least 3 weeks prior by providing an advertising flier to invite parents district-wide . Email the flier and a request for partial/full funds to parent- [email protected]. (Issaquah PTSA Council Parent Ed budget is usually limited to $400/speaker, so please consider your topic and audience; the broader the audience, the more likely to receive funding!) Upon confirmation of Council funding amount, submit a Check Request from Issaquah PTSA Council at, scroll to bottom and click on “Council Reimbursement Form”; follow instructions on the form, and submit to [email protected] for approval signature.  Reserve your facility and date via ISD Facility Use at: .

 Advertize your parent ed event at your local school via Enews, Newsletter, webpage, email, social media, AND via email to [email protected] ! District-wide PTSA Council sponsored or advertised events will be posted on:  ISD Enews, Calendar and Facebook/Twitter feeds;  Issaquah PTSA Council website, calendar, Parent Ed webpages;  Forwarded to all school PTA/PTSAs in the district for inclusion in their Enews, calendars, and social media;  Submitted to Issaquah Press for print and online publications

 Welcome a full house and eager/relevant parent attendees! A brief introduction of “thanks” by the hosting PTA/PTSA and/or a PTSA Council rep would be appropriate for establishing membership and value. At your event, consider providing/collecting ¼ or ½ sheet questionnaire to gauge the interest of the event for the audience and help determine future topics and speakers. Share with Council Parent Ed if appropriate. After your event, email [email protected] with the attendance headcount (and surveyed comments) of your event; this helps us track our effectiveness of date, location, time and topic to aid future event planning.

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