I. Information on the Applicant
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Version 18/04/2011
EUROSTAT GRANT FOR 2011 EUROSTAT UNIT: E.1 THEME: 4.07 – Agri-environmental statistics TITLE: Pilot studies on estimating non-agricultural use of pesticides and on estimating the content of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in agricultural products
SUMMARY OF THE APPLICATION Title of the specific action(s) proposed for a grant Yes No (Please tick the boxes below as appropriate) Action 2: Pilot studies on estimating the content of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in agricultural products Identity of the applicant: Statistics Sweden (official name in full) Overall maximum duration of the action(s) requesting a grant (in months): 18
1.1 IDENTITY OF THE APPLICANT Official name in full: Statistics Sweden Acronym: (if applicable) SCB Official legal form: Public entity1 …
1.2 CONTACT DETAILS Street address: Box 24 300 Postcode: SE-10451 Town/City: Stockholm Region (if applicable): … Country: Sweden Telephone: ++46(0)19176000 Fax: E-mail address:
1 Reminder: see eligibility criterion in Part II.1
1/6 Action 2: Pilot studies on estimating the content of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in agricultural products (if applicable) Family name: Andrist Rangel First Name: Ylva Position/Function2: Project leader Telephone: ++46(0)19176856 Fax: ++46(0)19176996 E-mail address: [email protected]
3 SELECTION CRITERIA: APPLICANT'S OPERATIONAL CAPACITY TO COMPLETE THE PROPOSED ACTION Statistics Sweden has calculated soil surface nitrogen and phosphorous balances at national and regional level every second year since 1991. At national level, farm gate balances have also been calculated. The most recent publication (2011) presents balances for the year 2009.
In 2003, the soil surface method was partly adjusted to follow the method recommended by OECD and Eurostat (2007). Hence, since 2003 the Swedish soil surface method produces gross nutrient balances (GNB) for agricultural land, as opposed to prior to 2003, when net balances for arable land were produced. Data on national level for 2001 has been updated using the new method, which means that Statistics Sweden has comparable data on national level for the period 2001 – 2009. From 2003 and forward, data are comparable even at regional level.
The following variables have been used in the soil surface method:
– Nutrient inputs: mineral fertilizer, soil amendments, stable- and grazing manure, seed, atmospheric deposition, sewage sludge and biological nitrogen fixation.
– Nutrient outputs: yield and harvested plant residues.
The regional aspects of the Swedish GNB are agricultural production areas, and major catchments.
Action 2: Pilot studies on estimating the content of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in agricultural products (Please tick the boxes below as appropriate in order to indicate that the requested document or information is attached and complete the current application form) Curriculum vitae of the key person(s) - project manager(s) – coordinating the action 2 Please provide a brief Ylva Andrist Rangel is responsible for the Swedish Fertilizer Statistics description of his/her which include for example: relevant competences and previous experiences in The survey of fertilizer and animal manure consumption 2 the contact person is in principle the project leader - to be mentioned here
2/6 the context of the action: The survey on cultivation measures in agriculture The survey on sales statistics on mineral fertilizers Nitrogen and phosphorus gross nutrient surface balances and farm gate balances
She has also been involved in the Grant ”Pilot studies on statistics on the use of fertilisers” in 2008-2009.
Her education was conducted at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and at the The Macaulay Land Use Research Institute in Aberdeen, UK. She has a PhD in Soil science including work on nutrient balances.
Please provide a … justification on subcontracting, if any:
1.2 DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTION 2 (if applicable) Title: Pilot studies on estimating the content of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in agricultural products a) Describe the general and specific objectives that the action aims at achieving:
The general objective of the action is to obtain updated and well defined coefficients for N and P content in harvested cereals and ley crops and also to estimate the amount both harvested and not harvested crop residues with the corresponding content of N and P for main crops.
The specific objectives of the action are I. To investigate and describe coefficients for N and P crop content presently used in Sweden by, for example, national authorities, the agricultural advisory, NGOs, research institutes, for nutrient balance calculations and data modelling. II. To conduct a literature study of N and P content in harvested products and crop residues for crops grown in Sweden or under conditions similar to those in Sweden as regards to climate, soil type, production systems, management practices etc. III. To analyse available data on N and P content in the three main cereal crops from the Swedish national environmental monitoring programme. IV. To obtain and analyse data on N and P content in ley crop samples collected in connection with the Swedish national environmental monitoring programme. V. To compare the data and information obtained from the specific objective I-IV, with the coefficients for N and P crop content presently used by Statistics Sweden in gross nutrient balance calculations. VI. To quantify the areas (hectares) of harvested and not harvested crop residues for main crops in Sweden and, if possible, update presently available coefficients on N and P for crop residues. VII. To conduct sensitivity analysis of the effect on the Swedish GNB of using a range of different N and P coefficients for harvested products and crop residues, respectively. VIII. To make recommendations on sound methodologies for obtaining best practice in
3/6 terms of obtaining N and P crop content coefficients, considering factors such as, scientific ground, cost-efficiency, practical performability etc. b) Describe the action (on the basis of the main activities foreseen) and where it will be implemented
Phase 1 Desk study A desk study consisting of three parts will be conducted during the first phase of the action:
I. Coefficients for N and P crop content presently used in Sweden will be investigated and described. Identified users of these coefficients will be consulted and coefficients will be obtained for further analysis by Statistics Sweden. Examples of identified users are the Swedish Board of Agriculture, for advisory purposes and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, for modelling of the leaching of N and P from Swedish agricultural soils. II. Data on N and P in grain from three main cereal crops in Sweden will be analysed. The crops are: winter wheat (n=300), spring barley (n=300) and oats (n=230), sampled from a grid during the years 2003, 2005 and 2007 within the Swedish national environmental monitoring programme. http://www.naturvardsverket.se/en/In-English/Start/State-of- the-environment/Environmental-monitoring/. III. A literature review on the N and P content in harvested products and crop residues for crops will be carried out.
International cooperation Participation in two international meetings is planned for during the first part of the action.
Task Force on Gross Nutrient Balances 14-15 November 2011 in Luxemburg. Initial coordination meeting with Grant participants, experts and other stake holders from other MS to discuss and identify best practices and guidelines.
Phase 2 Collection of new data – N and P in ley
Data on N and P content in ley crop samples (n=100) collected in connection with the Swedish national environmental monitoring programme will be obtained from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. For P, the data is already available, whereas for N, data will be obtained after analysis of achieved crop samples. The data will be analysed by Statistics Sweden.
Sensitivity analysis A sensitivity analysis will be conducted by a methodologist at Statistics Sweden in order to quantify the effect on the Swedish GNB of using a range of different N and P coefficients for harvested products and crop residues. International cooperation
A potential 2nd meeting for the Task Force on Gross Nutrient Balances in 2012, Luxemburg.
4/6 Phase 3 Data compilation The data and information on crop N and P contents obtained from phase 1 and 2 will be summarised and compared with the coefficients for N and P crop content presently used by Statistics Sweden in gross nutrient balance calculations. Expert meeting Statistics Sweden will coordinate an expert workshop to discuss the results from the data compilation on N and P coefficients as well as the results from the sensitivity analysis. The expected outcome from the workshop is a strategy on how Statistics Sweden shall continue the work on updating the N and P crop coefficients at national level, considering factors such as, scientific ground, cost-efficiency, practical performability and trends in the use of new crop varieties etc. Collection of new data – crop residues Statistics Sweden plan to use the existing survey on “Cultivation measures in agriculture” to collect data on the areas (hectares) of harvested and not harvested crop residues for main crops in Sweden. The survey will be conducted during the autumn 2012 and a number of additional questions on crop residues will be added to the present questionnaire. The survey is planned to be conducted with 3000 agricultural holdings.
REPORTS An interim report on the progress of the action and any difficulties encountered will be generated after 9 months after the start of the action. A final report describing the activities carried out within the action, including results from the two desk studies and from the two new data collections as well as final recommendations on obtaining best practice in terms of obtaining N and P crop content coefficients will be generated and submitted within 45 days after the finish of the action. c) Organisation of the project management:
The action will be conducted within the frame of the organisation of Statistics Sweden. As a national authority, Statistics Sweden is governed by the Regulation on internal management and control (FISK 2007:603). Statistics Sweden’s management is made up of a governing council and a senior management team. The management team consists of a variety of experts with wide experience in statistics, management and international networking. The governing council is appointed by the Swedish government and represents Swedish society, addressing overarching questions and general management issues. Statistics Sweden has also initiated a scientific council and actively focuses on issues relating to systems, quality and methodological development.
5/6 d) Arrangements for monitoring/supervision during the operation and foreseen risks about the implementation: Statistics Sweden uses standardised tools throughout its work process.
Statistics Sweden does not foresee any risks in the connection with the implementation or completion of the action, either in terms of competence or technical-/personnel recourses. Statistics Sweden has well established systems for collection, processing and generation of data, as well as for the final reporting of results.
The general trend with decreasing response rate from informants could be a possible risk in achieving the first part of the specific objective no. VI, namely, to quantify the areas of harvested and not harvested crop residues for main crops in Sweden.
2 PLANNED DURATION OF THE ACTION(S) (in months): (Please note that the overall duration of the action(s) should be in accordance to the information provided above in the part "SUMMARY OF THE APPLICATION". Please fill in the tables below for the action(s ) relevant to the current application) Action(s) Planned starting Duration of the date: action(s) (in months): Action 2. Pilot studies on estimating the 01/11/11 18 content of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in agricultural products
2.(a) TIMETABLE TO CARRY OUT EACH STAGE OF THE ACTION SHOWING MAIN DATES AND EXPECTED RESULTS FOR EACH STAGE Action 2. Pilot studies on estimating the content of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in agricultural products Milestones/ Deliverables (Action 2) Timetable (month-year) (Action 2) Interim report M3 + 9
Final report M + 18 + 45 days (according to instructions)
3 M0 being the start of the action. Indication of fixed dates must be avoided in order to avoid any problem in case of change in the implementation of the action