Building Continuous Improvement Plan (Cip)
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Building: Harmon Middle School
Building Strengths: 1. Received an A for building Value Added. 2. Reading Value Added in 6th grade showed above expected growth. 3. The AMO for reading math indicates that Multi-Racial and white students exceeded the state goal 4. 6th Grade Reading had above expected growth with students in the lowest and middle quintiles.
Building Areas of Challenge: Areas of concern on reading and math: 1. Math Value Added showed that both 5th and 6th grade showed below expected growth. 2. Reading Value Added for 5th grade had a decrease in gain index across all quintiles. 3. AMO areas that were below the state goal in both reading and math and are areas of need include: African American, Economically Disadvantaged, Students with Disabilities, Hispanic, and Limited English Proficient.
Focus: Reading 1. All subgroups will show positive growth towards the proficiency goal of 86.4% in reading, except for the economically disadvantaged subgroup, which will increase proficiency by 5% during the 2014-2015 school year.
Actions: Mid Year Check: 1. New curriculum for 5th and 6th grade reading and 1. By the end of the 1st semester, all math will be implemented with fidelity. teachers will have tried at least a 2. Focus on close reading and integration across all basic close reading and will content areas including fiction/nonfiction texts that present evidence at a PLC are at the appropriate Lexile level. meeting (lesson, student/staff 3. E&I, Innovation and instructional block periods/time reflection, etc.). will be used to work with flexible enrichment and 2. By the end of the first semester intervention small groups and to work with individual at least two common students as needed. assessments will have been discussed in TBTs and action steps followed to increase student achievement based on the results of these assessments.
Results we expect: End of Year Check: End of year check will consist of a BLT review of TBT minutes and submitted assessments/evidence
Link to District CIP Related District Goal: All subgroups, on average, will meet their proficiency goals of 87.9% in Reading and 82.5% in Mathematics, except IEP in Reading and Math and LEP in Math, which will increase by 10% on the annual measurable objectives as shown on the 2014 District report card. Focus: Mathematics 2. All subgroups will show positive growth towards the proficiency goal of 82.5% in math, except for the economically disadvantaged subgroup, which will increase proficiency by 5% during the 2014- 2015 school year.
Actions: Mid Year Check: 1. Teachers will implement new curriculum in 5th and 6th 1. Pacing and monitoring of new grade reading and math with fidelity. curriculum implementation. 2. E&I, Innovation and instructional block periods/time 2. Common/embedded assessments will be used to work with flexible enrichment and will be analyzed by subgroups and intervention small groups and to work with individual standard mastery. Each teacher students as needed. ST Math will also be included will bring this data to each TBT during these blocks of time with all students. meeting and be prepared to 3. Teachers will use the embedded assessments and discuss. Meeting minutes to be analyze data by subgroups, standard mastery and to used as evidence. determine individual students who need intervention 3. Students will have at least 30 and enrichment, and to monitor student progress. minutes of ST Math time per week
Results we expect: End of Year Check: End of year check will consist of a BLT review of TBT minutes and submitted assessments/evidence
Link to District CIP Related District Goal: Increase the proficiency at each grade (3-8, 10, 11) level by at least two percentage points in the mathematics as shown on the 2014 District Report Card.