Day I – Arrival Day 3:00 PM: Arrival *Register and Check In *Settle in *Family Time 5:00 PM: Vespers 5:30 PM: Rules and Reg’s 6:00 PM: Dinner 7:00 PM: Loud Campfire/Introduction to Devotionals 8:15 PM: Family Devotional/Little one’s to Bed 9:00PM 9th Hour Activities *Parent Session/Devotional: Great Room *Infant – 11 Years Old in Bed: (Staff coverage of rooms – 2/hallway) *Youth ages 12 – 18 with Camp Staff 11:00 PM Compline (Adults and GOYAn’s) 11:30 PM Parents “Take-Back” Kids and GOYAn’s to bed 12:30 PM Staff Bed Time

Day II, Day III & Day IV - Program Days 8:30 AM: Orthros/“Alone with God” 9:15 AM: Breakfast 10:15 AM: Break into Groups 10:30 AM: Morning Sessions – Campers with Staff Parents with Speaker 12:30 PM: Lunch 1:00 PM: Family Free Time 3:00 PM: Family Activity Time 4:30 PM: Prepare for Evening Vespers/Dinner/Evening Activities 5:30 PM: Vesper/Evening Light 6:15 PM: Dinner 7 PM Family Evening Activity 8:30 PM: Family Devotional/Little ones to Bed 9:15PM 9th Hour Activities *Parent Session/Devotional: Great Room *Infant’s – 11 years old to Bed: (Staff coverage of rooms – 2/hallway) * Youth ages 12 – 18 with Camp Staff 11:00 PM Compline (Adults and GOYAn’s) 11:30 PM Parents “Take-Back” Kids and GOYAn’s to bed 12:30 PM Staff Bed Time

Day V – Departure Day 8 AM Orthros 9 AM Divine Liturgy 10:30 AM Breakfast 11:30 AM Group Closing 12:00 PM Checkout