Spring Township Supervisors

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Spring Township Supervisors

SPRING TOWNSHIP SUPERVISORS Regular Monthly Meeting July 3rd, 2006 7:00 P.M.

The Spring Township Supervisors Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Frank Royer, Chairman, followed by Pledge to the Flag.

Supervisors: Frank Royer, Terry Perryman & David Capperella Solicitor: John Miller, Jr. – Not Present Township Manager: William MacMath Zoning Officer: Vaughn Zimmerman – Not Present Guests: Attendance sheet attached to original minutes



It was on a motion of Terry Perryman seconded by David Capperella to accept the Minutes of June 5th, 2006 as submitted . Unanimously approved motion carried.


The following reports were submitted to The Board of Supervisors and are on file for review. - Township Treasurers Report – Submitted by Molly Baird - Water Authority Treasurers Report – Submitted by Molly Baird - Police Report – Submitted by Greer Perryman - Municipal Employees Report – Submitted by Gary Royer - Code Enforcement Report – Submitted by Vaughn Zimmerman - Sewer Enforcement Report – Submitted by Ralph Houck - Fire Company Report – Submitted by Gary Royer

It was on a motion of Terry Perryman seconded by David Capperella to accept the above reports as submitted. Unanimously approved motion carried.


Bellefonte Borough Fire Protection – William MacMath, Manager, reported the information requested from Bellefonte Borough regarding fire protection monies has been received. Fire Protection monies for second quarter is listed on the Bills for Approval. However, first quarter has not been paid as requested. It was on a motion of Terry Perryman seconded by David Capperella to approve the payment for second quarter only. Unanimously approved motion carried.

NEW BUSINESS: Bellefonte Medical Investors – Prel./Final Land Development - William MacMath, Manager, reported Bellefonte Medical Investors proposes to demolish one of their two current medical buildings and rebuild a larger building in its place to become an OB/GYN and Pediatric Center. The building to be demolished is the forward of the two buildings. At this time, this plan meets all applicable Zoning Ordinance and Interchange Overlay requirements. Don Franson, Engineer, has recommended approval based on his most recent review of this plan with no significant comments remaining to be addressed. Approval of E & S Plan by Centre County Conservation District has not been received. A lot addition plan from Bellefonte Medical to lands of Harry Eby has not been completed at this time, however this plan is not reflected on this land development plan and when this lot addition plan is finalized the Bellefonte Medical Investors plan as presented will continue to conform to Spring Township Zoning Ordinances. It was on a motion of Terry Perryman seconded by David Capperella to grant conditional approval of the Preliminary/Final Land Development Plan for Bellefonte Medical Investors Proposed OB/GYN & Pediatric Center, dated January 16, 2006, last revised June 5, 2006. Condition of approval being approval of E & S Plan by Center County Conservation District.

Transferable Development Rights – William MacMath, Manager, reported Transfer Development Rights have been discussed before and continue to be discussed with the Planning Commission and the NVJPC (Nittany Valley Joint Planning Commission). TDR’s send development rights from one area to a receiving area in which will allow a developer to more fully develop his land. Cost of the TDR’s would be market driven, allowing farmer’s to receive a fair price and continue to farm and ultimately preserve farm land. TDR’s can be used for commercial or residential development. In this area, it may be better suited for residential. Biggest draw back may be how and who would administer the program. Planning Commission would like the Supervisors thoughts as to whether or not it should be considered.

Terry Perryman, Supervisor, remarked that he needs more information before he could make a decision. Frank Royer, Chairman, remarked that he also has mixed feelings and is not ready to make a decision. David Capperella, Supervisor, reported he has started getting a feel for how the TDR’s would work, but not ready to make a decision. No further discussion.

ATV Policy – William MacMath, Manager, reported Chief King has drafted a policy, based on Ferguson Township’s ATV Policy and with comments from John Miller, Jr. and himself. John Miller needs to draft a waiver of liability/repair form. Mr. MacMath questioned the Supervisors as to how much time would they want the department to spend on monitoring Graymont’s property. If there are no additional comments or concerns he would recommend approving the policy. This would allow training and use within the Township by our department until the waiver.

Terry Perryman, Supervisor, questioned why the need for an ATV on private property to make arrests. “Would this not be a liability issue”? Frank Royer, Chairman reported he is not in favor of using the ATV at the quarry each week. Mr. MacMath reported if the property owner permits, The Township’s insurance will cover. David Capperella, Supervisor, questioned what brought this issue up. Mr. MacMath reported the Police Department had gotten a grant for the ATV. Therefore there should be a policy set on it’s use. Mr. Capperella remarked that the ATV is a good resource in some conditions. Mr. Perryman remarked that Mr. MacMath needs to be notified when taking the ATV. Mr. MacMath reported the policy could be adopted and modified later if necessary. It was on a motion of Terry Perryman seconded by David Capperella to approve the ATV Policy as submitted. Unanimously approved motion carried. Police Training – William MacMath, Manager, reported he received a request today from Chief King asking permission for training for two Officers. One being Officer Roefaro for one day on September 7th, 2006. It was on a motion of Terry Perryman seconded by David Capperella to approve the request for Officer Roefaro. Unanimously approved motion carried. The second being Officer Moore for a two day training course in the amount of $433 to be held September 6th and 7th. After brief discussion on the topic of training the Supervisors questioned the importance of this particular course or if there would be another course more beneficial. Chief King to check on other training courses that may be more beneficial to the department. Tabled until August meeting.


Frank Royer, Chairman, reported the Spring Township Offices will be closed Tuesday, July 4th.


Resolution 11-06 – Mutual Aid Agreement for DUI Checkpoint – It was on a motion of Terry Perryman seconded by David Capperella to approve the Mutual Aid Agreement as submitted. Unanimously approved.

Resolution 12-06 – Railroad Warning Devices – Witherite Road – It was on a motion of David Capperella seconded by Terry Perryman to approve the Railroad Warning Devices for Witherite Road. Unanimously approved motion carried.


William MacMath reported on the following correspondence received.

Adelphia – Letter regarding The Cable Choice & Competition Act. This Act stripes municipalities of their role in the cable franchising process and eliminates many of the most fundamental provisions associated with local cable franchise requirements. Adelphia is requesting municipalities to oppose this legislation.

Senator Arlen Specter – Letter thanking Spring Township for contacting him regarding the cable franchising legislation.

Senator Jake Corman - Letter thanking Spring Township for contacting him regarding the I-80/I-99 High Speed Interchange Project, the Route 26/64 Betterment Project, and the Route 550 Betterment Project at Bishop Street. Senator Corman agreed to support the projects to seek additional highway construction dollars from the Appalachian Development Commission and any other source that may be applicable.

PPL Service Corp. – Letter regarding Bellefonte Former Manufactured Gas Plant Site. Notice of Remedial Investigation Report Submission.

PSATS Legislative Alert – Letter regarding House Bill 248, Senate Transportation Committee approves increase in Annual Maintenance Payments for Turnback Roads.

BILLS FOR APPROVAL: It was on a motion of Terry Perryman seconded by David Capperella to approve the bills for the month of June 2006 as submitted for the General Fund Account, Street Light Account, Building Fund Account, and the State Fund Account. Unanimously approved motion carried.


No comments.


With no further business to discuss, it was on a motion of Terry Perryman seconded by David Capperella to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m. Unanimously approved motion carried.

Molly Baird Recording Secretary

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