Letter to County Clerks
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Form 13.1 Letter to County Clerks (print on SWCD letterhead)
Dear County Clerk:
The ______Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) will be conducting a district wide election of supervisors on Tuesday May _, 20__ as required by the Soil and Water Conservation District Act (73-20-38 NMSA 1978) stating that “successors to supervisors whose terms end in a calendar year shall be elected on the first Tuesday in May of that year”. The New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC 2010) states the elections shall be held in odd-numbered years.
The Act states that the Soil and Water Conservation Commission (SWCC) has authority to promulgate rules for the conduct of SWCD elections and referenda (73-20-31 NMSA 1978). The NMAC states that supervisors shall “notify the county clerks of all counties located within the district boundaries of the election by January 1, preceding the election.” SWCD supervisors are directed in NMSA 73-20-41 to “call upon the county clerk…for advice and assistance with conduct of election and referenda.” The Act also states in NMSA 73-20-48 “County Clerks…shall provide advice and assistance with conduct of election and referenda.” We would appreciate your assistance in providing a voter registration list for us by April _, 20__.
In the event that no more than one candidate has filed a declaration of candidacy of each position to be filled, and if there are no other questions on the ballot, the canvassing board shall cancel the election as provided by the rules (NMAC In the event this should occur we will notify your office of the election cancellation on March __, 20__, following the deadline for declaration of candidacy for write in candidates.
Enclosed are the following: district boundary description, district boundary map, election timeline, and election rules.
If you have any questions you may contact us at (phone #).
Thank you,
Chairman Form 13.2
______Soil and Water Conservation District
Oath of Office
I, ______, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Mexico, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Election Superintendent for the ______Soil and Water Conservation District.
______Signature (date)
______(Mailing address)
______(Telephone number)
______(witness signature) (date)
______(witness signature) (date)
Form 13.3a (positions 1, 2 & 5)
Notice of Supervisor Election for the ______Soil and Water Conservation District (73-20-49 NMSA 1978).
To all registered voters situated within the ______Soil and Water Conservation District, counties of ______and ______, State of New Mexico.
Notice is hereby given that on the 1st Tuesday of May, 20__, between the hours of ____ a.m. and ______p.m. polls will be open to elect three supervisors of the ______Soil and Water Conservation District, in accordance with the New Mexico Soil and Water Conservation District Act.
Polling locations will be: (List polling locations and include name of building and street address)
The positions to be filled are position # 1 currently being filled by ______, position #2 currently being filled by ______, and position # 5 currently being filled by ______. Positions 1 and 2 may only be filled by resident owners of land within the district. Position 5 must be filled by a resident of the district.
Declarations of candidacy may be obtained beginning ______, 20___ until ______, 20 __ at __(address of location)______, weekdays between the hours of ______a.m. and ______p.m or online at the New Mexico Department of Agriculture website. Declarations of candidacy must be filed at ____(address)______on March __, 20__ between the hours of ____a.m. and ____p.m. Write in candidates must file declarations of candidacy on March __, 20__ at the above address between the hours of ____a.m. and ____p.m.
Eligible voters within the district shall obtain and cast their ballots at the polling place on the day of the election; OR
Eligible voters who will be absent on the day of the election may request an absentee ballot application by mail, by phone, and in person. Absentee ballot applications will only be available between April __ 20__ and April __, 20__ between the hours of ____a.m. and ____p.m. at:
_____(name of location)______C/O Referendum Superintendent, ______(address of location)______. To request an absentee ballot application by phone call (phone #) .
Completed absentee ballot applications must be received by April _____, 20___.
Absentee ballot packets will be sent out no later than April _____, 20__. (15 days prior to the election)
Completed absentee ballots must be received at the address above not later than _____ PM, May __, 20__.
Voters are asked to bring proof of residency to the polling location. This can be a voter registration card, utility bill, or other documentation of district residency.
If you have any questions regarding this election please call __ (name of contact person)__ at ____(phone #)____. Form 13.3b (positions 3 & 4) FIRST NOTICE of ELECTION
Notice of Supervisor Election for the ______Soil and Water Conservation District (73-20-49 NMSA 1978).
To all registered voters situated within the ______Soil and Water Conservation District, counties of ______and ______, State of New Mexico.
Notice is hereby given that on the 1st Tuesday of May, 20__, between the hours of ____ a.m. and ______p.m. polls will be open to elect two supervisors of the ______Soil and Water Conservation District, in accordance with the New Mexico Soil and Water Conservation District Act.
Polling locations will be: (List polling locations and include name of building and street address)
The positions to be filled are position # 3 currently being filled by ______, and position # 4 currently being filled by ______. Positions 3 and 4 may only be filled by resident owners of land within the district.
Declarations of candidacy may be obtained beginning ______, 20___ until ______,20__ at __(address of location)______, weekdays between the hours of ______a.m. and ______p.m or online at the New Mexico Department of Agriculture website. Declarations of candidacy must be filed at ___(address)_____ on March __, 20__ between the hours of ____a.m. and ____p.m. Write in candidates must file declarations of candidacy on March __, 20__ at the above address between the hours of ____a.m. and ____p.m.
Eligible voters within the district shall obtain and cast their ballots at the polling place on the day of the election; OR
Eligible voters who will be absent on the day of the referendum may request an absentee ballot application by mail, by phone, and in person. Absentee ballot applications will only be available between April __, 20__ and April __, 20__ between the hours of ____a.m. and ____p.m. at:
_____(name of location)______C/O Election Superintendent, ______(address of location)______. To request an absentee ballot application by phone, call (phone #) .
Completed absentee ballot applications must be received by April _____, 20___.
Absentee ballot packets will be sent out no later than April _____, 20__. (15 days prior to the election)
Completed absentee ballots must be received at the address above not later than _____ PM, May __, 20__.
Voters are asked to bring proof of residency to the polling location. This can be a voter registration card, utility bill, or other documentation of district residency.
If you have any questions regarding this election please call __ (name of contact person)__ at ____(phone #)____. Form 13.4a (positions 1, 2, & 5)
Notice of Supervisor Election for the ______Soil and Water Conservation District (73-20-49 NMSA 1978).
To all registered voters situated within the ______Soil and Water Conservation District, counties of ______and ______, State of New Mexico.
Notice is hereby given that on the 1st Tuesday of May, 20__ between the hours of ____ a.m. and ______p.m. polls will be open to elect three supervisors of the ______Soil and Water Conservation District, in accordance with the New Mexico Soil and Water Conservation District Act.
Polling locations will be: (list polling locations and include name of building and street address)
The positions to be filled are position # 1 currently being filled by ______, position # 2 currently being filled by______, and position # 5 currently being filled by ______. Positions 1 and 2 may only be filled by resident owners of land within the district. Position 5 must be filled by a resident of the district.
Eligible voters within the district shall obtain and cast their ballots at the polling place on the day of the election;
Eligible voters who will be absent on the day of the referendum may request an absentee ballot application by mail, by phone, and in person. Absentee ballot applications will only be available between April __, 20__ and April __, 20__ between the hours of ____a.m. and ____p.m. at:
_____(name of location)______C/O Referendum Superintendent, ______(address of location)______. To request an absentee ballot application by phone call (phone #) .
Completed absentee ballot applications must be received by April _____, 20___.
Absentee ballot packets will be sent out no later than April _____, 20__. (15 days prior to the election)
Completed absentee ballots must be received at the address above not later than ____ p.m., May __, 20__.
Voters are asked to bring proof of residency to the polling location. This can be a voter registration card, utility bill, or other documentation of district residency.
If you have any questions regarding this election please call __(name of contact person)__ at ____(phone #)____. Form 13.4b (positions 3 & 4) SECOND NOTICE of ELECTION
Notice of Supervisor Election for the ______Soil and Water Conservation District (73-20-49 NMSA 1978).
To all registered voters situated within the ______Soil and Water Conservation District, counties of ______and ______, State of New Mexico.
Notice is hereby given that on the 1st Tuesday of May, 20__ between the hours of ____ a.m. and ______p.m. polls will be open to elect two supervisors of the ______Soil and Water Conservation District, in accordance with the New Mexico Soil and Water Conservation District Act.
Polling locations will be:
(list polling locations and include name of building and street address)
The positions to be filled are position # 3 currently being filled by ______, and position # 4 currently being filled by ______. Positions 3 and 4 may only be filled by resident owners of land within the district.
Eligible voters within the district shall obtain and cast their ballots at the polling place on the day of the election; OR
Eligible voters who will be absent on the day of the referendum may request an absentee ballot application by mail, by phone, and in person. Absentee ballot applications will only be available between April __, 20__ and April __, 20__ between the hours of ____a.m. and ____p.m. at:
_____(name of location)______C/O Referendum Superintendent, ______(address of location)______. To request an absentee ballot application by phone call (phone #) .
Completed absentee ballot applications must be received by April _____, 20___.
Absentee ballot packets will be sent out no later than April _____, 20__. (15 days prior to the election)
Completed absentee ballots must be received at the address above not later than ____ p.m. May __, 20__.
Voters are asked to bring proof of residency to the polling location. This can be a voter registration card, utility bill, or other documentation of district residency.
If you have any questions regarding this election please call __(name of contact person)__ at ____(phone #)____.
Form 13.5a (positions 1, 2 &5)
CERTIFICATION OF ELECTION RESULTS ______Soil and Water Conservation District
I, the undersigned hereby certify the results of the election of supervisors held on May__, 20__, pursuant to 20.9.2 NMAC. No. of absentee ballots tallied ______No. of ineligible absentee ballots ______No. of regular ballots tallied ______No. of challenge ballots tallied ______No. of ineligible challenge ballots ______Total number of ballots tallied ______Number of polling locations ______
Position # 1 Name______No. of votes______Mailing address______Physical address ______Telephone(s)______Email______
Position # 2 Name______No. of votes______Mailing address______Physical address ______Telephone(s)______Email______
Position # 5 Name______No. of votes______Mailing address______Physical address ______Telephone(s)______Email______
Election Superintendent (printed name, signature, and date)
The Canvassing board hereby certifies the results of the election of supervisors held on May__, 20__, and that all challenges presented as of this date have been resolved. Date of this certification______
______Printed name, canvassing board member Signature Date ______Printed name, canvassing board member Signature Date Note: This certification must be sent to the Soil and Water Conservation Commission in Las Cruces within 7 days of the completion of the canvass. Form 13.5b (positions 3 & 4)
CERTIFICATION OF ELECTION RESULTS ______Soil and Water Conservation District
I, the undersigned hereby certify the results of the election of supervisors held on May__, 20__, pursuant to 20.9.2 NMAC. No. of absentee ballots tallied ______No. of ineligible absentee ballots ______No. of regular ballots tallied ______No. of challenge ballots tallied ______No. of ineligible challenge ballots ______Total number of ballots tallied ______Number of polling locations ______
Position #3 Name______No. of votes______Mailing address______Physical address ______Telephone(s)______Email______
Position # 4 Name______No. of votes______Mailing address______Physical address ______Telephone(s)______Email______
Election Superintendent (printed name, signature, and date)
The Canvassing board hereby certifies the results of the election of supervisors held on May__, 20__, and that all challenges presented as of this date have been resolved. Date of this certification______
______Printed name, canvassing board member Signature Date
______Printed name, canvassing board member Signature Date
Note: This certification must be sent to the Soil and Water Conservation Commission in Las Cruces within 7 days of the completion of the canvass. Exhibit 13.5
VOTER CERTIFICATION: I am a registered voter of precinct no.______of the county of ______, state of New Mexico. I reside at
______, within the boundaries of the
______Soil and Water Conservation district;
I make the foregoing affidavit under oath, knowing that any false statement herein constitutes a felony punishable under the criminal laws of New Mexico.
______(Voter) Printed name and signature
______(Mailing address)
______(Residence address)
______Telephone number (if voter wishes to be notified of ineligibility to vote)
(add a serial number for absentee ballots)
NOTE: This voter certification form can be used for both absentee and provisional ballots. Print the above information on a business size envelope, using a separate envelope for each voter. Use smaller, plain envelopes for ballots, only one ballot per envelope. An Excel template is available to print voter certification envelopes with serial numbers. Form 13.6
Please fill out and return this application. Applications must be received by April ____, 20
Date of Application:______
Voter Name (first, middle initial, last):______
Address of Residence Within The Soil and Water Conservation District: ______
Mailing Address:______
Address Where Ballot Should be Mailed (if different from mailing address):______
Phone Number:______
Upon verification of voter eligibility, an absentee ballot will be mailed to the address specified above. All absentee ballots will be mailed out at least 15 calendar days prior to the date of the election.
______Voter Signature
______For District Use only______
Date Absentee Ballot Application Received: ______
Received By:______
Signature of Recipient:______
Eligibility Confirmed (check one): ______Yes No
Serial Number of Return Envelope Issued: ______
Date Absentee Ballot Mailed to Voter: ______Form 13.7
Declaration of Candidacy For the election of Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisors to be held May __, 20___
To be filed at ______(address)
on March ___, 20___ between the hours of ______a.m. and ______p.m.
Name of candidate: (as it should appear on the ballot)
Candidate’s residence: (physical address) Candidate’s mailing address:
Candidate’s phone number:
Legal Description of land owned within the ______Soil and Water Conservation District: (if different from physical address above; provide township, range, section, and quarter section if possible) Declaring Candidacy for Board Position Number:
I hereby declare that I am a candidate for the office of supervisor for the position number shown above, at the election of supervisors to be held on the date set by law. I will be eligible to hold this office at the beginning of its term. I make the foregoing affidavit under oath, knowing that any false statement herein constitutes a felony punishable under the criminal laws of New Mexico.
Declarant’s signature: ______
Witness signature: ______
Received by (signature, date, time): ______Form 13.8
Declaration of Write in Candidacy for election of Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisors to be held May _, 20___
To be filed at ______(Address)
on March __, 20__ between the hours of ______a.m. and ______p.m.
Name of candidate: (as voters will write it on the ballot) Candidate’s residence: (physical address) Candidate’s mailing address:
Candidate’s phone number:
Legal Description of land owned within the ______Soil and Water Conservation District: (if different from physical address above; provide township, range, section, and quarter section if possible) Declaring Candidacy for Board Position Number:
I hereby declare that I am a candidate for the office of supervisor for the position number shown above, at the election of supervisors to be held on the date set by law. I will be eligible to hold this office at the beginning of its term. I make the foregoing affidavit under oath, knowing that any false statement herein constitutes a felony punishable under the criminal laws of New Mexico.
Declarant’s signature: ______
Witness signature: ______
Received by (signature, date, time): ______Form 13.9a (positions 1, 2, & 5)
Election Cancellation Certification
______Soil and Water Conservation District
The canvassing board for the ______Soil and Water Conservation District certifies that no more than one person has declared candidacy for district supervisor positions #1, #2 and #5, and there are no other questions on the ballot, therefore the election has been canceled in accordance with rules for conducting an election of district supervisors (21.9.2 NMAC). Voters that have applied for or received absentee ballots for this election will be contacted by the election superintendent.
______Printed name, canvassing board member Signature Date ______Printed name, canvassing board member Signature Date ______Printed name, canvassing board member Signature Date
The supervisors of this District certify the following qualified persons were appointed to fill elected supervisor positions in accordance with NMAC.
Position # 1 Email: ______
Name______Home Ph: ______
Mailing Address______Cell Ph:______
______Work Ph______: ______City State Zip
Position # 2 Email: ______
Name______Home Ph: ______
Mailing Address______Cell Ph:______
______Work Ph______: ______City State Zip ______Position # 5 Email: ______
Name______Home Ph: ______
Mailing Address______Cell Ph:______Work Ph______: ______City State Zip
Printed name, District supervisor Signature Date
Printed name, District supervisor Signature Date
This certification must be sent to the New Mexico Soil and Water Conservation Commission within seven days after completion. Form 13.9b (positions 3 & 4)
Election Cancellation Certification
______Soil and Water Conservation District
The canvassing board for the ______Soil and Water Conservation District certifies that no more than one person has declared candidacy for district supervisor positions #3 and #4, and there are no other questions on the ballot, therefore the election has been canceled in accordance with rules for conducting an election of district supervisors (21.9.2 NMAC). Voters that have applied for or received absentee ballots for this election will be contacted by the election superintendent.
______Printed name, canvassing board member Signature Date ______Printed name, canvassing board member Signature Date ______Printed name, canvassing board member Signature Date
The supervisors of this District certify the following qualified persons were appointed to fill elected supervisor positions in accordance with NMAC.
Position # 3 Email: ______
Name______Home Ph: ______
Mailing address ______Cell Ph:______
______Work Ph______: ______City State Zip
Position # 4 Email: ______
Name______Home Ph: ______
Mailing address ______Cell Ph:______
______Work Ph______: ______City State Zip
Printed name, District supervisor Signature Date
Printed name, District supervisor Signature Date This certification must be sent to the New Mexico Soil and Water Conservation Commission within seven days after completion. Form 13.11a (positions 1, 2, & 5)
______Soil and Water Conservation District
The canvassing board for the ______Soil and Water Conservation District certifies that since no more than one candidate has filed a declaration of candidacy district supervisor position #1, #2 and position #5, and there being no other questions on the ballot, the election has been canceled in accordance with Rules for Conducting an Election of District Supervisors ( F, NMAC). Those individuals that have applied for, or received absentee ballots for this election will be contacted by the election superintendent.
Date of this certification______
______Printed name, canvassing board member Signature Date ______Printed name, canvassing board member Signature Date ______Printed name, canvassing board member Signature Date
Note: This certification must be sent to the New Mexico Soil and Water Conservation Commission Form 13.11b (positions 3 & 4)
______Soil and Water Conservation District
The canvassing board for the ______Soil and Water Conservation District certifies that since no more than one candidate has filed a declaration of candidacy district supervisor position #3 and position #4, and there being no other questions on the ballot, the election has been canceled in accordance with Rules for Conducting an Election of District Supervisors ( F, NMAC). Those individuals that have applied for, or received absentee ballots for this election will be contacted by the election superintendent.
Date of this certification______
______Printed name, canvassing board member Signature Date ______Printed name, canvassing board member Signature Date ______Printed name, canvassing board member Signature Date
Note: This certification must be sent to the New Mexico Soil and Water Conservation Commission Form 13.12
______Soil and Water Conservation District
Oath of Office
I, ______, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Mexico, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Polling Officer for the ______Soil and Water Conservation District.
______Signature (date)
______(Mailing address)
______(Telephone number)
______(witness signature) (date)
______(witness signature) (date) Form 13.13a
______Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor Election Absentee Ballot
Position # 1
Position # 2
Position # 5
Form 13.13b
______Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor Election
Absentee Ballot Position # 3
Position # 4
______Form 13.14
______Soil and Water Conservation District
Voter’s Name Application Date Date Eligible to Outer Date Date Absentee Mailing Address for Application Requested Application Completed Vote? (yes/no Envelope Absentee Ballot is Returned Phone Number (date; mail, Mailed Application and initial) Serial Ballot is to SWCD phone or in Received Number Mailed to person) From Voter Voter Form 13.15
Soil and Water Conservation Commission MSC APR P. O. Box 30005 Las Cruces NM 88003-8005 Telephone (505) 646-2642 Fax (505) 646-1540
New Mexico Soil and Water Conservation Commission Appointment of District Supervisors Policy 1-08-03
In accordance with section 73-20-38 paragraph D of the Soil and Water Conservation District Act, The New Mexico Soil and Water Conservation Commission (SWCC) is responsible for appointing two supervisor positions to local Soil and Water Conservation District boards (SWCD). Candidates for appointment to these positions are to be evaluated by the SWCC based on the “experience or training” that qualifies them to serve as supervisors.
In order to aid in the SWCC’s evaluation of “experience or training” for the candidates an “Appointed Supervisor Candidacy Application” (attachment A of this policy) must be submitted for each candidate which a local SWCD wishes to nominate for the appointed positions. This application will be used by the SWCC to evaluate the “experience or training” of the candidates, and to choose the best-suited candidate for each appointed position.
Upon selection of the candidates by the SWCC, the local SWCD board will be notified by mail of the SWCC’s decisions. Soil and Water Conservation Commission MSC APR P. O. Box 30005 Las Cruces NM 88003-8005 Telephone (505) 646-2642 Fax (505) 646-1540
Appointed Supervisor Application
Policy 1-08-03 (attachment A)
Applications should be submitted annually by June 15, or when a vacancy occurs.
SWCD Name: ______Position # (circle one): 6 7 Candidate’s Name: ______Candidate’s Occupation: ______
Experience or training which qualifies this candidate to serve as a Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor: ______Exhibit 13.2
I. Assure that all absentee ballots requested by eligible voter in writing were sent as indicated in the election notice, unless the election is cancelled, in which case eligible voters shall be notified. All applications will be compared with the absentee ballot register.
II. Conduct the voting during the period stated in the election notice.
III. If paper ballots are used, place all ballots in a sealed ballot box.
IV. Prepare a complete list of all persons voting and those applying for a ballot and determined ineligible to vote.
V. Prepare documentation regarding all challenges of voter ineligibility.
VI. Assist the canvassing board in properly securing, transporting, and storing ballot boxes, and cooperate fully with the canvassing board to determine voting results in a timely manner.
VII. Prepare a list of eligible voters 30 days prior to the election. The eligible voter list must be completed and available for inspection at least five days before the election. Exhibit 13.3
1. The canvassing board shall be composed of a minimum of three members: An owner of land within the district who is not a supervisor or employee of the district or members of their immediate family. A supervisor of the district. A local elected official or their designee.
2. Cancel the election upon being notified by the board of supervisors that no more than one candidate has filed a declaration of candidacy for each position to be filled, and there are no other questions on the ballot, and give due notice of such cancellation.
3. Establish appropriate procedures for securing, transporting, storing and tallying ballots.
4. Resolve any challenges of voter eligibility or conduct of election.
5. Certify election results and report results to soil and water conservation commission in Las Cruces within seven calendar days following completion of their canvass. A canvass is considered complete when all challenges have been resolved to the satisfaction of the canvassing board. For each position, the candidate with the highest number of votes shall be declared the winner without a runoff vote. A tie vote will be broken by lot. Exhibit 13.4 ______SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT Polling procedures
General Information
Eligible Voter (according to Title 21,Chap 9,Part 2, Sec 7, Para A, of the SWCC supervisor election rules) - Shall mean a person who is registered to vote in New Mexico pursuant to provisions of the election code, and resides within the soil and water conservation district for which the election is being conducted.
Outline of Polling officials Duties
1. Conducting the voting during the period stated in the due notice
Polls will be open from ______(hours).
Each polling location will have one chief polling official assigned to it. This person will be in charge of that location. The responsibilities of this individual include opening and closing the polling location, insuring the necessary voting supplies and equipment are available, verifying voter eligibility, resolving any problems which may arise, and overseeing the general operation of the polling location.
The remaining polling officials will be responsible for verifying voter eligibility, overseeing the proper completion of the poll roster by eligible voters, distributing official ballots, providing technical instructions to voters on the proper completion of the ballots and insuring the ballots are cast properly.
Polling officials are typically asked a variety of questions. Most of them deal with the actual voting process. However, you may be asked direct questions regarding the function or operation of the ______Soil and Water Conservation District, the duties of SWCD supervisors, or specific information regarding supervisor candidates. Even if you know the answer to these types of questions please refrain from discussing these matters. Discussing any details of the ballot question within 100 feet of the polling location is not allowed.
Make sure the voter is instructed to read over the ballot carefully before making a selection. If a ballot is marked incorrectly or is otherwise spoiled, mark the ballot void, fold it, and place it in the spoiled ballot envelope. These ballots need to be retained for the record. A minimum of______polling officials must be on duty at all times at each polling location. If one of the officials at your location does not report for duty, needs to leave prior to the poll closing, or becomes ill please notify the election superintendent and he/she will arrange for an alternate to fill that position.
Each polling location will have a cell phone. If for some reason the cell phone does not work at the location, an alternate means of communication should be established. Hard wired telephones should be available at most of the polling locations. 2. Determine The Eligibility of Voters
Voters must be determined to be eligible to vote before they sign in on the Poll Roster, and cast a vote.
There shall be only one vote for any eligible voter.
There will be a registered voter listing at each polling location. This will be the primary method of verifying voter eligibility.
If a voter’s information does not appear on the registered voter listing, a challenge ballot may be cast. Request ID. Have the voter in question complete the challenge ballot roster, and the voter verification information on the outer envelope of the challenge ballot. Issue the voter a ballot. Have them complete the ballot and insert it in the official inner envelope. This envelope is then placed inside of the completed outer envelope of the challenge ballot, and sealed. Have the voter Place the completed challenge ballot envelope with the plain envelope and ballot inside, into the slot on the ballot box. This information will be used by the election superintendent to research the eligibility of the voter in question.
3. Maintain a complete list of all persons voting, and those applying for a ballot and determined ineligible to vote, before voting.
Once a person=s eligibility is verified, they may complete the Poll Roster.
The Poll Roster will serve to document the individuals that cast ballots at each polling location, and provide an accurate count of the number of votes cast at each location. It is extremely important that the Poll Roster be completed by each person that casts a ballot. At the close of the poll, the total number of ballots cast will be compared with the total number of voters completing the Poll Roster. These numbers should match.
4. Ballot Handling procedures
A. Voting Machines The voting machines will maintain an accurate record of the ballots cast. The chief polling official who is in charge of the polling location will be trained on the operation of the voting machine, and will generate a report at the close of the polls. A copy of this report must be signed by the polling officials from the polling location, and posted in a conspicuous location at the polling place. The report should be visible to the public after the poll closes. B. Paper Ballots Each polling location will be issued a specific number of ballots. The chief polling official who is in charge of the polling location will sign for these ballots on the ballot accounting form. At the close of the polls, all ballots must be accounted for. This includes ballots cast, ballots spoiled, and unused ballots.
If at any time the chief polling official at a polling location feels that the ballot supply is inadequate to meet voter turnout, they may request additional ballots from the election superintendent. These will be issued and accounted for in the same manner as the initial ballot supply.
The close of the polls, ballot boxes must be sealed by placing tape over the ballot slot, and having each polling official sign over the seal. All ballot boxes will then be transported by the chief polling official for each polling location, to the ballot collection site located at ______
Once at the collection site all ballot boxes will be checked in by the election superintendent. If the ballot boxes are to be stored overnight for tallying the next day, they must be secured in a locked area of the building.
Upon tallying ballot boxes will be opened and counted by polling location. One polling location at a time will be counted. Once the ballots for that polling location have been counted they should be placed in an envelope, or other suitable container, marked with that polling locations name and number.
C. Any challenge ballots should be placed in a separate envelope, or other suitable container, marked with that polling locations name and number. These will be verified at a later time.
D. Each polling location will have a separate tally sheet marked with that polling location=s name and number. Ballots from that polling location only will be recorded on the assigned tally sheet
E. Once the ballots from each polling location (including any verified challenge ballots) are counted, totals from each polling location will be placed on the master tally sheet. The master tally sheet will be submitted to the canvassing board by the election superintendent.
F. After all votes have been counted, polling records should be sealed and stored according to polling location. Each polling place record should contain: 1) All ballots cast (including verified challenge ballots) 2) Polling place tally sheet 3) Ballot accounting form(s) 4) Spoiled ballots 5) Unverified challenge ballots 6) Unused ballots Absentee Ballot Instructions
Please use the following instructions when completing your absentee ballot.
1) On the absentee ballot circle/mark the name of the candidate(s) for whom you wish to vote for.
2) Place the completed ballot inside the small unmarked envelope and seal the small unmarked envelope.
3) On the larger envelope, fill out the requested voter information.
4) Place the small unmarked envelope inside of the larger envelope and seal the large envelope.
5) Return your absentee ballot. You may return your absentee ballot by mail, or drop it off at the designated address.
Return Absentee ballots to: (Insert Address)
All absentee ballots must be received by _____am/pm on May ____, 20___. Certification of Candidacy Withdrawal
I ______, a candidate for the office of Supervisor Position # ____ of the ______SWCD, do hereby officially withdraw my declaration for candidacy from the May ____, ______, election for district supervisor.
______Signature of Candidate Date
______Signature of Witness of Withdrawal Date