Annual Tenure Track Faculty Teaching Assignment Inventory

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Annual Tenure Track Faculty Teaching Assignment Inventory

Arts and Sciences Annual Tenure Track Faculty Teaching Assignment Inventory REVISED 3/13/2014

Principles Departments will complete the annual tenure track faculty teaching inventory by April 1. Departments/faculty will be asked to project teaching assignments and enrollments for summer term(s), autumn semester, spring semester, and May term during this process.

The College office will compare the projections to actual teaching assignments and enrollments each term when that data is available (i.e. 15th day enrollment data). Enrollment data will be provided to the division deans as soon as possible thereafter. Projections and actuals will be discussed with department chairs annually. Assignments should provide an equitable distribution of teaching across the curriculum by all faculty.

Departments are expected to be good stewards of instructional resources, maximize efficient delivery of instruction and minimize factors which negatively impact students (e.g. wait lists). Close attention will be paid to credit hour production with an emphasis on opportunities to increase enrollments.

In order for a course to count toward the annual teaching assignment, minimum enrollments have been established (see below).

Using the Inventory and Definitions for Course Reductions and Additions The teaching inventory template lists the names of each tenure track faculty member, the base course load for each (adjusted for those with partial or joint appointments), drop down boxes for course reduction options, drop down boxes for course addition options, and space for rationale/comments. A formula calculates the adjusted course load starting with the base load less any reductions plus any additions. Below are guidelines for use of course reduction and course addition options.

The course reduction options include the following:

 Administrative Role Select this option for course reductions associated with the administrative responsibilities of the vice chair, director of graduate studies, and director of undergraduate studies should these roles be necessary within the department. Typically, there are 1-2 reductions in total per department for these roles based on the complexity of the department, size of the instructional programs, and number of majors and minors. List the title of the role in the rationale/comments column.

Also select this option for course reduction(s) associated with the administrative responsibilities of the department chair. There may be one or more course reductions for the chair base upon a negotiation with the divisional dean at the time of the appointment. All chairs are expected to teach at least one course annually.

 Offer Letter/Retention Select this option for course reductions provided in the faculty offer or retention letter.

 Assistant Professor Start-up Reduction Select this option for course reduction(s) provided to junior faculty as part of their hiring commitment.

 Special Assignment Select this option only for special assignments that meet the university-defined Faculty Special Assignment policy and that have been approved by the department chair and divisional dean.

 Family Medical Leave Select this option for leave that conforms to the university’s Family and Medical Leave Policy.

 Faculty Professional Leave Select this option for leave that conforms to the university policy on Faculty Professional Leave and that has been approved by the department chair, the divisional dean, Academic Affairs and the Board of Trustees.

 Unpaid Leave Select this option for leave that conforms to the university’s Unpaid Leave Policy.

 Course Buy-out Select this option only when funding equivalent to the amounts listed in the ASC Course Release Policy is provided from an external grant or other non-ASC funding source to release the faculty from teaching. The department chair is responsible for using the release time funding specifically for replacement instruction. If these funds are not used for replacement instruction a reduction in teaching is not permitted. The grant or non-ASC funding source should be listed in the rationale/comments column.

 Chair’s Discretionary Reduction The department chair may allow additional course reductions at his/her discretion provided the total number of reductions listed above (excluding FMLA and buy-outs) does not exceed 75%- 80% of the department’s expected teaching load. The yield is calculated on the inventory template.

The course additions include the following:

 Reduced Research Assignment Select this option if the course load is increased due to a reduced research assignment.

 Reduced Service Assignment Select this option if the course load is increased due to a reduced service assignment.

 Roll over From Previous Year Select this option if an additional course is owed from a reduced teaching assignment in a previous year.

“ Mega-Courses” In some cases, a high enrollment course may be counted as more than one course toward a faculty member’s teaching load. Typically, a course with ≥ 400 students may count as more than one course if minimal teaching associate/staff support is provided or as one course if teaching associate/staff support is provided.

Minimum Enrollments The College has established minimum enrollments required for a course to count toward the tenure track faculty teaching load. Minimum enrollment in undergraduate courses is 16 students and minimum enrollment in graduate courses is 6 students.

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