Parish Template Study St Dennis
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Ref No AP/K/1070/1,2
Title KENT, James of Hendra [in will] St Dennis, yeoman
Date of 4 Jan 1812 probate*
Description Bequests
- to brother John Kent £5
- to sister Jane Truscott £1
- to sister Elizabeth Brokenshire £1
- to brother Nicholas Kent £5
- to brother Robert Kent £1
- to Richard Grigg the son of Rosemond Grigg £5
- to ‘brother William Kent on Six Part of all my Right and interest in the Trelevour or Hendra Clay Works and Qurrey Together With all Clay and Stone Gotten or ungotten Money or Moneys that in or shall be due to me on the Same I Have only Excepted that my Brother William Kent is to pay my Father Nicholas Kent the sum of Thirty pounds in Six Months after my Death Which sum is to be paid out of the six part of the abovesaid Clay Work’
- ‘I give my Father Nicholas Kent one six Part of all my Right and interest in the Trelavour or Hendra ClayWorks and Qurrey Togeather with all Clay and Stone Gotten or ongotten Money or Moneys that is or shall be Due to Me on the same to injoy the same so long as He shall live and after His Death I Give the above six unto my Two Brothers John Kent and Nicholas Kent as Tenants in Common but not as Jont Tenants to Share and Share Equil a Like ‘
- ‘to my sister Son William Kent one third part of all my Right and interest in the Trelavour or Hendra Clay Works and Querry Togeather with all Clay or Stone Gotten or onGotten Money or Moneys that is or Shall be Due to me on the Same
- I give unto my House Keeper Grace Trethewy One third part of All my Right and interest in the Trelavour or Hendra Clay Works and Qurrey Togeather With all Clay or Stone Gotten or ongotten Money or Moneys that is or shall Cordelia O’Donnell Page 1 of 2 Parish Template St Dennis be Due to me on the Same
- All the Rest Residue and Remainder of my Goods and Chattles Personal Estate and Effects of Whatsoever Sort or Nature Subject and Liable to the payment of my Debts the aforesaid Legacies I Give and be Queath unto my Father Nicholas Kent My sister son William Kent and my House Keeper Grace Trethewy thir Executors and administrators and Assigns as Tenants in Common and not as Joint Tenants’
‘NB the Two William Kent mentioned in this Will is to be the Captins of the Clay Work or managears of all my part’
Executors: father Nicholas Kent, sister’s son William Kent, Jane Trethewy, housekeeper
Signature/mark of testator: Signature of James Kent
Witnesses: signatures of John Varco, auctioneer, Robert Varco Robert Griggs
Pencilled note at end of will: ‘William Kent one of the Exors proves the will – Reservation to Nichs Kent and Grace Trethewy the other Exors under £200’
Date of will: 22 Sep 1811 Date proved: 4 Jan 1812
Endorsed: No inventory Stamp £2 No3 P.3 No. 30 P239
Remember: * CALM does not recognise double-dating, e.g. 1664/1665. Therefore, when you have a date between 1 Jan-25 Mar prior to 1752, in the date field enter the modern interpretation of the date, e.g. 1665, and give the double date in the description field.
Cordelia O’Donnell Page 2 of 2 Parish Template St Dennis