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CHARLES W. GURTLER Darrell W. Reeves Presiding Judge Juvenile Court Director
RICHARD WEISS ELAINE GRISSOM Presiding Juvenile Court Judge Assistant Juvenile Chief Probation Officer MOHAVE COUNTY JUVENILE COURT 2013-2014 FY STATISTICAL SUMMARY
REFERRALS DIVERSION/INTAKE % 2012-13 2013-14 Change Diversion/Intake Incorrigible
Incorrigible 326 268 -17% 2500
Delinquency 1699 1566 -8% 2000 D elinquent Total 2025 1834 -9% 1500 Total Total Juveniles Referred 1303 1200 -8% 1000 500 Total Juveniles R eferred 0 2012-13 2013-14
2012-13 2013-14 % Change Diversion/Intake Intake Referrals 1145 1035 -10% Intake Referrals Intake Interviews 396 339 -14% Intake Interviews Diversions Completed 296 255 -14% 1500 Diversions CRS 1385 1125 -19% Diversion Completed 1000 Teen Court 6% 31 33 Diversion C R S 500 Teen Law School 184 180 -2% Teen C ourt 0 2012-13 2013-14 Teen Law Scho ol
DELINQUNECY 2012-13 2013-14 % Change Delinquency Petitions PETITIONS 500 2012-13 Total Petitions 298 233 -22% 0 2012-13 2013-14 2013-14
Page 1 of 6 CHARLES W. GURTLER Darrell W. Reeves Presiding Judge Juvenile Court Director
RICHARD WEISS ELAINE GRISSOM Presiding Juvenile Court Judge Assistant Juvenile Chief Probation Officer MOHAVE COUNTY JUVENILE COURT 2013-2014 FY STATISTICAL SUMMARY
Type of Offense 2012-13 2013-14 % Change Most Frequent Offenses Violent (Felony) 1. Violent (Felony) 38 41 8% 600 Felony against Property 2. Felony against 150 100 -33% Property 500 Obstruction (Hindering) 3. Obstruction (Hindering) 206 218 6% 400 4. Fight (misdemeanor) 165 134 -19% Fight (Misdemeanor)
5. Drugs 222 180 -19% 300 Drugs 6. Public Peace 527 481 -9% 200 Public Peace 7. Theft 252 268 6%
8. Status (incorrigible Theft 326 268 -18% 100 runaway)
Status (incorrigble, 9. Citations/Administrative 139 144 4% 0 runaway) 2012-13 2013-14
DISPOSITIONS 2012-13 2013-14 % Change Probatio n Total Probation Total 302 302 0% Dispositions Standard Probation 248 243 -2% * Standard Prob ation 350
Intensive Probation 54 59 9% 300 * Intensive Probation 250 AZ Dept of Juvenile 28 23 -18% Corrections 200 AZ Dept of Juvenile 150 C orrections Court Transfer to Adult 0 0 0% 100 C ourt Transfer Adult Direct Transfer to Adult 7 4 -43% 50 0 D irect Transfer Adult 2012-13 2013-14
Page 2 of 6 CHARLES W. GURTLER Darrell W. Reeves Presiding Judge Juvenile Court Director
RICHARD WEISS ELAINE GRISSOM Presiding Juvenile Court Judge Assistant Juvenile Chief Probation Officer MOHAVE COUNTY JUVENILE COURT 2013-2014 FY STATISTICAL SUMMARY
DETENTION 2012-13 2013-14 %
Change Juveniles B rought to Detention D etention Juveniles Brought to Detention 620 562 -9% 8000 Juveniles D etained Juveniles Detained 647 576 -11% 7000 Total Detention Days 7703 7558 -2% 6000 5000 Total D eten tion Days Average # Detainees per Day 21.1 19.7 -7% 4000 3000 Average Stay - # Days 12.6 12.9 2% Averag e # Detainees 2000 per D ay 1000 0 Averag e Stay # Days 2012-13 2013-14
Type of Offense 2012-13 2013-14 %
Change Most Frequent Committed Offenses Violent (Felony)
1. Violent (Felony) 0 0 0% 9 Felony against 2. Felony against 8 Property 8 9 13% Property 7 Obstruction (Hindering) 3. Obstruction (Hindering) 2 1 -50% 6 Fight 4. Fight (misdemeanor) 2 2 0% (Misdemeanor) 5
5. Drugs 4 3 -25% 4 Drugs
6. Public Peace 3 3 0% 3 Public Peace 7. Theft 4 5 25% 2 8. Status (incorrigible Theft 0 0 0 1 runaway) 0 Status (incorrigble, 9. Citations/Administrative 0 0 0 2012-13 2013-14 runaway)
Citations/Administr ative
Page 3 of 6 CHARLES W. GURTLER Darrell W. Reeves Presiding Judge Juvenile Court Director
RICHARD WEISS ELAINE GRISSOM Presiding Juvenile Court Judge Assistant Juvenile Chief Probation Officer MOHAVE COUNTY JUVENILE COURT 2013-2014 FY STATISTICAL SUMMARY
FEES COLLECTED JUVENILE FEES COLLECTED Juvenile Fees 2012-13 2013-14 % Change Fees Collected Attorney Fee 2368 97614 * Attorney Fee * Detention Fee Detention Fee 29016 28625 -1% Diversion Fee 9628 16450 71% 80000000% Diversion 70000000% Fee Probation Fee 89591 80581 -10% 60000000% 50000000% Probation Fee Restitution * 44110 798791 * 40000000% 30000000% Restitution Juvenile Treatment Fee 13415 11508 -14% 20000000% Victim Rights Fee * 5641 8916 37% 10000000% 0% Treatment Fee Includes Juv/Adult *Due to 2012-13 2013-14 amounts due to new Victim Clerk’s Office system system Rights Fee change info not available
Drug Court 2012-13 2013-14 % Change # Juvenile Drug Court Screened # Juveniles Screened 58 68 17% 7000% # Juveniles Accepted # Juveniles Accepted 41 52 26% 6000% 5000% # of # of Graduates 9 12 33% Graduates 4000% # of Early Termination * 2 9 78% 3000% # Currently enrolled # Currently enrolled 30 25 -20% 2000% # With a new referral 1000% # with new 1 9 89% referral more than one referral 0% 2012-13 2013-14 # with new # With new drug or alcohol 3 3 0% Drug or more than one referral Alcohol ** *Early termination due to termination of probation, ADJC, moved to different Jurisdiction **Not to include probation violations COMMUNITY RESTITUTION
Page 4 of 6 CHARLES W. GURTLER Darrell W. Reeves Presiding Judge Juvenile Court Director
RICHARD WEISS ELAINE GRISSOM Presiding Juvenile Court Judge Assistant Juvenile Chief Probation Officer MOHAVE COUNTY JUVENILE COURT 2013-2014 FY STATISTICAL SUMMARY
COMMUNITY RESTITUTION SERVICE (CRS) HOURS COMPLETED 2012-13 2013-14 % Change Hours Completed* 4798 7786 62% CRS Hours Completed
2013-14 * Includes both Diversion and Supervised CRS hours Hours 2012-13 Completed
0 5,000 10,000
GED GRADUATES GED GRADUATES 2012-13 2013-14 % Change GED Graduates Number Graduated 38 29 -24% 40
20 GED … 0 2012-132013-14
Page 5 of 6 CHARLES W. GURTLER Darrell W. Reeves Presiding Judge Juvenile Court Director
RICHARD WEISS ELAINE GRISSOM Presiding Juvenile Court Judge Assistant Juvenile Chief Probation Officer MOHAVE COUNTY JUVENILE COURT 2013-2014 FY STATISTICAL SUMMARY
Treatment Programs 2012-13 2013-14 % Change Treatment Programs 140 ACCI 1. ACCI 99 126 21%
120 2. IOP 65 65 0% IOP
3. Marijuana 101 1 3 67% 100 4. MRT 19 25 24% Marijuana 101 80 5. Psych Evals 62 61 -2% 60 MRT 6. SASSI 19 32 41% 40 7. Stoplifting 13 11 -18% Psych Eval
SASSI 0 2012-13 2013-14
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