Directly Relevant to the Course
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Directly Relevant to the Course
Five things you should be doing when you think you have finished all your work!
1. Access and read additional articles on Studywiz. 2. Put together a fact file on key personalities. 3. Create revision cards on topics covered. 4. Ask the school librarian about additional reading for your topics. 5. Ensure your notes are organised and up to date.
Wider Reading
Journal Articles - look at previous issues of Hindsight (in the library) and 20th Century History Review (in the Supervised Study Room) for relevant articles.
Year 12 British History 1945-90 (books below are in the library):
D Kynaston - Austerity Britain 1945-51 A Marwick - British Society since 1945 Martin Roberts - Britain 1846-1964, The Challenge of Change Derrick Murphy - Britain 1914-2000 Graham Goodland - 19th and 20th Century British History essential word dictionary Eric Evans - The Complete A-Z of late 19th and 20th British History Handbook Kevin Jeffries - The Labour Party since 1945 H Harmer - The Labour Party 1900-1998 J Ruby - The 1940s and 1950s N File - Black Settlers in Britain 1955-58 Richard Radway - Britain 1900-1951 Christopher Rowe - Britain 1929-98 Pauline Gregg - A Social and Economic History of Britain 1760-1980 Martin Pugh - A Social and Political History of Britain 1870-1997
Year 12 America:
C Bragg - Vietnam, Korea and US Foreign Policy 1945-75 (Heinemann) – IN LIBRARY V Sanders - The USA and Vietnam 1945–1975 (Hodder Murray) – IN LIBRARY O Edwards - The USA and the Cold War, 1945-63 (Hodder Murray, 2002) A Farmer and V Sanders - An Introduction to American History 1860–1990 (Hodder and Stoughton) M A Jones - The Limits of Liberty 2nd edition (OUP, 1995) – IN LIBRARY K Ruane - War and Revolution in Vietnam, 1930–1975 (University College London Press, 1998) P Boyer - The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People (Houghton Mifflin, 2001) J De Pennington - Modern America: 1865 to the Present (Hodder Murray,2005) V Sanders - Politics, Presidency and Society in the USA, 1968-2001 (Hodder Education, Access to History, 2008) D Murphy - United States 1917-2008 (Collins Education – Flagship series) J Traynor - Mastering Modern United States History (Palgrave)
History Year 13 Civil Rights and Year 13 Superpower Relations:
Consult the titles on your reading list issued at the start of the course.
Useful Websites - lots of clips on America - search for topics covered in lessons
Civil Rights:
Films/ TV Programmes
Year 12 American History:
Born on the Fourth of July Good Morning, Vietnam Dear America: Letters home from Vietnam – a moving TV programme which you can find by searching on YouTube – HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
Year 12 British History
Meryl Streep as Thatcher (2011) Made in Dagenham (2010) - about women striking for fair pay in 1968 Andrew Marr - History of Britain series - don’t forget!
Below is a list of some of the films produced during this period that will also give you a flavour of life in Britain at the time they were made.
Hue and Cry (1947) Passport to Pimlico (1949) The Blue Lamp (1950) The Ladykillers (1955) Look Back in Anger (1959) Room at the Top (1959)) Saturday Night, Sunday Morning (1960) A Taste of Honey (1961) A Kind of Loving (1962) The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner (1962) This Sporting Life (1963) Billy Liar (1963) Alfie (1966) Georgy Girl (1966) Charlie Bubbles (1968) Kes (1969) Spring and Port Wine (1970) That’‘ll be the Day (1973) Quadrophenia (1979)
Year 13 American History and Cold War
To Kill a Mockingbird - set in the 1930s Mississippi Burning - set in the 1960s – though possibly over-glorifies the role of white heroes in the civil rights struggle! Malcolm X Hairspray (especially the original made in 1988) The Help - a recent film which has generated some controversy
The “Eyes on the Prize” documentary series is superb - much can be viewed on YouTube. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
JFK The Lives of Others Goodbye Lenin James Bond films Ice Station Zebra Dr Strangelove
Places to Visit
Houses of Parliament Attend relevant student conferences Look out for university advertised lectures on your topic
History Additional Enrichment Ideas
Wider Reading
Books about periods of History you may not have studied before
Jerusalem: The Biography by Simon Sebag Montefiore - a fascinating account of Jerusalem’s turbulent history Berlin: The Downfall by Anthony Beevor - a gripping narrative of the last days of Nazi Germany The Mitford Girls by Mary S Lovell - an insight into key moments of 20th Century British history through the experiences of a remarkable family Shooting History by Jon Snow - an interesting autobiography; a journalist’s view of key events in the last 50 years The Royal Stuarts by Allan Massie - good to read something that isn’t about the 20th Century John F. Kennedy, An Unfinished Life by Robert Dallek
Books about the study of History as a discipline: - useful for university interviews!
History, A Very Short Introduction by John H. Arnold (OUP) - an manageable book on what History is and isn’t about The Pursuit of History by John Tosh - an accessible explanation of why people should study History and what different types of History there are The Uses and Abuses of History by Margaret McMillan
Historical Novels - can bring a period of History to life
Novels by C.J.Sansom - especially Winter in Madrid about the Spanish Civil War Novels by Robert Harris or Sebastian Faulks – Mr Bourne’s favourites!
Historical Biographies - highly recommended, e.g.
Long Walk to Freedom - Nelson Mandela Wild Swans by Jung Chang - a fascinating insight into 20th century Chinese history
Useful Websites - gives you links to lots of engaging programmes from Channel 4OD
Films/ TV programmes
History Channel - has some good programmes. Pick what you’re interested in.
Places to Visit
Imperial War Museum Bletchley Park HMS Belfast JFK memorial at Runnymede A trip to New York and Washington DC is a must one day!