Sturminster Newton Town Council
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These minutes remain draft until approved at the next meeting 115 STURMINSTER NEWTON TOWN COUNCIL
MINUTES of the TOWN COUNCIL MEETING held on Thursday 6th JUNE 2013 in the Council Chamber, Old Market Hill at 7.15pm.
PRESENT at the Meeting were: Councillor Gerald (Joe) W Rose - Chairman Councillor Victor G Fox – Vice-Chairman Councillor Pauline Batstone Councillor Nicholas Cowell Councillor Andrew Donaldson Councillor Claire Feltham Councillor Charles G Fraser Councillor Helen Lacey Councillor Neil Watson
Apologies were received from: Councillor Helen Reed
In Attendance were: Christopher Wilkins Town Clerk District Councillor Michael Roake 6 members of the public
13/068 APPROVAL AND SIGNING OF THE MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING held on THURSDAY 2nd MAY 2013 (pages 1624 - 1632) It was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 2 nd MAY 2013 are approved and signed by the Chairman of the Council.
13/069 CONSIDERATION OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS Comments upon planning applications considered:
2 Plan Number District Reference Site Reference Other Reference 2013/06/05 2/2013/0467/PLNG Applicant House Name Road Locality Mr Michael Rose & Rudge Hill Farm Rivers Corner Mr Martin Rose Town County Post Code Application date Sturminster Newton Dorset DT102AB 17/05/13 Request to modify planning obligations of an Agreement dated 11 July 2003 - To have the land outlined on the location plan removed from the Agreement to enable development, construction and connection of solar farm in accordance with the terms of the lease and
Annual Town Council Minutes – 06.06.2013 These minutes remain draft until approved at the next meeting 116 planning consent. On a proposal that the Council object to the application, a recorded vote was demanded and the outcome was as follows: Cllr Batstone: FOR Cllr Cowell: FOR Cllr Donaldson: FOR Cllr Feltham: FOR Cllr V. Fox: ABSTAIN Cllr Fraser FOR Cllr Lacey: ABSTAIN Cllr Rose: FOR Cllr Watson: FOR STURMINSTER NEWTON TOWN COUNCIL – Resolved to OBJECT to the application on the following grounds: The Council is not satisfied (on the basis of the evidence presented or members’ knowledge and experience) that the land which would remain subject to the Agreement would be capable at present of supporting the need for the additional agricultural worker’s dwelling (there being disregarded in this respect both the proposed change of use of the land to be released and the prospective rental income – which is irrelevant because it is attaches to the freehold interest in the land being released not the farming business on the remaining land). 1 Plan Number District Reference Site Reference Other Reference 2013/02/05 2/2013/0382/PLNG Applicant House Name Road Locality Mrs Carolyn Jenkins Rock Dene Glue Hill Town County Post Code Application date Sturminster Newton Dorset DT102DJ 07/06/13 2013/02/05 - Amended plan On a proposal that the Council object to the application, a recorded vote was demanded and the outcome was as follows: Cllr Batstone: FOR Cllr Cowell: FOR Cllr Donaldson: FOR Cllr Feltham: FOR Cllr V. Fox: ABSTAIN Cllr Fraser FOR Cllr Lacey: FOR Cllr Rose: FOR Cllr Watson: FOR STURMINSTER NEWTON TOWN COUNCIL - Resolved to OBJECT to the application on the following grounds: The roof-lines proposed are not consistent with the street-scape. The new dwellings would be more acceptable if the roof-lines of the northern-most and middle dwellings were lowered in keeping with the adjoining dwelling to the north.
13/070 CONSIDERATION OF COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES The minutes of the following committee meetings were received and noted a. Planning & Environment Committee 16.05.2013 Pages 1633 – 1637 The Council RESOLVED to accept the recommendations contained in these minutes. b. Finance & Personnel Committee 23.05.2013 Pages 1638 – 1645 On a proposal that the recommendations contained in these minutes be accepted, a recorded vote was demanded and the outcome was a follows:
Annual Town Council Minutes – 06.06.2013 These minutes remain draft until approved at the next meeting 117 Cllr Batstone: FOR Cllr Cowell: AGAINST Cllr Donaldson: FOR Cllr Feltham: FOR Cllr V. Fox: FOR Cllr Fraser FOR Cllr Lacey: FOR Cllr Rose: FOR Cllr Watson: FOR The Council RESOLVED to accept the recommendations contained in these minutes. c. Amenities Committee 30.05.2013 Pages 1646 – 1650 On a proposal that the recommendations contained in these minutes be accepted, a recorded vote was demanded and the outcome was a follows: Cllr Batstone: FOR Cllr Cowell: AGAINST Cllr Donaldson: FOR Cllr Feltham: FOR Cllr V. Fox: FOR Cllr Fraser FOR Cllr Lacey: FOR Cllr Rose: FOR Cllr Watson: FOR The Council RESOLVED to accept the recommendations contained in these minutes.
13/071 FINANCIAL MATTERS i. CHEQUES FOR APPROVAL AND SIGNATURE Councillors Fraser and Watson reported that they had not completed their scrutiny of the list of payments attached as pages 1656 & 1657. ii. ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The Council APPROVED the Income and Expenditure Statement for the year to 31st March 2103 (previously minuted as pages 1641 & 1642) and the Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2013 (previously minuted as pages 1643 & 1644) for signature as appropriate iii. ANNUAL RETURN The Council APPROVED Sections 1 & 2 of the Annual Return for the year ended 31st March 2013 (previously minuted as pages 1644/1 & 1644/2) for signature as appropriate iv. INTERNAL AUDITOR’S REPORT The Council RECEIVED the report from the Internal Auditor (previously minuted as page 1645) and NOTED the contents
13/072 REVIEW OF STANDING ORDERS The Council RESOLVED that Standing Order 48 be amended to read as follows: Except where ordered by the Council in the case of a committee, or by the Council or by the committee in the case of a sub-committee, the quorum of a committee or sub-committee shall be: (1) in the case of the Planning & Environment Committee FOUR members or one-third of its total membership whichever is the greater (2) in every other case FOUR members or one-half of its total membership whichever is the greater and in any case non-voting co-opted members shall be disregarded in calculating both total membership and the quorum.
Annual Town Council Minutes – 06.06.2013 These minutes remain draft until approved at the next meeting 118
13/073 INTERNAL AUDITOR The Council RESOLVED to defer this matter to a later meeting
13/075 REPORTS FROM NORTH DORSET DISTRICT COUNCILLORS Councillor Victor Rose presented his report which is attached on page 1658. Councillor Roake: Asked what steps the Council were taking toward the preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan Reported that the delivery by Dorset waste partnership of “tranche 2” of the new wheelie bins is proceeding better than “tranche 1” did and that whilst there have been some problems, the programme of new collections is still set to commence next week
13/076 REPORT FROM DORSET COUNTY COUNCILLOR Councillor Batstone reported: Receiving several comments and complaints about the wheelie-bin deliveries; all of which have been well-handled by Dorset Waste Partnership Attending and speaking today at the DCC Committee meeting about the Honeymead Lane Parking Petition. The committee (as usual) to refer the matter back to us but also indicated that there should be further liaison with the Police and a review of additional signage. Being appointed “Diversity Champion” Assisting the resident at North Fields with concerns about the hedge adjoining the Leisure Centre Receiving details of various road closures (also notified to the office).
13/077 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Councillor Joe Rose presented his report which is attached on page 1658.
13/078 MATTERS RECEIVED FROM DAPTC AND NALC i. DAPTC Spring Newsletter received and available in Council Office ii. DAPTC Chief Executive’s Circular 4/13 received and available in Council Office
13/079 TOWN CLERK’S REPORT The Clerk referred members to his monthly report and the business reports available on the Council’s website. The correspondence itemized below was read to the meeting (or summarized) and is available at the Council Office. Any further action is indicated below.
Sender Subject Further action
CPRE The Dorset Review Spring 2013 Received and available in the Council Office Trailway Group Second Trailway News May 2013 Received and available in the Council Office NHS Dorset Clinical Invitation to stakeholder events 25 June – Charlton Down Commissioning Group 2 July Canford Magna Full details available from Council Office DCC Highways Temporary Closure of A30 Diversion details available in the Council Office
Annual Town Council Minutes – 06.06.2013 These minutes remain draft until approved at the next meeting 119
13/080 INFORMATION FROM MEMBERS Cllr Rose has discussed with the head of the High School the possibility of their making a joint approach on the matter of rights of way for the skate park project to the land-owner concerned Cllr Fox said he would raise the matter also. Cllr Donaldson reported that William Barnes Primary School is preparing for centenary celebrations. He has received a complaint about a road defect in Barnes Close and has reported it to DCC. Cllr Lacey could not recall seeing any formal notice of the closure of the Market Place for last weekend’s events and observed that the proper formalities ought to be observed for all such events Cllr Feltham referred to DCC a complaint from a Honeymead Lane resident about parking problems near her home. Cllr Cowell : Reported that the workmen who prepared the lamp-standards in the town for re-painting last weekend neglected to clean up the scrapings; leaving a mess Commended the efforts of the volunteers who contributed to the success of today’s Butts Pond Open Day Suggested that the problems at the Butts Pond Nature Reserve might be caused not by coal dust but other forms of pollution Reported the sad death of Dr. Jim Edwards, expressed his condolences to his family and wished to place on record his acknowledgement of Dr. Edwards’ many years of service to the local community (sentiments with which all members concurred). Cllr Batstone thanked members for their support for The Big Lunch and reported that the Friends of Stur Library are running a series of “Evenings with an Author” at the library (the first was well attended and the next is on 9th July). Cllr Fraser reported receiving a complaint that they had been blocked in by the lorry delivering the new wheelie bins.
The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.08pm.
Signed ………………………………………………………. Dated ……………………………… Chairman of the Council
Annual Town Council Minutes – 06.06.2013 These minutes remain draft until approved at the next meeting 120
Expenditure transactions - approval list Payments 6th June 2013
Tn no Cheque Gross VAT Net Date Details Cheque Total
34 002029 £264.00 £0.00 £264.00 30/05/13 Burt, Ashley - £264.00 Honorarium-Mill hatches x
38 002030 £34.00 £0.00 £34.00 20/05/13 Dorset Lavender Farm £34.00 Project Ltd - Lavender plants for War Memorial, Ricketts Lane
35 002031 £235.00 £0.00 £235.00 30/05/13 Knapp K - Honorarium- £235.00 Town Crier
43 002032 £4.00 £0.00 £4.00 31/05/13 Land Registry - Corner of £4.00 Ricketts Lane
42 002033 £199.99 £33.33 £166.66 10/05/13 Marsh E B & Son Ltd - £199.99 Washing machine- Groundstaff work clothes
31 002034 £57.33 £9.55 £47.78 09/05/13 Rochford Garden Machinery Ltd - JD Tensioner spring & deck pulley 32 002034 £358.80 £59.80 £299.00 13/05/13 Rochford Garden £416.13 Machinery Ltd - Kawasaki Strimmer
44 002035 £158.00 £0.00 £158.00 05/06/13 Sturminster Newton £158.00 Allotment Association - Society membership etc reimbursement
39 BACS1306 £4,170.00 £695.00 £3,475.00 26/02/13 Absolute Security Shutters £4,170.00 12A Ltd - Steel doors for Station Rd toilets
8 BACS1306 £168.26 £28.04 £140.22 10/05/13 Blandford Garden £168.26 12B Machinery Ltd - Stihl Brushcutter-repairs
1 BACS1306 £62.75 £10.46 £52.29 30/04/13 Condor Office Solutions £62.75 12C Ltd - Photocopying
41 BACS1306 £90.16 £15.03 £75.13 30/05/13 Cowley F. & Son - Repair £90.16 12D office taps & wc cistern
3 BACS1306 £19.00 £0.00 £19.00 21/05/13 D.B.Window Cleaning - £19.00 12E Office windows cleaned
33 BACS1306 £1,806.83 £0.00 £1,806.83 24/05/13 H M Revenue & Customs £1,806.83 12F - Tax & NI-May 2013
40 BACS1306 £31.72 £5.29 £26.43 31/05/13 Makro - Re:Childrens £31.72 12G prizes-The Big Lunch
5 BACS1306 £6.30 £1.05 £5.25 05/04/13 Hart & Sons (Dorset) Ltd - 12G Keys-Station Rd toilets
Signature Signature Date
Annual Town Council Minutes – 06.06.2013 These minutes remain draft until approved at the next meeting 121
Payments 6th June 2013 Tn no Cheque Gross Vat Net Invoice Details Cheque date Total
6 BACS1306 £29.98 £5.00 £24.98 05/04/13 Hart & Sons (Dorset) Ltd - 12G Key cabinets & tags
1 £11.99 £2.00 £9.99 Full Key cabinet-Station rd toilets 2 £17.99 £3.00 £14.99 Full Key cabinet & tags-Workshop 7 BACS1306 £15.60 £2.60 £13.00 04/04/13 Hart & Sons (Dorset) Ltd - £51.88 12G Light bulbs-Station rd
4 BACS1306 £540.00 £0.00 £540.00 13/05/13 Steve Lumb Internal £540.00 12H Auditor - Internal audit
36 BACS1306 £150.00 £25.00 £125.00 16/05/13 Sage (UK) Ltd - Payroll IT £150.00 12J support
28 BACS1306 £49.68 £8.28 £41.40 26/04/13 SSE Contracting Ltd - 12K Broad Oak light repair- No.18 29 BACS1306 £75.78 £12.63 £63.15 26/04/13 SSE Contracting Ltd - 12K Broad Oak light repair- No.12 30 BACS1306 £1,575.36 £262.56 £1,312.80 24/05/13 SSE Contracting Ltd - £1,700.82 12K Broad Oak-part night operation
37 BACS1306 £71.95 £11.99 £59.96 10/04/13 Sturminster Newton £71.95 12L Building Supplies - Line marking paint for sports pitches
9 BACS1306 £45.12 £7.52 £37.60 30/04/13 Whitebridge Hire Services £45.12 12M Ltd - Linemarking paint & measuring tape 1 £13.92 £2.32 £11.60 Full Linemarker paint 2 £31.20 £5.20 £26.00 Full Open Reel tape measure 2 BACS1306 £9,458.03 £0.00 £9,458.03 07/05/13 Zurich Municipal - £9,458.03 12N Insurance
Total £19,677.64 £1,193.13 £18,484.51
Signed between meetings 28th May 2013
Bacs No Gross Details BACS130528A-J £7715.68 Various Employees – Salary May 2013
Signature Signature Date
Annual Town Council Minutes – 06.06.2013 These minutes remain draft until approved at the next meeting 122
District Councillor’s Report
Early May saw the County Council elections and me suffering from the horrible cold that so many had this year.
May is in general a quiet month for council business, but I did attend the monthly meeting of the NDDC Cabinet where it was decided to change a couple of committees, the previous two Scrutiny Committees, Policy and Service Review are now to be one larger body, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and a new Strategic Delivery Committee aimed at increasing the number of joint working schemes with other Dorset Authorities.
I took part in the regular Development Management Committee, there were no local plans to discuss.
Finally, I attended the Annual meeting of the District Council where we looked at the members response to the Local Government Boundary Commission Review of the District Council Ward pattern. This has been prompted by the increase in population in the more urban parts of N. Dorset, this ward, Stour Valley is 17% over the Commission’s ideal size and the members have suggested removing Hammoon and Manston and Bagber and Puxey from this ward to address the perceived imbalance. It is now open for all residents to make comments to the Local Government Boundary Commission on the changes proposed to this and other wards.
At the Annual Council meeting Cllr Michael Oliver stood down as Chairman of the District Council and Cllr Su Hunt was elected as the new Chairman with myself as Vice Chairman.
Cllr Victor Fox
Chairman’s Report
This month’s report was a little easier to type, now having the use of both hands.
I have attended meetings of the Twinning Association and High school Governors, including a meeting with Ofsted inspectors this afternoon.
Prospective contractors for the Skate Park presented ideas at the Youth Centre on 14th. Although arranged at short notice, it was well attended, with a great deal of interactive discussion. I look forward to seeing the final designs later this month. Hopefully we will be able to resolve potential access issues and maintain the intended schedule.
East Dorset District Council Civic Day on 9th May included visits to Moors Valley Country Park and Potterne Park, an open public space, with areas for sport and leisure activities including a nearly completed skate park.
Other civic events included services at Wimborne and Poole, the latter followed by a parade along the quay.
The ‘Big Lunch’ on Sunday 2nd was well-attended and enjoyed by all, and proved that the Railway Gardens is an excellent venue for informal public social events. Thanks to all those involved in the organisation.
Joe Rose, Chairman
Annual Town Council Minutes – 06.06.2013