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Conway Council Crier Charles Andrew Smith Council No. 7531 February 2017 Conway, SC Grand Knight Alan Zimmerman
Editor: PGK Don Ullmann Happy Valentine’s Day Council website:
May They Rest in Peace!
We ask that you remember in your prayers our Brother Knights Joe Jaworski and Paul Soucy who recently passed away as well as their family members. Joe’s Funeral Mass at St. James was on Dec. 31 and Paul’s on Jan. 14. Eternal rest grant unto them, Oh Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them!
Hispanic Round Table News!
Our Hispanic Brother Knights recently held their elections and selected a new leader (“Gran Cabellero”). Julio Castro will replace Eli Espinosa who has served so diligently these past few years. Eli reinvigorated the Round Table, expanded its role in our Hispanic parish community and added new members. We thank him for his good work and we heartily welcome Julio into this leadership position! We look forward to working with you!
Altar Server Award The Council is now a co-sponsor of an Annual Parish Altar Server Award which honors a server from the Anglo community and one from the Hispanic community. The winners for 2016 were:
Cody King Nicolle Farinas
Each recipient received a $25 Walmart gift card and has his/her name engraved on a plaque in the church. Since our council namesake, Charles Andrew Smith, was the first youth altar server ever in the parish (who as a youth later accidentally drowned in the Waccamaw River), it is truly fitting that we are involved in this award. Congratulations, Cody & Nicolle!
1 Brothers: If you can help with set-up, serving and/or cooking at the following parish event, please report to the Founders Center by 9 AM on Sunday, February 5!
NEWCOMERS BREAKFAST RECEPTION FOR ALL NEW PARISH MEMBERS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2017 10:30AM in the FOUNDERS CENTER Invitations will be sent in the mail to all newcomers and others who have registered since late September 2016. If by error you do not get an invitation, please consider this your invitation. We look forward to seeing you there! COME WELCOME THE NEWCOMERS: All are invited to join us on Sunday, February 5 at 10:30AM in the Founders Center in welcoming the new parishioners that have registered in the last several months. Let us all make the newcomers feel at home in their new parish community. Ministry leaders are encouraged to come introduce themselves! Breakfast will be provided by the Knights of Columbus.
Fourth Annual South Carolina Catholic Men’s Conference:
Cost for a Knight is $30.00. Go to the South Carolina State Council website to register,
Scroll to the bottom of the page and see the above logo. Enter the required information.
2 February March Other
Feb. 4, 9 AM: Grand March 1: Ash April 7, 6:30 PM: Knights’ Midwinter Wednesday Stations followed by Workshop at St. John rosary Neumann School in March 3, 6:30 PM: Columbia; 6:30 PM: Stations followed by April 16: Easter Sunday Charity Ball rosary April 22: 10 AM Feb. 6, 6 PM: Officer & March 4: 4th Annual SC Formation (2nd) Degree at Director Adoration. 6:30 Catholic Men’s OLSS North Myrtle PM Officer & Director Conference at Prince of Beach meeting in FC Peace, Taylors
Feb. 6, 7:30 PM: March 6, 6 PM: Officer Hispanic Round Table & Director Adoration. (HRT) meeting in 6:30 PM Officer & Classroom 7 Director meeting in FC
Feb. 8, 7 PM: Monthly March 6, 7:30 PM: Council Meeting Hispanic Round Table (HRT) meeting in Feb. 11: 10AM: Classroom 7 Formation (2nd) Degree and 12:30 PM: March 8, 7 PM: Knighthood (3rd) Degree Monthly Council at Precious Blood in Meeting Pawleys Island March 10, 6:30 PM: Feb. 25: State Free Stations followed by Throw Competition at rosary Cardinal Neumann High School in Columbia March 17, 6:30 PM: Stations followed by rosary
March 24, 6:30 PM: Stations followed by rosary
March 31, 6:30 PM: Stations followed by rosary
3 Rosary Leaders during Lent 2017
Name Phone email
Prayed right after the Stations of the Cross Stations began at 6:30 Editor’s Note: Last date above should be “4/07/17”.
Here are the Friday nights we will be leading the Rosary after the Stations of the Cross during Lent. Easter is late this year.
We have lost a couple of our usual leaders due to God calling them home and age, so we really need new Brothers to step up. The crowd is very forgiving. If you would like to try it and want some help in preparing contact me. You could also sign up for one of the late weeks and then attend the weeks before hand to see how your Brothers do their praying of the Rosary. We always do the Sorrowful Mysteries on Friday nights.
To let me know if you can do this please contact me at [email protected]
We are instructed to grow in our Faith. The Stations and the Rosary are great ways to do this. Some of the different readings for the Stations are very moving.
Thank you,
Lanny B
4 Brothers,
When you joined the Knights you may not have realized it, but you became a man of example and a leader to your fellow parishioners. People see into our kitchens and see you helping to cook and serve a meal and help clean up the dishes. They see you as an usher, an EM, a lecturer, an altar server, working around the church grounds, asking for donations on the tootsie roll drives for the intellectually challenged, or even when you simply, but proudly wear your name badge to Mass. They see these great examples of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity and more importantly see a cause that you support, which is bigger than your and their everyday lives.
They also notice when you set the example and talk about attending Daily Mass and Adoration as you seek more ways to get closer to Christ. Our First Degree Exemplification calls us to grow in our Faith. There are no better ways to do this than to go to Daily Mass to receive His Body and Blood to attend to our souls and strengthen the Light of Christ in our daily examples and to confess our sins.
The third wonderful way, after Mass and Confession, is to spend quiet time with Our Lord in the Exposed Blessed Sacrament in Adoration. The Holy Spirit called upon the Knights two years ago to take Adoration to more hours than just on Mondays. We added Wednesday afternoon, then Wednesday mornings, and then we helped expand the Monday hours. In the meantime, Amalia and Conchita lead our Hispanic brothers and sisters to add 6:00PM to Midnight on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings.
Now we need your example and leadership to expand Adoration into a full overnight on Wednesday into 9:00AM on Thursday. 24 hours straight, plus more. This is a big step, but it is the type of challenge from the Holy Spirit that being a Brother Knight is all about. So join your Brother Knights and set the example by filling out a sign up form, located on the bulletin board outside the Chapel, and experience the joy of sharing with Catholics all over the world.
Prayer of Adoration: I adore you Jesus, true God, and true man, present in the Holy Eucharist, kneeling before you and united in spirit with all the faithful on earth and all the saints in heaven. In gratitude for so great a blessing, I love you with all my heart, for you are worthy of all praise and adoration.
Lord Jesus Christ, may I never offend you with my lack of love. May your Eucharistic Presence refresh me in body and soul. Mary, Mother of the Eucharistic Lord, pray for me and obtain for me a greater love for Jesus. Amen.