AVCA Speaker Call Application
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Impact the Profession! American Veterinary AVCA Conference Speaker Call Chiropractic Association
PRESENTATION GUIDELINES: Our primary goal in programming is to make sure our attendees get the maximum possible value from the time and resources they spend to experience the AVCA Annual Conference. We are looking for a well-defined program encompassing animal chiropractic. The presentations must be directed toward keeping the license apprised of the advancements, new developments and review of information which is designed to build upon the basic curriculum required to practice animal chiropractic and which are in the following areas: anatomy, physiology, histology, biochemistry, pathology, physics, bacteriology, neurology, microbiology, diagnosis, symptomatology, animal handling, chiropractic analysis, x-ray, chiropractic technique, VSC, and expansion of topics covered in the basic curriculum. All subjects must pertain to animal chiropractic. Presentation submittals will be evaluated on the following criteria: relevance to animal chiropractic key takeaways doctors can use right away overall quality, good overall mix timeline of presentation depth and “how to” past attendee ratings (if applicable) defined focus for the identified audience presentation method practical applications of ideas incomplete submissions will NOT be examples of how effects are achieved reviewed
It is an honor to have you submit to speak at the AVCA Conference, and a privilege to present to one’s peers. Complimentary Conference Registration for 1 Complimentary Admittance for 1 to AVCA evening get-together buffet Hotel lodging (if booked at the conference hotel) is provided the night before Speaker’s lecture/s Meal per diem is paid to the main presenter only for day/s of lecture.
Speakers* lecturing 4 or more hours: Coach class air fare (North America), booked 30 days prior to travel from your main/primary residence/home to the conference site, will be reimbursed with a dated copy of the airfare charges. Any fees that result from changes made to flight arrangements after booking will be your responsibility. If there are co-presenters, coach class airfare is paid for main presenter only. No air fare reimbursement for Speakers living within 150 miles of the conference site. Reimbursement for mileage expenses is at the Standard Internal Revenue rates in effect at the time of the conference. Said reimbursement is not to exceed the cost of a basic round-trip airline ticket purchased 30 days in advance from your main/primary residence/home (North America) to the conference site. There is no mileage or travel reimbursement for speakers living within 100 miles of the conference site. *Speakers outside North America presenting 4 or more hours will receive a travel stipend. Donating Back. Please make a notation on submission application if you wish to donate all, or a portion of airfare, lodging, banquet ticket, lunch ticket/s and/or meal per diem. Thank you very much. NO ADVERTISING: Our attendees do not expect to be faced with commercials, or infomercials for particular products, offerings, or solutions. Therefore, presentation may not be used as a sales pitch for any services, products, program, seminar, institution, practice, association or company and may not include business/corporate logos on slides. Exhibit space is available for these purposes. If the AVCA receives a substantial number of complaints that your presentation was in any way considered commercial this will impact future speaker selection of you or anyone in your practice, institution or company. 4 4 2 2 3 6 E 1 4 0 R D • B L U E J A C K E T , O K • 7 4 3 3 3 P H O N E : 9 1 8 - 7 8 4 - 2 2 3 1 • F A X : 9 1 8 - 7 8 4 - 2 6 7 5 W W W . A N I M A L C H I R O P R A C T I C . O R G AVCA has the right to modify content, including session titles, session descriptions, and final presentations for association, conference, business and marketing purposes. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: To be considered as a conference speaker, you must complete the Speaker Submission Application. The application is in a MSWord document format. Please return as email attachment to [email protected] or mail to the office on a CD or USB drive. Completed and signed application with documentation MUST be received by MARCH 11th in the AVCA office. Faxes will NOT be accepted. Your submission must contain the following: 1. Complete Speaker contact information. Name, title, mailing address, phone, fax and email of any co- presenter(s). a. Submit separate application for each topic and/or presentation/lab. 2. Accurate Lecture/Lab Title and 100-word description a. Include relevance to animal chiropractic. b. Title and Description CANNOT be changed or altered if presentation/lab accepted. c. Submitter may be asked to alter or change submission to be a better fit to program or topic protocol. d. Lecture hours/units are 50 minutes in length. 10 minute break required after each 50 minutes. e. Horses and dogs may be available for demonstration and/or hands-on lab. i. Labs may be required to have introductory lecture. ii.If submitting for lab, list realistic number of participants you can teach at one time. 3. Length of Lecture/Lab. a. State requested length for presentation (1 hr/unit = 50 minutes) i. Assigned presentation hours may be more or less than requested b. For labs, include maximum number of participants you can effectively teach in a 1hr/unit time frame 4. Teaching Method. a. List interactive, lecture, etc. 5. Recommended audience(s) and level of your presentation. Is there a prerequisite list for advanced courses. 6. Learning Objectives. These objectives should address what attendees will learn as a result of attending your session. 7. Speaking References. Contact names and titles, addresses, email and phone numbers of two associations, AVCA accredited programs, educational institutions, companies, or sponsors for which you have been a speaker, preferably within the last three years, as well as past course titles. 8. Speaker Biography/Curriculum Vitae. 300 word maximum. 9. Signature and Date. Will not be accepted without signature and date. 10. If Submission is Accepted: a. PowerPoint or visual presentation is required. b. Quality handout notes, NOT Power Point outline, is required. March 11, 2016 - Deadline for submission applications. Faxes will NOT be accepted. April 25, 2016 - Selection results will be sent to submitters. TIMELINES: May 2, 2016 - Speaker agreements, bios and A/V requests due from presenter. July 25, 2016 - Handouts/Presentation due. (In requested format.) November 11-13, 2016 – Annual Conference – Orlando, Florida AVCA has the right to modify content, including session titles, session descriptions, and final presentations for association, conference, business and marketing purposes. IF YOU ARE SELECTED: Speaker Agreement will be sent to you. Additional items are required as part of the Speaker Agreement. Strict deadlines apply. Thank you for your consideration in submitting to present at the AVCA Annual Conference. SPEAKER SUBMISSION APPLICATION AVCA ANNUAL CONFERENCE November 11-13, 2016 – Orlando, Florida We are looking for a well-defined program encompassing animal chiropractic. The presentations must be directed toward keeping the license apprised of the advancements, new developments and review of information which is designed to build upon the basic curriculum required to practice animal chiropractic. All subjects must pertain to animal chiropractic. Please use a separate form for each lecture topic and/or lab. Submission Deadline March 11, 2016 Mail or E-mail. Faxes will NOT be accepted
1. SPEAKER CONTACT INFORMATION Speaker’s Name/Title: Organization (if applicable): Address: Address 2: City/State/Province/Postal Code: Country: USA Daytime Phone: Evening Phone: Mobile Phone: Fax: E-Mail Address: Web Site:
2. TOPIC. Please use a separate form for each lecture topic and/or lab. All subjects must pertain to animal chiropractic. anatomy diagnosis and expansion of topics physiology symptomatology covered in the basic histology animal handling curriculum. biochemistry chiropractic analysis Other pathology xray ______ physics chiropractic technique ______ bacteriology VSC ______ neurology Marketing microbiology Practice Management
Presentation submittals will be evaluated on the following criteria: relevance to animal chiropractic timeline of presentation overall quality, good overall mix past attendee ratings (if applicable) depth and “how to” presentation method defined focus for the identified audience, lecture hour: 50 minute increments be very specific followed by 10 minute break practical applications of ideas, key incomplete submissions will NOT be takeaways that can be used right away reviewed examples of how effects are achieved 3. TITLE. ACCURATE LECTURE/LAB TITLE. Each proposed title must have a completed submission application. This will be published information and CANNOT be altered or changed if accepted.
4. DESCRIPTION. ACCURATE LECTURE/LAB PROMOTIONAL DESCRIPTION (75 -100 words) Highlight the topics to be discussed. Explain why the attendee should attend your presentation. This will be published information and CANNOT be altered or changed if accepted.
5. LECTURE/LAB LENGTH REQUESTED. State requested length (1 hour/unit = 50 minutes) of lecture. Labs limited to 1 – 60 minute block of time. Labs may be repeated depending on number of registrants signed up. 1 hour/unit 3 hour/unit 2 hour/unit 4 hour/unit ( 1 – 2 hour/unit sessions are preferred) 6. TEACHING METHOD: a. Interactive, lecture, lecture-demonstration, etc. b. If submitting for lab, include maximum number of participants you can teach in a 1 hour/unit period. AVCA normally limits each lab session to a maximum of 6 participants each.
7. RECOMMENDED AUDIENCE AND LEVEL OF PRESENTATION: Basic: Assumes participant has little or no prior knowledge; focus of the activity is to introduce knowledge and application to the participant. Intermediate: Assumes participant has general knowledge; focus of activity is to enhance knowledge and application. Advanced: Assumes participant has a thorough knowledge; focus of activity is the synthesis of recent advances and future directions.
8. LIST LEARNING OBJECTIVES. List one to five concepts the attendees will learn or will be able to do after the lecture or interactive lab. 1.
6. SPEAKING REFERENCES: ATTACH contact names and titles, addresses, email and phone numbers of two: Associations, AVCA accredited programs, educational institutions, companies, and/or sponsors for which you have been a speaker, preferably within the last three (3) years, as well as past course titles.
©2016 AVCA 7. ATTACH SPEAKER BIO or curriculum vitae. 300-word maximum. Highest earned academic degree/s and diplomate status, including where and when earned. Present position and responsibilities, previous positions, additional comments, awards and recognitions. If my presentation is selected: Yes, please provide my contact information in published Speaker information. No, do not provide my contact information in published Speaker information. Only provide the following contact information in published Speaker information: Name Address Office Telephone E-mail Address Web Site Address
By submitting this abstract, I attest that I am the owner of all content and have the authority to grant AVCA permission to include my presentation paper, the title of which is noted above, and any other materials distributed or displayed at my presentation together in a compilation of conference proceedings and handouts. I understand that if my proposal is accepted, I am required to submit quality handout notes (NOT a PowerPoint Outline), biographical information, photo, audio/visual request and other required information by the deadlines AVCA establishes. I understand AVCA does not provide an honorarium or presenter expenses.
Signature: Date: If you have any questions, please contact the AVCA office at 918-784-2231 before March 11th. *Speakers (North America) lecturing 4 or more hours: Coach class air fare, booked 30 days prior to travel from your main/primary residence/home to the conference site, will be reimbursed with a dated copy of the airfare charges. Any fees that result from changes made to flight arrangements after booking will be your responsibility. If there are co-presenters, coach class airfare is paid for main presenter only. No air fare reimbursement for Speakers living within 150 miles of the conference site. ** Speakers lecturing 4 or more hours: Reimbursement for mileage expenses is at the Standard Internal Revenue rates in effect at the time of the conference. Said reimbursement is not to exceed the cost of a basic round-trip airline ticket purchased 30 days in advance from your main/primary residence/home (North America) to the conference site. There is no mileage or travel reimbursement for speakers living within 100 miles of the conference site. *Speakers outside North America presenting 4 or more hours will receive a travel stipend. ***Meal per diem is paid to the main presenter only for day/s of lecture. Hotel lodging (if booked at the conference hotel) is provided the night before Speaker’s lecture/s. Speaker makes own hotel reservations. Reserve your room early in the year. Complimentary Conference Registration for 1. Complimentary Admittance for 1 to AVCA evening get-together buffet. Additional tickets can be purchased. Presenter may donate all or a portion of any of the following expenses to the AVCA. Please check all you wish to donate to the AVCA. Airfare or Mileage (if applicable) Meal per Diem Lodging Buffet/Banquet Ticket Lunch Ticket/s Thank you very much.
Submission Deadline: March 11, 2016 E-mail completed application form to [email protected] or Mail completed application form to: AVCA, 442236 E 140 Rd, Bluejacket, OK 74333 Faxed submission applications will NOT be accepted.
©2016 AVCA