When 2 Or More Words Begin with the Same Letter
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When 2 or more words begin with the same letter.
Angela Abigail Applewhite ate anchovies and artichokes. Bertha Bartholomew blew big, blue bubbles. Clever Clifford Cutter clumisily closed the closet clasps. Dwayne Dwiddle drew a drawing of dreaded Dracula. Elmer Elwood eluded elven elderly elephants. Floyd Flingle flipped flat flapjacks. Greta Gruber grabbed a group of green grapes. Hattie Henderson hated happy healthy hippos. Ida Ivy identified the ivory iris. Julie Jackson juggled the juicy, jiggly jello. Karl Kessler kept the ketchup in the kitchen. Lila Ledbetter lugged a lot of little lemons. Milton Mallard mailed a mangled mango. Norris Newton never needed new noodles. Patsy planter plucked plump, purple, plastic plums. Quinella Quist quite quickly quelled the quarreling quartet. Randy Rathbone wrapped a rather rare red rabbit. Shelly Sherman shivered in a sheer, short, shirt. Trina Tweety tripped two twittering twins under a twiggy tree. Uri Udall usually used his unique, unusual unicycle. Vicky Vinc viewd a very valuable vase. Walter Whipple warily warned the weary warrior. Xerxes Xenon expected to xerox extra x-rays. Yolana Yvonne Yarger yodeled up yonder yesterday. Zigmund Zane zig-zagged through the zany zoo zone. Personification
When an object does something like a person.
The stars danced playfully in the moonlit sky.
The first rays of morning tiptoed through the meadow.
She did not realize that opportunity was knocking at her door.
The bees played hide and seek with the flowers.
The wind howled.
The river swallowed the earth as the water continued to rise.
Time flew and before we knew it, it was time for me to go home.
My computer throws a fit every time I try to use it.
The thunder grumbled like an old man.
The flowers danced in the gentle breeze.
The sun glared down at me from the sky.
The moon winked at me through the clouds above.
The wind sang through the meadow.
At precisely 6:30 am my alarm clock screamed in my ear.
The ocean danced in the moonlight.
The words leapt off of the page as she read the story.
The butterflies seemed to dance with one another.
The waffle jumped up out of the toaster.
The popcorn leapt out of the bowl.
When the DVD went on sale, it flew off the shelves.
The fire ran wild.
The thunder clapped angrily in the distance.
The tornado ran through town without a care.
The door groaned as it opened slowly. Onomatopoeia
Words that sound like their action. Bang Animal sounds: Beep Bird - "chirp", "tweet" Boing Chicken - "cluck", "cackle" Bonk Crow - "caw" Boom Dove - "coo", "roo-coo" Burp Duck - "quack" Buzz Owl - "whoo", "hoo" or "hoot" Clang Rooster - "cock-a-doodle-doo" Cuckoo Hiccup Turkey - "gobble" Hiss Insects - "buzz" Hush Bee - "buzz" Ka-boom Cat - "meow" Mumble Lion - "roar" Murmur Cow - "moo" Ping pong Dog - "woof", "ruff", "arf", Plop "grrr", "bow-wow" Poof Donkey - "hee-haw" Pop Horse - "neigh", "whinny" Splash Mice - "squeak" Splish Pig - "oink", "squeal" Zap Sheep/"baa" Wolf - "howl" Reptiles Snake - "hiss", "sss" Frog - "ribbit", "croak" Simile
Comparing two things that are not alike. As busy as a beaver As high as a kite As busy as a bee As hoarse as a crow As clear as a bell As hot as a fire cracker As clean as a hound's tooth As hot as the sun As clean as a whistle As hungry as a bear As clear as crystal As hungry as a wolf As clear as mud As innocent as a lamb As cold as ice As keen as mustard As common as dirt As large as life As cool as a cucumber As light as a feather As crazy as a loon As light as air As cunning as a fox As likely as not As cute as a baby As loud as a lion As cute as a button As lowly as a worm As cute as a cup cake As mad as a hatter As dead as a doornail As mad as a hornet As deaf as a post As mad as the march hare As delicate as a flower As merry as a cricket As dense as a brick As modest as a maiden As dry as a bone As naked as a baby As dry as dust As neat as a pin As easy as A.B.C. As nutty as a fruitcake As easy as pie As old as dirt As fast as a racecar As old as the hills As hard as rock As pale as a ghost