2010 Present Doctoral Candidate, Cognitive Psychology, University of California Riverside
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Page 1 June 2015 Adam Felton Curriculum Vitae
Email: [email protected] Department of Psychology University of California, Riverside Riverside, CA 92521
Education 2010 – Present Doctoral Candidate, Cognitive Psychology, University of California Riverside, Riverside, CA. Anticipated graduation date: Spring 2016
2009, May M.A., Cognitive and Social Processes, Ball State University. Master’s Thesis: The Effect of Mood on Language Interpretation Chair: Dr. Thomas Holtgraves, Department of Psychological Science
2005, March B.A., Information Systems, Indiana Tech, Fort Wayne, IN.
2004, March A.A.S., Computer Information Systems, Specialties in Networking, CISCO Networking, and Programming, Ivy Tech, Fort Wayne, IN.
Honors and Awards University of California Riverside Graduate Dean’s Dissertation Research Grant, 2014 University of California Riverside Chancellor’s Fellowship, 2010 Graduated Magna Cum Laude Indiana Tech, 2005 Indiana Tech Dean’s List, 2004-2005 Graduated Magna Cum Laude Ivy Tech, 2004 Ivy Tech Dean’s List 2001-2004 Allen County Scholarship, 2002-2003
Research Interests Interhemispheric interaction and creativity Degree of handedness and neural/behavioral correlates Language and the brain Involvement of the right hemisphere in the processing of pragmatics Conformity
Research Experience September 2010 – Present Graduate Student, Cognitive Neuroscience Lab, Supervised by Dr. Christine Chiarello The association between interhemispheric interaction and cognitive processes, such as creativity Differences in cognitive processes as a function of handedness Analysis of structural MRI and reading/language tasks
August 2006 – July 2008 Research Assistantship, Department of Psychological Science, Ball State University Manipulation of hemispheric activation and relationship to pragmatics Hemispheric lateralization as an individual difference Page 2 Lateralization of pragmatics Lateralization of emotion words via visual field lexical decision task
Research Skills Psyscope SAS, SPSS, R, and AMOS SPM Freesurfer UNIX scripting Matlab E-prime (Psychology Software Tools) Advanced statistics classes in data management and multivariate analysis
Teaching Experience Teaching Assistantship, Department of Psychology, University of California Riverside, 2011 – present Introductory Psychology 1 (neuro/cognitive); Introductory Psychology 2 (developmental/personality/abnormal/social) Psychological Methods – Statistical Procedures Psychological Methods – Research Procedures Human Neuropsychology Skepticism and Pseudoscience in Psychology
Psychology and Sociology Instructor, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Ivy Tech Community College, Fort Wayne, IN, 2008 – present Introduction to Psychology Lifespan Development Introduction to Sociology Introduction to Social Psychology Introduction to Microcomputers First Year Seminar Critical Thinking Online Learning Technologies Online classes: Introduction to Psychology; Lifespan Development
Psychology Instructor, Indiana Tech, Fort Wayne, IN, Fall 2009 Understanding Diversity
Teaching assistantship, Department of Psychological Science, Ball State University, Muncie, IN, 2006 – 2008 Orientation to Psychology as a Major, instructor Kelly Fischer Introduction to the Study of Personality, instructor Rachel Blalock Guest lecturer (Evolutionary Psychology & Cognitive Components of Personality) Abnormal Psychology, instructor Rachel Blalock Guest lecturer (History of Psychopathology) Psychology of Women, instructor Rachel Blalock
Service Supervised undergraduate research projects University of California Riverside Organized graduate student panel for undergraduates at University of California Riverside Ball State University Psi Chi graduate student panels for undergraduate majors, 2006-2008 Page 3 Met with potential freshman and graduate students at Ball State University as liaison for department
Professional Memberships Cognitive Neuroscience Society Society for the Neurobiology of Language Association for Psychological Science Society for Personality and Social Psychology
Publications Chiarello, C., Vazquez, D., Felton, A., & Leonard, C. (2013). Structural asymmetry of anterior insula: Behavioral correlates and individual differences. Brain and Language, 126, 109-122.
Holtgraves, T., & Felton, A. (2011). Hemispheric asymmetry in the processing of negative and positive words: A divided field study. Cognition and Emotion, 25, 691-699.
Submitted Publications Vazquez, D., Ramos, A.I., Felton, A., Greene, M.R., McDowell, A., Hernandez, A.E., & Chiarello, C. (SUBMITTED). Bilingualism influences structural indices of interhemispheric organization. Cerebral Cortex.
Publications in Preparation Chiarello, C., Felton, A., McDowell, A., & Vazquez, D. Variability of cortical structures.
Felton, A., & Sweeny, K. Conformity in the perceptions of attractiveness.
McDowell, A., Felton, A., Vazquez, D., & Chiarello, C. Neurostructural correlates of consistent and weak handedness.
1. Vaughn, K.A., Ramos-Nunez, A.I., Greene, M.R., Vazquez, D., Felton, A., Chiarello, C., & Hernandez, A.E. (May, 2015). Cortical thickness in the cognitive control network, task switching, and bilingualism. Poster presented at Workshop on Bilingualism and Executive Function: An Interdisciplinary Approach. CUNY Graduate Center, New York. 2. Vazquez, D., Ramos, A.I., Felton, A., Greene, M.R., McDowell, A., Hernandez, A.E., & Chiarello, C. (Forthcoming). Structural indices of interhemispheric organization: Influence of bilingualism. Poster presented at the Montreal Bilingual Brain Initiative Symposium. Montreal, Quebec. 3. Chiarello, C., Ramos, A.I., Vazquez, D., Greene, M.R., Felton, A., McDowell, A., Hernandez, A.E. (March, 2015) Bilinguals demonstrate increased corpus callosum volume. Poster presented at the 2015 Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Page 4 4. Vazquez, D., Daily, A., Felton, A., & Chiarello, C. (November, 2014) . Vertex- and parcellations-level analyses of IQ and cortical folding. Presented at the Psychonomic Society, 55th Annual Meeting. Long Beach, CA. 5. Chiarello, C., Ramos, A.I., Vazquez, D., Ravid, M., Daily, A., Felton, A., & Hernandez, A.E. (August, 2014). Thickness asymmetry in language-relevant cortex: Effects of bilingualism. Presented at 6th Annual Meeting, Society of the Neurobiology of Language, Amsterdam. 6. Vingerhoets, G., Felton, A., Vazquez, D., Van der Haegen, L., & Chiarello, C. (2014). Different insular asymmetry patterns in individuals with typical and atypical speech dominance. Poster to be presented at the Organization for Human Brain Mapping annual meeting, Hamburg, Germany.
7. Felton, A., & Chiarello, C. (2014, April). Handedness differences in personality and creativity. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association, Portland, OR.
8. Felton, A., & Chiarello, C. (2014, April). Hand preference, hand performance, and creativity. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society annual meeting, Boston, MA.
9. Vazquez, D., Ranasinghe, O., Felton, A., Daily, A., & Chiarello, C. (2014, April). Individual variability in cortical structure I: Not uniform across cortical subregions. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society annual meeting, Boston, MA.
10. Chiarello, C., Vazquez, D., Felton, A., & Daily, A. (2014, April). Individual variability in cortical structure II: Investigating a potential role for degree of postnatal surface area expansion. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society annual meeting, Boston, MA.
11. Daily, A., Vazquez, D., Felton, A., & Chiarello, C. (2014, April). Individual differences in cortical structure III: Variability predicts degree of structural hemispheric asymmetry. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society annual meeting, Boston, MA.
12. Felton, A., Holtgraves, T., & Vazquez, D. (2013, April). Handedness and creativity: Mixed handers more creative. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society annual meeting, San Francisco, CA.
13. Chiarello, C., Vazquez, D., Daily, A., Felton, A., Leonard, C. (2013, April). A whole-brain analysis of cortical asymmetries. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society annual meeting, San Francisco, CA.
14. Chiarello, C., Felton, A., Vazquez, D., Leonard, C. M. (2012, October). A factor analysis of cortical surface area asymmetries. Poster presented at the Neurobiology of Language Conference annual meeting, San Sebastian, Spain.
15. Chiarello, C., Vazquez, D., Felton, A., Leonard, C. (2012, March). Role of insular cortex in language lateralization. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society annual meeting, Chicago, IL.
16. Felton, A., Sweeny, K., & Luther, D. (2012, January). Who’s hot and who’s not: Conformity in attractiveness ratings. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology annual meeting, San Diego, CA. Page 5 17. Chiarello, C., Felton, A., Vazquez, D., Leonard, C. (2011, November). Gray matter correlates of variation of adult reading skill. Poster presented at the Neurobiology of Language Conference, Washington D.C.
18. Felton, A., Vazquez, D., Leonard, C. M., & Chiarello, C. (2011, October). Neurostructural correlates of adult reading skill. Poster presented at The Psychonomic Society annual meeting, Seattle, WA.
19. Chiarello, C., Felton, A., Vazquez, D., Leonard, C. (2011, March). Gray matter correlates of adult reading skill: An exploratory voxel-based analysis. Poster presented at the Southern California Cognitive Neuroscience Meeting, Irvine, CA.
20. Felton, A., & Holtgraves, T. (2010, May). Positive affect advantage in interpretation of politeness. Poster presented at Association for Psychological Science, Boston, MA.
21. Markham, D., Felton, A., Jacobs, N., & Holtgraves, T. (2010, May). Question wording effects on open-ended responses: Think vs. feel. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association conference, Chicago, IL.
22. Felton, A. D., Waters, J., Cappaert, K., & Holtgraves, T. (2008, May). The right hemisphere: A significant role in the comprehension of indirect replies. Poster presented at the 20th annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL.
23. Waters, J., Cappaert, K., Felton, A. D., & Holtgraves, T. (2008, May). Differential hemispheric activation and creativity. Poster presented at the 20th annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL.
24. Cappaert, K., Holtgraves, T., McNamara, P., Felton, A., & Waters, J. (2008, May). Cognitive and emotional correlates of asymmetric motor symptom severity in Parkinson’s disease. Poster presented at the 20th annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL.
25. Felton, A., Carr, F., Vandewalle, B., Frasure, A., McConnell, J., & Holtgraves, T. (2007, April). Hemispheric lateralization, line perception, emotion, and pragmatic meaning. Poster presented at Ball State University 15th Annual Psychological Science Department Research Conference.
26. Felton, A., & McConnell, J. (2007, March). Mental illness: Social factors vs. biological determinants. Poster presented at Ball State University 12th Annual Student Symposium.
Supervised Research Projects Sanchez, J., Felton, A., & Sweeny, K. (2012). Who’s hot and who’s not: Conformity in attractiveness ratings.
Pangilinan, J. S. S., Tran, T. M., Saenz, C. E. Youssef, M. E., Tran, T., J., Felton, A. D., Vazquez, D., Daily, A. J., & Chiarello, C. (2014). Early versus late bilingual interhemispheric interactions. University of California Riverside Undergraduate Research Journal, 8, 45-49.
References Available upon request.