Request for Proposal - Boise State ENS s2
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Amendment 3 RFP ST14-128 Revised BOISE STATE UNIVERSITY
RFP #ST14-128
Emergency Notification and Campus Safety System
Issue Date 09/18/2014
Amended 10/10/14
ST14-128 Page 1 of 47 5/11/2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS
1.1 RFP Administrative Information
RFP Title: Emergency Notification & Campus Safety System RFP Project Description: The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to establish a Contract for a campus- wide Emergency Notification System and campus safety solution for Boise State University. RFP Lead: Shannan Thomas Senior Buyer 1910 University, MS-1210 Boise, ID 83725-1210 [email protected] Phone: (208) 426-1549 Optional Pre-Proposal Conference: 10/3/14 Mountain Time (Details will be provided upon RSVP)
Location: Teleconference (Details will be provided upon RSVP) Deadline To Receive Questions: 10/7/2014, 11:59:59 Mountain Time
Anticipated Release of Answers to Questions: 10/10/2014
RFP Closing Date: 10/24/2014
RFP Opening Date: 10:30 a.m. Mountain Time the following work day after closing in Purchasing Dept. Demos/Oral Presentations If required, Tentatively, Week of 11/3/2014
Validity of Proposal Proposals are to remain valid for one hundred twenty (120) calendar days after the scheduled closing date. Proposals submitted with a validity period of less than this will be found nonresponsive and will not be considered. Initial Term of Contract and Renewals: Initial term of the Contract will be for implementation, one (1) year of operation, and two (2) full operation years after system
ST14-128 Page 2 of 47 5/11/2018 acceptance and Go Live. After the third year of operations, and upon mutual consent, the parties may extend the Contract under the same terms and conditions, on an annual basis. At the time of extension, the annual renewal pricing will not exceed 4% over the previous year’s renewal term without nullifying the renewal.
1.2 Boise State University Overview:
Boise State University (“University”) is a public, co-educational institution located in Boise, Idaho. Serving approximately 22,000 students and employing nearly 2690 faculty and staff, the University offers undergraduate, graduate, and non-degree programs.
1.3 Emergency System History/Background:
Boise State has utilized SendWordNow as the Emergency Notification and Campus Safety System for the past 6 years. Boise State University currently utilizes an opt-in system, where users of the system choose to participate and sign up to receive alerts through PeopleSoft. This has resulted in approximately 28% of the student population and about 50% of the faculty/staff population utilizing the system through text and voice messaging through an opt-in system. 100% of faculty, staff and active students currently receive email alerts.
Historically, Boise State has had cause to utilize the Emergency Notification System for a campus wide emergency notification approximately 1-2 times per semester. The University also uses the system on a smaller scale to notify an emergency operations group (about 25 members) of smaller incidents on campus 100-150 times per year.
The University is currently assessing and discussing the choice for opt-in/opt-out. It is expected that a decision will be made prior to award and implementation.
1.4 Purpose:
The Emergency Notification System and Campus Safety Solution will be used at Boise State University to ensure that students, faculty, and staff are rapidly notified and enabled to respond quickly and safely to any emergency incidents affecting the campus community in accordance with the federal Clery Act and corresponding regulations [34 CFR 668.46(b)(13)]. The solution should enable the University to comply with applicable laws and regulations including but not limited to the Clery Act.
The Emergency Notification & Campus Safety System will be used to notify students, faculty, and staff of the University, located in Boise, ID. There should be future potential for including parents in notification, but it is not intended to include the general public. The system will also provide a means for campus security, building coordinators, facilities, event staff, and environmental health & safety personnel to quickly identify and respond to personal safety incidents through the ability to personally message custom groups. This system will be a key component of the University campus public safety and emergency communication strategy.
1.5 Expectations:
ST14-128 Page 3 of 47 5/11/2018 The University is seeking a vendor who can provide a hosted, commercial-off-the-shelf solution (“COTS”) that can be easily deployed within the current environment with minimal to no customizations.
The proposed system must provide the ability to broadcast SMS, email and voice messages to all registered users on a 24/7 basis.
The system must support notification via SMS, email, and voice messages at a minimum. Also desired is the ability to provide automatic notification through desktop notification, social media and additional systems.
Proposed solution should be capable of messaging the entire student, faculty and staff population within 10 minutes via SMS.
The University prefers a vendor who is used to working in the university/higher education environment.
Additionally, it is desired that more University students, faculty, and staff opt-in to the system. Boise State University is interested in learning about industry best practices that facilitate/encourage the use of the system.
The University expects to have the selected system implemented, installed, and fully functional and operational by December 1, 2014.
It is expected that the selected vendor will make the transition from the existing system to another system appear seamless to the University.
The solution should enable the University to meet certain obligations under the Clery Act, as well as Title IX, VAWA Act, and Campus SaVE Act.
1.6 Network Environment:
Boise State’s network consists of 22,000 switched gigabit ports connected with a redundant 10 gigabit backbone and also supports 1,150 Wireless Access Points across campus. The network supports all commercial Operating Systems. The University is a Google Applications site and also maintains a Microsoft site license.
LDAP based centralized authentication is required for students and staff who access applications using a number of different operating system and web browser configurations.
The University deploys and supports 2700 Cisco VOiP telephones, 800 analog telephones, and 5000 voice mailboxes campus wide.
The notification system will need to interface with PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.0. For system integration, Boise State prefers to use SOAP web services over HTTPS, otherwise SFTP is acceptable for file transfers. The University currently has a PeopleSoft modification allowing optional enrollment for notification. This modification could be dropped if the solution provided this functionality.
ST14-128 Page 4 of 47 5/11/2018 ST14-128 Page 5 of 47 5/11/2018 2. INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS
2.1 Pre-Proposal Conference and Questions and Answers
2.1.1 A non-mandatory pre-proposal conference will be held at the location and time as indicated in Section 1.1 of this RFP. This will be your opportunity to ask questions of the University staff. All interested parties are invited to participate, limited to two (2) incoming phone lines from each prospective Offeror as the number of telephone lines is limited. Those choosing to participate must pre-register via email with the name and contact information of participants to the RFP Lead to receive meeting details. This conference will be used to explain, clarify, or identify areas of concern in the RFP. Those asking questions during the pre-proposal conference will be asked to submit those questions to the University in writing by the designated “Deadline to Receive Questions” period as indicated in Section 1.1 of this RFP. Any oral answers given by the University during the pre-proposal conference are to be considered unofficial. Conference attendance is at the Offeror’s own expense. For simplicity’s sake, Offerors are strongly encouraged to submit just one, final set of questions, after the pre-proposal conference but prior to the question deadline, rather than multiple sets of questions.
2.1.2 All questions must be submitted to the RFP Lead by the Deadline to Receive Questions noted in Section 1.1. Questions must be submitted using Attachment 2 via email to the RFP Lead at the address listed in Section 1.1 for the RFP Lead. Official answers to all questions will be posted on the University’s website as an amendment as indicated in Section 1.1, of this RFP.
All questions, including questions regarding the State of Idaho Standard Contract Terms and Conditions found at, (specifically ) and as may be amended from time to time, and incorporated in this RFP by reference, must be submitted by the deadline to receive questions as stated in Section 1.1. The University will not negotiate these requirements after the date and time set for receiving questions. Questions regarding these requirements must contain the following:
The term or condition in question; The rationale for the specific requirement being unacceptable to the Offeror (define the deficiency); Recommended verbiage for the University’s consideration that is consistent in content, context, and form with the University’s requirement that is being questioned; and Explanation of how the University’s acceptance of the recommended verbiage is fair and equitable to both the University and the Offeror.
Proposals received that qualify the offer based upon the University accepting other terms and conditions not found in the RFP or which take exception to the University’s terms and conditions may be found non-responsive, and no further consideration of the proposal will be given.
ST14-128 Page 6 of 47 5/11/2018 2.1.3 Proposal opening will be held at the location and time as indicated in Section 1.1 of this RFP. All Offerors, authorized representatives and the general public are invited, at their own expense, to be present at the opening of the proposals. During the proposal opening only the names of the Offerors will be provided.
2.2 Any qualified vendor may submit a proposal. All vendors are qualified unless disqualified. Those Offerors presently on the General Service Administration’s (GSA) “list of parties excluded from federal procurement and nonprocurement programs” may be disqualified. Vendor information is available on the Internet at:
2.3 Proposals must demonstrate that Offerors have the ability to complete the described functions of this RFP.
2.4 In order to be considered for award, the sealed proposal must be delivered to the place specified in Section 1.1 of the RFP, no later than the date and time specified in Section 1.1 of the RFP.
No late proposals will be accepted. A proposal received at the office designated in this RFP after the RFP closing date and time will not be accepted.
2.5 The proposal must be submitted with the University–supplied signature page which must contain an original handwritten signature and be returned with the relevant RFP documents.
2.5.1 The proposals must be addressed to the RFP Lead and clearly marked “CONTRACT PROPOSAL – RFP ST14-128 Emergency Notification & Campus Safety System”.
2.5.2 Each proposal must be submitted with one (1) original and six (6) copies of the Business and Scope of Work Proposal and one (1) original and one (1) copy of the Cost Proposal.
2.5.3 In addition, Offerors must submit one (1) electronic copy of the proposal on CD or USB device. Word or Excel format is required. The only exception will be for financials or brochures. The format and content must be the same as the manually submitted proposal. The electronic version must NOT be password protected or locked in any way. Please attach the CD or USB device to the original version of the Business and Scope of Work Proposal.
2.5.4 Submit one (1) electronic, redacted copy of the Business and Scope of Work Proposal, on CD or USB device, with all trade secret information removed or blacked out, as described in the “Public Records” section of the State of Idaho’s SOLICITATION INSTRUCTIONS TO VENDORS located here: The electronic file name should contain the word “redacted.” This is the copy of the Offeror’s proposal which will be released under Idaho’s Public Record Law, if the proposal is requested. The redacted copy of the Business and Scope of Work Proposal must be an exact copy of the Business and Scope of Work Proposal regarding trade secret information. The original proposal and redacted proposal may be submitted on the same CD or USB device.
ST14-128 Page 7 of 47 5/11/2018 2.5.5 The proposal must be separated into two (2) distinct sections: Business and Scope of Work Proposal, and Cost Proposal.
2.5.6 The Business and Scope of Work Proposal must be sealed, identified “Business and Scope of Work Portion of Proposal – RFP ST14-128 Emergency Notification & Campus Safety System” and include a cover letter (see Section 4.3) and all other documentation related to this response, except the Cost Proposal.
2.5.7 The Cost Proposal must be sealed and identified “Cost Portion of Proposal – RFP ST14-128 Emergency Notification & Campus Safety System.” The only document that should be included with this section is the cost sheet itself, Attachment 4.
2.6 No verbal proposals or verbal modifications will be considered. An Offeror may modify its proposal in writing prior to the RFP closing time. A written modification must include the date and signature of the Offeror or its authorized representative.
ST14-128 Page 8 of 47 5/11/2018 3. TERMS OF PROCUREMENT PROCESS
3.1 From the date of release of this RFP until an Intent to Award Letter is issued, all contact and requests for information shall be directed to the RFP Lead only. Regarding this RFP, all contact with other personnel employed by or under Contract with the University is restricted. During the same period, no prospective vendor shall approach personnel employed by, or under Contract to the University, on any other related matters. An exception to this restriction will be made for vendors who, in the normal course of work under a current and valid Contract with the University, may need to discuss legitimate business matters concerning their work with the contracting agency. Violation of these conditions may be considered sufficient cause by the University to reject a vendor’s proposal, irrespective of any other consideration.
3.2 All costs incurred in the preparation and submission of a proposal in response to this RFP, including, but not limited to, Offeror’s travel expenses to attend the pre-proposal conference, proposal opening and presentation or negotiation sessions, shall be the sole responsibility of Offerors and will not be reimbursed by the University.
3.3 To be considered responsive, Offerors should adhere to all requirements of this RFP. The determination of whether a proposal is responsive is a determination made solely by the University. The University reserves the right to waive any nonmaterial variation that does not violate the overall purpose of the RFP, frustrate the competitive bidding process, or afford any Offeror an advantage not otherwise available to all Offerors.
3.4 Proposals should be submitted on the most favorable terms from both a price and technical standpoint which Offerors can propose. The University reserves the right to accept any part of a proposal, or reject all or any part of any proposal received, without financial obligation, if the University determines it to be in the best interest of the University to do so.
3.5 All data provided by the University in relation to this RFP represents the best and most accurate information available at the time of RFP preparation. Should any data later be discovered to be inaccurate, such inaccuracy will not constitute a basis for Contract rejection or Contract amendment by an Offeror.
3.6 All proposal material submitted becomes the property of the University and will not be returned to Offeror. Proposals and supporting documentation may be available for public inspection upon written request following the announcement of a Contract award, except for information specifically labeled on each separate page as a “trade secret” or other exemption from disclosure under the Idaho Public Records Act, Section 9-340D(1), Idaho Code. Information specifically labeled as trade secret may be protected from disclosure, but the University cannot guarantee its confidentiality.
3.7 The proposal submitted by the successful Offeror will be incorporated into and become part of the resulting Contract. The University will have the right to use all concepts contained in any proposal and this right will not affect the RFP or rejection of the proposal.
3.8 Boise State University’s registered trademarks, as well as other names, seals, logos, college colors and other indicia (“University Marks”) that are representative of the University may be used solely with permission of Boise State University. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the University logo may be used in the RFP response for illustrative
ST14-128 Page 9 of 47 5/11/2018 purposes only. No use may be made of University Marks in any document which implies any association with or endorsement of the services of the Offeror or any other third party.
3.9 The RFP, all attachments, appendices, and amendments, the successful Offeror’s proposal submitted in response to the RFP and any negotiated changes to the same will become the Contract (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”).
3.10 The Contract, in its incorporated composite form, represents the entire agreement between the Contractor and University and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, understandings, or agreements, either written or oral.
3.11 Where terms and conditions, including Offeror agreements and assumptions specified in the Offeror’s proposal or supplied at time of award, differ from the terms and conditions contained within this RFP, the terms and conditions contained within this RFP will apply and supersede all other Offeror-supplied terms.
3.12 Where terms and conditions specified in the Offeror’s proposal or supplied at award, including Offeror agreements and assumptions, supplement the terms and conditions of this RFP, the supplemental terms and conditions will apply only if specifically accepted by the University in writing. Offerors are recommended to review the State’s Solicitation Instructions to Vendors, clause 18 at the following website.
3.13 The Contractor and proposed solution must comply with all federal, state and local laws and regulations, statutes and codes. The solution must comply with the federal, state and local laws and regulations governing the privacy and protection of educational records, including but not limited to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and the federal Clery Act [34 CFR 668.46(b)(13)] which addresses emergency incidents affecting the campus community.
3.14 Contractor shall comply with appropriate data security of information, as applicable, as defined by the
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
3.15 Proposed Software: The proposed System and all software comprising the System must be operational in a verifiable customer live production environment, providing service for no less than ninety (90) production days (production days does not include training or testing), prior to the release date of the RFP. Operational in a verifiable production environment will mean:
the version of the software proposed by the Offeror is being used; the software is used by an organization other than the Offeror in the normal course of such organization’s business; the software is not used in a testing or otherwise reduced capacity; and,
ST14-128 Page 10 of 47 5/11/2018 all the mandatory software operational functionality specified in the RFP is in use by such organization.
3.16 The University may verify that the proposed solution meets these requirements, and any proposed solution found not to meet these requirements may result in the Offeror’s proposal being found non-responsive and no further consideration given.
Specifically, the University reserves the right on a Pass/Fail basis, to confirm and verify all software versioning, functionality, and requirements mandated in the RFP, and to do so in an Offeror’s customer’s live production site of the University’s own choosing. If the University verifies that the software version proposed is not the software version currently in production, or fails to meet the required time in production, the Offeror’s proposal may be found non-responsive and no further consideration given.
3.17 An appeal by a vendor of a specification, a non-responsiveness determination, or the award is governed by the Boise State University Purchasing Appeals Process, and must be filed in accordance with that process, which can be found on the Internet at
3.18 The Contract is not effective until Purchasing has issued a purchase order specifying a commencement date (the “Effective Date”), and that date has arrived or passed. The Contractor will not provide or render services to the University under this Contract until the Effective Date. The University may determine, in its sole discretion, not to reimburse the Contractor for products provided or services rendered prior to the Effective Date.
ST14-128 Page 11 of 47 5/11/2018 4. PROPOSAL FORMAT
4.1 These instructions describe the format to be used when submitting a proposal. Sections of the format may be listed with an Evaluated Requirement (definition below). Evaluation points may be deducted from the Offeror’s possible score if the following format is not followed. The format is designed to ensure a complete submission of information necessary for an equitable analysis and evaluation of submitted proposals. There is no intent to limit the content of proposals. The proposal of the successful Offeror will be appended to and incorporated into the RFP and the resulting Contract or agreement, including the State’s Standard Terms and Conditions ( (Specifically, ) All terms should be reviewed carefully by each prospective Offeror as the successful Offeror is expected to comply with those terms and conditions, and may be found in breach of Contract if terms conflict.
4.2 Evaluation Code - The codes and their meanings are as follows:
(M) Mandatory Specification or Requirement - failure to comply with any mandatory specification or requirement may at the sole discretion of the University render Offeror’s proposal non-responsive and no further evaluation will occur. Offeror is required to respond to each mandatory specification with a statement outlining its understanding and how it will comply.
(ME) Mandatory and Evaluated Specification - failure to comply may render Offeror’s proposal non-responsive and no further evaluation will occur. Offeror is required to respond to each mandatory and evaluated specification with a statement outlining its understanding and how it will comply. Points will be awarded based on predetermined criteria.
(E) Evaluated Specification - a response is desired. If not available, respond with “Not Available” or other response that identifies Offeror’s ability or inability to supply the item or service. Failure to respond will result in zero (no) points awarded for this item.
4.3 (M) Cover Letter: The Business and Scope of Work Proposal must include a cover letter on official letterhead of the Offeror, the Offeror’s name, mailing address, telephone number, facsimile number, and name of Offeror’s authorized agent including an email address. The cover letter must identify the RFP Title, RFP number and all materials and enclosures being forwarded collectively as the response to this RFP. The cover letter must be signed, in ink, by an individual authorized to commit the Offeror to the work proposed. In addition, the cover letter must include:
4.3.1 Identification of the Offeror’s corporate or other legal entity. Offerors must include their tax identification number. The Offeror must be a legal entity with the legal right to contract.
ST14-128 Page 12 of 47 5/11/2018 4.3.2 A statement indicating the Offeror’s acceptance of and willingness to comply with the requirements of the RFP and attachments, including but not limited to the State of Idaho Standard Contract Terms and Conditions ( (specifically ) and any other Terms and Conditions included in this RFP.
4.3.3 A statement of the Offeror’s compliance with affirmative action and equal employment regulations.
4.3.4 A statement that the proposal was arrived at independently by the Offeror without collusion, consultation, communication, or agreement with any other Offeror as to any matter concerning pricing.
4.3.5 A statement that Offeror has not employed any company or person other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Offeror or a company regularly employed as its marketing agent, to solicit or secure this Contract, and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Contractor or a company regularly employed by the Contractor as its marketing agent, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gifts or any other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award of this Contract. The Offeror must affirm its understanding and agreement that for breach or violation of this term, the University has the right to annul the Contract without liability or, in its discretion, to deduct from the Contract price the amount of any such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gifts or contingencies.
4.3.6 A statement naming the firms and/or staff responsible for writing the proposal.
4.3.7 A statement that Offeror is not currently suspended, debarred or otherwise excluded from federal or state procurement and non-procurement programs.
4.3.8 A statement affirming the proposal will be firm and binding for one hundred twenty (120) days from the proposal opening date.
4.3.9 A statement, by submitting its proposal, that the Offeror warrants that any Contract resulting from this RFP is subject to Executive Order 2009-10 []; it does not knowingly hire or engage any illegal aliens or persons not authorized to work in the United States; it takes steps to verify that it does not hire or engage any illegal aliens or persons not authorized to work in the United States; and that any misrepresentation in this regard or any employment of persons not authorized to work in the United States constitutes a material breach and will be cause for the imposition of monetary penalties up to five percent (5%) of the Contract price, per violation, and/or termination of its Contract.
4.4 (M) Amendment Confirmation: If the RFP is amended, the Offeror must acknowledge each amendment with a signature on the acknowledgement form provided with each amendment. Failure to return a signed copy of each amendment acknowledgement form with the proposal may result in the proposal being found non-responsive.
ST14-128 Page 13 of 47 5/11/2018 4.5 (M) Identify each page of the proposal that contains a “trade secret” per Section 3.6 above. Only those pages identified as “trade secret” or other exemption from disclosure will be exempt from disclosure if the proposal is requested pursuant to the Idaho Public Records Act. All other pages of the proposal will be released without review. The exemption for “trade secrets” is limited and information will be exempt from disclosure only to the extent the content meets the definition of trade secret in the Public Records Act. Accordingly, the University cannot guarantee information marked as “trade secret” will be exempt from disclosure.
NOTE: If a proposal is marked as “trade secret” in its entirety, it will be considered public record in its entirety, and will be disclosed, if requested.
4.6 Table of Contents: Include in the Business and Scope of Work Proposal a table of contents; adequately identify the contents of each section, including page numbers of major subsections. The Table of Contents is not evaluated, and is for reference purposes only.
4.7 Executive Summary: Include in the Business and Scope of Work Proposal an executive summary, which provides a condensed overview of the contents of the Business and Scope of Work Proposal submitted by the Offeror, which shows an understanding of the services to be performed. The Executive Summary is not evaluated, and is for summary purposes only.
4.8 (E) Business Information:
4.8.1 Experience: Offerors must describe in detail their knowledge and experience in providing services similar to those required in this RFP, specifically in a University or institute of higher education setting.
4.8.2 References: Offerors must provide three (3) written professional references from universities (preferred) or companies using the version proposed in their response, in full production mode, having used the system for no less than 90 production days, with knowledge of the Offeror’s experience that is similar in nature to the products or services being requested by this RFP, and that are within the last three (3) years from the date of this RFP. The University will determine whether the reference concerns products or services that are similar in nature to this RFP. Offerors must follow the instructions in Attachment 3 to obtain those references. For any reference not received by RFP closing date and time, or that is outside of the parameters listed above, the Offeror will receive no (zero) points for that particular reference. For any reference determined to be not of a similar nature to the products or services requested by this RFP, the Offeror will also receive no (zero) points for that particular reference. Offerors may email the RFP Lead prior to the reference submittal deadline to verify receipt of references.
ST14-128 Page 14 of 47 5/11/2018 The University will evaluate references that it discovers. The University may conduct its own research and discovery to find customers for whom the respondent has performed work, and to solicit their feedback in addition to feedback from those references the respondent did list. University may contact any and all references directly, without the assistance of the Offeror. University is under no obligation to share results of its reference checks with the Offeror.
4.9 (M) Organization and Staffing: Offerors should describe their respective qualifications for successfully completing the requirements of the RFP. To demonstrate their respective qualifications, the following are required:
4.9.1 Staffing Plan: Offerors should provide a detailed staffing plan with a chart showing all key positions and titles that will be involved in the work of carrying out the ensuing Contract. Offerors should explain how the workflow will occur using the staffing plan based on the requirements of this RFP.
4.9.2 Escalation Plan: Offeror must provide an Escalation Plan describing the response time and escalation procedure. The Escalation Plan must provide the name(s) title(s) of the personnel who will handle the escalation process for the resulting Contract. Include the name, title/position, contact phone, fax and email and expected response time requirements. Upon award, the University will require an escalation plan including name, title/position, contact phone, fax and email.
4.10 (M) The proposal must be submitted with the University–supplied signature pages which must contain an original handwritten signature and be returned with the relevant RFP documents. PHOTOCOPIED SIGNATURES or FACSIMILE SIGNATURES are NOT ACCEPTABLE. Failure to include a signed, complete, original University Signature Page will result in a finding that the proposal is non-responsive, and no further consideration will be given to the proposal.
ST14-128 Page 15 of 47 5/11/2018 5. SCOPE OF WORK
Use this proposal outline as part of your response to the RFP, and identify it as Appendix A – Scope of Work. Keep in mind, the evaluators will be evaluating on the methodologies proposed and the completeness of the response to each of the services listed below.
5.1 Information Technology Requirements
5.1.1 (ME) Licenses: Identify required licenses, and which licenses are supplied by Offeror. University will place greater preference on licensing systems that do not require human intervention to maintain, or that require limited intervention. Systems that require a one-to-one user to license mapping where licenses expire on a periodic basis without an automated renewal process should be avoided.
If the licensing model proposed includes limitations on number of authorized users, please detail that breakdown and associated costs. Additionally, include costs for adding additional users in the future, should that need arise.
5.1.2 (M) Usernames and passwords Confirm that Offeror does not have any user names or passwords hardcoded into the application configuration Confirm that Offeror does not have any user names or passwords located in plain text, anywhere on the system. Confirm that all usernames and passwords are encrypted.
5.1.3 (M) Hosted Services: Confirm that if the Offeror is providing a hosted solution, it is hosted within the United States.
5.1.4 (ME) Authentication and Authorization: Offerors should show that they fully integrate with Active Directory for Security, whether natively or through LDAP. Full integration would be defined as follows:
Groups and nested groups are supported to validate user security within the application, and the application performs lookups at authentication time against the directory to validate their group memberships. The application should not maintain an independent version of Active Directory user and role/group data along the lines of a one-time synchronization into the application, but should be capable of referencing a group and providing proper access to members of that group. If the application maintains an independent copy of Active Directory data, then it needs to have the capability to update that copy any time there is a change to the directory such that users, roles, and permissions can be maintained in the directory and not in the application. Same Sign-On: Boise State's LDAP directory is Novell eDirectory. Confirm that for LDAP enabled applications, the vendor application will maintain a separate database or use LDAP group membership for authorization.
ST14-128 Page 16 of 47 5/11/2018 Single Sign-on: Confirm that for Single Sign-On applications, the Offeror application will leverage Shibboleth v2.x for authentication and authorization. Single Sign-On will be given preference over Same Sign- On. Additional preference will be given to providers that are members of the InCommon Federation.
5.1.5 (ME) Data Availability: It is expected that the proposed system/solution will collect transaction based information or data. Boise State has established a common structure for data reporting and availability to other processes. To meet the needs of this structure the following requirements need to be addressed by the system/solution:
The entire application data set should be accessible by the University. The data set should be reasonably available for extract by the University at the University’s discretion. The proposed solution must provide access to data for integration or extract through a secure, automated process. The proposed solution should allow for data extracts to be scheduled and managed by University at its discretion.
5.2 (ME) Messaging:
5.2.1 Proposed system must provide the ability to broadcast SMS, email and voice messages to all registered users on a 24/7 basis. Describe how your system accomplishes this.
5.2.2 The proposed system must publish alerts via RSS (ie. institutional web sites, personal RSS readers, social networking or digital signage systems.) Please list supported networks, and describe.
5.2.3 Detail the best and worst case delivery intervals for SMS, E-mail, and voice message, including the impact of additional numbers of users (X1, X100, X1000, X10,000) on delivery times and additional factors the University should consider when predicting message delivery performance. Discuss any delivery rate or capability limitations within the proposed system.
5.2.4 Proposed solution must be able to detect and re-call busy, no-answer, and operator intercept telephone numbers upon request. Describe the system’s ability to detect these numbers and the reporting capabilities in this area.
5.2.5 Describe if/how the volume of messages to be sent will affect delivery of messages. Will messages sent to a larger number of recipients take longer to deliver than messages sent to a small number of recipients (or a small group)?
5.3 Technical Information:
5.3.1 (M) Proposer solution must be a hosted service.
5.3.2 (M) Proposer must be in compliance with SSAE 16. Please provide a copy of your last year’s Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE)
ST14-128 Page 17 of 47 5/11/2018 No. 16 SOC Type II report. If you have had a Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE) No. 16 SOC Type II report completed, please provide a copy of that with your response. If you have not had one of these reports completed, please note that a SSAE No. 16 SOC Type II report has not been completed for your company.
5.3.3 (M) Proposed system must work across all domestic wireless carriers and wireless phone models.
5.3.4 (ME) System must demonstrate carrier grade voice message delivery including generator backed up UPS and redundancy within the Voice PBX used to send notifications and redundant voice service delivery to the site used to send notifications. Also discuss your availability (percentage of uptime per year), capacity (ability to support very large volumes of calls), reliability and quality.
5.3.5 (E) Please describe your voice message delivery architecture.
5.3.6 (E) Describe your product’s ability to cascade phone calls to in-bound Boise State numbers (208-426-xxxx and 208-447-xxxx) so that the University’s capability to receive calls is not flooded. Describe who sets the parameters for the allowable number of phone calls. Is it done on the vendor end? Or by the administrator at Boise State?
5.3.7 (E) The system must be able to facilitate unattended, automated, and secured contact data upload and update from the Oracle PeopleSoft system. Briefly describe the methods used for this transfer. Additionally, discuss whether your system is able to automate multiple daily imports of data from Oracle PeopleSoft to regularly update the notification system and populate it with the most up-to- date data.
5.3.8 (ME) Describe your system’s availability for the past two years. Discuss scheduled downtime, the frequency of scheduled downtime, and how that is planned and communicated to clients. Discuss the frequency of unscheduled downtime, its effect on clients, and its frequency over the past two years.
5.3.9 (E) Regarding smaller carriers, describe any limitations and how the system addresses delivery to these smaller carriers.
5.3.10 (E) Discuss the safeguards that are in place to ensure message delivery.
5.3.11 (E) Describe how delivery risk is minimized along the message delivery chain for the different message types delivered by your system.
5.3.12 (E) Describe your SMS delivery architecture. Discuss any required University resources related to SMS delivery architecture. Do you deliver messages via SMTP or SMPP? If delivery is via SMTP only, please detail carrier whitelisting relationships. If SMPP, does your system utilize direct binds or aggregators?
5.3.13 (E) Please describe any single points of failure in the messaging delivery between your hosting center and the “last mile” infrastructure (e.g. calling centers, SMS aggregator binds, etc.).
ST14-128 Page 18 of 47 5/11/2018 5.3.14 (E) Proposed solution should support Common Alerting Protocol (CAP). Please describe specification standards supported (CAP 1.1, 1.2), use models, and configuration details.
5.3.15 (E) Describe how your solution provides published APIs which facilitate automated management of subscriber information.
5.3.16 (E) Describe how your solution provides published APIs which facilitate automated messaging through the system’s message delivery architecture from an external system.
5.3.17 (E) Describe how the API is implemented, integrated and interfaces with Boise State’s Oracle/PeopleSoft System. Does the API allow/facilitate daily uploads of current PeopleSoft information?
5.3.18 (E) Describe in detail your system’s capabilities enabled through APIs or remote applications. Provide use cases and example applications.
5.3.19 (E) Describe any information technology resources or other resources and specialized knowledge/skill level that will be required from the University to install/use/maintain the API interface.
5.3.20 (E) Describe how the proposed solution provides an interactive capability by including provisions for touch-tone responses on request. Describe the options that your solution offers for handicapped or disabled users.
5.3.21 (ME) Section 508 Amendment to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 – Vendor must be in complete compliance with Section 508 Amendment to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Vendor must complete and return the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) located at with your completed response. Boise State will assess how the proposed solution allows the University to comply with Section 508, and will evaluate and award points based on the VPAT/product accessibility.
5.3.22 (E) The proposed solution must be compatible with screen readers. Please describe your system’s screen reader compatibility. Also describe the different options that are available with your system that might be used by a visually or hearing impaired person to receive an alert message.
5.3.23 (E) Proposed solution must support multi-lingual messaging. Describe what language(s) are supported and how translated messages are managed in the system. Describe how registered users signify their preference for a specific language and how messaging works if a translated message is NOT provided.
5.3.24 (E) Proposed solution must have phone validation processes to ensure that the phone number registered is able to receive messages. Please describe.
5.3.25 (E) Describe how your solution measures and adjusts for network congestion or over-subscription during emergency conditions.
ST14-128 Page 19 of 47 5/11/2018 5.3.26 (E) Does the proposed system provide an alternate means to send emergency messages if the Internet is congested or unavailable? Please describe.
5.3.27 (E) Please describe how the proposed solution provides high quality text-to- speech synthesis capabilities for voice messages.
5.3.28 (E) Proposed solution must allow for configurable caller-ids for voice alerts. Describe.
5.3.29 (E) Describe how your solution allows for customization of “retry” duration/behavior when subscriber contacts are not successfully messaged.
5.4 Integration/Implementation:
5.4.1 (E) Provide a brief description of the major steps in the implementation/integration process, including any on-going university resource requirements, information and/or data required from the University, any on premise activities required and expected timelines.
5.4.2 (E) Describe common challenges with implementation, integration and start up, and also during normal operations, that your company has encountered at Universities, and what your company has done to help alleviate these.
5.4.3 (E) Please describe any on-site installation/implementation/integration required/requirements and any documentation related to this (administrator guide, information on the web, etc.).
5.4.4 (ME) The proposed system must interface with PeopleSoft Campus solutions 9.0. For system integration, Boise State prefers to use SOAP web services over HTTPS, otherwise SFTP for file transfers. Currently, the University has a PeopleSoft modification allowing optional notification enrollment, but this modification could be dropped if the proposed solution provides this functionality. Provide details on any integration required with institutional systems in order to enable the proposed services.
5.4.5 (E) Describe any other best practices or tips and tricks that your company has discovered, specific to implementation and use at universities/institutes of higher education, that may not have been addressed but that might be useful to Boise State as an emergency notification systems is selected and implemented.
5.5 (ME) Security:
5.5.1 Database must be properly secured up to and including appropriate levels of data encryption as outlined in the Boise State System Security Encryption Standard ( standard/). Vendor must warrant that the system telephone number databases shall not be availed, sold, or otherwise, to tele-marketers or other solicitors. Describe how your company can guarantee this security, what type of warranty or insurance is in place for this security, and what repercussions the University has if this security is breached.
ST14-128 Page 20 of 47 5/11/2018 5.5.2 Describe your data backup and Disaster Recovery (DR) plan/policies and how often the recovery process is tested. Does your DR include the use of off-site data backups? How are the data backups secured?
5.5.3 Proposer should demonstrate regular, third party monitoring of all systems and tiers and review of all security procedures. Describe your third party monitoring including frequency of monitoring and any reports that would provide yearly attestations to this monitoring.
5.5.4 Describe your business continuity plan and hosting infrastructure and discuss the methods used to ensure redundancy.
5.5.5 Proposer must employ and attest to providing reasonable security safeguards for individual data and personally identifiable information. Describe your policies and standards for ensuring data privacy and how they fulfill the requirements outlined in the following Boise State policies/standards: Boise State University Policy 8060: Information Privacy and Data Security Data ( information-privacy-and-data-security/)
Specifically: information-privacy-and-data-security/ Boise State University Standards: Data Classification Standard ( and-procedures/dataclassification/) Boise State University Standards: System Security Encryption Standard (
5.5.6 Describe how users can be sure their information is secure and will not be used for any other purposes or sold to third parties.
5.6 (E) Administrative System Settings:
5.6.1 Provide an overview of administrative roles and permissions supported by the system. Describe how/where this same information is available (in a manual, on line, etc.) after the system implementation/install .
5.6.2 Describe the processes recommended for administering the system and authorizing administrators to generate messages and broadcast alerts.
5.6.3 Describe how the proposed solution allows the creation, saving and editing of “canned” alerts.
5.6.4 Describe how the proposed solution allows for scheduling of alert notifications at future dates and times.
ST14-128 Page 21 of 47 5/11/2018 5.6.5 Describe if/how the proposed solution allows for a sender administrator type that is only allowed to send broadcast alert messages, not edit or access user data.
5.6.6 Describe how the proposed solution provides an interactive capability for administrators by including provisions for SMS responses on request. Describe how messages are presented to administrators.
5.6.7 Proposed solution must provide a means for administrators to send messages in the event that an integrated directory service or remote login on campus is unavailable.
5.6.8 System must demonstrate sufficient administrative monitoring to ensure SMS delivery. Please describe administrative monitoring performed to ensure end-to- end SMS message delivery.
5.6.9 Proposed solution must allow for regular bulk or batch upload of users captured outside the system. Please describe, specifically covering how updates and deletions are handled and what format is acceptable.
5.6.10 Describe if or how your system allows for the cancellation of in-process messages. Describe how the administrator would accomplish this cancellation.
5.6.11 Describe the feature(s) and supporting conferencing networks that support bridging of voice message recipients into instant conference calls.
5.6.12 Describe how the system allows administrators to identify Students and Faculty/Staff as unique groups.
5.6.13 Describe the tools and tool capability that is available for administrator use to manage user information within the system.
5.6.14 Please state and describe ANY limitations to the number of administrators supported in the system. Describe any additional costs or fees associated with the number of administrators provisioned in the system.
5.6.15 Describe the activation method of your system, including examples of functionality and how it minimizes input for the administrator.
5.6.16 Describe what is required from the University Administrator to complete a manual upload and how long a manual upload takes. Describe the circumstances under which a manual upload would be required. Describe if/how the vendor would be able to do a manual upload for the University and any limitations on the frequency of allowed manual uploads included in the base price.
5.6.17 Proposed solution must allow administrators to define ad hoc target audiences based on query parameters within the system and allow the building of custom groups such as Emergency Policy Group, Emergency Operations Group, Building Coordinators, etc. Please describe.
ST14-128 Page 22 of 47 5/11/2018 5.6.18 Describe how your solution measures and adjusts for network congestion or over-subscription during emergency conditions. This is covered in question 5.3.25
5.6.19 Does the proposed system provide an alternate means to send emergency messages if the Internet is congested or unavailable? Please describe. This is covered in question 5.3.26
5.6.20 Describe any limitations in the number of characters or pages that are allowed in an emergency notification email alert.
5.7 (E) User Management
5.7.1 Does the proposed solution allow for automatic creation of groups/target recipient lists/new recipients lists within the daily upload? (I.e. Students and Faculty/Staff) If so, how are those groups defined?
5.7.2 Describe if/how your system allows for opt-in groups and if there is a website where registered users can view and opt into these groups. Discuss pros and cons of opt-in/opt-out systems and where you’ve see these options used and the success of the type of usage.
5.7.3 Describe when the opt-in/opt-out decision needs to be made. Does it need to be made at implementation? How do costs compare between the opt-in/opt-out systems? Can that decision be changed after implementation?
5.7.4 Describe how your Solution allows for the upload of a group list from another system.
5.7.5 Solution should allow administrators to create their own groups. Please describe the capabilities and the administrative controls provided. Describe how your system meets these requirements.
5.7.6 Creating a new group list should not require a query to be run in another system. Describe how your system creates a new group list.
5.7.7 Proposed solution should allow for the upload of attributes about users that can be used to define alertable group lists. Please describe.
5.7.8 Describe the categories of groups available and how they operate. Is there a limit to the number of groups that can be created?
5.8 (ME) Reports:
5.8.1 Proposed solution must provide a comprehensive call, SMS and email reporting capability. Activation reports must be provided to the client at the start of notification and after every event. Provide samples of standard reports and discuss how reports can be customized per the University’s request.
ST14-128 Page 23 of 47 5/11/2018 5.8.2 Solution must provide reports down to the individual recipient level across modes. Describe.
5.8.3 Proposed solution must provide reports that detail the integrity of the contact information in the system. Examples include reports of undeliverable emails or phone numbers. Describe.
5.9 Training and Support:
5.9.1 (ME) Proposed solution shall include initial training for 3-4 system administrators. The University expects that training would be completed online or via webinar along with a User Guide. Describe proposed training and other, future training options. Detail any implementation training costs (if not included in the cost of the system) and additional cost for future training. Describe the training materials (hard copy user guide? online? etc.) Are training costs based on number of trainees? Is the online training always available to any future administrators at no additional charge?
5.9.2 (E) Describe any tools or services provided with the system to maximize service adoption and registrations.
5.9.3 (ME) Proposer must provide 24/7/365 phone support. Describe the support levels and any associated costs.
5.9.4 (E) Please describe your general maintenance and support process and services, such as would be provided under a standard maintenance agreement, including but not limited to what is generally considered in the scope of such agreement and any specific exceptions, technical and operational support services and hours, technical and operational support resources, upgrades and patches and turnaround times. If information related to this issue is available on- line, please supply the applicable web site.
5.9.5 (E) Describe your ongoing maintenance and system testing procedures. Include information relative to how new features are addressed and what sort of university resources or time are required to keep up with upgrades/updates.
5.10 (E) Desired / Optional items / Other Capabilities & Future Enhancements:
5.10.1 Boise State prefers a vendor who is used to working in the university/higher education environment. Please describe the environment that is typically and best served by your proposed solution. Also describe other environments where the proposed solution is used.
5.10.2 Describe if/how the proposed solution integrates with siren systems, safety beacons (e.g., Alertus), bluelight systems, campus displays, campus social media sites, desktop notifications and other safety hardware solutions used on campus. Describe any additional costs associated with this feature.
5.10.3 Describe if/how your system provides students with the ability to set a timer alarm from their phone which, when expired, presents important information about the student to campus police. Describe how your system provides
ST14-128 Page 24 of 47 5/11/2018 information about the location of the student when available. Describe any additional costs associated with this feature.
5.10.4 Describe if/how your system allows for reporting of common times and areas where students set their timers.
5.10.5 Describe if/how your system allows students’ profile information to instantly display in the Public Safety Department in the event of an emergency.
5.10.6 Describe any mechanism by which an administrator could activate the system via a mobile device. List all devices supported. Describe capabilities, limitations or product functionality not available to mobile administrators. Does the Proposer’s mobile device support matrix require or give preference to specific device platforms (smartphone or tablet OS such as iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone, WebOS, etc.)? Describe any additional costs associated with this feature.
5.10.7 Provide a brief description of other products or services not specifically detailed or requested in this document that you feel are or may become relevant to Boise State. Discuss any additional costs or technical requirements associated with these features.
5.10.8 Please provide a brief overview of the general direction of your development focus over the next year and how you feel that will impact the University’s capabilities and experience.
5.11 (E) Based on the Scope of Work detailed in this RFP, identify any risks or constraints that you will need to address prior to or during the performance of the Work; as well as a description of how you will address each one. For example an incomplete Scope of Work can be both a risk and a constraint. How would you mitigate, or overcome, this? Provide your response to this specification in no more than two type-written pages.
ST14-128 Page 25 of 47 5/11/2018 6. COST PROPOSAL
Pricing will be evaluated using a cost model that offers the University the best possible value over the initial term of the Contract.
6.1 (ME) The Offeror must use the format established in Attachment 4 as your response to the Cost Proposal of this RFP, and identify it as Attachment 4 - Cost Proposal. This format is required for purposes of evaluating the proposal and awarding a Contract.
6.2 All costs associated with the specifications of the RFP must be included in the mandatory Cost Proposal. All proposed pricing will be fully-burdened with all direct and indirect costs, and must include (but not be limited to), all operating, administrative, and personnel expenses, such as overhead, salaries, profit, supplies, per diem, travel (airfare and/or mileage), lodging, and quality improvement.
6.4 Licensing and maintenance costs are to include all software, including 3rd party software necessary for system operation.
6.5 Annual maintenance/support cost shall include the right to upgrades, including major upgrades.
6.6 Annual maintenance/renewal costs are to be billed annually in advance based upon the acceptance date.
ST14-128 Page 26 of 47 5/11/2018 7. PROPOSAL REVIEW AND EVALUATION
7.1 Evaluation Criteria:
Mandatory Submission Requirements Met Pass/Fail
Business Information (Section 4.8) 100 points
Scope of Work (Section 5) 550 points
Cost Proposal (Attachment 4, Section 6) 350 points
Total Points 1000 points
Demonstrations (if needed) 200 additional points
7.2 The objective of the University in soliciting and evaluating proposals is to ensure the selection of a firm or individual that will produce the best possible results for the funds expended.
7.3 All proposals will be evaluated first to ensure that they meet the Mandatory Submission Requirements of the RFP as addressed below. All proposals not meeting the Mandatory Submission Requirements will be found non-responsive.
7.4 The Business and Scope of Work proposal will be evaluated first as either “pass” or “fail,” based on the compliance with those requirements listed in the RFP with an (M). All proposals that meet the requirements will continue in the evaluation process.
7.5 At the discretion of the University, demonstrations may be required from vendors. If demonstrations are required, they will be conducted before the Notice of Intent to Award is issued.
7.5.1 (E) Evaluated Demonstrations - At the discretion of the University, the top several Offerors who have the highest scores may be contacted to give an overview/demonstration of their proposal and respond to questions. Demonstrations may include hypothetical scenarios, a real life test sample of an alert, quality assurance issues and anything else the University is specifically interested in seeing. If requested, demonstrations will be via webinar or other online medium, set up by the Offeror and provided at no cost to the University. Offerors who do not make the demonstration portion of the evaluation may not be further evaluated.
Evaluated Demonstration responses become an official part of the proposal. Evaluated Demonstrations will be scored and those points added to the Scope of Work points for the Offerors from whom a demonstration was requested.
ST14-128 Page 27 of 47 5/11/2018 7.5.2 (E) Pass/Fail Demonstration - Alternatively, the University reserves the right to require a demonstration or webinar of only the top scoring Offeror. If this option is chosen, the evaluation is strictly Pass/Fail for the apparent successful Offeror. If the apparent successful Offeror fails, then the next top scoring Offeror will be considered the apparent successful Offeror and the demo process may be repeated.
7.6 The criteria described below will be used to evaluate and score the proposals for the purpose of ranking them in relative position based on how fully each proposal meets the requirements of this RFP. Particular emphasis will be placed on the Offeror’s understanding of the RFP, quality of product/service, and the description of how the activities will be performed.
7.7 The Committee may consult with subject matter experts to review and advise on any portion of the proposals.
7.8 The University reserves the right to seek and consider information from sources other than those provided by the Offeror who may have pertinent information concerning the Offeror’s ability to perform these services. The University may use this information to determine whether the Offeror is a responsible Offeror.
7.9 For those proposals making it to the cost evaluation, the total points for the technical portion will be summed with the cost points and demonstration points (if applicable) and the proposals will be ranked by final total score.
7.10 The cost evaluation will be based on the total cost proposed for required services as itemized in Attachment 4. The scores for the Cost Proposal will be normalized as follows: The proposal with the lowest overall total cost proposed will receive all the cost points as assigned in the Evaluation Criteria below. Other proposals will be assigned a portion of the maximum score using the formula: Lowest Cost / other proposal cost x total possible cost points.
7.11 Offeror will be notified of the result of the procurement process in writing. Written notification will be sent to the authorized signer designated on the signature page.
7.12 Response checklist reminder: This checklist is not intended as a complete list of requirements to respond to this proposal, but merely as a reminder of some of the required items. Failure to submit any of the following items or late submission of any of the following items may result in disqualification of your quote.
Section 4 (Business Information, Organization & Staffing) References (Section 4.8) Section 5 (Scope of Work) and VPAT Section 508 SSAE No. 16 SOC Type II report (or note that your company has not completed this report) Section 6 (Cost information) Signature page (Section 4.10, Attachment 1) Amendment Confirmation (Section 4.4 This form will be provided on the University bid page as amendments are posted)
ST14-128 Page 28 of 47 5/11/2018 Electronic and Redacted copy of proposal (Section 2.5.4)
ST14-128 Page 29 of 47 5/11/2018 8. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS
8.1 Project Plan:
8.1.1 Prior to the release of the Contract, University and the apparent successful Offeror will clarify expectations and develop a Project Management Plan for the implementation of the service. The Project Management Plan shall identify a critical path timeline, critical path tasks and major deliverables, including a successful test demonstration if so requested by the University, based upon major deliverable testing and acceptance by the University.
8.1.2 In addition to the acceptance terms detailed in the State of Idaho Standard Contract Terms and Conditions, acceptance from the University will be based upon:
Successful importation of all student/faculty/staff contact info into selected system Successful access to the production environment by administrative users At least one successful daily automatic update (API) to update recipient info Agreed upon training complete Able to successfully send out an alert Timely received alert received in text, email and voice format Report generated to show invalid/failed contact info
8.1.3 Additionally, the Project Management Plan will contain all points of clarification, an agreed upon Project Schedule for the implementation of the service, and other clarifying supporting documents. Examples of points of clarification are clarification of requirements and legal clarifications. Examples of other clarifying supporting documents are risk management plan, change management plan, configuration management plan, and project closure plan.
8.1.4 Upon a mutually agreed upon project plan, an award will be made, a Contract put in place, and implementation of the proposed solution can begin.
8.1.5 Once the Contract is in place, all modifications to the Project Management Plan must be reviewed and approved by the University in writing.
8.1.6 Prior to releasing access to the production environment, University personnel must be able to manage the appearance and configuration of the tools and confirm functionality of embedding courses into Blackboard.
8.2 Representations, Warranties, and Covenants of Contractor: Notwithstanding any other term in the State of Idaho Standard Contract Terms and Conditions, State of Idaho Solicitation Instructions To Vendors, State of Idaho Special Terms and Conditions for Customized Software and Related Services, or the Offeror’s Proposal, the following warranties shall apply to the Contract. Offeror represents and warrants that:
ST14-128 Page 30 of 47 5/11/2018 8.2.1 Contractor has the full power and authority to grant the University any license offered in its proposal, and has the full power and authority to grant to the University access to the Contracted solution, and to produce all required functionality as specified in the Contract.
8.2.2. The Contracted solution and required services are fit for the particular purpose of providing the requirements specified within the Contract, and all amendments to the Contract as agreed to and accepted by both the University and the Contractor. Furthermore, the Contractor warrants that the Contracted solution is merchantable.
8.2.3 The Contracted solution is not incompatible with the software, hardware, and telecommunications environment specified within the Contract, and all amendments to the Contract as agreed to and accepted by both the University and the Contractor. Incompatibility will include but not be limited to, the creation of errors in data, the loss of data, the inability to access data, and delays and stoppages in performance of work by the Contractor or the University arising from the Contracted solution.
8.2.4 The Contracted solution, in whole and in part, will operate within the defined hardware and telecommunications environments of the Contract and in accordance with the specifications of the Contract established by the University, and be free from defects during the term of the Contract.
8.2.5 The Contracted solution will perform without the creation of errors in University data, the loss of University data, the inability to access University data, the inability to input University data, and delays and stoppages in performance due to data collection, data corruption, or loss.
8.2.6 The Software and any media used to distribute it contains no computer instructions, circuitry or other technological means (“Harmful Code”) whose purpose is to disrupt, damage or interfere with University’s use of its computer and telecommunications facilities for their commercial, test or research purposes. Harmful Code shall include, without limitation, Viruses, Worms, Trap Doors, Trojan Horses, bombs, and any other instrumentality that will cause the Software to cease to operate or to fail to conform to its specifications upon (i) use by more than the licensed number of users or (ii) termination or expiration of this Contract; unless otherwise expressly provided herein. Licensor shall indemnify Boise State and hold Boise State University harmless from all claims, losses, damages and expenses, including attorneys’ fees and allocated cost of internal counsel, arising from the presence of Harmful Code in or with the Software or contained on media delivered by Licensor.
8.2.7 Contractor will repair or replace any portion of the Contracted solution failing to comply with the warranties granted in this section. If the Contractor fails to repair or replace such portion of the Contracted solution within an acceptable timeframe, the University may, in its sole discretion, act to remedy the failure, and the Contractor will reimburse the University for all costs incurred by the University.
ST14-128 Page 31 of 47 5/11/2018 8.2.8 Contractor will perform all services required pursuant to the Contract in a professional manner, and with high quality.
8.2.9 The Contracted solution in whole or in part, does not infringe upon an enforceable patent, copyright, trade secret, trademark or other proprietary right. The Contractor knows of no action or proceeding of any kind pending, or to its knowledge, threatened against, by or affecting it or the software used to provide the service or any documentation, which if decided, is adverse to the Contractor, and could adversely affect the Contractor’s ability to perform or complete its obligations under this Contract.
8.3 Patents And Copyright Indemnity: The Contractor will indemnify and hold the University harmless and will defend at its own expense any claim or action brought against the University based upon a claim of infringement or misappropriation of a United States enforceable patent, a copyright, a trade secret, a trademark or other proprietary right for products and services within this Contract. Contractor will pay all liabilities, expenses, damages, and costs arising from such claims or actions. Contractor will be notified promptly in writing by the University of any notice of such claim, Contractor will have the sole control of the defense of any action on such claim and all negotiations for its settlement or compromise, and University may select, at its own expense, advisory counsel, and the University will cooperate with the Contractor in a reasonable way to facilitate settlement or defense of any claim or suit. With regard to its defense obligation, if applicable, the University agrees to use its best efforts to encourage the Office of the Attorney General of Idaho to grant Contractor control of the defense and all related settlement negotiations. However, if principles of governmental or public law are involved, the University may participate in the defense of any such action, but no costs or expenses will be incurred for the account of Contractor without Contractor’s written consent.
8.4 The Contractor and its sub-contractors are required to carry the types and limits of insurance shown in this RFP, and to provide Boise State University (“Certificate Holder”) with a Certificate of Insurance within ten (10) days of the signing of this Contract.
8.4.1 Certificate Holder shall read:
State of Idaho and Boise State University Attn: Risk Management 1910 University Drive Boise, Idaho 83725-1245
8.4.2 All certificates shall provide for thirty (30) days’ written notice to Certificate Holder prior to cancellation or material change of any insurance referred to in the certificate.
8.4.3 All insurers shall have a Best’s rating of A- or better and be licensed and admitted in Idaho.
8.4.4 All policies required shall be written as primary policies and not contributing to nor in excess of any coverage Certificate Holder may choose to maintain.
ST14-128 Page 32 of 47 5/11/2018 8.4.5 All policies (except Workers Compensation and Professional Liability) shall name the following as Additional Insured: State of Idaho and Boise State University.
8.4.6 Failure of Certificate Holder to demand a certificate or other evidence of full compliance with these insurance requirements or failure of Certificate Holder to identify a deficiency from evidence that is provided shall not be construed as a waiver of Contractor’s obligation to maintain such insurance.
8.4.7 Failure to maintain the required insurance may result in termination of this Contract at the Certificate Holder’s option.
8.4.8 By requiring this insurance, Certificate Holder does not represent that coverage and limits will necessarily be adequate to protect Contractor, and such coverage and limits shall not be deemed as a limitation on Contractor’s liability under the terms of the grant or Contract.
Required Insurance Coverage. Contractor shall obtain insurance of the types and in the amounts described below.
8.4.9 Commercial General and Umbrella Liability Insurance. Contractor shall maintain commercial general liability (CGL) and, if necessary, commercial umbrella insurance with a limit of not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate. If such CGL insurance contains a general aggregate limit, it shall apply separately by location and shall not be less than $2,000,000. CGL insurance shall be written on standard ISO occurrence form (or a substitute form providing equivalent coverage) and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products-completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured Contract including the tort liability of another assumed in a business contract. Waiver of subrogation language shall be included. If necessary to provide the required limits, the Commercial General Liability policy’s limits may be layered with a Commercial Umbrella or Excess Liability policy.
8.4.10 Commercial Auto Insurance. If vendor will be driving a vehicle on campus, Contractor shall maintain a Commercial Automobile Policy with a Combined Single Limit of not less than $1,000,000; Underinsured and Uninsured Motorists limit of not less than $1,000,000; Comprehensive; Collision; and a Medical Payments limit of not less than $5,000. Coverage shall include Non-Owned and Hired Car coverage. Waiver of subrogation language shall be included.
8.4.11 Business Personal Property and/or Personal Property. Contractor shall purchase insurance to cover Contractor's personal property. In no event shall Certificate Holder be liable for any damage to or loss of personal property sustained by Insured, whether or not insured, even if such loss is caused by the negligence of Certificate Holder, its employees, officers or agents.
8.4.12 Workers’ Compensation. Where required by law, Contractor shall maintain all statutorily required Workers Compensation coverages. Coverage shall include Employer’s Liability, at minimum limits of $100,000 / $500,000 / $100,000.
ST14-128 Page 33 of 47 5/11/2018 8.4.13 Professional Liability. If professional services are supplied to the University, Contractor shall maintain Professional Liability (Errors & Omissions) insurance on a claims-made basis, covering claims made during the policy period and reported within three years of the date of occurrence. Limits of liability shall be not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000). All insurers shall have a Best’s rating of A- or better and be licensed and admitted in Idaho.
8.5 Unless otherwise allowed by the University in this Contract, the Contractor shall not, without written approval from the University, enter into any subcontract relating to the performance of this Contract or any part thereof. Approval by the University of Contractor’s request to subcontract or acceptance of or payment for subcontracted work by the University shall not in any way relieve the Contractor of any responsibility under this Contract. The Contractor shall be and remain liable for all damages to the University caused by negligent performance or non-performance of work under the Contract by Contractor’s sub-contractor or its sub-contractor.
8.5.1 Contractor shall comply with appropriate data security of information, as applicable, as defined by the
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
8.6 The University shall own and retain all rights to information, techniques, processes and data developed, documented, derived, stored, installed or furnished by the University under the Contract.
8.7 The Contractor shall comply at all times with HIPAA and FERPA, as applicable. If there is theft or misappropriation of the University’s confidential information which is due to the negligence or intentional misconduct of Contractor or due to the Contractor’s failure to comply with applicable provisions of HIPAA, FERPA or corresponding regulations, Offeror shall provide client written notice of theft or misappropriation within three (3) business days of when theft or misappropriation becomes known to Offeror. Boise State will have six (6) months from the date of receipt of written Notice from Offeror of the theft or misappropriation to provide written notice to the Offeror of its intent to terminate, and to terminate, this Contract. If the University elects to terminate this Contract pursuant to this section, Offeror will have no right to cure the breach of this Contract in order to prevent Boise State from terminating the Contract.
8.8 Accessibility Clause: The Contractor hereby agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1974 and to the applicable provisions and requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as may be amended or modified from time to time, and as such provisions are applicable to the University. The Contractor shall comply with pertinent amendments to such laws made during the term of the Contract and with all federal and state rules and regulations implementing such laws. If applicable, the Contractor must include this provision in every sub-contract relating to this Contract. Specifically, Contractor hereby agrees to use good faith efforts to ensure that the solution is fully accessible for individuals with disabilities and enables the University to fully comply with all applicable requirements of the aforementioned laws, regulations, and requirements.
ST14-128 Page 34 of 47 5/11/2018 In the event the solution fails to meet the requirements of this section, the University shall provide written notice to Contractor detailing requirements to bring solution into compliance. If Contractor fails to correct the deficiency and enable the University to fully comply with the laws, regulations and requirements set forth herein as detailed in such notice within thirty (30) days of receiving such notice, the University may elect to terminate this Contract without further notice and without penalty. In the event the University terminates the Contract under this section, Contractor agrees to compensate the University for all costs associated with securing a replacement that fully complies with the requirements set forth herein, payable upon receipt of an invoice from the University detailing such costs.
8.9 The University reserves the right with written notice to the Contractor, to not renew the Contract should the University determine that Contractor or system performance is insufficient to properly maintain business operations.
8.10 End of Strategic Life/Termination of Contract Processes. Termination shall be in accordance with Clause 2 of the State of Idaho Standard Contract Terms and Conditions, found at (specifically )
The University may terminate the Contract (and/or any order issued pursuant to the Contract) when the Contractor has been provided written notice of default or non- compliance and has failed to cure the default or non-compliance within a reasonable time, not to exceed thirty (30) calendar days. If the Agreement is terminated for default or non- compliance, the Contractor will be responsible for any costs resulting from the University’s placement of a new Contract and any damages incurred by the University. The University, upon termination for default or non-compliance, reserves the right to take any legal action it may deem necessary including, without limitation, offset of damages against payment due.
8.10.1 Upon any termination of the Contract, Contractor shall return to the University all copies of the Confidential Information or other materials incorporating Confidential Information in the possession of Contractor or its employees. Contractor agrees to:
Return all data that is the property of the University in a reasonable format specified by the University; Return all property in any form belonging to the University; Return all confidential information that may have been received from the University. Provide the ability for University to electronically retrieve data and documents from Contractor’s system, as this data is owned by University Deliver to Boise State, within 6 weeks, all data and documents from Contractor’s system that pertain to Boise State. This data must be delivered in an electronic format. The University will verify receipt of that data.
8.10.2 Notwithstanding termination, the restrictions on disclosure and use of Confidential Information arising under the Contract shall continue to be effective after the date of termination.
8.10.3 Upon expiration or termination of the Contract, the obligations of the parties to each other shall come to an end, except those provisions which are intended to
ST14-128 Page 35 of 47 5/11/2018 survive and continue, which shall include, but shall not be limited to, provisions relating to confidentiality, indemnification, and insurance requirements contained in the Contract.
ST14-128 Page 36 of 47 5/11/2018 APPENDIX A
Scope of Work
(The Contractor’s proposal will be included in the Contract as Appendix A – Scope of Work)
ST14-128 Page 37 of 47 5/11/2018 ATTACHMENT 1 SIGNATURE PAGE
Respond by email to: Shannan Thomas @ (208) 426-1152 [email protected]
Please complete the following information:
VENDOR (Company Name)______
CITY ______STATE ______ZIP CODE ______
TOLL-FREE #______PHONE #______
FAX #______EMAIL______
______Signature Date
______Please type or print name Title
ST14-128 Page 38 of 47 5/11/2018 ATTACHMENT 2 OFFEROR QUESTIONS
The following instructions must be followed when submitting questions using the question format on the following page. 1. THIS FORM, AND THIS FORM ONLY IS TO BE USED. 2. DO NOT CHANGE THE FORMAT OR FONT. Do not bold your questions or change the color of the font. 3. Questions must be received by the Deadline to Receive Questions noted in Section 1.1 of the RFP or will be rejected and not considered. 4. Enter the RFP section number that the question is for in the “RFP Section” field (column 2). If the question is a general question not related to a specific RFP section, enter “General” in column 2. If the question is in regards to a State Term and Condition or a Special Term and Condition, state the clause number in column 2. If the question is in regard to an attachment, enter the attachment identifier (example “Attachment 1”) in the “RFP Section” (column 2), and the attachment page number in the “RFP page” field (column 3). 5. Do not enter text in column 5 (Answers). This is for the University’s use only. 6. Once completed, this form is to be emailed per the instructions in the RFP. The email subject line is to state the RFP number followed by “Questions.”
ST14-128 Page 39 of 47 5/11/2018 RFP ST14-128, Emergency Notification & Campus Safety System Offeror Questions are due by 5:00 PM MT, per the date listed in Section 1.1 RFP Administrative Information. Question RFP Section RFP Question Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
ST14-128 Page 40 of 47 5/11/2018 ATTACHMENT 3 REFERENCES
Offerors must provide three (3) written professional references from universities/institutes of higher education (preferred) or companies using the software version proposed in their response, in full production mode, having used the system for no less than 90 production days, with knowledge of the Offeror’s experience that is similar in nature to the products or services being requested by this RFP, and that are within the last three (3) years from the date of this RFP. The University will determine whether the reference concerns products or services that are similar in nature to this RFP.
References not received prior to RFP closing date and time will receive a score of “0” for that reference. References outside the three (3) years, and references determined to be not of a similar nature to the products or services requested by this RFP will also receive no (zero) points. Determination of similarity will be made by using the information provided by the reference in Section II General Information and any additional information provided by the reference.
If more than three (3) references are received, all references will scored and averaged for evaluation purposes.
1. Offerors must complete the following information on page 2 of the “Reference’s Response To” document before sending it to the Reference for response.
a. Print the name of your reference (company/organization) on the “REFERENCE NAME” line.
b. Print the name of your company/organization on the “OFFEROR NAME” line.
2. Send the “Reference’s Response To” document to your references to complete.
NOTE: It is the Offerors responsibility to follow up with their references to ensure timely receipt of all questionnaires. Offerors may email the RFP Lead twenty-four (24) hours prior to the RFP closing date to verify receipt of references.
ST14-128 Page 41 of 47 5/11/2018 REFERENCE’S RESPONSE TO: RFP Number: ST14-128 RFP Title: Emergency Notification & Campus Safety System
REFERENCE NAME (Company/Organization):
OFFEROR (vendor) NAME (Company/Organization):
______has submitted a proposal to Boise State University to provide the following services: Emergency Notification & Campus Safety System. We’ve chosen you as one of our references.
1. Complete Section I. RATING using the Rating Scale provided.
2. Complete Section II. GENERAL INFORMATION (This section will be used to determine the similarity of the reference’s system to the proposed solution.)
3. Complete Section III. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT by manually signing and dating the document. (Reference documents must include an actual signature.)
4. Email THIS PAGE and your completed reference document, to:
RFP Lead: Shannan Thomas
Email: [email protected]
5. This completed document MUST be received by 10/24/14 at 5 p.m. (Mountain Time) or the RFP closing date, whichever is later. Reference documents received after this time will not be considered. References received without an actual signature will not be accepted.
6. Do NOT return this document to the Offeror (vendor).
7. In addition to this document, the University may contact references by phone for further clarification if necessary.
ST14-128 Page 42 of 47 5/11/2018 Section I. RATING
Using the Rating Scale provided below, rate the following nine (9) items by circling the appropriate number for each item:
Rating Scale Category Score
Poor or Inadequate Performance 0
Below Average 1 – 3
Average 4 – 6
Above Average 7 - 9
Excellent 10
Circle ONE number for each of the following nine items:
1. Rate the overall quality of the vendor’s services:
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2. Rate the response time of this vendor:
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3. Rate how well the agreed upon, planned schedule was consistently met and deliverables provided on time. (This pertains to delays under the control of the vendor):
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
4. Rate the overall customer service and timeliness in responding to customer service inquiries, issues and resolutions:
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
5. Rate the knowledge of the vendor’s assigned staff and their ability to accomplish duties as contracted:
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
ST14-128 Page 43 of 47 5/11/2018 6. Rate the accuracy and timeliness of the vendor’s billing and/or invoices:
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
7. Rate the vendor’s ability to quickly and thoroughly resolve a problem related to the services provided:
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
8. Rate the vendor’s flexibility in meeting business requirements:
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
9. Rate the likelihood of your company/organization recommending this vendor to others in the future:
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1. Please include a brief description of the Emergency Notification & Campus Safety System services provided by this vendor for your business:
2. During what time period did the vendor provide these services for your business?
Month:______Year:______to Month:______Year:______
I affirm to the best of my knowledge that the information I have provided is true, correct, and factual:
______Signature of Reference Date
______Print Name Title
ST14-128 Page 44 of 47 5/11/2018 ______Phone Number
ST14-128 Page 45 of 47 5/11/2018 Attachment 4 Cost Proposal (M/E)
Part 1. Cost Proposal:
Company & Product Information Company Name:
Software Name/Title/Included Modules:
Software Version Number:
Estimated # weeks for implementation, including all associated activities such as testing, acceptance and training:
Emergency Notification & Campus Safety System Costs Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Costs Costs Costs Software licensing annual fees-firm/fixed total cost for term of one (1) full year Training Software MAINTENANCE and/or SUPPORT annual fees-firm/fixed total cost for one (1) full year Total annual costs
Total cost for first three (3) years $
Optional Hourly Rates (for custom software development, future training, on-site needs, etc.)
Initial term of the Contract will be for implementation and one (1) year of operation, and two (2) full operation years after system acceptance and Go Live. Costs for these three (3) years are to be included in the Cost Proposal.
After the third year of operations, and upon mutual consent, the parties may extend the Contract under the same terms and conditions, on an annual basis. At the time of extension, the annual pricing will not exceed 4% over the previous year’s costs without nullifying the renewal. Annual maintenance/renewal costs are to be billed annually in advance based upon the acceptance date.
All costs are to be firm/fixed, fully burdened, including all travel and lodging costs for installation and training.
ST14-128 Page 46 of 47 5/11/2018 The University intends to pay per the following schedule:
10% of total cost paid upon mutual agreement of the project schedule. 50% of total cost paid upon installation and initial access to the software 40% remaining cost paid upon University acceptance as detailed in Section 8.
Payment terms shall be NET 30.
Training will be completed per the project schedule, and paid NET 30 upon completion of instruction.
Part 2. Billing Procedure:
The invoice must include, but not be limited to:
1. Contract/PO number. 2. Total amount billed for the billing period. 3. All vendor services delivered during the billing period, identified by each item as reflected in the cost matrix and the total for each.
Invoices are to be submitted to:
Boise State University Attn: Shannan Thomas MS 1210 1910 University Drive Boise, ID 83725-1210
ST14-128 Page 47 of 47 5/11/2018