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Louisville Swim Association Diving Rules and Regulations
The Louisville Swim Association
Diving Rules and Regulations
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Note: Sections 1.0 through 8.0 are adapted from the Louisville Swim Association Administration Rules dated May 25, 2009 as applicable to diving competition.
1.1 Mission Statement
The Louisville Swim and Dive Association is organized to encourage the development of boys and girls in swimming and diving. The individuals on each team shall do this by sponsoring meets among member teams, and by allowing the widest possible participation in each meet. Teams in the association will not take unfair advantage of each other and are expected to allow and encourage all eligible members of their clubs to participate on their swimming and diving teams regardless of skill level. Properly conducted competitive meets allow the development and improvement of all swimmers and divers.
1.2 Board of Directors Organization 1.2.1 The Board of Directors of the Association shall be composed of one official representative from each team (the LSA Rep).
1.2.2 The LSA Rep may not be from the coaching staff from any member club.
1.2.3 Other officers of the member clubs may participate in the board discussion. Each member club shall have one vote, which shall be cast by the club's official representative or duly appointed proxy.
1.2.4 The by-laws of this Association may be amended by majority vote of the members of the Board of Directors eligible to vote.
1.2.5 It is the responsibility of the club representative to inform all meet officials of league rules.
1.3 Diving Subcommittee
1.3.1 There shall be a subcommittee of the LSA consisting of a diving representative from each club fielding a diving team for the current season and the President of LSA.
1.3.2 The subcommittee's duties shall be to schedule meets and establish rules to govern the LSA diving program.
1.3.3 The diving subcommittee will select a Dive President to act as a representative to the LSA board. The LSA Dive President shall rotate in a similar manner as the Board Chairperson. The LSA Dive President will attend all LSA Board Meetings and act as liaison between all dive reps and the LSA Board while also maintaining the relationship as the representative from his/her member team to the diving subcommittee.
Final 2009 Page 2 4/3/2018 Louisville Swim Association Diving Rules and Regulations The LSA Dive President will set-up and run all diving subcommittee meetings and contact all member dive representatives as necessary. The LSA Dive President will order score cards and ribbons for all member teams. Each team should receive 40 score cards. Each team should receive 180 ribbons, 1st – 7th place. Each team should receive 100 participant ribbons. The LSA Dive President will coordinate with member teams to provide two dive judging clinics each pre-season for parents. The LSA Dive President will coordinate the Championship meet. Designate a team to take care of programs Order medals and trophies Fifteen 1st – 7th place medals with neck ribbons, plus participant medals for all who participate Five team plates, 1st – 5th place-collect past year’s trophies to place new plates on. Designate a referee Designate a computer operator Designate a host to handle food room Get checks from LSA treasurer for: Facility - $300 Food - $250 Referee - $250 Computer operator - $100
1.4 Board of Directors Officers
1.4.1 The Board of Directors shall consist of a Chairperson to preside at board meetings, a Secretary, a Treasurer.
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1.4.2 The position of Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer of the league will be determined in a rotating basis each year. Each club shall serve a one-year term. The current rotation by year is in Appendix A of the Administration Swimming Rules.
1.4.3 The Secretary shall serve as Chairperson in the absence of the President.
1.5 Board Meetings
1.5.1 An organizational meeting shall be held each year no later than March.
1.5.2 A follow up meeting shall be held no later than September of each year, chaired by the outgoing officers, to evaluate the completed season.
1.5.3 Members of the Board shall be notified at least one week prior to a meeting.
1.5.4 Meetings to address issues of an emergent nature may be scheduled by the Chairperson without such prior notice.
1.5.5 Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the Louisville Swim Association Meeting Rules of Order attached to Administration Swimming Rules as Appendix B.
1.6 Swim Divisions
This section of the Louisville Swim Association Administrative Rules does not apply to the Diving Rules and Regulations.
2.1 General Conduct of all Participants
2.1.1 It is expected that conduct by coaches, team members and spectators during all swim and dive meets be consistent with LSA goals for both swimming and diving skills and respect for competitors.
2.1.2 No team personnel/competitor/spectator shall act in an unsportsmanlike manner. This includes any act the referee deems unsportsmanlike, including, but not limited to, the following: Making insulting or derogatory remarks, gestures, or acts, including taunting. Trying to influence or showing disgust with official’s decisions. Interfering with meet officials in the performance of their duties. No team personnel/official/competitor shall use any form of alcohol product, or tobacco product, from the time they arrive at the competition site until they leave following completion of their duties or completion of the meet.
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2.1.3 When a spectator(s) becomes unruly or interferes with the orderly progress of the meet, the referee shall suspend the meet until the individual(s) leaves the premises.
2.1.4 Any person or persons considered by the referee to be exhibiting unsportsmanlike behavior may be disqualified from any or all events in which that contestant(s) has or will participate for the meet. Further consideration of disciplinary action, including ejection from the meet, shall be at the discretion of the referee.
2.2 Conduct of Coaches
2.2.1 It is the duty of coaches, in addition to training their teams, to attempt to develop in their swimmers and divers, a true love of the sport, and a spirit of good sportsmanship.
2.2.2 During the course of a meet, only the LSA rep or his designee shall be permitted to discuss a decision with the referee.
2.2.3 This discussion must be carried on in a proper and civil manner. Coaches should not impede any meet official.
2.3 Conduct of Swimmers and Divers
2.3.1 Any swimmer or diver participating in an LSA meet must be attired in proper swimwear.
2.3.2 Obscene language and/or the use of alcoholic beverages by a swimmer, diver or coach during a meet will not be tolerated under any circumstances. A violation of this rule will result in permanent expulsion from all future meets.
2.3.3 Any swimmer or diver discovered competing under an assumed name or in an illegal age group will be suspended from the Association for such time as determined by the Board of Directors.
2.3.4 Any swimmer or diver competing in a meet while not a member of the club he or she is representing, or in violation of the eligibility requirements listed in Section 2.4, will be suspended from further competition in the Association for a period of one (1) year.
2.3.5 If it can be determined that he or she was competing illegally with knowledge of his or her Coach, the meet will be declared a forfeit as well as any past meets in which the swimmer or diver participated. Any further action against a Coach / club will be determined by the Board of Directors.
2.4 Eligibility
2.4.1 Swimmers or divers competing in LSA meets must be members of only one of the teams in the association. If the swimmer’s team does not have a dive team, they may participate in the dive team of another LSA team.
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2.4.2 In order to represent a member team a swimmer / diver must be a bona fide member of the team through membership or by valid employment by the club.
2.4.3 While the membership requirements of the teams are to be determined by the teams, no team may offer free memberships to swimmers or special rates whose sole purpose is to attract recruits for the team.
2.4.4 Compensated coaches can compete in LSA in the sport the person is not coaching (Swim can compete in Dive/ Dive can compete in swim).
2.4.5 Any USA swimmer or diver may compete in the LSA.
2.4.6 This section of the LSA Administration Rules does not apply to diving.
2.4.7 Each individual team shall strongly encourage regular practice attendance for all swimmers and divers.
2.4.8 This section of the LSA Administration Rules does not apply to diving.
2.4.9 This section of the LSA Administration Rules does not apply to diving.
2.4.10 This section of the LSA Administration Rules does not apply to diving.
2.4.11 This section of the LSA Administration Rules does not apply to diving.
2.4.12 The LSA Board shall decide all eligibility questions.
2.4.13 Swimmers and divers must be 18 years old or under as of June 1st of the current year to compete in the LSA.
2.5 Liability Insurance
2.5.1 All teams must provide evidence of liability insurance coverage for their own team while swimming and diving at away meets.
2.5.2 Proof of coverage must be submitted to the Secretary by the first meet of each season. Each team should also provide a copy on request on arrival for an away meet.
2.6 Age Eligibility
2.6.1 The age of the swimmer or diver on June 1st of the current year shall be used in determining in which age group he or she swims and dives.
2.6.2 A person whose birthday falls on June 1st shall swim and dive in the age group he/she attained on June 1st.
2.6.3 No swimmer or diver may compete in an age group below his/her own.
2.6.4 This section of the LSA Administration Rules does not apply to diving.
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2.6.5 This section of the LSA Administration Rules does not apply to diving.
2.6.6 This section of the LSA Administration Rules does not apply to diving.
2.6.7 A diver may dive in an age group above his or her own age group only if there are no participants from their club in that age group. The diver can move up only one age group above the diver’s own age group. A diver may not be moved up in Championships.
2.7 Rosters and Fees
2.7.1 Tentative rosters and fees are due before the second meet of the season.
2.7.2 Final rosters and additional fees are due before the 4th dual meet.
2.7.3 Swimming and diving rosters must be separate.
2.7.4 These rosters should be arranged alphabetically by age group and sex.
3.0 to 7.0 These sections of the LSA Administration Rules do not apply to diving.
8.1 Protests
Protest in all meets shall be handled as follows:
8.1.1 No person except the LSA representative or his/her designee is authorized to make or discuss a protest with the referee.
8.1.2 When a protest is made, the referee shall attempt to resolve it immediately.
8.1.3 If the referee feels that trying to resolve the protest will cause unnecessary delay of the meet, he shall: (1) Instruct the official scorer’s to retain possession of the time card, judges cards and any other records involved with the race under protest; (2) Instruct the scorers to continue scoring the meet as though the protest had been disallowed; (3) Instruct the ribbon table to withhold awards for the event under protest; (4) Resolve the protest after the final event and instruct the scorers to make whatever adjustments need to be made in the final score and record of the
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meet. Instruct the Ribbons Table to make the award according to the resolution of the protest.
8.1.4 If a protest involves agreement that a particular act was committed but disagreement as to whether the act is a violation of association rules, the referee’s decision may be appealed to the chairperson of the board of directors of the association.
8.1.5 If however, a protest involves agreement that a particular act is a violation of the association rules, but disagreement as to whether it was committed, the decision of the referee and judges is final.
8.2 This section of the LSA Administration Rules does not apply to diving.
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9.0 Description of Diving
9.1 Approach and Take-off
9.1.1 Starting Position The starting position shall be assumed when the diver stands still on the springboard. The body shall be straight, head erect, the arms straight and to the side or above the head. No diver should take more than two minutes to leave the board.
9.1.2 Forward Approach The forward approach shall be smooth, straight and forceful, and shall comprise at least three steps and a hurdle for all age groups, excluding 6 & Under. If the diver takes less than three steps before the hurdle the Referee shall instruct the Secretary to deduct one point from the award of each judge.
9.1.3 Forward Approach Hurdle The hurdle is described as the jump to the end of the springboard following the approach. The take-off for the hurdle shall be from one foot only. Both feet shall contact the end of the springboard simultaneously following the hurdle.
9.1.4 Backward Approach The diver must not bounce on the board or rock the board excessively before the take-off. For a violation of, excluding 6 & Under, the Referee shall instruct the Secretary to deduct one point from each Judges' score.
9.1.5 Back Take-off The take-off shall be forceful, reasonably confident and shall proceed without undue delay. In a back dive, the take-off must include an arm swing and the diver must press the board. A diver is entitled to his/her own method of arm swing.
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9.1.6 Balk Rules After assuming the starting position, and when balance is achieved, if the diver makes an obvious attempt to start the approach or press and does not complete the dive, a balk will be called by the Referee. In the event the diver makes a balk, the diving Referee, upon completion of the second attempt, shall instruct the Secretary to reduce each judge's award by two points. If 6 & Under and 8 & Under balk, the diver may be allowed to repeat the dive one time. A deduction of 1 point or ½ of the score (whichever is less) from each judges score is taken at the table for a repeated dive by a 6 & Under or 8 and Under diver. For all divisions 10 & Under and above, 2 balks is considered a Fail dive.
9.2 Passage Through the Air
The body can be carried in a straight, pike, tuck or free position.
9.2.1 Straight The body shall be held straight without bending the knees or the hips, with the feet together and toes pointed.
9.2.2 Pike The body shall be bent at the hips, but the legs must be kept straight at the knees, toes pointed. The pike should be as compact as possible.
9.2.3 Tuck The body shall be bent at the knees and the hips with the feet together and the toes pointed. The tuck should be as compact as possible.
9.2.4 Free Position A combination of straight and pike position is used only in somersault twisting dives.
9.2.5 Dive with Twist The twisting must not begin while the diver is still in contact with the board. In a somersault dive with a twist, the twist may be performed at any time during the dive at the option of the diver, unless otherwise specified. If the twist deviated by more than 1/4 turn from the announced dive, based on shoulder position, the dive will be a failed dive.
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9.2.6 Somersaults with Tucks The tuck must commence as soon as the diver leaves the board, unless doing a flying somersault. In flying somersault dives, there must be a well defined straight position for approximately half the somersault, with the somersault made as rapidly as possible.
9.3 Entry into the Water
9.3.1 In all cases, be vertical, or nearly so, with the body straight, toes pointed.
9.3.2 All head first entries shall be executed with arms stretched beyond the head in a line with the body and the hands close together.
9.3.3 All feet first entries shall be performed with the arms held close to the side of the body and without bending the arms at the elbows.
10.0 Age Group Dive Requirements
10.1 Divers may use only such dives as are mentioned in the diving table. (Section 17.0)
10.1.1 The required categories may be repeated one time. No other category may be repeated.
10.1.2 Each optional dive shall be taken from a different category.
10.1.3 Dives must be performed in the order indicated by age group.
10.1.4 Categories are Forward, Back, Reverse, Inward, and Twist.
10.1.5 No dive number, whether it is required or optional, may be repeated. All dives of the same number, whether straight, pike or tuck, are considered as the same dive.
10.2 Six and Under Requirements (6&U)
10.2.1 Front Dive (101) Optional Dive
10.3 Eight and Under Requirements (8&U)
10.3.1 Front Dive (101) Optional Dive Back Dive (201)
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10.4Ten and Under Requirements (10&U)
10.4.1 Front Dive (101) Optional Dive Back Dive (201)
10.5Twelve and Under Requirements (12&U)
10.5.1 Front Dive (101) Optional Dive Back Dive (201) Optional Dive
10.6 Fourteen and Under Requirements (14&U)
10.6.1 Front Dive (101) Optional Dive Back Dive (201) Optional Dive Optional Dive
10.7 Eighteen and Under Requirements (18&U)
10.7.1 Required Dive (drawn at preseason meeting –see 10.7.2) Optional Dive Optional Dive Optional Dive Optional Dive
10.7.2 Required Dive for all Dual Meets and Championship Will be selected by blind draw by LSA Board at the preseason LSA meeting Selected from Front Dive (101), Back Dive (201), Reverse Dive (301), Inward Dive (401), or Forward Dive ½ Twist (5111)
11.0 Guidelines for Judging Diving
Copies of the age group judging cards are provided to each team.
11.1 Points 0 Category Fail Dive
11.1.1 A dive other than announced is performed. 6&U and 8&U may be allowed to attempt the announced dive a second time. Time limit on the second attempt shall not take more than two minutes.
11.1.2 Diver falls off or jumps off board before performing the dive.
Final 2009 Page 12 4/3/2018 Louisville Swim Association Diving Rules and Regulations 6&U and 8&U may be allowed to attempt the announced dive a second time. Time limit on then second attempt shall not take more than two minutes.
11.1.3 Two balks in a row.
11.1.4 In a head first dive, the feet enter the water first or in a feet first dive, the head enters first.
11.1.5 In twisting dives, the amount of the twist is 1/4 more or less than announced. (Refer to section 11.8 Scoring a Dive with a Twist)
11.1.6 In twisting dives, 1/4 or more of the turn is done on the board. (Refer to section 11.8 Scoring a Dive with a Twist)
11.1.7 6&U and 8&U divers will not be scored a failed dive. (see rule 11.2.5)
11.2 Points ½ - 2 Category Deficient
11.2.1 Dive is performed without an attempt at an approach or take-off.
11.2.2 Dive is performed in position other than the announced position.
11.2.3 Dive is not complete to the entry position.
11.2.4 Dive is performed in a very awkward or uncontrolled manner.
11.2.5 6&U and 8&U receive ½ point for an otherwise failed dive.
11.3 Points 2 1/2 - 4 1/2 Category Unsatisfactory
11.3.1 Announced position is slightly altered.
11.3.2 Arms are out of control and not in the proper position at entry.
11.3.3 Dive done is slightly awkward or in an uncontrollable manner.
11.3.4 Diver tucks instead of pikes in a twisting somersault except for dives 5131 and 5421 which have a tuck optional position.
11.4 Points 5-6 Category Satisfactory
11.5 Points 6 1/2 - 8 Category Good
11.6 Points 8 1/2 - 10 Category Very Good
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11.7 Judging the Execution of the Dive
11.7.1 When judging the execution of a dive, only the execution is to be considered, without regard to the approach to dive, the starting position, or previous balk. The approach. The take-off. The techniques and grace of the dive during the passage through the air. The entry into the water.
11.7.2 Judges shall not consider or score a diver's actions beneath the surface of the water.
11.8 Scoring a Dive with a Twist
It is recommended that for dives with a twist, the following criteria be considered in scoring the dive:
11.8.1 Did the feet turn on the board? (Fail Dive).
11.8.2 Were the feet stationary but the body turned on the board? (Deficient Dive).
11.8.3 Did the body turn as the feet left the board? (Unsatisfactory Dive)
11.8.4 Did the body leave the board in a straight position with all the twisting done in the air? (Satisfactory [or Above] Dive).
11.9 Repeated Dive
11.9.1 If a diver is distracted, it is the job of the coach and the diver to make the referee award of the situation immediately.
11.9.2 The Referee is authorized to have a dive repeated when, in the Referee's opinion, the execution of the dive was influenced by exceptional circumstances.
11.9.3 The diver will not be allowed to repeat the dive if the next diver has gone.
11.10Penalties assessed by the Referee and/or Head Secretary
11.10.1 Penalty for Touching the Board
If in any dive the diver touches the end of the board, this indicates no matter how well the dive may have been executed, that the diver was too close to the board for proper execution. The Referee shall instruct the secretary to deduct two points from each judge's score.
11.10.2 Summary of deduction rules from other sections
Final 2009 Page 14 4/3/2018 Louisville Swim Association Diving Rules and Regulations If the diver takes less than three steps before the hurdle the Referee shall instruct the Secretary to deduct one point from the award of each judge. For a violation of ( The diver must not bounce on the board or rock the board excessively before the take-off.), excluding 6 & Under, the Referee shall instruct the Secretary to deduct one point from each Judges' score. In the event the diver makes a balk, the diving Referee, upon completion of the second attempt, shall instruct the Secretary to reduce each judge's award by two points.
12.2.1 Forms filled out incorrectly (at Dual Meets) - Diver must do written dive or change dive and deduct 2 points from the team’s total dive score at end of meet. (See 15.6)
12.2.2 Missing Forms (at Dual Meets) - Deduct 2 points from team's total (per diver). It is advisable to turn in forms for all potential divers.
12.3.2 (For Championships) It is advisable to turn in forms for all potential divers at the card pull. After card pull, any late entry will have a 2 point deduction from team’s total (per diver)
12.3.7 (For Championships) Forms filled out incorrectly will have 2 points deducted from team’s total. Table workers will correct the form.
15.6 Each team is allowed 2 form changes (includes missing forms) per meet, including Championships, without penalty for point deduction. The diver must catch the mistake and assist in the change.
12.0 Diving Form Requirements
12.1 All diving forms shall be written in the order shown in section 10.0 Age Group Dive Requirements and shall contain:
Name of Diver Club Gender Age group Dive number Dive position Degree of difficulty
12.2 Diving Form (dual meets) (See 15.6 for exception)
12.2.1 Forms filled out incorrectly - Diver must do written dive or change dive and deduct 2 points.
12.2.2 Missing Forms - Deduct 2 points from team's total (per diver). It is advisable to turn in forms for all potential divers.
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12.2.3 Forms should be turned in to the scorer’s table 30 minutes before the start of the meet. For correction purposes only, form corrections can be made up to the start of meet.
12.3 Diving Form (Championships) (See 15.6 for exception)
12.3.1 Forms are to be turned in to the Referee one week before the Championships at card pull.
12.3.2 It is advisable to turn in forms for all potential divers at the card pull. After card pull, any late entry will have a 2 point deduction from team’s total (per diver)
12.3.3 Forms are to be put in age group order.
12.3.4 Each age group is to be put in order of divers so no team has an advantage over other teams.
12.3.5 If one team has a large number of divers they should have more at the beginning and the end of the age group. The middle of the age group should be in team order.
12.3.6 Individual Diving forms are available to coaches before the start of the meet. Revised forms may be submitted by the coach up to 30 minutes before the beginning of each session.
12.3.7 Forms filled out incorrectly will have 2 points deducted from team’s total. Table workers will correct the form.
13.0 General Conduct of Dive Meets
13.1 Diving Officials at Dual Meets
13.1.1 Referee from the home team.
13.1.2 Three judges, two from the home team and one from the visiting team.
13.1.3 Head judge from the home team.
13.1.4 Announcer from the home team.
13.1.5 Five secretaries, three from the home team and two from the visiting team.
13.1.6 Head secretary from the home team.
13.2 Diving Officials at Championships
13.2.1 Two Referees per session shall be selected by the LSA Board.
13.2.2 One judge from each club per session.
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13.2.3 One announcer per session as designated by the host team.
13.2.4 One secretary from each club per session.
13.2.5 Head secretary as selected by the LSA Board.
13.2.6 Workers will be chosen from forms filled out by each team prior to championships.
13.2.7 Referee & judges working at Championships will be required to attend a diving
meeting one week prior to Championships.
13.3 Responsibility of the Referee
13.3.1 Responsible to see that the meet is conducted in accordance with the rules and regulations set forth by the LSA
13.3.2 Attend a training clinic(s) held by the LSA Only the LSA Board can approve a Referee who has not attended a training clinic(s)
13.3.3 Instruct the judges prior to each meet and insure that they have copies of the LSA Judging Guidelines and Penalty Assessment Chart
13.3.6 Appoint the head judge to serve for each dual meet
13.3.7 See that the diving forms are turned in 30 minutes before each meet
13.3.8 At dual meets, appoint one secretary to serve as the head secretary
13.3.9 Insure that forms are filled out correctly, that penalty points are assessed against the teams, and corrections are made in conjunction with the coaches
13.3.10 May act as the announcer at dual meets
13.3.11 The Referee shall have no other responsibilities at championships
13.3.12 Will call fail dives, balks and deficient approaches
13.3.13 Will, after giving one warning, ask any coach, judge, worker, spectator or diver who disregards the LSA diving rules and regulations to leave the pool area
13.3.13 Will enforce the two minute rule and inform the coach at 30 second intervals
13.4 Responsibility of the Judges
13.4.1 Will evaluate the dives in accordance with the LSA guidelines and assign point values accordingly Final 2009 Page 17 4/3/2018 Louisville Swim Association Diving Rules and Regulations
13.4.2 After each dive, on a signal from the Referee or announcer, each judge without communication without any other judge shall immediately and simultaneously with the other judges flash his awards.
13.4.3 Will have no other responsibilities during the meet
13.4.4 Will receive LSA or team training prior to serving as judge
13.4.5 Will not talk among themselves from the time the diver is announced until the time all the scores have been announced
13.4.6 For championships, a judge must have served as a judge in at least two dual meets.
13.4.7 All judges are to be provided with a copy of the rules at least 24 hours prior to each meet. No person may judge if they have not read the diving rules.
13.5 Responsibility of the Announcer
13.5.1 Before each dive the announcer shall announcer the name of the competitor, the team, the dive which the diver is about to execute, the position of the execution (tuck, pike, straight) and the degree of difficulty.
13.5.2 The announcer will call the next diver on deck.
13.6 Responsibility of the Secretaries
13.6.1 At Dual Meets, there will be 5 secretaries (3 from the home team and 2 from the visiting team) to compute diving scores and awards.
13.6.2 At Championships, there will be 1 secretary from each club per session.
13.6.2 The Head Secretary will be fully knowledgeable of the duties of all 5 secretaries in order to insure smooth accurate record keeping.
13.6.3 The Head Secretary will assist the Referee in insuring that all secretaries are properly instructed.
13.6.4 The head secretary will assign duties at the scorer’s table.
13.6.5 Scorer’s Table Process First Secretary: Shall record the individual awards one by one in the same consecutive order on the diving form and total the awards for the dive. Second Secretary: Shall multiply the total points times the degree of difficulty and enter the result on the diving form. (A.A.U. Rapid Calculator Score Forms may be used to compute the results).
Final 2009 Page 18 4/3/2018 Louisville Swim Association Diving Rules and Regulations Third Secretary: At the beginning of the second round of dives in each group, shall keep a running total of the individual scores on the diving form and at the end of each group will mark 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners on the diving form. Fourth Secretary: Shall record names, teams and points for the top 3 divers in each event on the score sheet and compute the running total as each event is completed. Fifth Secretary: Shall write the names of the winners on the ribbons and distribute the ribbons when their names are read by the announcer.
13.6.6 Head Secretary should be sure the following are available at the scoring table:
Two Diving Calculators to figure the degree of difficulty One calculator for adding scores Pencils, Pens, Paper Clip, etc Two Hi Point Team forms with carbons and Headings filled in Score Sheets with carbons and heading filled in ahead of time, 2 sets, with 8 copies total, 1 for each team and 1 for the Head Secretary.
13.8 Responsibility of Coaches
13.8.1 Coaches may serve as coach, judge, referee, or announcer, but may serve only in one capacity at each meet.
13.8.2 If a coach serves as referee, judge, or announcer, he or she must designate another person to coach his or her team and may not get involved with the managing of his or her team in any way.
14.0 Individual Scoring
14.1 Individual score calculation is done at the scorer’s table on the diving form by secretaries as assigned.
14.2 The winner shall be the competitor who has obtained the greatest number of points.
14.3 If two or more competitors obtain the same number of points it is a tie.
15.0 Team Scoring
15.1 Points at dual meets
1st place 5 points 2nd place 3 points 3rd place 1 point
15.2 In dual meets, uncontested events will be awarded 1st Place points ONLY.
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15.2.1 In the event of a tie between divers, each diver is awarded their place points/ribbons and the next place is skipped. (Ex: Tie for 1st place= both divers receive 1st place points/ribbon. The subsequent place = diver receives 3rd place points/ribbon and so on.)
15.3 Points at Championships 1st place 8 points 2nd place 6 points 3rd place 5 points 4th place 4 points 5th place 3 points 6th place 2 points 7th place 1 point
15.3.1 In the event of a tie between divers, each diver is awarded their place points/ribbons and the next place is skipped. (Ex: Tie for 1st place= both divers receive 1st place points/ribbon. The subsequent place = diver receives 3rd place points/ribbon and so on.)
15.4 In the Championship meet, points are awarded as earned with no consideration for an uncontested event.
15.5 Winner will be the team that has obtained the greatest number of points (less deductions) at the end of the meet.
15.6 Each team is allowed 2 form changes (includes missing forms) per meet, including Championships, without penalty for point deduction. The diver must catch the mistake and assist in the change.
16.0 Special Considerations for Championships
16.1 Required dive for 18 and Under will be selected at the preseason LSA meeting
16.2 Cuts
16.2.1 Cuts may be made in age group with more than 30 divers at the discretion of the LSA Board.
16.2.2 Cuts will be made to reduce a division to 16 divers.
16.2.3 Six and Under No CUT
16.2.4 Eight and Under Order 101, optional, CUT 201
16.2.5 Ten and Under Order 101,optional, CUT 201
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16.2.6 Twelve and Under Order 101, optional, CUT 201, optional
16.2.7 Fourteen and Under Order 101, optional, optional, CUT 201, optional
16.2.8 Eighteen and Under Order Required, optional, optional, CUT optional, optional
16.3 Summarization of Championship information contained in other sections A diver may not be moved up in Championships.
10.7.1 Required Dive as determined by LSA Board at the preceding LSA meeting is for Championships ONLY.
12.3 Diving Form (Championships)
13.2 Diving Officials at Championships
13.3.11 The Referee shall have no other responsibilities at championships
13.4.6 For championships a judge must have served as a judge in at least two dual meets.
15.3 Points at Championships
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17.0 Diving Table / Degrees of Difficulty (DD) Springboard 1 Meter
17.1 *DD for 6 & Under and 8 &Under is 1.8 on all required dives.
17.2 Forward Group Straight Pike Tuck Free Number Name 1.4 1.3 1.2 101 Forward Dive 1.6 1.5 1.4 102 Forward Somersault 1.7 1.6 103 Forward 1 ½ Somersault 2.3 2.2 104 Forward Double Somersault 2.6 2.4 105 Forward 2 ½ Somersault 2.9 106 Forward Triple Somersault 3.0 107 Forward 3 ½ Somersault 1.7 1.6 112 Forward Flying Somersault 1.9 1.8 113 Forward Flying 1 ½ Somersault
17.3 Back Group Straight Pike Tuck Free Number Name 1.7 1.6 1.5 201 Back Dive 1.7 1.6 1.5 202 Back Somersault 2.5 2.4 2.0 203 Back 1 ½ Somersault 2.5 2.2 204 Back Double Somersault 3.0 205 Back 2 ½ Somersault 1.7 1.6 221 Back Flying Somersault
17.4 Reverse Group Straight Pike Tuck Free Number Name 1.8 1.7 1.6 301 Reverse Dive 1.8 1.7 1.6 302 Reverse Somersault 2.7 2.4 2.1 303 Reverse 1 ½ Somersault 2.6 2.3 304 Reverse Double Somersault 3.0 305 Reverse 2 ½ Somersault 1.8 1.7 312 Reverse Flying Somersault
17.5 Inward Group Straight Pike Tuck Free Number Name 1.8 1.5 1.4 401 Inward Dive 1.7 1.6 402 Inward Somersault 2.4 2.2 403 Inward 1 ½ somersault 2.6 404 Inward Double Somersault 3.0 405 Inward 2 ½ Somersault 2.1 2.0 412 Inward Flying Somersault 2.7 413 Inward Flying 1 ½ Somersault
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17.6 Twist Group Straight Pike Tuck Free Number Name 1.8 1.7 5111 Forward Dive ½ Twist 2.0 1.9 5112 Forward Dive 1 Twist 1.9 1.8 1.7 5121 Forward Somersault ½ Twist 1.9 5122 Forward Somersault 1 Twist 2.3 5124 Forward Somersault 2 Twists 2.7 5126 Forward Somersault 3 Twists 2.1 2.0 5131 Forward 1 ½ Somersault ½ Twist 2.2 5132 Forward 1 ½ Somersault 1 Twist 2.6 5134 Forward 1 ½ Somersault 2 Twists 3.0 5136 Forward 1 ½ Somersault 3 Twists 3.1 5152 Forward 2 ½ Somersault 1 Twist 1.8 5211 Back Dive ½ Twist 2.0 5212 Back Dive 1 Twist 1.7 5221 Back Somersault ½ Twist 1.9 5222 Back Somersault 1Twist 2.3 5223 Back Somersault 1 ½ Twist 2.7 5225 Back Somersault 2 ½ Twist 2.1 5231 Back 1 ½ Somersault ½ Twist 2.5 5233 Back 1 ½ Somersault 1 ½ Twists 2.9 5235 Back 1 ½ Somersault 2 ½ Twists 1.9 5311 Reverse Dive ½ Twist 2.1 5312 Reverse Dive 1 Twist 1.8 5321 Reverse Somersault ½ Twist 2.0 5322 Reverse Somersault 1 Twist 2.4 5323 Reverse Somersault 1 ½ Twists 2.8 5325 Reverse Somersault 2 ½ Twists 2.2 5331 Reverse 1 ½ Somersault ½ Twist 2.6 5333 Reverse 1 ½ Somersault 1 ½ Twists 3.0 5335 Reverse 1 ½ Somersault 2 ½ Twists 2.0 1.7 5411 Inward Dive ½ Twist 2.2 1.9 5412 Inward Dive 1 Twist 1.8 1.7 5421 Inward Somersault ½ Twist 2.1 5422 Inward Somersault 1 Twist
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