Markfed Canneries, Village Chuharwali Distt. Jalandhar

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Markfed Canneries, Village Chuharwali Distt. Jalandhar

MARKFED CANNERIES, VILLAGE CHUHARWALI DISTT. JALANDHAR (A UNIT OF THE PUNJAB STATE COOP. SUPPLY & MARKETING FEDERATION LIMITED) TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR PARTICIPATION IN EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Markfed Canneries, Village Chuharwali, Tehsil, Adampur, Distt. Jalandhar (A unit of The Punjab State Cooperative Supply & Marketing Federation Limited) regarded as Asia’s one of the largest marketing cooperative institution in the agro food sector is in the process of outsourcing of SUJI RUSKS. The EOI shall be opened on 22.01.2018 as per schedule given in the e-EOI notice in the office of Manager Markfed Canneries, Village Chuharwali, Tehsil, Adampur, Distt. Jalandhar. In case of holiday EOI shall be opened on next working day without giving any further notice. Complete EOI including earnest money shall be accepted online only. The EOI shall be opened in the presence of parties, who may wish to be present. For participating in the EOI, the parties shall have to get themselves registered with and get the user ID, password and Class 3 Digital Signatures. 1) The EOI is invited for SUJI RUSKS. 2) The EOI shall be received as per two bid system i.e. TECHNICAL BID & FINANCIAL BID. Technical bid shall be opened first to evaluate the eligibility by the committee. The Financial bid shall be opened only of those parties who shall be successfully qualified in the technical bid. 3) Technical bid-

Sr.No. Particulars Remarks 1. Name of the Firm. 2. Complete address of the firm with mobile Attach proof. no. 3. Name and complete address of the bankers Attach copy. with account no. and IFSC code. 4. Detail of Earnest Money Deposited Attach proof

5. Proof showing the turnover of the party for Attach proof. last three financial years minimum of Rs.3 Crore.

6. Permanent account number issued by the Attach Copy competent authority. 7. GST No. issued by the competent authority. Attach copy

8. Proof of the Manufacturing Unit Attach proof

9. Attach scanned copy of Terms & Conditions Attach copy of EOI duly signed by the bidder on all pages. 10. Power of attorney in favour of the authorized Attach copy person signing the EOI documents 11. Constitution of the Firm/Company/ Attach proof partnership 12. An undertaking stating that party has no Attach undertaking on dispute with Markfed/State Govt./Central the letter head of the Govt. party. 13. The party must have HACCP/ ISO Attach copy certifications or equivalent certification.

14. The unit must be registered with the Attach proof industries department of the State

15. Party is required to submit a declaration Attach declaration on that no agent is involved in the the letter head of the submission of EOI party

16. The party who have their own Attach proof manufacturing units are only eligible to participate in the EOI. The party should have an experience of at least 2 years of rusks manufacting.

17. The party should comply to all the rules Attach undertaking on and regulations under FSSAI. the letter head of the party. 18. The unit should be latest and should be Attach undertaking on fully automated. the letter head of the party. 19. The party should have well equipped Attach undertaking on laboratory at plant level to check various the letter head of the parameters related to quality. There party should be third party micro verification regularly. The product should be manufactured under hygienic conditions. The party should have well trained manufacturing staff and there should be regular quality audit of the product.

Only technically qualified Proposals shall be considered for Financial Bid opening. 4) Financial bid: a) Party has to quote their rates strictly as per the financial bid format below financial bid Proforma should be submitted/uploaded through online/e-EOI mode only.

Sr. Product Packing F.O.R Markfed Canneries, Village: Chuharwali Tehsil: No. Adampur, Distt. Jalandhar 1. Suji Rusk 200gms. 2. Suji Rusk 300gms

b) The prices shall remain FIRM till entire contract i.e. for the period from 01.02.2018 to 31.01.2019.

c) The prices to be quoted should be on F.O.R basis at Markfed Canneries, Village Chuharwali, Tehsil Adampur Distt. Jalandhar and GST and all taxes/ Levies extra as applicable.

d) The rates are inclusive of all the cost of raw material, packing material, processing and manufacturing of Rusks. Markfed shall provide the packing design and specifications of product and packaging material. 5) Earnest Money: The Party shall deposit amount of Rs. 25000/- (Rupees Twenty five thousand) as earnest money. The earnest money shall have to be paid online mode only. No other mode shall be accepted. The offer of the party without the requisite earnest money shall be rejected summarily. The earnest money of all unsuccessful parties will be refunded in due course of time and Markfed shall not be liable to pay any interest thereof. The EMD of successful party shall be adjusted against the security amount. The violation of any term and condition of the contract shall result into forfeiture of security and payable bills of party.

a) The expression of interest should be submitted in English language only.

b) Party shall arrange and bear all the cost of raw material, packing material, processing and manufacturing of Rusks. Markfed shall provide the packing design and specifications of product and packaging material.

c) The party shall abide by all the regulations and laws applicable for processing and delivery of product.

d) The party shall get payment within 30 days from the date of delivery of products at Markfed Canneries, Village Chuharwali, Tehsil Adampur Distt. Jalandhar subject to the satisfactory lab. reports.

e) In case, the product is found below specifications and any complaint regarding the quality of product is reported from the Market, the party/supplier shall have to immediately replace the same at their own expenses not later than three days. Any financial and legal implication arise due to quality complaint will be entire responsibility of party.

f) At any time prior to the deadline of submission of EOI, Markfed may have any reason or at its own initiative or in response to the clarification requested by the prospective party, can modify the terms and conditions, which will be duly notified on the website of Markfed. In order to affect such amendments, Markfed will be at liberty to extend the deadline for the submission of EOI.

g) Subsequent upon the selection of successful party, Markfed will form its team to visit the factory premises of the party to verify the production capacity, hygiene and other, facilities like lab facilities, FSSAI regulations etc. any time, which had been offered by the party in the EOI.

h) The party should not have any dispute with Markfed or state government. The vendor shall be responsible for the quality and quantity of the products. In case of any default or any action is taken by the govt./ authorities, he shall be responsible for the same which includes criminal proceedings or any compensation and legal expenses etc. i) Validity of the offer of the prospective party should remain open for 60 days w.e.f. the date of opening of the EOI Before that period the party cannot withdraw their offer.

j) MD Markfed reserve the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the bidding process and reject all the EOIs at any time prior to the award of toll manufacturing job without assigning any reason.

6) CONTRACT PERIOD OF OFFER This contract is valid for one year for the period from 01-02-2018 to 31-01-2019. However this contract can be extended for another three years. The rates shall be subsequently revised at the beginning of each year of the contract mutually by both the parties. 7) GST AMOUNT. The payment of GST amount shall be released to the contractor only when the input credit is made available in the GST Portal to the Markfed. 8) INGREDIENTS OF SUJI RUSK

1. Wheat flour 64% 2. Sugar 3. Edible vegetable oil, 4. Suji, 5. Yeast 6. invert syrup 7. Butter 0.8% 8. Iodized Salt 9. Wheat Fibre 10. Milk Solids 11. Emulsifier (471) 12. Spice (Candamom & its oil (0.09%) 13. Antioxidant (300) 14. Floor Treatment Agents (1100)


Sr. No. Parameters IS 8555- 1988\Specification 1. Ash insoluble in Dil,HCL on Dry wt. Not more than 0.1% 2. Acidity of the extracted fast as oleic acid 1.5 Max % by mass 3. Colour Golden to light brown 4. Insect Infestation Absent 5. Moisture % 5 Max 6. Rancidity Absent 7. Odour Agreeable 8. Taste Agreeable 9. Crispness Crisp Microbology 10. Total Plate count, cfu/g < 10 cfu/g 11. Yeast & Mould count, cfu/g < 10 cfu/g 12. E. Coli < 10 cfu/g ESSENTIAL COMPOSITION AND QUALITY FACTORS

Suji rusk is manufactured with best ingredients in ultra modern hygienic plant & Technically baked with the latest machinery to churn out crispy & crunchy rusk which are light & good to taste.


HEAVY METALS Suji Rusk shall be free from heavy metals in amounts which may pose a hazard to human health.

PESICIDES RESIDUES, INSECTICIDE RESIDUES & MYCOTOXINS Suji Rusk shall be free from pesticides residues, insecticides residues & mycotoxins in amounts which may represent a hazard to human health.

H YGIENE It is recommended that the products covered by the provisions of this standard be prepared and handled in accordance with the appropriate section of the Recommended International Code of Practice- General Principle of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCPI-1969) and other codes of practice recommended by the Codex Alimentarius Commission which are relevant to these products.

To the extent possible in good manufacturing practice, the products shall be free from any objectionable matter.

When tested by appropriate methods of sampling and examination, the products :

 Shall be free from micro – organisms in amount which may represent a hazard to health.  Shall be free from parasites which may represent a hazard to health.  Shall not contain substance originating from micro – organisms in amount which may represent a hazard to health.  Shall be free from added colouring matter.

10) Specifications of packing material is given as under:


S.No. Parameters 200g 300g 1 Wt. of one box(g) 440 590 2 Stacking Norms 6 6 3 Dimension (L*B*H)mm 365*335*27 530*375*250 5 4 Net Weight (Kg) 4.8 7.2 5 GSM 474 474 6 Bursting Strength (Mg/cm2) 7.5 7.5 7 No. of Flutes/ 30mm 7 7 8 Flute Hright (mm) 4 4 9 Moisture % 7.9 7.9 10 No. of Packets 24 24

Composition of Laminates


All packing materials shall be as per specifications given by Markfed, and design already approved by Markfed.

Primary Packaging: S.No. Parameters 200g 300g 1 Dimension (width* cut off) mm 460*227 460*315 2 GSM 50 50 3 Weight of one Packet(g) 5.24 7.41 4 Best Before 5 Veg Logo Yes Yes 6 Colour of eye marks Black Black STRUCTURE 1 Ptd.BOPP 15 15 2 Ext.Ploy 12g 12g 3 Met Cpp 25 25

11) OTHER CONDITIONS. The bidder shall sign on all the pages of these terms & conditions in view of having acceptance of the same and submit the scan copy of the same on line. The successful bidder shall also submit the hard copy of the same signed terms & conditions in the office of Manager Markfed Canneries, Village Chuharwali, Tehsil, Adampur, Distt. Jalandhar on demand by the plant committee. The bidder shall also give his complete postal address with seal and mobile no. Conditional EOIs shall not be considered. Corrigendum/addendum/corrections if any will be published on the website. The department shall not be responsible if it is not possible to upload/submit the EOI online due to any fault or malfunctioning of the internet/e-tender site. Markfed reserves the right to accept/reject any or all EOIs without assigning reasons. 12) Resolution of dispute: Any dispute arising out of touching and concerning to this Agreement shall first be resolved by the parties for an amicable settlement. If the parties are unable to reach an amicable settlement, the dispute shall be referred to the Managing Director, MARKFED for arbitration in terms of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The Managing Director, “Markfed” shall adjudicate the dispute himself or appoint his nominee as Arbitrator to adjudicate the same and the decision of Arbitrator in this regard shall be final and binding upon both the parties to the agreement. The arbitration proceedings and other legal proceedings shall be under the jurisdiction of Chandigarh courts only. (Certificate) Certified that I/We______have carefully gone through the above terms & conditions and have retained a copy of the same. I/We shall strictly abide by the above terms & conditions.

Signatures of party with seal. Complete address………………………….. Date: Phone/Mobile No.______

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