Terms to Know: Biology, Hypothesis, Variable, Control, Metabolism, Synthesis, Excretion
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CP BIOLOGY FINAL EXAM REVIEW 2015 CHAPTER 1 – The Science of biology Terms to know: Life processes: Excretion, Nutrition, Transport, Homeostasis, Variable, Independent Variable, Dependent Variable, Hypothesis, Theory
1. What are the characteristics that all living things have in common? Know the life processes.
2. What is a controlled experiment? Independent and dependent variables?
CHAPTER 2 – The Chemistry of Life Terms to know: hydrogen bond, hydrolysis and dehydration synthesis, hydrogen bond, cohesion and adhesion, monomer, polymer
3. Know why the carbon atom allows for diversity in molecule shape
4. Know the four macromolecules: carbs, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids a) the elements that make up each type of macromolecule
b) ratio of hydrogen-to-oxygen in carbs (2:1) c) the monomer and some common polymers for each macromolecule
d) the function of each type of macromolecule
e) examples each type of macromolecules
5. Why is water a “polar” molecule? How does water form hydrogen bonds? Describe some properties of water.
6. What is an enzyme? Why are they important in living things? How do they work? What factors affect the rate of enzyme action? CHAPTER 7 – Cell Structure and Function Terms to know: Eukaryotic, Prokaryotic, passive/active transport
7. What is the cell theory? Why are all cells small (SA/V ratio)?
8. Know the major parts of the cell (nucleus, cytoplasm, ribosome, Golgi body, ER, lysosome, mitochondria, chloroplast), their functions, and what type of cell they are found in (animal, plant, prokaryotic).
9. What are the differences between plant and animal cells?
10. What is the organization of cells in multicellular organisms? (cells tissues . . . )
11. Which molecules make up the cell membrane? (phospholipid bilayer and proteins) What does it mean to be selectively permeable?
12. Be able to explain how materials move across the cell membrane. What is the difference between osmosis and diffusion, between active and passive transport? When are membrane proteins used? When is cell energy needed?
13. What is a concentration gradient? What makes a solution hypotonic, isotonic, or hypertonic and what happens to cells in these solutions? (Do they lose water or gain water?)
CHAPTER 8 – Photosynthesis Terms to know: ATP, heterotroph, autotroph, pigments, thylakoids, stroma, light light reactions, light- independent reactions 14. Know the structure of ATP. How does ATP provide energy in a cell?
15. Name the major plant pigments and their function, what happens when light is absorbed.
16. Know the basic reactants and products for photosynthesis. CO2 + H2O glucose + O2 (REVERSE for cell respiration)
17. Know the basics of the two sets of reactions (first converts light energy to chemical energy ATP, second makes glucose)
CHAPTER 9 – Cellular Respiration and Fermentation Terms to know: aerobic, anaerobic, mitochondria, matrix, inner membrane.
18. Know the basic differences between aerobic and anaerobic cellular respiration.
19. Where in the cell and where in the mitochondrion does each stage of respiration take place?
20. Know the general equation, and sequence of stages (glycolysis, Kreb Cycle, electron transport chain).
21. Know the basics of fermentation, organisms that can do it. What happens when muscles do this
22. How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration interrelated?
CHAPTER 10 – Cell Growth and Division Terms to know: asexual reproduction, sexual reproduction, chromosomes, chromatin, interphase, mitosis, cytokinesis, chromatid, centromeres, centrioles, cell plate, homologous chromosomes, diploid, haploid, crossing-over, zygote, sister chromatids 23. Know the phases of the Cell Cycle. What happens inside a cell when it divides in two? When does DNA replicate?
24. Know the different purposes of mitosis and meiosis. Be able to recognize a diagram of each process.
25. How does meiosis reduce the chromosome number and why is this important for sexual reproduction? What are gametes?
26. What are some cells that divide often? Some that do not? How do cancer cells differ from other cells?
27. What is nondisjunction, trisomy? ( Down Syndrome is trisomy #21) Be able to interpret a karyotype for gender and trisomy.
CHAPTER 11 – Introduction to Genetics Terms to know: genetics, fertilization, trait, hybrids, genes, alleles, test cross, segregation, gametes, probability, homozygous, heterozygous, phenotype, genotype, Punnett square,
28. Who is the father of genetics? Which organism did he use for his studies and why? Know his three laws of inheritance.
29. Know dominant/recessive traits, incomplete dominance, codominance, and multiple alleles, sex-linkage.
30. Be able to do genetic crosses of all types: monohybrids, incomplete dominance, codominance, ABO blood types, and sex-linked. Use phenotype and genotype ratios.
CHAPTER 14 – Human Heredity Terms to know: karyotype, sex chromosomes, autosomes, sex-linked genes, nondisjunction, pedigree,
31. Be able to identify gender and find an abnormality on a karyotype. 32. Be able to look at a pedigree and determine inheritance pattern and the genotypes and phenotypes of the family members.
33. Understand X-linked traits. Why is it more likely for a boy to have an x-linked disorder than a girl?
34. Know some genetic disorders: Down Syndrome, hemophilia, colorblindness, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, Huntingtons.
CHAPTER 12 and 13 – DNA and RNA Terms to know: nucleotide, base pairing, replication, deoxyribose, ribose,
35. Describe the shape of DNA. Know the bases which pair together.
36. What are the differences between RNA and DNA?
37. How is RNA used to make a protein from the DNA code?
Evolution Terms to Know: adaptation, homologous and analogous structures, adaptive radiation, convergent evolution, coevolution, shared ancestry, genetic equilibrium
38. Know the major points of Darwin’s theory of natural selection
39. What did Darwin mean by “descent with modification”?
40. What kinds of evidence are used to determine ancestry?
41. How do new species arise? What role does environment play?
42. How does sexual reproduction cause genetic variation in a species?
43. How are genes involved in evolution? Ecology Terms to Know: population, community, biotic and abiotic, habitat, niche, limiting factors, carrying capacity, food chain, food web, nutrient cycles, trophic levels, ecological succession
44. What are levels of organization in the biosphere? Which include both biotic and abiotic factors?
45. What is an energy pyramid and why must producers be the most abundant?
46. How does energy travel through an ecosystem? How much reaches the top consumers? Is energy recycled?
47. Why are decomposers important?
48. What materials cycle in the environment?
49. How can different species occupy the same habitat?
50. Know the types of symbiosis, conditions that will increase competition, limits on population growth.
You will select TWO of 4 open-ended questions on the final exam. Do not complete more than the requirement – only the first 2 will be graded!
1. Experimental Design/ Independent and Dependent variables
2. Cell Cycle/ Mitosis/ Meiosis
3. Membrane Transport
4. Pedigree Diagrams
5. Karyotypes & Chromosomal Analysis 6. DNA replication/transcription/translation