Guideline for Full Paper Preparation
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Guideline for Full Paper Preparation (This guideline is applied for full paper of the conference proceedings only)
General requirements Only the manuscript on original research will be considered for publication in the proceedings of the conference. Use English language (American spelling and usage) and the SI system for measurements and units. Total length of full paper (including abstract, Tables & Figures) should NOT EXCEED 8 PAGES typed on one-sided A4 paper. Manuscript should include the following elements: title, name(s) of authors (s) and author affiliation (s), abstract, key words, introduction, materials & methods, results and discussions, conclusions, acknowledgement (optional), and references. Number all pages. Number all lines consecutively throughout the manuscript. Use Times New Roman font type and one inch margins throughout the manuscript. Use single line spacing for abstract text and 1.5 line spacing for other components of the manuscript. Detail of font style and size are shown in Template of full paper for the conference proceedings (see another file).
Title The title should be concise and clearly define the topic and contain no abbreviations
Name of author (s) and author affiliation (s) 2
List ALL authors. Spell out completely the names of all authors using full first and last names. Corresponding author should be marked with asterisk*. Indicate affiliation of each author. Electronic mailing address of corresponding author must be provided.
Abstract Single paragraph abstract is required. Abstract text must not exceed 350 words, define all acronyms and abbreviations; do not cite references. The abstract should be informative. The content of the abstract should contain: Introduction: briefly explain the importance of the topic and state the objective(s) of your work. Materials and Methods: briefly state what was done and how it was done. Results: A summary of the main findings. Abstract without any results will not be considered for publication in the proceedings. Conclusion: Indicate the significance and application of the research findings.
Key words Provide a maximum of 5 key words for indexing purposes. Be sparing with abbreviations: only abbreviations firmly established in the field may be eligible.
Introduction Review pertinent work. Explain importance of the research and state the objective(s) of the work. Cite key references. The in-text citation/reference should follow the examples and explanations below: When the author’s name is part of the sentence structure, the citation consists of the year (in parenthesis) immediately following the name. Use “and others” rather than “et al.” In citations that are totally parenthetical, do not separate author and 3
year with a comma. Use commas to separate publications in different years by the same author. Cite two or more publications of different authors in chronological sequence, from earliest to latest. Separate publications with commas. Examples ● Smith (1943) showed that . . . ● The starch granules are normally elongated in the milk stage (Brown 1956). ● Dawson and Briggs (1984, 1987) showed that . . . . . ● Dawson (1984a, b) showed that . . . ● … some of which are glycosidically bound to the major sugars present in the fruit (Adedeji and others 1992, Sakho and others 1997, Lalel and others 2003a).
Materials and Methods Provide sufficient detail to allow the work to be reproduced. Describe new methods in detail. Methods already published should be indicated by a reference; only relevant modification should be described. Use subheadings as needed for clarity.
Results and Discussion Present results concisely using tables and figures as needed. Do not present the same information in tables and figures. Discuss principles and relationships and explore the significance of the work. DO NOT repeat the results of the work.
Acknowledgement (optional) List sources of financial and material support and the names of individual whose contributions were significant but not deserving of authorship.
References 4
List only those references cited in the text and ensure to list all cited references. References are listed alphabetically by the first author’s last name. The reference must be written as follows:
Journal articles Smith JB, Jones LB, Rackly K.R. (1999). Maillard browning in apples. J Food Sci 64(4): 512-8.
Book Spally MR, Morgan SS.1989.Methods of Food Analysis. 2nd ed. New York: Elsevier. 682 p.
Book Chapter Rich RQ, Ellis MT. 1998. Lipid oxidation in fish muscle. In: Moody JJ, Lasky, UV, editors. Lipid oxidation in food. 6th ed. New York: Pergamon. p 832-55.
Conference proceedings Ferguson RM, Sommer BG, editors. 1986. Proceedings of a Conference on the Clinical Management of the Renal Transplant Recipient with Cyclosporine; 1985 Nov 3-5; Palm Springs, Fla. Orlando, Fla.: Grune& Stratton. 216 p.
In press items Ngarmsak M, Delaquis P, toivonenP, Ngarmsak T, Oooraikul B and Mazza G. 2006. Microbiology of fresh-cut mangoes prepared from fruit sanitized in hot chlorinated water. J Food Prot. Forthcoming.
Thesis and Dissertation Smith DE.1988. Lipid oxidation at very low water activities.(PhD dissertation). Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univ. 210 p. Available from: University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI: ABD62-83.
Web page 5
[USDA] U.S. Department of Agriculture. 2014. Biotechnology: USDA. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Available from: Accessed Jan 27, 2014. Sacmi. 2014. Homepage. Website.Imola BO, Italy: SacmiImola S.C. Available from: Accessed Feb 16, 2014.
Tables Number each table with Arabic numerals. Place a descriptive caption above the table. Table footnotes: indicate each footnote in a table with a superscript lowercase letter.
Table 1 Caption is 12pt Times New Roman, bold.
Text 12pt Times New Roman, normal Spacing 1.5 line spacing Alignment Center
Figures Number each figure with Arabic numerals. Place a descriptive caption below the figure.
Figure 1 Caption is 12 pt Times New Roman, bold.