The Presbytery of Los Ranchos
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Funding Request Form The Presbytery of Los Ranchos Administered by the Strategic Coordinating Team (SCT) (Approved 9/13/12. Revised 8/7/14)
When to Use this Form The Presbytery of Los Ranchos is a learning and missional community. This form is used when an individual or congregation seeks financial support—up to $1,500—to execute an activity/project consistent with our presbytery’s educational and/or missional values (please see reverse side). Persons requesting financial support are required to articulate how their activity/project is consistent with our presbytery’s values, and, if relevant, how it will strengthen their congregation’s missional effectiveness. This support is for one-time requests, not for ongoing funding, and normally for matching support up to 50% of expenses. Reimbursements will be made after original receipts of expenses have been submitted. By making this request, applicants agree to share their learning in appropriate presbytery forums and report how presbytery funds were used. Please Send Form To: Bonita Carr, [email protected], or Tom Cramer, [email protected]. Mailing address is: Presbytery of Los Ranchos, P.O. Box 910, Anaheim, CA 92815- 0910. With questions, please call Tom Cramer at (714) 956-3691 xt. 112. Receipts/Invoices Required: All grants are issued as a reimbursement of expenses. Original invoices and/or receipts are to be submitted to the presbytery office, after which a reimbursement check will be issued for pre-approved grant activity.
FUNDING REQUEST Date: Your Name: Your Title: Name of Church/Organization/Agency: Address We Should Use to Send Support: Address of Organization (if different from above): Email Address: Preferred Phone Number: Briefly describe the activity or project for which you seek funding (please scan/attach relevant literature). Briefly describe how you see this activity reflecting our presbytery’s values as a “learning missional community.” What is the dollar amount of your request? What is the total cost of the activity for which you are seeking support? (Who is funding the amount not requested from the presbytery?) Culture and Values of the Los Ranchos Presbytery*
The hallmark of the Los Ranchos Presbytery culture will be as a learning community that fosters effective missional congregations. The primary activity of our Presbytery will be to equip, serve, resource and challenge congregations and their leaders to become more missionally effective based on the following three values:
Faithfulness: We hold each other mutually accountable for fulfilling our ordination vows, upholding our theological tradition and pursuing the Great Ends of the Church.
Fruitfulness: We are committed to pursuing honestly and actively what will further the Kingdom of God in breadth and depth using whatever tools are necessary. We will consistently measure and monitor our effectiveness.
Fellowship: We covenant to live out the Christian life together by pursuing trusting, healthy, edifying relationships expressed in missional partnership between our presbyters, congregations and members (pg. 5).
Funding from the Strategic Coordinating Team will be awarded based on the following characteristics:
1. Fits the goals, values, and delivery system of presbytery’s culture (see above).
2. Potential to increase the leadership capacity of an individual or congregation.
3. Likelihood that the activity will lead to the missional or evangelistic effectiveness of an individual or congregation.
4. Collaboration with, or investment by, other partners.
5. Degree to which the applicant’s congregation supports the broader mission of the presbytery.
* As Envisioned in “Flipping the Presbytery from ‘The Meeting’ to ‘the Mission,’” approved by Presbytery, May 19, 2009.