Discussion Guide for the Second Crusade Game Session 3 “The Second Crusade Documents”

20 minutes Meet with your Faction (and the Indeterminates as a group)

Discuss the following questions and plan to report your answers (with specific examples) to the class. Plan a five to seven minute presentation.

Jerusalem Faction  What is the Investiture Controversy? What powers do the pope and the king claim to have in the Investiture Controversy documents? What is the basis of their claims to authority? How would these arguments apply to the question of leadership for this crusade? (See pages 88 to 93)

Indeterminates  What does Fulcher of Chartres’ A History of the Expedition to Jerusalem 1095-1127 reveal about the history of the First Crusade and the foundation of the four Frankish states? (Pages 1 to 6)  What are the promises made by Pope Eugenius III’s crusading bull Quantam praedecessores (1145) to the crusade’s participants and their families? (See pages 94 to 95)

Eastern Allies  How does Usamah ibn Munqidh's An Arab-Syrian Gentleman and Warrior in the Period of the Crusades describe the crusaders? (Pages 77 to 87)  What does Ibn al-Qalanisi's The Damascus Chronicle of the Crusades reveal about Damascus at this time? (Pages 66 to 73)

French Faction  What happened to the French army during its journey east as described by Odo of Deuil's De profectione Ludovici VII in Orientam? (Pages 47 to 57)  How does St. Bernard of Clairvaux compare the Templars in “In Praise of the New Knighthood” to ordinary knights? (Pages 96 to 99)

German Faction  What happened to the German army during its journey east as described by Otto of Freising's The Deeds of Frederick Barbarossa? (Pages 58 to 65)

25 minutes Faction Reports to the Class

Efficiently report your findings to the class.

15 minutes Faction Meetings

Discuss and decide who is speaking at Debate 1. What is your strategy to win the debate by persuading others to support your positions?

15 minutes Faction Quiz Complete your quiz using any materials you have available, with the exception of Internet searches). The faction that performs the best on the quiz will earn 10 victory points.