St. Stephen S National School
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The Board of St. Stephen’s School has set out its enrolment policy in accordance with the provisions of the Education Act, 1998. The Board of Management trusts that by so doing, parents will be assisted in relation to enrolment matters.
St, Stephen’s School is a Catholic School under the patronage of the Most Rev. Michael Smith, Bishop of Meath.
Our curent Board of Management is as follows: Rev. M. Cahill, Mrs. G. McHugh, Mr. J. Reavey, Mr. C. Kehoe, Mr. R. Byrne, Mr. D. Mulligan, Ms. C. Keenan, Mr. E. Gavigan.nagws: Rev. M. Cahill, Mrs G. McHugh, Mr ReC KByrne, Mr D. Mulligan, s C. Keenan, Mr E. Gavigan The school depends on the grants and teacher resources provided by the Department of Education and Skills and it operates within the regulations laid down by the Department. The school policy must always take into account the resources and funding available.
The school follows the curricular programmes prescribed by the Department of Education and Skills which may be amended from time to time in accordance with Sections 9 and 30 of the Education Act (1998).
Within the context and parameters of Department regulations and programmes, the rights of the Patron as set out in the Education Act and the funding and resources available, the school supports the principles of:
- inclusiveness, particularly with reference to the enrolment of children with a disability or other special educational needs: - equality of access and participation in the school: - parental choice in relation to enrolment: - respect for the diversity of values, beliefs, traditions, languages and ways of life in society.
1. Application Procedures:
Parents seeking to enrol their child/ren in St. Stephen’s School are required to complete an Application to Enrol form. Parents may be invited to a meeting with the school principal or designated teacher.
1 2. Provision of Information by Parents:
Certain information will be required when children are being enrolled:
Pupil’s Name, Age, Address, Birth Certificate and Baptismal Certificate (if applicable) Names and addresses of pupil’s parents/guardians Contact telephone numbers in case of emergency Recent Utility Bill confirming address Details of any medical conditions which the school should be aware of Religion Previous schools attended (if any), school reports and reasons for transfer, if applicable and prescribed under the Education Welfare Act 2000. The Board of Management of St. Stephen’s National School will communicate details of enrolment to the school community through appropriate channels – e.g. letters, texts, website etc. While recognising the right of parents to enrol their child in the school of their choice, the Board of Management of St. Stephen’s National School is also responsible to respect the rights of the existing school community and in particular, the children already enrolled. This requires balanced judgements, which are guided by the principles of natural justice and acting in the best interest of all children. Assisting the school in such circumstances, the Board of Management reserves the right to determine the maximum number of children in each separate classroom bearing in mind:
a) Size of space available in classroom b) Educational needs of children of a particular age c) Presence of children with special educational/behavioural needs. d) DES – Maximum class average directives e) Class intake not to exceed 30 pupils
(i) In the event that applications for enrolment exceed/are expected to exceed the number of places available the following criteria for enrolment will apply: Brothers and Sisters of pupils currently enrolled in the school. Catholic children living within the parish boundary Children of current staff, including ancillary staff. Other children living within the parish boundary. Other children living outside the parish boundary.
(ii) If applications exceed availability, applicants will be chosen by means of a lottery.
(iii) Parents of those offered places must inform the school in writing within two weeks whether or not they are accepting the place. Failure to do so will result in re-allocation of the place.
(iv) There is an annual evening for prospective parents held in Spring.
2 3. Admission Day/Date:
Junior Infants must be 4 years old on or before the 1st September to be admitted to school.
4. Pupils Transferring:
Pupils may transfer to the school subject to school policy and available space. The school will require information concerning attendance and the child’s education progress from the previous school. (Education Welfare Act 2000). Enrolment in our ASD Unit (pre-school) does not automatically entitle you to a place in mainstream classes. Enrolment in Johnstown Montessori (which operates in our school) does not automatically entitle you to a place in our mainstream/ASD Unit.
5. Provision for the enrolment of children with identified special educational needs:
In coming to a decision re the enrolment of a special needs pupil, the Board of Management (BOM) considers the following:
1. EPSEN Act 2004, Section 2 : A child with special educational needs shall be educated in an inclusive environment with children who do not have such needs unless the nature or degree of those needs of the child is such that to do so would be inconsistent with:
(a) The best interests of the child as determined in accordance with any assessment carried out under this Act, or (b) The effective provision of education for children with whom the child is to be educated.
2. Education Act 1998: 15.-(2) d. The Board shall publish the policy of the school concerning admission to and participation in the school, including the policy of the school relating to the participation by students with disabilities or who have other special educational needs and ensure that as regards that policy, principles of equality and the right of parents to send their children to a school of the parent's choice are respected.
Parents seeking to enrol a child with Special Educational Needs in St Stephen's are reminded that it is a requirement on their part to:
Inform the school at the earliest opportunity of the nature of the educational need. Advise the school of any resources/special equipment that may be required. Supply the school with all available assessment reports. Maintain informal contact with the school on an on-going basis. Attend formal IEP meetings where applicable. Contribute to target-setting and IEP programme monitoring.
3 Communication:
Prior to the school's enrolment, parents/guardians are requested to communicate the child's special needs and whether these are categorised as High Incidence or Low Incidence. The school acquaints itself with each child's needs through the following:
Meeting between parents/principal/class teacher/special needs staff and SENO (Special Educational Needs Organiser), as appropriate.
Obtaining copies/details of reports, assessments etc. from SENO, parents.
Contact with SENO, NEPS Psychologist or other Psychologist/Speech Therapist/Occupational Therapist, referral from other agency etc.
Children enrolled in our school are required to co-operate with and support the school/Board of Management's Code of Behaviour as well as all other policies on curriculum, organisation and management. The Board of Management places parents/guardians responsible for ensuring that their child/ren co-operate with said policies in an age-appropriate way. In accordance with the Department of Education's rules for National Schools, a child may be suspended for breaches of above policies. These policies may be added to and revised from time to time.
The parents of any child, who has been refused enrolment for any reason, are entitled to appeal that refusal pursuant to Section 29 of the Education Act 1998 and the parents/guardians will be advised in writing of their entitlement to such an appeal. This appeal must be lodged within 42 days of receipt of the final refusal from the school.
Enrolment in ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) Unit: Cáirde Nua
In November 2013 St Stephen’s opened Cáirde Nua – a facility for children of pre-school and school going age with a diagnosis of autism. Children enrolling in Cáirde Nua must have a written diagnosis of Autism by a professional - Psychologist/multi-disciplinary team. For the regular ASD class there must be a recommendation by the professional, included in the report, that a special class placement in Cáirde Nua is necessary. Enrolment in our ASD Unit (pre-school) does not automatically entitle you to a place in mainstream classes. Enrolment in Johnstown Montessori (which operates in our school) does not automatically entitle you to a place in our mainstream/ASD Unit.
For Enrolment Procedure/Application to Entrol please contact the school.
Frequent communication is of vital importance in developing and nurturing co-operation between home and school.
1. Parents are invited to visit the school to discuss their child’s education with the teacher, formally
a) Parent-Teacher meetings annually. b) Anytime, by appointment.
2. Parents are encouraged to contact the school immediately if they have any worry about their child.
3. Parents are asked to: - Supervise their child’s homework each night and sign journal - Encourage their child to co-operate fully in school - Discuss any problems that may arise with the teacher or principal -Inform the school in writing of absences, illnesses etc.
4. Progress reports are sent to parents at the end of the school year, and on request during the school year.
5. Notes/letters/texts will be sent to parents regularly to keep them informed of special school events, school closures, etc. School Calendar on our website will also advise of same.
6. When it is necessary for a pupil to leave school early, a note must be sent to the class teacher. If a child leaves the school for any reason during the school day Parents/Guardians must call to the office and sign the child out. Same applies if a child is returning to school from an appointment or arrives at school late. Any person collecting a child on behalf of the parent/guardian should present written authorisation with a telephone contact number.
7. Children should have their names on their coats, uniform and other personal property such as school books, copies, lunch boxes etc.
8. St Stephen's NS operates an On-Line payment facility for book rental and all other activities that take place within the school. This payment facility can be accesed through our website
St. Stephen’s wishes to promote a healthy lifestyle in the development of the children of the school. Accordingly, the following points are to be noted: During primary school your child will be screened for vision, hearing and dental problems. Consent forms will be sent home. Immunization against certain illnesses also takes place during primary school. Parents will be informed of dates and parental consent must be given for vaccinations to take place. No child will be vaccinated without parental consent. Children who are ill should not be asked to go to school. Parents are asked that teachers be made aware of any physical disability, allergy etc. that the child/ren may have. All information is treated in the strictest confidence. We adhere to a healthy eating policy. Chewing gum is not allowed in school. Teachers are not insured to administer medication to children. If vital medication is needed throughout the day, this must be brought to the attention of the Principal so that administration arrangements can be discussed. St Stephen’s N.S. – grounds and premises are a smoke-free zone.
Accident Procedures
Accidents occur despite supervision. If an accident happens the parents will be contacted. If a child appears to be ill during class, the parents will be contacted. If parents/emergency number provided cannot be contacted the school will take the appropriate action.
Religious Information
The pupils receive Sacraments of First Penance and First Eucharist when they are in Second Class. They receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in Sixth Class. Parents are asked to follow the Religious Programme from the child’s book and help with the religion work when it is sent home. On certain occasions throughout the school year, the children may participate in prayer services or a Class/School Mass.
Routines and General Information
School begins at 9.00 am. There is no supervision in the yard until 8.55 am (first bell). The yard gate is open to facilitate parents and traffic flow. It is important that the children develop the habit of being punctual for school. Children assemble in the school yard and line up in their designated areas (do not cross the yellow lines) and wait to be collected by their teacher. Breaks are staggered – first break is 10.30 am and again at 12.00 – second break is at 10.50 am and again at 12.40 pm.
6 Junior and Senior Infants classes finish at 1.40 pm. Whoever collects your child from school should try to be at the school before finishing time so as not to cause you child unnecessary anxiety. All other classes finish at 2.40 pm. The Board of Management does not accept responsibility for the children’s property. At 2.40 pm pupil are expected to leave the school grounds in an orderly fashion.
Dress Code:
The school uniform is worn on all school days other than on days of PE lessons. Black shoes/boots should be worn with the uniform (no high heels). For physical education – runners are compulsory and school tracksuit must be worn. White sole runners to be worn in gym as black soles mark the floor. After the Halloween break until St Patrick’s Day (March 17th) children may wear their tracksuit if they so wish.
Girls Uniform Junior Infants to Second Class Pinafore Cardigan White Shirt Striped Tie Red tights/White Socks School Jacket (optional)
Boys Uniform Girls Uniform Third to Sixth Class
Navy trousers Blue Skirt Blue Jumper Blue Jumper White Shirt White Shirt Striped Tie Striped Tie School Jacket (optional) Navy Tights/White Socks School Jacket (optional) Tracksuit – Boys/Girls
Diesel coloured tracksuit White crested polo shirt
The Uniform is available from: C. J. Murtagh, Haggard Street, Trim, Co Meath Tel: 046 9431792
School Books:
The school at the request of the Department of Education & Skills and in conjunction with the Parents Council have introduced a Book Rental Scheme for all pupils.
7 Healthy Lunches:
The school encourages healthy eating. Please do not give your child sweets, chocolate, fizzy drinks or crisps for lunch. Friday Treat: On Fridays only children will be allowed to bring in one small treat eg. fun size bar, small bag of jellies/sweets/biscuits - no crisps, popcorn or fizzy drinks. This treat is also allowed on the last day of each term. There are children with nut allergies in the school – please do not give your child products containing nuts. See our Healthy Eating Policy available on our website -
Permission slip: At the beginning of the school year you will be required to complete a general Permission Slip for that year. Absences should be accompanied by a note/medical cert – under the Education Welfare Act 2000, the Principal has a statutory duty to report to the Education Welfare Officer the names of students whose total number of absences amount to 20 days or more. As the need arises, parents will receive notices/texts with regard to school matters and events. Encourage your child to deliver notes immediately or check to see if there is a note/text message or up-date on the website. Parents are asked to fill in a form at the beginning of each school year stating their current telephone numbers and address. If the information given on this form changes during the school year please notify the office.
Homework Policy:
The recommended average time for homework ranges from 10 minutes in Infants to 60 minutes in senior classes. The best criterion is – if the child regularly exceeds the recommended time and this is not due to poor work habits, you are welcome to visit the school to discuss the matter with the class teacher. Homework must be done unless there is a satisfactory explanation, either written or oral from parent or guardian. Oral homework is as important as written work. Please listen to your child’s reading, spellings and tables. Parents sign the homework journal each night.
Code of Behaviour
The Aims of our Code of Behaviour are:
1. Ensure pupil’s safety and well-being. 2. Create a positive learning environment conducive to teaching and learning.
8 3. To develop within the children appropriate to the age, the skills, attitudes and values necessary to manage their own behaviour and to respond appropriately to others.
The successful implementation of our Code of Behaviour requires clarity of rules for all – teachers, parents, child and all who work within the school and consistency in its application.
School rules:
1. Be punctual – school begins at 9.00 am. There is no supervision in the yard until 8.55 am (first bell). The yard gate is open to facilitate parents and traffic flow. The Board of Management accepts no responsibility for people on the school grounds before this time. 2. Line up in the morning in their designated areas (do not cross the yellow lines) and wait in an orderly manner to be collected by their teacher. Same rule applies at lunchtime. 3. Children may not enter the school building during lunchtime without permission or leave the school grounds without permission during the school day. 4. Courtesy and respect are basic to classroom/yard behaviour.
Anti-Bullying Policy:
In accordance with the requirements of the Education (Welfare) Act 2000 and the Code of Behaviour guidelines issued by the NEWB, the Board of Management of St Stephen's National School has adopted an Anti Bullying Policy within the framework of the school's overall Code of Behaviour. This Policy fully complies with the requirements of the Anti-Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools which were published in September 2013.
See our full Anti-Bullying Policy on our website -
In the Classroom:
1. Pay attention, take part in classroom discussions. 2. Be courteous – ‘please’, ‘thank you’, ‘excuse me’. Listen without interrupting. 3. Raise a hand to ask a question. 4. Knock before entering another classroom. 5. Respect other children’s belongings. To minimise disruption in the class, make sure you have all you need in class.
Rewards and acknowledgement of good behaviour:
It is our aim to promote and reward positive behaviour in our school. Positive behaviour is promoted and rewarded by giving the child a stamp. The school journal has stamp pages. Stamps will be used as positive reinforcement eg. good behaviour, effort at work, co-operation, motivation etc. When the children reach certain targets on their stamp books, they will be rewarded with a lucky dip/homework pass etc.
9 Positive behaviour can also be reinforced by sending home a good note to parents at any time the Teacher feels appropriate.
Positive reinforcement is also used by selecting Pupil of the Month. Each month the class teacher selects a Pupil of the Month, each month focusing on effort and achievement in a different area.
Strategies for responding to inappropriate behaviour:
Children are expected to behave well in school – sometimes they might lapse in their efforts, so if this happens the rule is:
Stage 1 – Verbal warning Stage 2 - Note home/Time out in another class Stage 3 – Yellow Card
Each evening, journals must be checked for yellow cards and each incident signed and brought back in the following day. Good behaviour retracts a yellow card only on the day it is received.
Stage 4: After two incidents are written on the yellow card, report to assigned Special Duties Teacher.
Stage 5 – If there is another incident/offence written on the yellow card after reporting to the Special Duties Teacher, the child must attend detention on a Thursday at lunchtime. Name to be called out after the 11.00 am break.
Stage 6 – After two detentions, child meets with Principal, Class Teacher and Special Duties Teacher.
Stage 7 – Red Card. If the child has been on detention three times in a month parents are called in to have a meeting with the Principal, Class Teacher and Special Duties Teacher.
Each Month starts with a clean slate:
Any serious misbehaviour will be recorded. A parent may be contacted immediately in the event of a serious breach of school rules. Consistent serious breaches of school rules may result in a pupil (after consultation with B.O.M. and parents) being suspended from school for a period – until guarantees of positive attitudes and good behaviour are obtained from the child and his/her parent(s)/guardian.
Revised February 2017.