Packing for Quilt Camp at Camp Firwood 2016

1. Ott light or other intense light. 2. Extension cord and/or power strip 3. Sewing machine...and all the cords! 4. Personal cutting board, ruler and rotary cutter; Guild will bring big boards. 5. Specialty rulers that you need for your project 6. New rotary cutting blade 7. Straight pins and some sort of pincushion/holder 8. Basting safety pins/ Basting spray 9. Thread for your project 10. Needles for your sewing machine 11.Special feet for sewing machine—1/4” foot and/or a walking foot 12.Ironing table and small iron (Guild will bring 2 regular boards and irons) 13.Magnifier if you need one 14.Un-sewer – a seam ripper 15.Tape measure 16.Scissors for paper, fabric and thread snips 17.Fabric for your project—including backing if you are to that point 18.Batting for your project; Bring batting if you will need it; our “group” batting will not be coming with us… get it prior to camp if you need it. 19.Pattern or instructions for your project 20.Paper, pen and pencil **21.Design wall unit if you want/have/need one; we will be using walls only, no free-standing design walls, please. 22.Personal music source (iPod or other) 23.Cell phone put on vibrate only--please use your phone outside the sewing room 24. Your favorite pillow and quilt for your bed. 25. Flashlights or head lamps. 26. Flip flops for the shower/ Slippers to hang out in 27. Umbrella to use to walk back to the cabins in the rain 28. Snacks to share 29. Remember your challenge item. This year it’s anything black and white and one color.…. However you interpret that. We plan to display and vote on them just before dinner on Saturday. 30. Fabric for the “Pay it Forward” pile. 31. Chair... if you want one on rollers or that adjusts, etc OR pillow to sit on