Dear CIMMYT Friends

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Dear CIMMYT Friends

Form A: Page 1 of 3

APPLICATION FOR ALLOCATION OF CIMMYT’S IMPROVED MAIZE GERMPLASM PRODUCT FOR COMMERCIALIZATION All information provided by the applicant hereunder shall be treated with utmost confidentiality. Please email your completed application to Nicholas Davis, CIMMYT Global Maize Program Manager ([email protected]).

FORM A: Applicant Information

Date of submission to CIMMYT: 1. Name of organization: (as legally registered) Click here to enter text.

2. Name of Representative: Click here to enter text.

3. Designation/Job title: Click here to enter text.

4. Email: Click here to enter text. 5. Phone: Click here to enter text. 6. Mailing Click here to enter text.

Address: Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text. Private Public or 7. Please check one: Parastatal ☐ Sector ☐ Non-profit Sector ☐

8. In order of preference, please list the CIMMYT hybrids/synthetics (= products) you are most interested in obtaining; attach additional sheets if necessary. NB: For each product you request, please fill out a separate copy of Form B: Product Information. (a = top preference) Product Names Product Names (continued) a. Click here to enter text. f. Click here to enter text. b. Click here to enter text. g. Click here to enter text. c. Click here to enter text. h. Click here to enter text. d. Click here to enter text. i. Click here to enter text. e. Click here to enter text. j. Click here to enter text.

9a. If applying for CIMMYT hybrid parental lines, please estimate your average US$ annual investment in testing the requested hybrid(s) over the past few years:

10. Please provide an estimated break- Less than 2 ha % 2 ha – 5 ha % down of your target customer base according to their farm size (% of total customers): 5 – 10 ha % More than 10 ha %

11. Please provide an approximate timeline outlining the steps and timing from receipt of seed from CIMMYT to commercial release of the product: Click here to enter text. Form B: Page 2 of 2 Form A: Page 3 of 3

Note: CIMMYT aggregates the information gathered from all partners in the following questions to help monitor and demonstrate our impact. It is also used to monitor your organization’s progress towards commercialization. CIMMYT treats this information as highly confidential.

12. Please provide the information requested below regarding CIMMYT-derived hybrids/OPVs licensed, if any, to your institution in the past 5 years (attach additional sheets if necessary). Please use a separate row for each product/country combination. For example, if you have a license to register/commercialize a product (e.g., CXH12345) in 3 different countries, use 3 separate rows. Current Status Commercial Name of Released / Registered Variety Amount of Year in which Year Certified Seed product was entered in Variety in produced in CIMMYT Product Code Country allocated by National / Year of Registration Commercial Previous Calendar CIMMYT State / Release Market? Year (in Metric Performan (Yes/No) Tonnes / MT) ce Trials Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Form A: Page 4 of 3

12. How many other non-CIMMYT maize varieties do you currently have in the market? hybrids OPVs

13. Kindly provide the information requested below regarding your most commercially successful CIMMYT-derived maize products (if any). Commerci Amount of Year in which al Name of certified seed CIMMYT Product product was Country* Released / sold in previous Comments Code* allocated by Registered calendar year CIMMYT Variety (MT) Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. *The product code provided by CIMMYT at the time of allocation to the institution or sub-licensed by another institution.

14. Will you require any support from CIMMYT to produce and promote the requested product(s) or will you invest resources for varietal registration, seed scale-up, promotion and delivery? Click here to enter text.

15. Are you willing to provide CIMMYT with information on production quantities and marketing distribution of this requested product(s), if allocated to your institution? YES NO Please note: All information received from your institution on production volumes and marketing will be kept in the strictest ☐ confidence, and will only be used for CIMMYT’s internal tracking of variety uptake and production in an aggregated and generic manner for reporting to our donors.

16. Are you prepared and willing to support CIMMYT in product testing, product promotion, and/or with general R&D collaboration? ☐ YES NO

17. Are you prepared and willing to enter into an Agreement to Register the requested CIMMYT product (hybrid/synthetic)? ☐ YES NO Form B: Page 5 of 2

APPLICATION TO RECEIVE CIMMYT IMPROVED MAIZE GERMPLASM PRODUCT FOR COMMERCIALIZATION All information provided by the applicant hereunder shall be treated with utmost confidentiality.

FORM B: CIMMYT Improved Germplasm Product Information Please fill out one copy of this form for EACH product you are requesting. This form is for Product No of total newly requested products (hybrids/synthetics)

1. Name of Organization: Click here to enter text.

2. CIMMYT Product code: Click here to enter text.

3. If granted access to CIMMYT parental lines of a requested hybrid, how soon do you expect the hybrid would become available on the market? Months

4. Please estimate how many metric tons (MT) of seed you expect to produce in each target country AND in each of the first 3 years after product release (attach additional sheet if necessary): Country where produced Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Click here to enter text. MT MT MT

Click here to enter text. MT MT MT

Click here to enter text. MT MT MT

Click here to enter text. MT MT MT

Click here to enter text. MT MT MT

Click here to enter text. MT MT MT

6. Please list the specific countries where you would market this product, if allocated by CIMMYT (please list each country individually by name): Click here to enter text.

7. Why is this requested CIMMYT product important for your institution’s product portfolio? Click here to enter text.

4. CIMMYT may charge mutually agreed recovery of cost for the quantity of seed supplied for CIMMYT Hybrids and Parents. In the table immediately following this paragraph, please indicate the quantities of each type of seed you would require from CIMMYT to achieve your initial production targets, within the limits Form B: Page 6 of 2 specified in the table “Schedule II: Details of seed supply”, below.

Type of seed Quantity Hybrid seed kg

Female parent seed kg

Male parent seed kg

Grand female parent seed (in case of three- way hybrids) kg

Grand male parent seed (in case of three-way hybrids) kg

Schedule II: Details of seed supply* Any additional seed material requested Class of Seed On allocation of Product by PARTNER INSTITUTION Breeders seed For each additional kg up to 10kg maximum (beyond the 1 kg of free seed), cost recovery Up to 1 kg of each Parent line at no cost Inbred parent fee is US $7/kg (plus shipping costs, if any). for seed. One growing season advance notice is required. Single-cross N/A N/A female Basic Seed Inbred parent N/A N/A Single-cross N/A N/A female Hybrid seed For each additional kg up to 10kg maximum (beyond the 4 kg of free seed), cost recovery Up to 4 kg of each entry at no cost for NPT fee is US $7/kg (plus shipping costs, if any). seed. One growing season advance notice is required. For each additional kg up to 10kg maximum (beyond the 4 kg of free seed), cost recovery Demo Up to 4 kg, upon request at no cost for fee is US $7/kg (plus shipping costs, if any). seed. One growing season advance notice is required. *Note: Partner Institution has to pay in advance for the shipping and related costs of the seed material from CIMMYT.

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